Monday, November 29, 2021

The Scottish UFO Capital And Accidental Time Travellers

The Scottish UFO Capital
And Accidental Time Travellers

'Bonnybridge the UFO Capital' of the UK - Bonnybridge is a village in Scotland with an unusual claim, thousands of strange objects have been spotted in the sky above the village. 'Time Slip' - a bizarre phenomenon. Some people find themselves in places miles and miles away from where they just were minutes ago others don't remember where the past few hours or even days went. 'Paranormal Files' is a series that examines extraordinary stories that have happened to ordinary people. These events include some of the most controversial cases recorded in the UK.

The History of Edinburgh’s UFO Hotspot

Med Bed Update – Exciting and Close – Hang On People!


By Marilyn Williams

Med Bed Update – Exciting and Close – Hang On People!

I have promised to update on the Med Bed as further information comes to hand. In reality, there is a whole lot of information given on Telegram, but in many ways, I don’t know quite what to make of some of it. Therefore I hesitate to use it in updates.

Meanwhile, I’ve been to Operation Disclosure Official and found some wonderful information. I cannot vouch that everything written here is absolutely true and correct… but it does give you something to think about.

Med Bed Technology
The Med Bed uses a technology to transform your body to its optimum health by using the original codes in your DNA. This technology has been tested.

With this technology, our society will move to focus on wellness rather than illness in the medical field.

There will be no reason for any industry to profit from illnesses.

With the Med Bed, every human being will be able to freely restore health and live a healthy life into older ages than we’ve recently been able to experience.

This technology has been available for 50 years and is perfectly safe. The Secret Space Program has successfully used it over the last 50 years.
We have been hearing for years that the ‘health’ industry will be moving away from illness and into wellness. To be honest, it was pretty hard to see. How could doctors begin to provide true health advice without undergoing a whole lot more training? Would they be happy to do this? How would they leave behind the huge kick-backs they receive for prescribing pharmaceuticals?

But these days, we can see it! Hallelujah!

Specialized Healing Centres
Med Beds are being set up in specialized healing centers.

Initially they will be available away from the current health care system.

When the med bed technology is disclosed, hospitals and Big Pharma will be phased out. This is because our medical system will no longer be based on illness, but on wellness.
It’s interesting that they won’t be using hospitals as we know them. Where will they be? We don’t know yet.

Can you imagine hospitals and Big Pharma no more?

Of-course, it would need to be gradual as people are reliant on them at this time… but imagine a world where we no longer need to rely on them anymore.

People pay huge sums of money to stay in hospitals! And as for the drugs… the mind boggles at the amounts people have to pay.

There will be no cost to use the Med Bed
The technology will be completely funded by the White Hats/Military.

There will be no cost to use the Med Beds.

They will be available to the public free of charge.

The cost of the Med Beds will be paid by the Military and White Hats.
Come on! No charge at all? Yes, this is what they promise us… we can hardly imagine!

You and I need to realise that the White Hats have been working away behind the scenes for anything up to 15 years! Long before any of us had any idea.

They’ve got this!

The first appointment will be a consultation
Each country will have a central center for people to book an appointment.

The first appointment will be a consultation which will involve a medical history and full body exam.

Then the patient’s information will be entered into a quantum computer in which the computer will decide the urgency of the patients’ medical needs.

A nearby center will be scheduled based on that assessment.
You see that? Each country! It’s getting more interesting, isn’t it!

Is this worldwide? It appears so. I’ve heard they are rolling them out all over the place, so it’s looking good.

Although each of us want to jump into one at the first opportunity, I do think it’s great that the system will be able to say who should be first… who has the greatest need.

According to an estimation, they are being produced at the rate of 1,000 Med Beds per day… that’s 365,000 per year… and we don’t know how many they’ve already made.

Under heavy military control

For the rest of this article:

Sunday, November 28, 2021

UFOs, The Moon and Mars Social engineering and the Controlled Narrative

UFOs, The Moon and Mars
Social engineering and the Controlled Narrative

During the freezing wet weather, I have spent a lot of time indoors watching UFO documentaries, NASA, “never a straight answer”, Moon and Mars mission documentaries. We have had 70 years of censorship and coverup, social engineering at its best with experts that are either completely ignorant or deceptive when it comes to UFOs, the Moon, Mars and the rest of the Universe. This includes other dimensions.

When you have the knowledge that UFOs are real, ours and theirs, the knowledge of the multitude of civilizations that have been coming and going the past 500,000 years setting up colonies and building megalithic structures. When you know their cultures, some of the off world visitors personally by name this all becomes a very bad joke. When they say we are looking for life on the Moon and Mars they fail to mention we have shared colonies on the Moon and Mars with other ET races since the 60’s. This has been part of the secret space program joined by the Earth Alliance and Federation of Worlds.

