Sunday, June 30, 2024

UFO Encounter on first Moon Mission?! and Other Astronaut UAP sightings

UFO Encounter on first Moon Mission?!
and Other Astronaut UAP sightings

In this video, we explore four fascinating cases where astronauts and cosmonauts reported seeing UFOs in space. Join Chris Lehto as he delves into the incredible encounters of NASA's James McDivitt on Gemini 4, the Apollo 11 crew with Buzz Aldrin, and the astonishing stories of Soviet cosmonauts Viktor Afanasyev and Vladimir Kovalyonok. Discover the details of these unexplained sightings and the mystery that surrounds them.

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David Wilcock LIVE: Prophetic Dreams Come True

David Wilcock LIVE:
Prophetic Dreams Come True

On Tuesday 6/25, we did an emergency show featuring prophetic dreams and 'comms' indicating a 48-hour window for huge changes to occur.

On Thursday 6/27, two EPIC events occurred -- both completely fulfilling the prophecies David had discussed! These are not minor events, but fantastic, game-changing transformations of the "Big Game" as we now know it.

Join David as we discuss the fulfillment of these exciting prophecies -- and what it means for our future. You won't want to miss this one. The correlations are utterly unambiguous -- at least for "those with eyes to see."

We have also made tremendous progress on the funding front. On Friday we signed and notarized the final documents and affidavits necessary to process our loan. We are now expecting to close by Monday or Tuesday!

This is an epic moment in David's life. Both the personal and global prophecies of success are being fulfilled!

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Interview with Extra-Dimensionals - Nora Herold's Encounter with Aliens & UFOs

Interview with Extra-Dimensionals -
Nora Herold's Encounter with Aliens & UFOs

Nora Herold is a renowned channeler, lecturer, and healer with over 30 years of experience. She provides connections with numerous high vibrational beings, such as The Pleiadian Collective, Yeshua, Calliandra, The Lyrans/Lemurians, The Faeries, and the Angelics. Since 2007, Nora has received transmissions focused on integrating the fifth-dimensional identity and the re-ascension process.

Dive into a worldview-changing endeavor as Reuben Langdon explores communication with Extra Dimensionals or (ETs). In this series, he interviews actual EDs to uncover what wisdom they have to share with us. Each episode brings us closer to understanding the secrecy and their purpose here on Earth. Follow Reuben as he uncovers the secrets that have remained hidden for far too long.

In this riveting docu-series, Reuben Langdon unlocks the mysteries of the universe by interviewing everyday individuals channeling alien or extra-dimensional consciousnesses.

YouTube link:

US Space Command is the Key to forming an Earth Alliance and UFO Disclosure

US Space Command is the Key to forming
an Earth Alliance and UFO Disclosure

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – June 29, 2024


  • Joe Rogan discusses UFO researchers claiming the 1947 Roswell crash      was a “donation.
  • Video of Elena Danaan’s abduction by Gray Aliens and rescue by Nordic      blondes from the Galactic Federation of Worlds
  • JP video of a cigar-shaped UFO he recorded in Sept 2019, just before he      joined the US Army
  • Book of Enoch, Fallen Angels, ETs and Cryptoterrestrials: Interview with      Timothy Alberino
  • Julian Assange freed from a British prison after reaching a plea deal over      leaking classified US docs
  • The latest Star Nations News episode from Elena Danaan has some      tantalizing info about the Earth Alliance collaborating with different      galactic organizations.
  • Dr Garry Nolan appears to be embracing the cryptoterrestrial hypothesis      in recent statements picked up by mainstream media.
  • General Stephen Whiting, who heads US Space Command discusses its      priorities and international partnerships.
  • Attempts by the Congressional UAP Caucus to hold another hearing in      the House Oversight Committee and to create a Select Committee on UAP      with subpoena power have been stymied due to national security concerns.
  • More scientists are actively exploring the feasibility of superluminal warp      drive propulsion systems.
  • Redacted Interview covers alien false flag implications of the amendment      to the NDAA for 2025 making enrollment in the Selective Service System      automatic for males between 18-26
  • Extraterrestrial Contact and the Fractal Nature of the Universal Heart      Soul Essence: Interview with George Kavassilas


  • Contact With Non-Human Intelligences

    Contact With Non-Human Intelligences

    In this video, internationally recognised researcher and writer in the UFO and contact phenomenon areas, Mary Rodwell, presents a series of case studies around multidimensional past life contact with non-human intelligences. In her studies, Mary identified repeating patterns amongst contactees claiming we are not from here.

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    Saturday, June 29, 2024

    UFOs In Your Hometown - By Special Request

    UFOs In Your Hometown - By Special Request

    Preston Dennett:

    UFOs are seen all over our planet. It appears that virtually every location on Earth has a long and rich history of UFO encounters. But is this true? Recently a put out a challenge: name a location that you would like to know if UFOs have visited such as your hometown. The response was huge: many people asked if I could find any UFO cases in their hometown. So, by special request, this episode presents ten locations from across the United States (and a few outside of it,) and the history of UFO encounters that have occurred there. This includes sightings, landings, face-to-face encounters with humanoids and of course, onboard encounters. Compelling evidence supports many of these cases including multiple eyewitness testimonies, photographs, radar-returns, landing traces, physiological effects, animal reactions, electromagnetic disturbances and more.

    WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON. This history of UFOs in Wenatchee reaches back to at least 1907 when a strange airship was seen my multiple citizens. Following this, many other encounters occurred, including star-like objects, multi-colored UFOs, cone-shaped objects, shiny silver triangular-shaped objects, craft that turn angles, and even a large solid object directly over downtown Wenatchee.

    SIOUX FALLS, SD. One of the earlier Sioux Falls cases involved the sighting of a classic flying saucer moving overhead in July 1947. In 1954, police officers in Sioux Falls and surrounding areas saw UFOs. In 1957, police officer Jack Peters photographed a UFO as people all over the area witnessed strange activity. In 1976, UFOs were seen landing in Sioux Falls, and some reported seeing an actual ET. Even as late as 2018, UFOs continued to appear.

    PAYSON, AZ. In July of 1969, a ranch family had a dramatic sighting of a classic flying saucer outside their ranch home. 1981, Sheriff Deputy Loyce Hamlin and 4 other officers reported UFOs. Hamlin had seen one before following a plane taking off from Payson. In the late 1980s, a Payson resident reported missing time while returning to his home. The sightings continued!

    ALBANY, GA. In 1948, a pilot’s sighting over Albany was declared unidentified by Project Blue Book. More pilot sightings occurred in 1953 and in 1956. In 1968, Conway Jones reported a frightening encounter where a UFO disabled his car. In 1973, a flurry of encounters over Albany generated national headlines.

    AALBORG, DENMARK. In 1963, a flying saucer landed next to a farmhouse in Aalborg. A human-looking ET came out and took the farmer onboard, right in front of his amazed wife. In 2006, 2009, and 2011, three more close encounters were reported, showing that Aalborg has been repeatedly visited by extraterrestrials.

    VISALIA/TULARE, CA. In November of 1989, hundreds of residents in the area witnessed the now famous unexplained airships. Following this, encounters occurred regularly, including in 152, 1979, and 2010. On January 1, 2022, a family had a close-up sighting of a UFO and captured three photos of the object hovering near their home.

    PHILIPPINES. On March 8, 1968, more than 100 passengers on a jet over the Bashi Channel were amazed to see a UFO pacing their plane. A few months later, a mini-wave of sightings were observed by hundreds of people in the city of Manila. In November of 1968, four separate groups of witnesses observed a strange object with two human-looking figures inside. In 1979, a UFO was seen by many landing near Mount Apo. In 1991, a resident saw a UFO land near her home. ETs came out and started picking flowers.

    ST LOUIS, MO. This location many cases. A chiropractor reports his lifelong experiences with friendly ETs. In 1966, a UFO was seen landing at Point Pleasant Elementary school, and several students and one teacher saw an ET. Another case involves a dramatic sighting over a drive-in theater. And there are two other cases, one involving a face-to-face encounter with a humanoid, and another involving a landing.

    OCALA, FL. Sightings here reach back to 1947 and occur regularly, including in 1952, 1955, 1957, 1968, 1974 and more. On May 14, 1978, a wave of sightings over Ocala was witnessed by dozens and was also seen and caught on radar at the Navy’s Pinecastle Electronic Warfare Range. The wave went on for months and generated national headlines and huge controversy. In April 2003, a woman reported a humanoid in her home which healed her of a problem pregnancy. The sightings continued.

    WILMINGTON, NC. On April 6, 1897, hundreds in Wilmington saw the famous unexplained airships. More sightings of UFOs occurred in 1977 and 1980. In 1986, a couple had a scary encounter with a giant V-shaped craft.. In 2001, a gentleman reported his terrifying encounter with humanoids in his Wilmington home.

    These are just a small sample of the actual number of the documented cases coming from these ten locations. And these are just the ones which have been recorded. The fact is, most people don’t report their encounters. Have UFOs visited your hometown?

    Preston Dennett Website:

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    Ismael Perez and Nicholas Veniamin

    Ismael Perez and Nicholas Veniamin

    My very first interview with Nicholas Veniamin. There was so much covered in this interview. I hope you enjoy this interview Galactic Jedis.

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    Friday, June 28, 2024

    Massive Triangular UFO Over City: Eyewitnesses & Photographic Proof!

    Massive Triangular UFO Over City:
    Eyewitnesses & Photographic Proof!

    Chris Lehto:

    In this video, we delve into an extraordinary UFO sighting over Puerto Rico that left witnesses in awe. On May 15, 2005, an immense triangular object, comparable to the size of two ballparks, was photographed in Carolina, Puerto Rico. Witnesses reported the UFO caused their vehicle's engine and lights to fail as it silently passed overhead. We analyze the photographic evidence, recount the firsthand experiences, and explore the potential electromagnetic effects of this mysterious craft. Join us as we uncover the details of this fascinating case.

