
Sunday, December 25, 2022

Advanced Civilization Lives Inside Earth and Admiral Byrd Proved It

Advanced Civilization Lives Inside Earth
and Admiral Byrd Proved It

Part 2

In this episode, we are going to take a look at the diary of Admiral Byrd and his notes about the secret expedition to Antarctica where he found an entrance to the inner earth and met with an advanced civilization that is living beyond the poles.

US Navy Vice Admiral Richard E. Byrd was a distinguished pioneer aviator and polar explorer who flew over the North Pole on May 9, 1926 and led numerous expeditions to Antarctica, including a flight over the South Pole on November 29, 1929. Between 1946 and 1947 he and his team conducted a large-scale operation called "High Jump", during which he discovered and mapped 1,390,000 km2 of the territory of Antarctica.

Notice the anomalies he witnesses - UFOs that surrounded him, and even more scandalous - a literal meeting with their leader, or the master of the underground civilization as he calls him.

What exactly did he discover in his numerous expeditions to the poles? And how did an admiral of such a high rank dare to expose secrets like these?

Before we jump to conclusions, it is important to understand what kind of man Admiral Byrd was. Richard Byrd is one of the most respected officers in history. Naval officer, aviator, explorer, first person to fly to the North and South Poles, recognized by everyone with the Medal of Honor - the highest military award in the United States. He was a true leader and kept detailed records of each of his journeys in his journal.

On February 1, 1947, the expedition, called “High Jump”, scheduled for 8 months of work, arrived in Antarctica in the area of Queen Maud Land. Rear Admiral Byrd's expedition was considered strictly scientific, but it was funded by the US Navy. They went to Antarctica accompanied by the aircraft carrier "Casablanca" with 25 planes and 7 helicopters on board, a submarine, an icebreaker and 12 tankers, on which there were 4,800 people.

At that time they the official statement was that the expeditions main mission was to find coal and other resources. The story was later changed to military hands-on training, preparation and establishment of an intelligence base. Meanwhile, we can't help but wonder why they need 32 planes, 13 ships and nearly 5,000 people, many of whom die afterwards.. It is later learned that the real purpose of the mission was to retrieve the missing Nazi leaders from their base in Antarctica.

Large-scale work on aerial photography was carried out, a polar station was equipped, but then many strange messages appeared on the air: They are attacking us. We are suffering heavy losses.” It is not known who Rear Admiral Byrd was at war with, but on March 3, 1947, all work was suddenly stopped and the expedition hurriedly returned to America. The materials from the expedition were immediately classified, and nothing was reported about the reasons for the admiral's escape from Antarctica.

Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal began to speak. President Truman forced him to resign, and he was soon sent to a mental institution, where he was confined to a windowless room and forbidden to speak to or see anyone, including his own wife. After some time, this very high-ranking man was found dead, and the case was ruled a suicide. If there was nothing, would you be locked up in a clinic where you are forbidden to talk to anyone..? Bird spoke to a reporter for the Chilean newspaper EL Mercurio, saying he didn't want to scare anyone, but was adamant that if there was another war, the US would be attacked by flying objects that could fly from pole to pole at incredible speed.

This is where his journal comes in. Shortly after Byrd's death, his son published a diary under the title "The Missing Diary of Admiral Richard Byrd", revealing a completely different point of view than the official information. But do we have proof that the Earth is hollow and many civilizations live there, people in the past have assumed?

The diary begins like this:
"I am writing this diary in secret and I do not fully understand everything. It refers to my Arctic flight on February 19, 1947. There comes a time when the inevitability of truth overshadows rationality. I am not allowed to disclose the following documentation at the time of writing ... it will never be released to the general public, but it is my duty to write everything so that it will be read one day. In a world of greed and exploitation, surely humanity will no longer be able to suppress the truth.”

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