Think about this next time they show you a NASA blue space rover that looks red due to filters most likely filmed in the Nevada Desert. They can’t show the blue because people would go wait, if the sky is blue, it is either filmed on Earth or there is oxygen and water on Mars. The Moon landing was filmed in the Nevada desert and NASA is nothing more than window dressing to cover for extreme technology held from the public mainly with Lockheed Skunk Works, Area 51, Groom Lake, other sites above and below 51 like Utah’s area 52 where the cool stuff is hidden. Alaska and Pine Gap Australia are other major launch sites out of sight from most people. Most of these facilities have massive underground complexes known as DUMBs, deep underground military bunkers. For those who be lie ve there is no hanky panky Wikileaks just released the filming in the Nevada desert on the Moon landing finally putting an end to that conspiracy which is now fact.

There have been off-world civilizations coming and going since Terra, what they call Earth, became solid after a hot gaseous plasma ball ejected from the Sun, found a cradle orbit and began cooling. There were ancient technologically advanced civilizations flying by Earth before it solidified, saying one day that it is going to be a beautiful planet. We have been so socially engineered by the controlled narrative most can’t even conceive of this. The lies have gone on for so long the liars be lie ve the lies are scientific facts and the recycled ignorance is factual. All you have to do is apply a little critical thinking and research to see the controlled narrative for what it is. A massive ongoing deception. Once realized, admiration for the experts will fade rapidly. Just as there is a disclosure movement there has been firmly in place a nondisclosure movement. It is time to get the posers out of disclosure.

The experts say over 80% can be explained as natural or known objects. It is actually the other way around. All it takes is one to be authentic to blow their theories about distances being too great and Earth being the only life supporting planet in this galaxy let alone this dimension. There are tens of thousands of sightings a year by credible witnesses, pictures and videos. Then there are the integrity and morally challenged shills injecting CGI into the mix as well to distract from the truth. Disclosure is coming, it will come from the skies and there will be a lot of people with egg on their faces. It is already underway.

So, when you see the American flag waving in the wind on the moon, the studio lighting falls from the sky, the Stanley Kubrick edition you might want to ask yourself just where was this filmed? If they lied about this, what else did they lie about? We are not saying we did not go to the moon with archaic risky technology in a massive operation to hide the fact we already have anti/counter gravity, fuelless energy and never needed the fire crackers they call rockets. Many deadly launches and reentries could have been avoided. We are saying we have been on the moon and mars before Apollo. This is all window dressing to hide the dark NASA and Lockheed Skunk projects.

Ben Rich, head of Lockheed said. “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do. We now have the technology to take ET home. No, it won’t take someone’s lifetime to do it. There is an error in the equations. We know what it is. We now have the capability to travel to the stars. “ Was the Space Force an attempt to make these technologies available? If successful we would take a quantum leap in evolution. Did the controllers put a hold on it?

The whistle blowers involved in the secret space fleet have verified this along with 20 and back programs, saying we have been going back and forth to the Moon and Mars colonies since the late 60’s. So, what have we created since then and are we limited to our solar system? Not according to the whistle blowers. So, when you see the experts trying to figure out if UFOs exist, they are neither experts and most likely deceptive, morally challenged compromised individuals participating in the controlled narrative. They are censoring technologies that would result in a quantum leap in evolution for Humanity and the Earth. This includes healing technologies, “medbeds” frequency healing technologies that would seem like magic. Technologies that could regrow limbs and regenerate organs restoring our DNA aligning with the undistorted divine blueprint in the Etheric body. Your whole and healthy perfect self. Think about this when you see veteran’s missing limbs, and children in the cancer wards needlessly suffering. Loved ones who’s pain, suffering and death could have been avoided. What kind of people would keep this hidden?

It is time to stop the deception, the controlled narrative, hold the agencies and experts accountable including the film industries for promoting the lies. At ECETI we have demonstrated contact for over 36 years. We have close relationships with spiritually and technologically advanced off world visitors. This includes ultra-dimensionals. This has been documented with photographs, videos and giving redundantly the exact time and location the ships would appear. We have photos and videos of ships appearing in every size, shape and color. Many are tree top level, some flying through the trees with over 200 eye witnesses watching them power up and display clearly they are not satellites or any other known man made objects as proven using their own data.