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    AREA 51: Bob Lazar, Mysterious Element 115, and Alien Tech from ZETA RETICULI

    AREA 51:
    Bob Lazar, Mysterious Element 115,
    and Alien Tech from ZETA RETICULI

    Discover Bob Lazar's story and insights into Area 51, UFOs, and Element 115. This mini documentary unpacks alien technology claims, UFO sightings, and UAP theories at the secretive military base.

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    Thursday, June 27, 2024

    Trump Breaks Silence on UFOs: What He Really Thinks!

    Trump Breaks Silence on UFOs:
    What He Really Thinks!

    Join Chris Lehto on Lehto Files as he reviews Donald Trump's recent appearance on Logan Paul's podcast, where Trump discusses UFOs, UAPs, and his meetings with credible pilots. Discover what Trump really thinks about these mysterious phenomena and whether he believes in their existence. This video also explores the broader debate on UAP transparency and what it means for the American public. Don't miss out on this insightful discussion!

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    Ismaels presentation at the portal to Ascension conference

    Ismaels presentation at the portal
    to Ascension conference

    Ismael Perez is a visionary author and cosmic researcher known for his profound insights into the universe's intricate dynamics. In his groundbreaking work, "Our Cosmic Origin," Perez weaves an intricate tapestry of cosmic history and celestial phenomena. He delves deep into the mysteries of the central universe, the seven super universes, and the vast multiverse, uncovering the twelve major creations and their significance.

    Perez's narrative takes readers on an enthralling journey through the galactic wars of Lyra and Orion, offering a detailed account of the conflicts and their repercussions. He explores the hidden history of planet Nibiru and the enigmatic Annunaki, shedding light on their influence on Earth's ancient civilizations.

    A significant portion of Perez's work focuses on the multiverse war with A.I., presenting a gripping tale of advanced technology and its implications for the cosmic order. His revelations about the timeline split provide a thought-provoking perspective on humanity's past, present, and potential future.

    Through his research, Perez emphasizes Earth's pivotal role in the grand cosmic experiment within the super universe of Orvonton. His work combines elements of science, spirituality, and historical analysis, making it a compelling read for anyone intrigued by the universe's vast and complex nature.

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    Extraterrestrial Contact and the Fractal Nature of the Universal Heart Soul Essence

    Extraterrestrial Contact and the Fractal Nature
    of the Universal Heart Soul Essence

    In 2003, George Kavassilas had a life-changing experience with a group of extraterrestrials from Sirius, Arcturus, and Lyra star systems, whom he deems his galactic family. He says that after being transported from a Sirian scout ship to a larger mothership with many races on board, he had an out-of-body experience where his consciousness went on a journey where he encountered the fractal nature of all reality. Kavassilas’ out of body experience propelled him into a new understanding of one’s soul essence as a fractal of a much larger universal consciousness. He believes that the human avatar body is unique insofar as we can experience the full fractal nature of our universe and the more expansive omniverse, while other extraterrestrials can only do so partially.

    One year later, Kavassilas was abducted by an agency within the Pentagon responsible for tracking individuals who have had extraterrestrial contact or profound physical frequency charges. He says he met with former US President George H.W. Bush, and was tortured and experienced mind wipes. After his 2003 experience he accepted an ambassadorial position with what he called the Galactic Confederation of Light for a couple of years, but has since stopped working directly with any extraterrestrial organization.

    Kavassilas asserts that while there are both positive and negative extraterrestrial organizations, they all to varying degrees ultimately promote an imperial project. This has led to him focusing his energies on helping individuals integrate the fractal nature of their heart soul essence with the universe. Nevertheless, he believes that individuals can benefit from positive extraterrestrial organizations, as he did, and encourages individuals to be open to all possibilities as we enter tumultuous End Times.

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    Wednesday, June 26, 2024

    Can We Reach Level 1 Global Peaceful Civilization? | Dr. Steven Greer

    Can We Reach Level 1 Global Peaceful Civilization? |
    Dr. Steven Greer

    Dr. Steven Greer reveals multiple levels of civilization, emphasizing that by now we should have reached a high level of technological advancement. However, there are powers whose agenda is for us to remain at a Level Zero Civilization, a level characterized by disunity, primitive environmental technologies, and more.

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    Tuesday, June 25, 2024

    MUFON Teases Game-Changing UFO Cases for July 2024 Symposium!

    MUFON Teases Game-Changing UFO
    Cases for July 2024 Symposium!

    Chris Lehto:

    In this interview from the Vetted podcast, Ron James, Director of Media Relations for MUFON and filmmaker of "The Accidental Truth," shares shocking new UFO evidence. Discover the latest findings from MUFON's upcoming symposium, including mysterious metals received by a Russian experiencer, the compelling 1955 Oregon UFO shootdown case, and a cryogenically frozen alien. Join us as we dive into these groundbreaking cases and explore the authenticity and investigative rigor behind them. Don't miss out on these startling revelations!

