
Sunday, September 24, 2023

Graham Hancock Just Announced The Truth About Antarctica's Hidden Jungle and The Great Pyramids

Graham Hancock Just Announced The
Truth About Antarctica's Hidden
Jungle and The Great Pyramids

In a recently posted youtube video, Graham Hancock - the unorthodox explorer of ancient history gave some shocking new information about the potential past of Antarctica and the builders of the Great Pyramid in Giza. Graham Hancock unveils astonishing revelations about the secrets of Antarctica and the enigmas surrounding the Great Pyramid in Giza.

Was Antarctica once a green lush jungle? What caused it’s freezing? How is it possibly related to Atlantis? And what secrets did the builders of the Great Pyramids know about the past? In this captivating episode of Secret Origins, we'll challenge conventional history and explore the secrets that lie beneath.

When we talk about Antarctica there always comes the question whether it was always frozen and whether there was once a time, when life flourished and it was all green.

There are many fascinating accounts of people who have ventured there. And one of them describes Antarctica quite differently than we’re used to imagine. For example, it points that the mountains there were strangely pointy and four-sided, making them look eerily unique, as if like pyramids. Contrary to his preconceived notion—formed perhaps from maps and images of penguins—that the landscape would be fairly flat, he found it to be much more mountainous. This can also be seen in the Orontius Finaeus map, where the edges seem to indicate the presence of mountains.

What fuels speculations that there is much more than we know about Antarctica, is an international agreement among countries that lay claim to parts of Antarctica. Under this pact, they have all vowed not to excavate or extract minerals from the region. Some even suggest that breaking this pact could be a catalyst for World War III. Apparently, there appears to be something significant being protected or preserved, possibly beneath the continent's thickest layers of ice, which reach up to three miles in depth. Additionally, there are numerous research articles that state that around 90 million years ago, the now ice-covered Antarctic continent was home to a lush rainforest.

Also, the stories about the Great Pyramid of Giza have been an ongoing topic of discussion for years, and numerous theories have been proposed about its construction, purpose, and the technology used by the ancients. From astronomical alignments and mystical powers to its quite doubtful use as a tomb for Pharaohs, the questions surrounding the pyramid remain.

But in a recent video Graham Hancock, the renown explorer announced some fascinating and little known details about the ancient megastructure. He suggested that a significant event might have changed the face of the Great Pyramid. Some researchers point to an earthquake in 1301 that led to the loss of its summit, resulting in its current height of approximately 450 to 455 feet, down from its original 481 feet.

By analyzing the slope of the pyramid's sides, experts can calculate its original height and determine that as much as 30 feet was lost. Today, the top of the Great Pyramid appears as a stepped platform, featuring two distinct levels. Simple calculations based on the existing side lengths reveal that the original height of the pyramid was indeed 481 feet, meaning a loss of about 30 feet.

However, the uncertainty remains: Was the Great Pyramid ever actually completed? You will find out in this video.

YouTube link:

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