We also have extremely censored knowledge of the real history of Earth which is a succession of colonies established by off world beings which had to start over as primitives due to pole shifts, great floods, inhouse wars with extreme technologies and other natural disasters. This is the origin of the bearded Gods and Goddesses mentioned on temple walls, in ancient text and clay tablets as well as many religions. They ruled for thousands of years as documented by the reign of the Sumerian Kings. They interbred with Earth humanity to create the demigods. This does not eliminate God/Creator/Great Spirit it only adds to the magnificence.

It is time to ask the question how big is your God and how limited is your perception and description. Is God the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse. Is it the Creator, the supreme intelligence within all Creation, the unified field in which we all exist? Do other advanced civilizations exist in this unified field having more access to knowledge and power? Is God the cosmic glue, love the ultimate power in the multiverse that holds it all together? Or is it a little old man with a laptop taking notes with a lightning bolt waiting to punish the wicked? If so, did God have a mother? Acting outside of Universal Law punishes the wicked and it is by their own hand. It is called action/reaction or karma.

Back to censorship, a good example of this censorship was with Ancient Aliens. One would think they would be extremely interested. All this information of our ancient past was given, ships appeared exactly when and where John Vivanco, Peter Slattery and myself receiving guidance independently told them ahead of time. Despite the fact the episode was filmed at the ECETI Ranch all of this was censored, cut, all you saw of me was my hand grabbing for a camera. The bottom line is you cannot depend on Hollywood or the UFO community to give you the truth. That was never their goal, they are controlled narratives, it is all about promotion, selling episodes and tickets while staying within the accepted guidelines.

Many of the most well-known publicized people in the field or keynote speakers got there by staying within the controlled narrative. If you veer outside of the controlled narrative, you will be black balled, censored and pushed aside not to mention constant character assassinations by the morally and integrity challenged narcissists lacking in character. If they cannot assassinate your character the next level in the past was the use of deadly force.

This is the reason the spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders have not made contact with the masses. It is also the reason low level contacts of ill intent have influenced and infiltrated many of our governmental agencies, mainstream and social media in a vast social engineering program based on disinformation, lies and deceptions.

The spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders are looking for intelligent life of strong moral character. Contact will happen when leadership unifies and are of strong moral character in service to their people. There are leaders that display these characteristics, they will be the first to be contacted, some already have been. This will break the camel’s back concerning disclosure when they come forward, some already have come forward. We cannot depend on governments, Hollywood, even the UFO community for contact. We have to do our own research, rise to the occasion, initiate our own contact.

Qualify the contact, allow only spiritually and technologically advanced offworlders in service to the Creator within all Creation. Know that just because you are dead does not mean you are enlightened and just because you’re an ET does not mean you are benevolent.

There are many in error working with malevolent beings of ill intent. By their fruits, their lifestyles off the stage, how they treat others and name dropping associations you will know them. Narcissism, arrogance and service to self are their displayed qualities. The Earth has a long history of interaction with benevolent and malevolent beings. The idea that all ETs are benevolent is extremely irresponsible and historically incorrect. Discernment is necessary in the physical and non-physical worlds. There have been planetary liberation forces removing the malevolent ETs. This is almost complete other than regenerate hybrids which are a little more complicated yet they are not frequency specific to the planetary awakening and healing process. Some call them the controllers, you will know them by their lack of empathy and compassion with a disdain for Earth humanity.

There are safeguards to contacting and working with benevolent beings in service to humanity and the Earth. The mind in which you seek is the mind in which you contact. Know the difference between clever and wise. Apply Universal Law, hold your leaders accountable for straying outside of Universal Law for personal power and gain. What is Universal Law? Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for all. Unity consciousness and coming from the heart in service to humanity and the Earth, the next generations are the path. There is an old Cherokee saying, “If it isn’t good for everyone, it isn’t good”.

James Gilliland
Permission granted to share.
www.ecetistargate Youtube

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Med-Bed Update – Being Placed in Every Major City Now!?

Med-Bed Update
Being Placed in Every Major City Now!?

By Marilyn Williams
November 5, 2021

As I receive so many enquiries regarding these I have decided to add this med-bed update for your information.
Unfortunately, I have no way of verifying this as being true. I have heard this kind of information shared from others, but I cannot give you the actual source of the information.

If there is any reader who has further information on this, please contact me.

It is also being reported that they are due for release in the second or third week of December, 2021. Don’t hold me to the date as dates have a habit of failing! I’m only giving you an idea.

It is being reported they will begin by being placed in every major city, in every country. They will work out from there.

Remember, although we may be aware of this technology coming, most everyone else has no idea. This means that there will not be a super tremendous rush to start with, as most have no idea of its existence.