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    Best Authentic UFO Footage Compilation

    Best Authentic UFO Footage

    Some of the best clear UFO footage compilations from around the world.

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    Huge UFO Caught on Video in Hungary, June 2024

    Huge UFO Caught on Video in Hungary,
    June 2024

    UFO reports exist in Hungary as well. A documentary series mentions Hungary among the countries with the most frequent sightings globally.

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    Invention Secrecy Act, Tesla, UFOs | Dr. Steven Greer

    Invention Secrecy Act, Tesla, UFOs |
    Dr. Steven Greer

    Dr. Steven Greer returns for a second sit-down with Patrick Bet-David, and you won't want to miss it! This episode of the PBD podcast features one of the wildest conversations yet, covering government conspiracies, whistleblowers, aliens, secret patents, teleportation, Nikola Tesla, and more. Tune in for an unforgettable discussion!

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    THE LIGHT GATE – Kathleen Marden – UFOs, Spiritual Transformation, Onboard UFO Encounters

    Kathleen Marden – UFOs, Spiritual Transformation,
    Onboard UFO Encounters

    Streamed live earlier.

    The Light Gate welcomes guest: Kathleen Marden, author, researcher, experiencer
    Date: June 24, 2024
    Episode: 061
    Discussion: UFOs, extraterrestrial contact, spiritual transformation, UFO coverup

    Tonight, The Light Gate is very happy to welcome back author, researcher and experiencer Kathleen Marden to the show! Kathleen Marden’s insatiable interest in UFOs and ET contact began in 1961, when her aunt and uncle Betty and Barney Hill had a close encounter and UFO abduction in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. As a family member, Kathleen gained firsthand knowledge of Betty’s and Barney’s UFO encounter on the day they arrived home and two days later she, her parents, and siblings visited the Hill’s home.

    She has devoted years to painstaking investigation of the Hills' anomalous events and archival research on their UFO abduction case. As the trustee of Betty’s estate, she selected files from Betty’s personal archival collection for a permanent collection at the Milne Special Collections Library, UNH Library, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. You will find her case study of the evidence in her book with Stanton Friedman, “Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience” (Updated in 2021).

    Since 1991 she has volunteered for the Mutual UFO Network in various positions such as Director of Field Investigator Training and Founder/Director of MUFON's Experiencer Resource Team. Over a ten-year period, Kathleen expanded her ERT team from three members to forty-five trained, seasoned specialists and attracted PhD and MD psychological and research consultants. Additionally, she sat on the Edgar Mitchell Free Advisory Board. In this period, she worked on three studies on nearly 5,000 experiencers (Marden-Stoner, Edgar Mitchell FREE, MUFON ERT).

    She is presently working on the “Marden-Barton Survey of Religious Belief and Extraterrestrial Life,” which is available on her website. She has appeared as an on-camera commentator on fifty-five television and video productions. Additionally, she has spoken on innumerable radio shows and podcasts and has lectured across the United States and to audiences in foreign countries. She has authored and coauthored numerous books and articles in UFO magazines and journals.

    Two of her books are available in foreign languages. She is the recipient of two major awards (MUFON and the International UFO Congress), for her years of dedicated work. Her books also include, The Alien Abduction Files, Forbidden Knowledge, Extraterrestrial Contact, Science Was Wrong, Fact, Fiction and Flying Saucers, True Stories of Alien Abduction, Making Contact and more. Some of her co-writers include Denise Stoner and Stanton Friedman.

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    David Wilcock LIVE: The Shift is Hitting The Fan

    David Wilcock LIVE:
    The Shift is Hitting The Fan

    Multiple, astonishing developments have occurred in just 24 hours since our last show. We can now expect massive new developments this week, within as early as 48 hours.

    Tuesday is the only time in David's schedule that works for a show... but again, we are seeing a very rapidly shifting tactical environment.

    We will discuss recent dreams, telekinetic synchronicities, news developments and various public posts, and "connect the dots" to reveal the stunningly epic picture that emerges.

    We've been waiting a very long time, and the wait may finally be just about over! David just ordered some new background lights we can play with to add even more color to the set.

    This is not a drill. This is real! David wouldn't get off of his butt to do another show this fast unless Something Big appears to be happening... now!

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    White Hat update

    White Hat update

    Ismael Perez:

    The victory of the light is inevitable. As the forces of enlightenment and love grow stronger, they illuminate the shadows, dispelling ignorance and fear. This unstoppable ascent is fueled by the collective awakening of humanity, where truth and wisdom prevail over deception and malice. The light's triumph is marked by unity and harmony, as people from all walks of life come together, inspired by a shared vision of peace and prosperity. It is a journey of transformation, where every act of kindness, every spark of courage, and every moment of enlightenment contributes to a future where light reigns supreme, guiding us toward a destiny of boundless potential and universal harmony.

