
Saturday, September 23, 2023

Taken Onboard A UFO: Five True Cases

Taken Onboard A UFO:
Five True Cases

It is perhaps the ultimate UFO encounter: being taken onboard a UFO. Unlike sightings, landings and face-to-face encounters, witnesses find themselves in a totally alien environment. The floor, the walls, the ceiling – everything around them is extraterrestrial, including the beings themselves. An onboard experience is the most extensive of all UFO encounters. They contain more data than any other encounter (except for perhaps a UFO crash/retrieval,) and often involve significant interaction and communication between the experiencer and the ETs themselves. These are the cases that have volumes to teach us about extraterrestrial contact. Here are five cases of onboard experiences. These cases provide significant evidence pointing towards the reality of UFOs and the ETs.

THE ONBOARD UFO EXPERIENCE OF JOYCE UPDIKE. In Aug 1967, Joyce Updike was cleaning her home in Platte, NB, late at night when the room filled with light. What seemed like moments later, she woke up in bed, only to find that hours had passed. Afterward, her husband found a circle of burned grass outside. Joyce had sore eyes, and some of her hair began to fall out. She became interested in UFOs, ancient civilizations, past-lives, and more. She began to have telepathy and poltergeist activity. Years later, she heard about UFOs and missing time, and realized that this is what she had experienced. Going under hypnosis, she recalled a long onboard encounter with human-like ETs who examined her and gave her messages about the future of Earth.

THE ONBOARD UFO EXPERIENCE OF ALEJANDRA MARTINEZ DE PASCUCCI. It was Jul 2, 1968, and Alejandra was walking to her home in Quilmes, Argentina when she was overcome by a strange magnetic force. Unable to move or cry out, the next thing she knew, she was lying down on a table onboard a UFO. The interior was white, spotless, with rounded walls. Beside her were two tall figures wearing glowing uniforms. While they looked human, Alejandra could see that they were “not from Earth.” They seemed to gesture to each other as they maneuvered the craft. Consumed with fear, Alejandra was ejected from the craft in a different location. Later, weird landing traces would provide more evidence of her encounter.

THE ONBOARD UFO EXPERIENCE OF JUDY KENDALL. Around 6:00 pm on Nov 26, 1972, Judy Kendall and her two sisters drove home from Zamora to Bodega Bay, CA, a two-hour trip. They were crossing the Cache Creek Bridge when the car felt weirdly cold, and an odd tiredness swept over them. They missed their exit only to find themselves crossing the same bridge twice! When they arrived home, more than four hours had passed. Their parents had called the police. Years later, Judy recalled her missing time event and underwent hypnosis. She recalled that her car had been lifted up from the highway and into a UFO. She was taken into a room and underwent a physical examination at the hands of small beings, one human-looking figure and a terrifying insectoid ET.

THE ONBOARD UFO EXPERIENCE OF KAREN LYSTER. It was a Friday night in Jan 1978 as Karen Lyster looked out the window of her hotel in Sydney, Australia to see a glowing object hovering outside. The next thing she knew, it was Sunday morning, and she was waking up in bed. She was missing more than a day of time. She later suddenly remembered that she had been pulled into the UFO and confronted by six beautiful people with dark hair, blue eyes, and flawless skin. They wanted to do tests on her hands, they said. Later, she was left alone in a weird round room. Karen decided to explore the craft. She walked down the hallway to another room where the walls turned transparent and revealed a field of stars. This was the latest of many encounters in her life.

THE ONBOARD UFO EXPERIENCE OF ANTONIO NELSO TASCA. On December 13, 1986, real-estate agent Antonio Nelso Tasca was driving on a dirt road outside of Chapeco, Brazil when he came upon a huge craft blocking the road. It struck him with a beam of light and pulled him inside. Antonio was examined by strange ETs and then was put into another room and undressed. A beautiful female humanoid entered and seduced him. After the two had an intimate encounter, she gave Antonio a long warning and a message for all humanity about the future of the planet and the need for radical change of society. Afterward, Antonio was dropped miles from the original location, with a large unexplained scar on his body. His case would become one of the best-verified in his country.

These five cases reveal many of the strange procedures that occur when people are taken onboard a UFO. They involve a wide variety of ET types and show how ET contact can affect a person profoundly in different ways. These cases also provide substantial evidence of the reality of UFOs, including landing traces, medical evidence, and electromagnetic effects. They also show that onboard encounters are occurring all over the world, and likely in large numbers. We are not alone!

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