Of-course, it also means that those of us who do know will have more than a fighting chance to get into one early, according to the level of need.

The writer of the above also is obviously German (I think) and so is talking specifically about that country. It doesn’t mean that they are not available already in your country.

We need to keep our ear to the ground. It’s very hard to get this kind of information when they are doing their best to keep it hush hush!

But, the information will come out and if I can confirm it I will certainly be posting on it.

So this is just a short med-bed update… hopefully more coming soon!

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

US Army Soldier Blows Whistle on Secret Missions to Ganymede and the Moon

Image from video

US Army Soldier Blows Whistle on
Secret Missions to Ganymede and the

JP has served for almost two years in the US Army and has come forward to give his first interview discussing secret military missions by an international space coalition to the Moon, Ganymede and other locations in the solar system. In this exclusive Exopolitics Today interview, JP discusses his background, why he decided to join the US Army, secret missions to Earth's Moon and Jupiter's moon, Ganymede, where he met with different extraterrestrial entities. He says that a group of recently arrived highly evolved extraterrestrials are having life changing effects with soldiers and others with whom they come into contact.

JP is keeping his name and physical appearance confidential to preserve his career, but is encouraging other former or serving US military personnel to come forward to share their own extraterrestrial related experiences. In this video interview, I've only included the audio to protect his identity.

I have known JP since 2008, and believe he is very sincere and a credible witness. I have written an extensive number of articles on his UFO photos, ET Contact and secret space program experiences which are available here:

At the end of our interview, I have included a short 3.5 minute video created by JP where he personally discusses the impact of the Ganymede missions on him and other soldiers.

If anyone else currently serving in the US military would like to contact me regarding their own knowledge and/or experiences regarding recent Moon, Ganymede or other solar system missions, I can be reached at

Michael Salla, Ph.D.

YouTube link:

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Military Helicopter Engages Exotic UFO?

Image from video

Military Helicopter Engages Exotic UFO?

Holy Snap!! Military helicopter engages exotic UFO! Crazy new evidence just in buckle-up!! 2021

YouTube link:

Monday, November 22, 2021

French Contactee confirms Intergalactic Confederation is seeding human worlds


French Contactee confirms
Intergalactic Confederation is
seeding human worlds

Robert L is an extraterrestrial contactee from France who says that in 1969 he spent nearly a year in a secret base in the Himalayas where he participated in a genetic experiment to seed human life on a planet in another galaxy. After completing his year-long stay at the base, Robert was returned to France and was told to remain silent, which he did for nearly 40 years until 2005, when he first went public.

He contacted a well-known French UFO researcher, George Metz, who was so impressed that he included Robert’s case in a 2011 book Ovnis en France: Les enquêtes de Georges Metz (UFOs in France: The Investigations of Georges Metz). The book was published but not translated into English, making most in the English-speaking world unaware of Robert’s remarkable story and its significance.

What makes Robert’s story especially relevant today is that in his book he described the extraterrestrials as belonging to an “intergalactic confederation” managing life on planets such as Earth, and this confederation working under the supervision of a mysterious group of nine very highly advanced extraterrestrials.

This is the relevant passage in Metz’s book, in both the French original and translated version:
Nous sommes charges d’entretenir la vie sur !es planetes habitees comme la terre. Nous faisons partie d’une sorte deconfederation intergalactique supervisee par neuf Superieurs Inconnus qui dirigent !es galaxies.

We are responsible for keeping life safe on inhabited planets like the earth. We are part of a kind of intergalactic confederation overseen by nine unknown superiors who manage the galaxies. (p. 180).
This appears to be the same two extraterrestrial groups that Elena Danaan says she recently met on Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede, the ‘Intergalactic Confederation’ and the ‘Council of Nine’ who have arrived to watch humanity achieve its liberation from extraterrestrial oppressors—a process I’ve described in previous articles.

On November 16, I interviewed Robert in a Zoom video chat session organized by Elena, where I asked him questions about his contact experiences. Elena translated for Robert, who doesn’t speak English. Elena had previously translated passages of his book that helped me frame my questions and better understand his story.

In our interview, Robert explained that his family first began having UFO-related experiences in June 1966 when he was 20 years old. These began with his father and grandmother seeing a half dozen one-meter sized white/yellow balls of light going through his home before they joined up with a larger cylinder-shaped structure that was stationary at the bottom of the valley where he lived.

The phenomenon repeated in January 1967, which was when Robert saw the balls of light for the first time himself, after being alerted by his father, who first saw them. Once again, the six balls of light joined a larger cylinder-shaped object nearby. The phenomenon repeated itself over several nights, and Robert eventually followed the six lights back to the larger cylinder structure, which he estimated to be 13 meters tall and 2 meters wide floating above the ground.