    YouTube link:

    Monday, June 24, 2024

    Uncovered: The 1966 Westall UFO Incident – 180 Witnesses Speak Out!

    The 1966 Westall UFO Incident –
    180 Witnesses Speak Out!

    Chris Lehto:

    Join us as we delve into one of the most astonishing UFO encounters in history: the Westall UFO incident of 1966. Over 200 students and teachers witnessed a mysterious silver saucer hovering and maneuvering above their school in Melbourne, Australia. Hear from the witnesses themselves and uncover the government's attempts to silence them. Discover why this mass sighting remains a pivotal moment in UFO history. Don't miss this in-depth investigation into Australia's greatest UFO mystery!

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    JP: An illustration of the Mission to the Grand Canyon

    JP: An illustration of the Mission
    to the Grand Canyon

    JP and his mission to the grand canyon.

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    Book of Enoch, Fallen Angels, ETs and Cryptoterrestrials

    Book of Enoch, Fallen Angels,
    ETs and Cryptoterrestrials

    Dr. Michael Salla:

    Timothy Alberino has provided an introduction and commentary in a newly released compendium to the three books of Enoch that has co-edited. Contrary to conventional archeological scholarship, he asserts that the first Book of Enoch (aka Ethiopian Book of Enoch) predates Sumerian cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphic texts. Alberino believes that Enoch 1 provides an accurate historical account of a pre-diluvial world that used advanced technologies before being overtaken by cataclysmic events associated with the Great Flood approximately 9600 years ago.

    He claims that the Fallen Angels, aka Watchers, precipitated the Great Flood and events that led to their destruction along with other civilizations such as Atlantis, as discussed by Plato. Alberino believes that Book of Enoch references to the “Son of Man” refer to a future Messiah (Jesus of Nazareth) that would deliver humanity rather than an individual that has ascended to a higher state of consciousness through advanced training in Egyptian mystery schools and similar mystical traditions in other parts of the world. He points out that the Crypoterrestrial Hypothesis which has gained greater prominence over the last decade, may be related to Deep State plans to conduct a false flag UFO event using hybrid beings bred on Earth and in Deep Underground Military Bases rather than off-world alien visitors.


    "NO WAY" Videos That Will Make You Rethink Everything

    "NO WAY" Videos That Will
    Make You Rethink Everything

    In the past few weeks a mysterious phenomenon has taken over social media. From a young man who supposedly developed strange superpowers (could it be a glitch in the matrix?) to unexplained sightings of a disc shaped object, and scary encounters with the paranormal, in this video I will analyze the strangest and most unexplained videos that will make you rethink everything. Welcome to the Impossible channel where James LaFleur analyses the creepiest and the most mind blowing videos for your entertainment.

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    Sunday, June 23, 2024

    Harvard's Alien Study Part 2: Underground Civilizations Explored!

    Harvard's Alien Study Part 2:
    Underground Civilizations Explored!

    Chris Lehto:

    Dive into Part 2 of our exploration of the groundbreaking Harvard study on the Crypto Terrestrial Hypothesis! In this follow-up, we delve into the fascinating details of potential underground civilizations, mysterious artifacts, and ancient legends that challenge our understanding of history and human evolution. Discover the four intriguing hypotheses proposed by researchers, ranging from advanced human civilizations to intelligent alien species living covertly among us. Join us as we unpack these theories and discuss the implications for the ongoing study of unidentified anomalous phenomena. Don't miss out on this mind-blowing continuation of our deep dive into the unknown!

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    David Wilcock LIVE: Teachings of Initiation Before the Big One

    David Wilcock LIVE:
    Teachings of Initiation Before the Big One

    The 'cherries' have all lined up on the Cosmic Slot Machine -- and the Main Event is soon to be upon us. This is a Mass Initiation like never before.

    David will go into far more detail this week on the Law of One teachings of Initiation -- and discuss them in the context of what we are all collectively going through at this time.

    With tensions rising like never before, we are all being forced to face our fears, confront the uncomfortable and even impossible, and re-invent ourselves.

    We will discuss how positive and negative entities both use initiation to produce advancement on their respective paths -- and how to ensure you stay positive while faced with these life-threatening circumstances.

    If you have loved David's previous shows, this will be right up your alley. This philosophical discussion has immediate implications in helping you to prepare for what appear to be very rapidly upcoming changes.

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    Galactic update and Q and A

    Galactic Update and Q and A

    Ismael Perez:

    Diving into the latest developments and changes occurring across the galaxy. This update typically includes information about cosmic events, such as planetary alignments, and solar activities. This comprehensive overview aims to keep individuals informed about the dynamic and ever-evolving state of the galaxy, offering a broad perspective on the intricate web of cosmic phenomena and their implications for life across different star systems.

    Visit my website:

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    Saturday, June 22, 2024

    Did Chris Mellon Confirm UAP Crash Retrievals? Michael Schratt joins Richard Dolan

    Did Chris Mellon Confirm UAP Crash Retrievals?
    Michael Schratt joins Richard Dolan

    UFO historian Michael Schratt joins Richard Dolan during the second half of this special episode, which was sparked by a powerful statement from Christopher Mellon on April 22. *This video was originally posted on Richard's channel and is replayed with permission.

    On his substack page, Mellon shared a redacted and annotated screenshot of an exchange he had on Signal with a senior government official from around 2020. This official discussed access to a U.S. alien technology recovery and exploitation program. The official also mentioned that progress was being made in accessing a classified program related to a UAP that landed in Kingman, Arizona, in the 1950s.

    In addition, he referred to the program's management, security controls, and the recovery process for landed or crashed UAPs. Finally, he mentioned a classified memo from the 1950s by a Secretary of the USAF as still being in effect to maintain secrecy this matter.

    This information is supported by longstanding UFO research into the matter, an abundance of which is provided by Michael Schratt.

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    Crypto-Terrestrials: Harvard's Mind-Bending New UAP Hypothesis! Part 1.

    Harvard's Mind-Bending
    New UAP Hypothesis! Part 1.

    A groundbreaking Harvard study explores the possibility of crypto-terrestrials—aliens living among us in disguise! Join us as we dive into this viral research, examining evidence, theories, and implications. Could intelligent alien species be secretly residing on Earth? Watch now to find out!

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    What Links These Two Mysterious Alien Encounters? | UFO Witness

    What Links These Two Mysterious Alien Encounters? |
    UFO Witness

    While investigating a case with a highly credible witness, Ben Hansen discovers through Project Blue Book that there was another similar incident in 1955

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    THEY ARE HERE: Ten Close Encounters with Extraterrestrials

    Ten Close Encounters with Extraterrestrials

    Preston Dennett:

    The time for skepticism is over. There are too many cases to ignore, too much evidence to deny. This video presents ten true cases of firsthand extraterrestrial encounters from across the globe, each providing important information and profound insights into the UFO phenomenon. Many have multiple witnesses and compelling evidence in the form of landing traces, electromagnetic disturbances, animal reactions and physiological effects. It’s time for all humanity to accept the truth of the ET presence on Earth.

    THE UFO GOBLINS. On the morning of March 15, 1943, sisters “C,” (10) and Angela (6) were grazing the family goat by their home in the small town of Montecreste, Italy. Suddenly a “great roar” overhead caught their attention and they saw a saucer-shaped craft land nearby. Two figures in white jumpsuits exited and talked in a weird language. Knowing nothing of UFOs and ETs, the girls thought they saw goblins.

    FOUR ALIENS IN THE BACKYARD. At 2am on October 13, 1975, Mayme H awoke to her dog barking. Looking outside her home in Alton, Illinois, she saw a 3½-foot-tall humanoid in a silver jumpsuit in her backyard. Moments later, it was joined by three others, and all four ran single-file into the forest behind her home. The next morning, they found a circle of crushed grass in a field not far from the location.

    HIGHWAY HUMANOID. At 9:45 pm, January 26, 1976, Claude Cretin was driving between Madilly-Mandelot and Bouze-les-Beaune in France when a flash of light blinded him. A short distance ahead, he saw a tall humanoid in a fluorescent red bodysuit and helmet with a face-mask standing by the road. He drove off in fear and went to the police. Returning to the site the next morning, they found broken branches 10-15 feet high.

    THE MEN FROM THE STAR. Just past midnight on January 28, 1976, Miguel Fernandez Carrasco was walking to his home in Benacazon, Spain when a star-like object approached. Suddenly it landed next to him. It was a strange craft. Two 7-foot-tall humanoids exited and approached. Miguel ran in fear. The humanoids went back into the craft and then followed him from above, sending down a beam of light, causing Miguel to pass out. He awoke two hours later in front of his home, with strange marks on his body.

    ANOTHER FLYING HUMANOID. At 5:00 am on April 7, 1977, former politician Cyril John saw light flood his home in Milford Haven, Wales. Looking out the window, he saw an oval-shaped craft hovering 200 feet away. Then he saw a 7-foot-tall humanoid wearing a silver-gray suit, hovering just 35 feet away. He watched both object and humanoid for the next half-hour until they slowly moved off into the distance.

    AN ALIEN MEETING. On the afternoon of Sep 27, 1978, Henryk Marciniak took his motorcycle to a wooded area outside Kanin, Poland to pick edible mushrooms. Suddenly he saw a metallic craft landed in a clearing. Two short humanoids in black jumpsuits exited and approached him. They had greenish-skin, webbed hands, and large bulging eyes. They showed interest in both his motorcycle and the mushrooms, then took off in their craft.

    RIGHT OVER THE CAR. At 5:30 pm on Nov 13, 1982, two men driving to Port Wakefield in South Australia saw an object pacing their car. Suddenly it was right overhead and looking up, they saw right into the front of the craft. They could see several humanoids inside and all kinds of weird equipment. Frightened, they panicked and drove off. Soon other people in the area began to report UFOs.

    100 LITTLE ALIENS. At 5:45 pm on October 28, 1985, a dozen children were playing outside their homes in Honefoss, Norway when a UFO appeared overhead and seemed to land. As it disappeared, they suddenly saw a huge crowd of tiny humanoids running around. They were dressed in jumpsuits and helmets. For the next two hours, they ran around the area, causing some children to flee in panic. Later strange footprints were found.

    THE ALIENS IN THE BUSHES. One afternoon in Oct 1986, farmer Alberto Meyer was shocked to see two 5-foot-tall humanoids emerge from the brush near his home in Viale, Entre Rios, Argentina. They had huge hairless heads, small facial features, and wore skintight jumpsuits. One seemed to smile at Alberto as they returned to the brush. Later, a footprint was found and photographed. More UFOs were soon seen.

    HUMANOIDS ABOVE A CITY STREET. At 9pm on Jan 19, 1991, Helge F walked along Markt Street in Ronneburg, Germany when a powerful wind struck her. Looking up, she saw a craft 100 feet overhead. It tilted toward her, revealing three strange humanoids inside. Helge found herself waving at them. One pointed a strange rod at her. The craft moved off. Helge found she was missing about 15 minutes of time.

    These ten cases are a tiny portion of the actual number of cases, each of which provide further evidence that we are not alone, that ETs are visiting our planet. The truth can no longer be denied. They are here.

    Preston Dennett Website:

    YouTube link:

    The Abduction Phenomena | Government Black Op? Or Alien Agenda?

    The Abduction Phenomena |
    Government Black Op? Or Alien Agenda?

    Abductions - is it Government black operations or real Aliens?.

    YouTube link:

    Contriving a Cryptoterrestrial Threat – Exopolitics Today Week In Review – Anniversary Edition

    Contriving a Cryptoterrestrial Threat –
    Exopolitics Today Week In Review –
    Anniversary Edition

    Celebrating the 1 year anniversary of the Week in Review

    Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – June 22, 2024


  • Anniversary Edition of Exopolitics Today – The Week in Review
  • Dr Gary Nolan’s advocacy of the scientific method and dismissal of      anecdotal evidence overlooks important distinction.
  • Armenia is the 43rd nation to sign the Artemis Accords and while it      doesn’t have a space program its rich history and genetics will benefit      NASA.
  • Alex Collier’s June 14 webinar gives lots to contemplate in terms of where      we are going as a planet and challenges that lie ahead.
  • Why is the US Congress passing bills necessary for reinstating the      military draft in the US?
  • Summoning ETs, Out-of-Body Experiences & Consciousness Travel to the      Stars: Interview with Dr. Franceen King
  • Galactic Federation message relayed through Elena Danaan discusses how      the disclosure of the Solar Warden space fleet is going to happen
  • The Crypoterrestrial Hypothesis is very plausible and needs to be      understood from the perspective of ancient civilizations hidden      underground and underseas all over the Earth.
  • First public UFO lecture by the legendary test pilot John Lear in 1988      explains how he got interested in UFOs but has glaring omissions.
  • JP has uploaded a new video to his YT channel giving more details of his      Sept 2016 encounter with Lovent who appeared out of an egg-shaped      ship that landed near his home.
  • The Sasquatch are depicted as enigmatic, powerful, menacing and linked      to UFOs in an interview featuring Steve Isdahl from How to Hunt YT      channel.
  • Uncovering the Agendas of Angels, Demons & Aliens in the World Today      —Galactic Spiritual Informers Connection 2024
  • Group of scientists and researchers seeks access to Vatican archives on the      UFO phenomenon.
  • Linda Moulton Howe podcast discussing hostile alien races operating      under the Earth’s surface coincides with a recent paper by Harvard      professors on the Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis.
  • UAP whistleblowers are facing “brutal” retaliation from the defense and      intelligence community. Col. Karl E. Nell is one of them.


  • Friday, June 21, 2024

    Exclusive: MUFON's Most Important UAP Presentation Ever - July 2024!

    MUFON's Most Important UAP Presentation Ever -
    July 2024!

    Get ready for a groundbreaking revelation! In this exclusive video, Chris Lehto dives into MUFON's most significant UAP presentation ever. Set to unveil astonishing test results on mysterious materials, this event promises to be the highlight of the 2024 MUFON International Symposium. Learn about the intriguing story behind these unidentified materials, the collaboration with Russian labs, and the shocking theft from a U.S. PO box. Don't miss out on this historic moment in UFO research!

    YouTube link:

    The Most Mysterious Photographs & Mysteries That Cannot Be Explained

    The Most Mysterious Photographs & Mysteries
    That Cannot Be Explained

    The mysterious cube seen above Texas.

    In the expansive skies above Texas, where everything seems bigger and more expansive, an unusual sighting captured the attention of witnesses and enthusiasts alike, a mysterious cube-shaped object.

    This sighting, reported by multiple witnesses across different locations in Texas, has sparked intrigue and speculation about the nature and origin of the unidentified flying object.

    The first reports came from rural areas near Amarillo and Lubbock, where residents described seeing a peculiar object hovering silently in the sky.

    YouTube link:

    Thursday, June 20, 2024

    70 Years of Anti-Gravity Research: The Untold Military Secrets

    70 Years of Anti-Gravity Research:
    The Untold Military Secrets

    Welcome to Lehto Files! In today's episode, we dive into the mysterious world of anti-gravity technology. For nearly 70 years, the U.S. military has been researching how to overcome and harness gravity. It sounds like science fiction, but it's backed by decades of real science.

    🔍 In This Video:

  • The origins of anti-gravity research in the 1950s.
  • Key figures like Dr. Louis Witten and their groundbreaking work.
  • Declassified documents and patents hinting at advanced technologies.
  • The role of Wright Patterson Air Force Base in gravitational studies.
  • Modern developments, including NASA’s Breakthrough Propulsion      Physics Program.
  • The Pioneer Anomaly and its link to propellantless thrust.

    Don't Miss: At the end, we discuss the Pioneer Anomaly and its fascinating implications for space propulsion.

    YouTube link:

  • Weird And Unbelievable Things Are Happening Around The World

    Weird And Unbelievable Things Are
    Happening Around The World

    Mysterious monolith discovered in Nevada desert.

    According to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department's Search and Rescue squad, the unusual formation was found close to Gass Peak in the Desert National Wildlife Refuge.

    One of the highest peaks in the vicinity of Las Vegas is Gass Peak.

    The monolith sighting served as a reminder to Las Vegas police urging hikers to be ready before venturing into the wild.

    These include informing someone of their intended destination, checking the weather in advance, and packing extra food, water, and light.

    YouTube link:

    Top 10 Alien Encounters That Cannot Be Explained | 3 Hour Compilation

    Top 10 Alien Encounters That Cannot Be Explained |
    3 Hour Compilation

    We explore 10 mysterious encounters with extraterrestrials and the idea that they have visited Earth for millions of years.

    Alien encounters is nothing new, and over the years many have come forward with mysterious stories involving extraterrestrials.

    The most contentious element of the UFO extraterrestrial phenomenon, revolves around the perplexing topic of Aliens interacting with humans.

    This enigmatic and perplexing occurrence has long fascinated individuals worldwide.

    So today, we take a look at the top 10 alien encounters that cannot be explained - 3 hour compilation!

    YouTube link:

    Uncovering the Agendas of Angels, Demons & Aliens in the World Today—GSIC 2024

    Uncovering the Agendas of Angels, Demons
    & Aliens in the World Today—GSIC 2024

    Dani Henderson is the author of Angels, Demons, and Aliens (2023), where she writes about her lifetime of direct physical encounters with benevolent and malevolent entities that have appeared to her since early childhood. She is the organizer of the premier global contactee event of 2024, the Galactic Spiritual Informers Connection (GSIC), which brings together leading extraterrestrial contactees, secret space program witnesses, pioneering health researchers, breakthrough technology inventors, and exopolitics researchers.

    In her third Exopolitics Today interview, Henderson begins by discussing how demonic entities manipulate humanity through compromised elites in secret “Satanic” societies that target talented young people and how these corrupt elite activities are being exposed by heroic individuals who dare to stand up to their former oppressors. She further explains how corrupt alien groups, such as as Grays (aka Nebu) are able to compromise inexperienced human channelers to spread disinformation and confusion.

    Finally, Henderson discusses the extraordinary contributions of different presenters at the upcoming GSIC 2024 Conference in exposing corrupt elite and alien agendas, and revealing the truth about benevolent extraterrestrials (angels) who are helping prepare humanity for an incredible Star Trek future involving life-changing technologies and cultural and trade relations with interstellar societies.


    Unveiling the Serpent race of the fallen ones with Ismael Perez

    Unveiling the Serpent race of the
    fallen ones with Ismael Perez

    An eye-opening discussion with Ismael Perez as he delves into the mysterious history of the Serpent Reptilian race. Discover how these ancient ancestors of the cabal families have manipulated their way into positions of power, usurping control from the descendants of Adam/Michael. Ismael Perez will uncover hidden truths, ancient connections, and the ongoing impact of these power struggles on our world today. Don't miss this captivating exploration of cosmic history and its influence on modern times.

    YouTube link:

    Ex-Intel Agent Exposes Previously Classified UFO and Alien Cases

    Ex-Intel Agent Exposes Previously
    Classified UFO and Alien Cases

    Richard Doty reveals declassified UFO cases at air force bases, including incidents at Ramstein AB, McChord AFB, Red Rock, Ceremchova, and Bar-2. These cases involve UFO sightings, landings, and abductions, previously kept secret by the USAF and Russian forces.

    YouTube link: