
Sunday, December 25, 2022

The Earth Is Hollow And Inner Earth Civilizations Live Inside It (Here is the Proof)

The Earth Is Hollow And Inner Earth
Civilizations Live Inside It
(Here is the Proof)

Part 1

In this episode, we are going to prove to you that the Earth is hollow and ancient civilizations live inside it.

Now, the idea of a hollow Earth was also advocated in 1692 by the famous astronomer Edmund Halley, the same one who discovered the Halley's Comet. He believed that the Earth consisted of shells about 800 km thick, two concentric outer shells separated by atmospheres and having their own magnetic poles, and a central core with diameters similar to those of Venus, Mars and Mercury. Also, the spheres rotated at different speeds. Halley believed that leakage of the inner atmosphere was the cause of the northern lights.

In 1818, the American engineer John Cleaves Symes appealed to the American Congress to finance an expedition to search for a passage into the interior of the Earth. On April 15, 1818, members of Congress, the president of the university, and several great scholars received a message:

“I declare the earth is hollow and habitable within; containing a number of solid concentrick spheres, one within the other, and that it is open at the poles 12 or 16 degrees… I ask one hundred brave companions, well equipped, to start from Siberia in the fall season, with Reindeer and slays, on the ice of the frozen sea. I engage we find a warm and and rich land, stocked with thrifty vegetables and animals if not men…I pledge my life in support of this truth, and am ready to explore the hollow, if the world will support and aid me in the undertaking. ” - Cleves Symmes, Late Captain of Infantry.

Of course, they didn't give him money or even buy into his theory, although he gained a large group of followers after that.

In the 20th century, with new knowledge of geography and geology, more people who continued to try to reach the mysterious world were appearing. For example, some of the Nazi leaders, lovers of ancient myths and the occult in Germany, showed considerable interest in such theories. By the turn of the twentieth century, other scientists, such as William Reed and Marshall Gardner, also believed they could prove the existence of the inner world. One of the most curious facts used by arctic explorers is that air and water temperatures become warmer as they approach the North Pole. Based on these and other observations, they also argue that mammoths are not extinct, but still inhabit Earth's interior.

In contrast, Central Asian Buddhists believe in a wonderful land beneath our feet known as Agartha. Agartha is supposed to be a place where beings are more beautiful and wiser than us and who have a king who has the power to read the human soul.

For thousands of years Tibetan scholars, in addition to teaching about an inner and peaceful world, have said that they are in contact with the "King of the Inner World" or supreme ruler for the entire planet, whose representative to the outer world is the Dalai Lama. They also talk and write about tunnels that connect Tibet to the inner world, saying that there are many more like these on Earth, such as those found under the great pyramids of Egypt and South America. Entrances to underground cities are said to exist around the vast Amazon basin and connect the lost city of El Dorado to the rest of the ancient world.

The capital of this inner world - and therefore of the entire world - is a city called Shambhala. In Sanskrit, Shambhala means "place of peace, tranquility and happiness".

Agartha is believed to be home to extinct civilizations such as the Atlanteans and the Lemurians, and it is also believed that the inhabitants of Northern Mexico made dungeons to hide from the erupting volcanoes. In the 1920s, archaeologist Edmond Keys explored many caves in South America that supposedly had an entrance to the Inner Earth. It is said that somewhere there, in one of the caves, a spaceship belonging to the Atlanteans was found.

Now, that's all fine, but if we follow the path of logic and check the satellite images, it should be very clear. Well, yes, but we have a problem. NASA photos and videos of both poles are very rare. They are hard to find, but even when there are some, they are all covered with either ice or some anomaly or clouds or covered on purpose.

On November 23, 1968, the American space probe ESSA-7 took several pictures of the North Pole in the complete absence of clouds. In these pictures, a huge black hole is clearly visible in the region of the pole.

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