Balls of light and Cylinder Base. Illustration by G. Metz, 2008 Georges Metz

In his car, Robert pursued the larger cylinder-shaped object, which moved away from him while maintaining a constant distance and increasing in brightness. Eventually, a minibus-sized flying saucer craft appeared with two domes on top containing the silhouettes of two human-like beings. The flying saucer moved to only 20 meters from Robert, and his car stopped running. He panicked, fell asleep, and had a missing time experience. When he returned home, his father said that two of the balls of light surrounded the farm and prevented him from leaving to find and help Robert.

Robert described the next two months as a period when he began needing to sleep for up to 20 hours a day with many strange dreams and experiences. These initial contact events culminated in him meeting three tall thin human-looking extraterrestrials who appeared in his bedroom. They entered through a vortex that appeared in walls and began having conversations with him.

Robert at first believed the extraterrestrials were angels, but they told him they were simply humans, like him, but only more evolved with life spans of up to 500 years. They told him they were scientists that came from another galaxy. Robert mainly interacted with three extraterrestrials he respectively called “the Guide” (a male); “the Biologist” (a beautiful female approximately two meters tall); and “the Ethnologist.”

In September 1968, the extraterrestrials asked if Robert was willing to be part of a genetic experiment where he would help seed human life on a planet in another galaxy. Robert was told he would spend a year at a remote base in the Himalayas where he would contribute his biological material, which was very suitable for the galactic seeding project. Robert agreed to participate, and in early January 1969, he was taken by spacecraft to the base.

Robert L meets flying saucer transporting him to Himalayas. Illustration by G. Metz, 2008 Georges Metz

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article:

Sunday, November 21, 2021

The Great Awakening!

The Great Awakening!

Alex Collier on the Andromeda Council and Human Liberation

Image from video

Alex Collier on the Andromeda Council
and Human Liberation

In this Exopolitics Today interview, Alex Collier discusses the Andromedan Council and their multifaceted approach to freeing humanity and preventing a galactic tyranny from emerging 350 years in the future. Alex discussed how the Andromedans instigated a broad alliance of extraterrestrial civilizations to intervene on humanity’s behalf against negative groups, and how this alliance has led to a global awakening and liberation of our solar system. Alex pointed out that negative extraterrestrial groups have been largely eliminated as a threat in our solar system, and that we are on a positive timeline where humanity will soon eliminate the last vestiges of negative human control groups. He also comments on the accuracy of Elena Danaan’s information about the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and its relationship with the Andromeda Council. Alex has spent 30 years discussing the roles of positive and negative extraterrestrial influences on Earth, and his information has taken on greater relevance today with the unprecedented growth in awareness of humanity’s true situation with off-planet visitors and their human minions.

Alex Collier's website is

YouTube link:

Saturday, November 20, 2021

SSP Alliance Update: Grey Alien Agenda Revealed - Abductions, Implants and "Soul Jacking

SSP Alliance Update:
Grey Alien Agenda Revealed -
Abductions, Implants and "Soul Jacking

Official SSP Alliance Update: Reconnaissance Mission Over the Tall Grey Bases and the Solar System Lockdown Soon

YouTube link:

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

James Gilliland: Message From The Mehbians, Meea from Inner Earth


Message From The Mehbians,
Meea from Inner Earth

Recieved By James Gilliland

We are a race of beings that went inward into a vast array of caverns during your last pole shift. We are a combination of Atlanteans and Lemurians. There were already several races living on your interior some extremely advanced more energetic than physical. To these beings we owe our survival and the ability to continue to evolve.

We are human, you could not recognize any differences between our people and humans on the surface. We are more refined genetically, have advanced technologies for energy, transportation and healing. We are a very ancient civilization, builders of the megaliths and stone temples. It has always been our desire to return to the surface and unify with the rest of Earth humanity using our wisdom and technology to aid in many of the challenges facing surface humanity. We have transcended war, disease, poverty and lack for nothing although our needs are simple. We are part of an Alliance from the stars with the ability to travel hyperlight speed and interdimensional. We are not profit driven and prefer quality over quantity, natural over synthetic. This leaves far less a footprint on our environment which is balanced and thriving.

Before considering unifying with the Terrans on the surface the surface must find unity. In our world there are many forms of life, some very evolved others lessor evolved. Our civilization consists of very tall beings, beings of average height and very short beings just as on the surface only more of a variety. More races, cultures and colors are represented in the interior. We have found that by communicating, listening intently without judgement, releasing the past, old grudges, seeking common bonds and goals was the path to unity. Being of service to the whole community in all it’s diversity was first and foremost. Those blessed with abundance, higher knowledge, the ability to heal and provide effortlessly helped those less fortunate. Our civilization is dedicated to Universal Law, creating the opportunity for each individual to reach their highest potential. Because of this we experienced a quantum leap in evolution living an abundant, loving joyous life in harmony with each other and the environment. Terrans on the surface, if they choose, can do the same.

There is one prerequisite before this process can start. Terrans need to unify for the common good. This means transcending all religious, cultural, and racial boundaries. Although there are many races, religions, cultures each individual has a soul. That soul came from God/Creator/Great Spirit, the Unified Field of consciousness and energy, whatever name or description you want to give it. We are all family on the soul level, all connected. The source we came from in it’s most unlimited understanding is pure unconditional love, joy and bliss. Love the ultimate, everlasting power in the multiverse serves. When each individual makes their own personal connection with that source the wars, disease, and poverty end. It is really that simple.

It is getting past the complexity of the intellect, competition, fear, survival, the socially engineered ignorance of the false narrative of division that needs to be conquered. Almost all wars are wars within self, generated by wounds, traumas, wrong conclusions from past experience and limiting mental concepts. There never was a holy war, there was only one king or leader wanting what another had using fear, religion and division to fire up the armies. This has played out in Terran’s history. The greatest of all tyrants were the most wounded and abandoned as a child, seeking love, respect, self-worth and power over others. No one ever taught them all of which that is everlasting comes from within and the external is transitory, always changing, the unquenchable thirst that never satisfies. Love, joy, happiness, approval are not to be sought externally but within the soul which is your connection to Source. There you are loved, accepted and approved beyond imagination, no words can capsulize the Creators love. Knowing the difference between being clever and wise are also qualities of self-mastery. The intellect and altered ego are already talking you out of this. Generating reasons to fail.

A very ancient word, Inlakesh has two translations. One is greeting my other me, the other is the God in me salutes the God in you. In some cultures, they don’t even have a word for I or me.

This is the foundation of our civilization. This and similar understandings once were the foundation of surface Terra. They were hijacked by lessor negative forces over time. Now it is time to return. Due to natural cosmic cycles, the evolution and ascension of Terra not returning to Universal Law what some call Unity Consciousness is no longer optional. Ours and other advanced civilizations from the stars many of which are your ancient ancestors are here only to empower and assist in this transition. Terra has a long history of invasion and manipulation by other forces with other agendas. There has been an intergalactic war in the heavens as well as beneath your Earth. This was to remove these seen and unseen negative influences. These wars were dimensional and temporal. The benevolent beings on the interior, forces on the exterior, galactic and interdimensional beings have been successful in removing the vast majority of these influences. This is a step in the direction of ending tyranny, draconian law and moving into Universal Law. The hierarchal networks of these seen and unseen negative influences on Terra still exist. They are woven into every aspect of government, religion, agency and institution. They are known by their unbridled greed and lust for power. They do not serve the greater good, they do not empower they overpower. These leaders and their kingdoms are not frequency specific to Terra’s evolution into higher states of awareness or consciousness. Action/Reaction or what some call karma will be amplified and accelerated. All that which cannot adapt, transform or align with Universal Law will diminish or collapse entirely. It is a process no man or woman, no technology can stop. We must take the path of the mother which is phasing out of one dimension into another moving into a higher consciousness and energy, a new way of life. Those who chose this path have our full support. This does not mean we will do everything for you. Everyone has to do their part, take their stand, do what is right in service to humanity and Terra. Tyranny lives only by agreement and ignorance. Time to wake up, rise up, unify and join the rest of the universe in peace. A world beyond belief awaits you.

Meea, from Inner Earth

Permission to spread far and wide, granted.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Massive Med-Bed Technology Turns On Genes – In Full-Scale Production

Massive Med-Bed Technology Turns On
Genes – In Full-Scale Production

By Marilyn Williams

Med-Bed technology! When will it be ready? Is it coming soon?

I have people write to me almost everyday, wanting to know when the med-bed technology is going to be ready for use.

I don’t blame them. Many are suffering under such debilitating conditions that it just about breaks my heart. Some are potentially running out of time… they require the use of a med-bed now!

You can find many of these people over in my Prayer Vase. If you are someone who is willing to pray on behalf of others, please drop on over there… people’s needs are waiting.

Med-Bed Technology

Recently I was watching one of Pryme Minister’s videos where he was interviewing Sacha Stone. I believe this information needs to get out there.

This is a partial transcript of what Sacha was saying.

*** Begin Transcript ***

We are talking about so-called med-bed technology, I’m very happy to be telling you and your audience for the first time since I got off a plane from Bucharest… I’m now in Southern Portugal.

I spent about 10 days in Romania meeting with military scientists and I’ve had my mind blown! Absolutely blown… alpha to omega! I’ve witnessed about 13 – 14 breakthrough technologies which have been bundled together in order to create what we are calling a Life Pod.

I don’t like the term ‘med-bed’… I don’t want to refer to it as a ‘med-bed’ because that’s a meme that’s been going around for the last year or two and I don’t know what it means!

I’ve seen Star trek type images of these beds and they all look very great. I’ve heard people in the Trump circle speaking about them but I’ve not seen them even though I’m privy to quite a few things. I heard about this lot in Romania so I decided to go and see for myself, and I did, and I’m satisfied!

A little of what they can do

1. Can we regrow limbs? Yes!
2. Can we regrow teeth in your jawbone? Absolutely!
3. Can we regrow eyeballs and get eyesight back that’s gone? Absolutely we      can!
4. Can we walk people out of stage 4 cancers or any entropic disease? 100%      yes!

For the rest of this article:

Emergency Broadcast System? America First?

Emergency Broadcast System?
America First?

We know this is coming eventually, we just do not know when, however, if this is true then it is not far away? Maybe a good idea to be prepared?.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Demonstration of the Beauty and Power of Electro Magnetic Levitation

Demonstration of the Beauty and
Power of Electro Magnetic Levitation

This video demonstrates the beauty and power of electro magnetic levitation.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Stargate Newsletter: President Trump on Veterans Day

By Sierra:
I am Sierra. I am an ambassador for the Galactic Federation of Light. There are many Galactic Federation representatives on Earth right now. We came to help humanity ascend to the Fifth Dimension. Beloved Gaia is already well on her way in her Ascension. I will share with you my personal Ascension journey and my thoughts on global events. Welcome. Where We Go One We Go All!

Stargate Newsletter:
President Trump on Veterans Day

President Trump with a powerful message on Veterans Day. 'Our country will be back stronger than ever...'

President Trump sent an 'envoy ambassador' to Europe, upsetting the DS liberals. Of course he did - he's the real President, you numbskulls!

Q always said to keep an eye on Julian Assange. This long post from Relentless Truth is a reminder of the huge importance of Assange to the Alliance plan. A recommended read.

Brazilian President Bolsonaro confronted the WHO chief about people dying after the second jab dose. He also forced the WHO to admit they don't endorse jabbing children. This is a revealing little conversation between Bolsonaro and the [D]eep [S]tate players.

The news is seeping out about super-fit young athletes dropping dead on sports fields.

Virus rates sky-rocket in heavily-jabbed vax-passported European countries. Meanwhile, rates remain low in Sweden which did not impose any mandates or lockdowns. Scroll down for the graph in this story.

Wow, full Gestapo here from Aussie. Queensland President of the Aust Medical Association Dr Chris Perry on how life will be for the un-jabbed...

'They're crazy not to get vaccinated, life will be miserable for the unvaccinated...They will have a very very lonely life and won't be able to maintain a job...' (Dr Perry)

Meanwhile our Gestapo NZ Prime Minister followed the script with a disgusting DS television reporter about the huge weekend protest. No wonder our population is brain-washed with such BS.

A meme that demands an explanation.
A reminder of why we Light Warriors fight on, day after day after day after day after day...
Finally, an update on Fiona, our gutsy 8 year old Light Warrior. Her campaign worked. The school board dropped the mask mandate. Congratulations, Fiona. You are AWESOME.

Light Warriors, reach out to each other. As the lovely New Zealand psychotherapist said in the previous post, we need to support each other during this challenging time.

My hairdresser of eight years will be abiding by the jab mandates which means I cannot visit her anymore. Today I was blessed to find a new hairdresser who's not only an excellent stylist but she is also a fiercely passionate Light Warrior. We are letting go of the old 3D connections and welcoming in 5D Earth. One day at a time.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light

Thursday, November 11, 2021

UK Police Movements

UK Police Movements

UK police who have served in the metropolitan police force of London and who are now stationed in other parts of the country are being called back to London on temporary assignment.

Some military units being brought to the capital to share barracks with London...

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Corey Goode SSP Alliance Update: RECON - Reptilian Agenda Revealed - Shadow Beings, Demons and AI Worship

Corey Goode SSP Alliance Update:
RECON - Reptilian Agenda Revealed -
Shadow Beings, Demons and AI Worship

Official Secret Space Program Alliance Update: Reconnaissance Mission over the Orion Group bases on the Moon, Mars, and Antarctica – Part 2

YouTube link:

Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Simon Parkes 9th November 2021 Update Current News

Simon Parkes 9th November
2021 Update Current News

9th November Update

Included in this update - Ex Gov Andrew Cuomo hanged!,
And a bit news on UFO disclosure!.

YouTube link:

Monday, November 08, 2021

Sunday, November 07, 2021

V for Vendetta The Past Proves the Future

V for Vendetta The Past Proves the Future

This film is not unlike what is happening right now!.

The movie: V for Vendetta (2006) directed by James McTeigue

The future: In V for Vendetta, a lot has gone wrong very quickly, and it doesn’t seem like there’s much to be done about it. The film is set in the late 2020s, and London is now under the authoritarian rule of the fascist High Chancellor Sutler (John Hurt), the leader of the extremely Nazi-looking Norsefire party.

The parallels to real-world 2020 are alarming: the “St. Mary’s virus” has unleashed a pandemic on the world, crippling the United States (which doesn’t really factor into the film’s London-centric plot) and sending it on a path to economic ruination and civil war. The Norsefire party, which rode in on a wave of neoconservative support, locks up gay citizens, anyone who practices a religion other than the state-sanctioned church, and is supported by state-run media. Surveillance is almost casual, with government vans regularly sweeping the streets to listen in on citizens.

This is the world in which we meet Evey Hammond (Natalie Portman), an unassuming employee of the British Television Network. One night, she is threatened with sexual assault by secret police and is subsequently saved by V (Hugo Weaving), a superhuman terrorist in a Guy Fawkes mask. Like Guy Fawkes, V has a plan to blow up Parliament and assassinate several members of the government responsible for the Norsefire takeover and, it’s revealed, his own creation. The film ends before we find out if he’s successful, but not before the citizens of London are inspired to also don his mask and take to the streets. Read more here:

As Q has said many times "The Future Proves The Past and The Past Proves The Future".

We are now in the end times of tyranny and into a new Beginning,
a new Future. How beautiful is it not.

Remember, remember the fifth of November,
The Gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason
Why the gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot!

US Expedition to an Inner Earth Kingdom

Image from video

US Expedition to an Inner Earth Kingdom
The Inner Earth Kingdom of Shambhala

Shambhala is the name of an Inner Earth civilization supposedly hidden in the Himalayan mountains. Legends of Shambhala recorded in ancient Buddhist and Hindu scriptures led the US-funded Nicholas and Helena Roerich on an impossible quest to find the entrance… Were they successful, and what did they encounter on their journey?

YouTube link:

Hollow Earth - Our Inner Earth Neighbors

Saturday, November 06, 2021

E.T Races - From the Peter Maxwell Slattery Contacts


E.T Races
From the Peter Maxwell Slattery Contacts

E.T Races

Name: Shi-Ji

Race: Pleiadian

Job: Guardian and Gate Keeper

Dimension: 5th and 7th. Has obtained a level of consciousness to split the soul up into different aspects.

Origin: From the Star Merope in the Pleiades originally.

History: Originally manifested from the Elohim state on Merope (a star in the Pleiades), in a 7th dimensional state. Mission was to be a Gate Keeper for that star, as it is a portal to other locations. Eventually Shi-Ji split itself up into a 5th dimensional state which also resides in the Pleiades, and other facets exist elsewhere.

Agenda: To regulate the star Merope with the Guardians that reside not just there, but at other portals.

Note: All facets of Shi-Ji are about helping beings to remember how powerful they are.

The Pleiades has a mixture of many different races, and that is how it was founded. After the Lyran and Orion Wars, those aligned with being positive and in service mode caught up there and started to call it home. In time, some of them time travelled back to Earth to help with the inception of Atlantis and Lemuria. They also have motherships out in space in many locations for exploring and learning purposes. They are coming back from the future and also reside in other dimensions.

There are many different types of Pleiadians, as in colours, shapes and sizes. Some are melanin dominant, or have Asian and Nordic traits (with Lyran genetics, which also encompasses Orion and Sirian Genetics).

Environment: Large variety of environments including some Earth type planets, which are in our future and some are in the higher dimensions.

Ships: They have classic flying saucers, cigar shaped crafts, egg shaped crafts, and shape shifting crafts, plus merkabah's and other crafts structured from light and consciousness, depending on how developed the group or individual is.

For the rest of Peter Maxwell Slattery E.T Races: