Cosmic Disclosure
Reptilians and Aquafarians
David Wilcock: Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and I'm here again with our guest, Emery Smith, with deeper insights into his extraterrestrial coworkers.
Emery, welcome back.
Emery Smith: Thanks, Dave.
David: This is one of the most fascinating topics of your testimony as far as I'm concerned, because it's one thing to have a specimen that's dead. And, as you said before, you didn't know whether these were really extraterrestrials or not, right?
Emery: No, I had no clue.
David: What could be an example of something where you KNEW that it was an extraterrestrial? Were there any cases where it was certain that it was not a genetically-modified being?
Emery: Yes. I mean, after a few years in the projects and your clearance gets up and you're getting briefed on different scenarios and different types of extraterrestrials where they're saying they're extraterrestrials or beings from other than Earth origin, and also getting access to the most amazing libraries of encyclopedias that they have there – it's all on computer mainframes – you get to really understand that we're just a small, small part of such a wide and vast array of other beings that are spread out through the universe and multiverse.

David: So if we could take off in a ship and start going to other star systems, how common would it be to find planets with inhabited intelligent life on them? Is it seldom the case? Is it sort of half and half? Is it mostly the case, or is it almost always the case that a given solar system will have some intelligent beings living in it?
Emery: The best way I could put that is: if I were to ask you if you jumped into the ocean, how many different species would you find amongst just jumping into one ocean?
David: Hm.
Emery: So it's that vast and there's that many beings. There's an unimaginable amount of beings of different races.
David: So you could then say that pretty much any star system we would go to, unless there were really conditions or something, is going to have beings that have set up shop there and have civilizations?
Emery: Exactly. This is what people don't understand, because beings don't need a planet to survive on.
They've already mastered to make their own planets and their own space stations to live on.
And there are some beings that never touch a planet but they travel around, of course, because their own craft or ships that are hundreds of miles in diameter can actually reproduce living conditions such as a planet, such as an ocean, such as an island, such as growing food.
David: When we were talking about your extraterrestrial coworkers before, you had mentioned this probably more benevolent Reptilian race. You'd mentioned they were in a constellation called Bootes.
Could we discuss a little more about that? Like, if we went to their star system, what would we see?
Emery: Well, you would see a lot of traffic, number one, in this area, because there's just a lot of races that live in this sector of space.

But the one I was talking about has a type of Death Star look to it. It's man-made, and they have craft on these space stations that look like meteorites.

And they can be up to 30 miles long, some of these.
David: Wow!
Emery: And they can be also as small as a compact 24' U-Haul truck.
They have a lot of families there. They raise their children on these things. They get educated there. They graduate just in a few years of life and have a higher IQ than we do, just in two or three years, these children.
They also have a faster healing rate than we do. And we're trying to study that healing rate from the Reptilians.
Maybe you've seen some of the pictures on my website of me taking the blood from alligators.

This was a direct correlation of what we were doing to test: why can an alligator in the Everglades sustain a huge wound of another alligator ripping its leg off? And then in just a matter of weeks, not only did it coagulate just fine, but it also had no infection and sometimes grows back.
So some of the projects I worked on was actually doing this: is trying to replicate the healing factors of the genetic DNA of these Reptilians.
David: I find it very interesting: when we look at Indian history in the Mahabharata and the Vedas that we have what appears to be an evil Reptilian race called Rakshasas, but that there also was a benevolent Reptilian race called Nagas that they actually ended up making temples out of.
Emery: Right.
David: And you actually see lots and lots of stone inscriptions of what looks like humans, but then they have like a Reptilian tail like a snake.

So do you think that these benevolent Reptilian ETs that you were talking about could have been there at the time of the Indian civilization where those texts were written?
Emery: Yeah, I 100% believe that. I know all the texts you're talking about. I know of the statues that you're talking about. I know of the amulets they made of them and some of the carvings down there.
So I agree that these Reptilians I'm associated with that I know are this . . . a little bit more docile, hybrid-type, human-type figures, and they were looked up [to] as gods.
David: Now, it's also interesting because Pete Peterson did say that there was a benevolent Reptilian race as well. And he had told me that they were very keenly interested in our religious development, our spiritual development, that they were very wise, very advanced, and they really seemed to want us to become ethical and to learn how to all get along with each other.
Emery: Yea, I can concur with that. They do have a religious background that I don't know everything about. But they're very strong about it and they do carry amulets and jewelry that show their belief in this system.
They also have sometimes special clothing for certain holiday-type things that they may wear, such as a scarf or a ribbon on their arm.
And these things celebrate this religion that you speak of, which is the unity of all and one that they believe in.
And they believe even though they're of different genetic DNA, they also believe that everyone HAS their DNA.
And they believe in the system that they were kind of the first ones in the solar system and universe that actually seeded it. And over billions of years, other formations of their genetic lineage has mixed around and is actually where WE come from.
And that's why you see sometimes in the medical society of people saying, “Well, we have the reptile part of the brain and this because we're associated with an iguana or something.
So it's very funny that this is all coming out in the questions that you ask because I do believe there's a correlation with this race, and we might have a little bit of that DNA in us to some extent.
David: I'm just curious if you ever heard about this benevolent Reptilian race talking about the Draco and the very antagonistic other types of Reptilians that apparently just about everybody was opposing.
Because the Draco seemed to be this group that's trying to invade and conquer just about every other civilization they can find.
Emery: I've never heard them speak about that. I've never seen any data to support that from their lineage.
They do have their own belief of where they came from as far as the very first Reptilians, which I do believe probably could have come from the more Draco style, evil type Reptilians that people talk about.
But I can't really say, honestly. I'm just speculating on that.
David: Well, this is a very interesting point because Pete Peterson did say that there was a Reptilian diaspora.
A diaspora is when essentially one group that is a spiritually-inclined group breaks off from another group because they believe that group has become evil.
Emery: Uh huh.
David: Pete said that these benevolent Reptilians that he spoke about had had a diaspora from a negative Reptilian group in the past.
Emery: Hm.
David: Very interesting.
Emery: VERY interesting.
David: And perhaps the fact that they might have been hybridized with humans means that maybe they would have more compassion for us.
Emery: Right. Yeah, I believe that lineage carries over through DNA.
David: Yeah, very interesting.
Emery: Very.
David: Let's go back now to some of the other extraterrestrials that you've had as coworkers since that's our main topic on this episode.
Emery: Sure.
David: Could you give me an example of one race that we haven't spoken about yet that you can share with us now?
Emery: Yeah, I can go over a couple of races. I think maybe I should talk about the more liquid-state planets that are associated with ETs.
You know, everyone thinks ETs are all just of the 3D in this Earth-air atmosphere, and it's not the case.
You have beings that have to live in water or come from a water planet. You have these types of beings that come from the Pleiades system, and we call them Aquafarians – some of the first of these extraterrestrials that live in water. They don't need to, but their planet is 98% water.

And they work in the water. This is where they feel comfortable.
David: And you said they were from Sirius?
Emery: No, Pleiades.
David: Oh, Pleiades.
Emery: The Pleiades system. Yes. The Aquafarian-type aliens they call from my experience.
David: Well, it's very interesting because there is a correlation with a book by Robert Temple called “The Sirius Mystery”….
… In which he studied this particular African tribe that comes from Mali, and they have this race of Aquarius - I'll use your term - who approached them called the Nommo.
And they got very specific information that Sirius had a little companion star called Sirius B. They had information about the planets around him, all of these very specific things.
And they clearly…… Their legends clearly describe them as aquatic-human beings.
This is therefore a very interesting new line of inquiry.
Emery: I mean, I have to comment. You know, a lot of our operating rooms and centers in the bases are certainly completely filled with salt water or fresh water……
David: Really?
Emery:… .just for that sort of thing.
David: So you would do an autopsy in a self-contained suit. . .
Emery: Yeah.
David:… .. in the water?
Emery: Yeah. Underwater and heavily weighted with magnets that keep us on the ground.
David: Wow!
Emery: And we all look sustainable thanks to the same pipes I use above ground.
David: Looks like it would be exhausting if you fight against… ..
Emery: It is. It is very painful on the body for some reason. And I don't know if it's just because I'm underwater. It is even mentally trying. Energy or something from water.
It's a bit like scuba diving where you can get tired quickly.
And you seem to be using a lot more oxygen underwater, for some reason, when we do these giant autopsies and look at the craft as well.
Some vessels need to be in special salt water to keep them intact. Once they are removed, they can no longer hold their shape.
David: Would that imply that they couldn't go from coast to coast and that they wouldn't fly in space?
Emery: They can fly in space because they have their own gravitational field around them that encompasses water.
David: Oh! Really ?
Emery: Yeah.
David: It's weird. So let's talk about those Pleiadian aquarists you've seen. I'd like to start with a visual description of what they look like.
Emery: There are many types of aquatic-type aliens. There are some that look like manatees, there are some that look like dolphins, and there are even some that are shaped from the waist up, which are scaly and have fins on the outer edges of these. beings.
But from the chest they appear to be human.
David: Now, just to be clear, it's living alien colleagues that you see on these bases, right?
Emery: Yeah.
David: Okay.
Emery: And I think maybe that's where the mermaids come from. You know, I think this mythological background of the history of these sailors seeing these beings could have had a base here on the planet.
And there are a lot of cities that people are discovering, but the Cabal doesn't let people know this, which is underground, and it wasn't because they were inundated. That's because that's where they really were - these cities - under the ocean. I'm sorry, under the ocean.
And it also proves the fact that these aliens lived here and thrived here at one point.
And I know you know a lot about the history of mermaids and some aliens in Asia.
David: Of course.
Emery: I think their names are… .. What's her name?
David: Kappa, in Japan.
Emery: That's right. Exactly.
David: Yeah, let's talk about that for a second. This is a very interesting thing…. ..
Emery: Yes, please.
David:…. which was research that I learned in part from having had a Japanese girlfriend in college.
And I was already very interested in aliens when I was an elder and we had this relationship.
So I found out firsthand that they took it for granted that your kids couldn't walk near bodies of water.
Emery: Oh, it's true, it's true, it's true.
David: And they still have warning signs today near the water……
... Legends say he's a reptilian aquatic being, okay?
And he comes out of the water and grabs the children and drags them into the water.
These beings could therefore speak their native Japanese language. They were making jokes. They were often very inappropriate and rude. They were making rude noises, rude gestures. And they were very sarcastic and arrogant.
Emery: Wow! Interesting.
David: So do you think these Kappa could be real aliens who got here somehow?
Emery: I think there is sort of a correlation with a lot of the stories out there.
These descendants of Aquafarians, I think, are manifold when it comes to genetics and DNA. Just like we have a lot of different kinds of humans here, and for millions and millions of years, you know, we've spread across the universe, the same has happened with the Aquarius people.
And they come in different forms, as I said before.
David: So in your projects, the term “Aquafarian” would be a generic term that could refer to many different types?
Emery: Exactly. Yes. It is a multirace under the phenotype of an aquatic being.
David: Did you see someone who had a cut in the top of their head like the Kappa?
Emery: No, I didn't.
David: Okay.
Emery: I haven't seen this at all, but they are able to breathe air and breathe oxygen in water.
And some have gills like the ones seen in the movies on their backs and necks.
David: Okay.
Emery: And they're multiphasic where they can come out of the water and breathe air through their mouths.
And we have operated on some of them, and they have air bladders and they have different types of lungs - very interesting to see: four sets of lungs in one being that can filter just like you would see in sharks. and the gills of many modern fish that we have here on the planet.
David: Now, did you say that some of these beings have heads that look like a dolphin?
Emery: Yeah. Just to be really more specific, if you can see a dolphin with two arms and two legs and standing straight and a very, very cylindrical body sticking out, not that big fin on its back, though…. And they've got these little webbed feet, but they've got arms. And the arms have two different phalanges, you know, two fingers on it.
And the face doesn't have a muzzle like a bottle nosed dolphin or anything like that. But they have a very big mouth. And it comes out - just a bit of a snout - but not like you would see on our modern dolphins and porpoises.
But the mouth goes to the sides of the face.
David: Oh, wow! It would be a little unsettling to see, perhaps.
Emery: Yeah, it's a bit, but they never open that mouth. You never see that mouth. And they have lips like a grouper fish.
David: Yeah.
Emery: And they look funny, actually. No offense, guys. But they look comical, like a cartoon character.
And they only communicate by telepathic waves and by frequency. And you can hear those sounds - the same sounds you hear with whales that you probably hear in your meditation CDs.
David: Now with the dolphin the eyes are a bit on the sides of the head.
Emery: Yeah.
David: So how do the eyes fit on these faces?
Emery: Yeah. So imagine a very round bulbous head like a light bulb. And those eyes ARE on the side of the head, but they have great vision. It is even further ahead than in our dolphin or whale society where they are completely like a hammerhead shark - here.
David: Okay.
Emery: So these are eyes looking forward.
David: Do they have ears?
Emery: Just the slits, the holes, but no earlobes or anything like that.
They have very small fins on their backs, not like the big fins you would see on a dolphin or shark today - maybe only 3 ″ ~ 4 ″ of those little fins that run down their back; maybe five or six of them in the middle of the back only.
David: Now you mentioned that their whole body is like a big cylinder.
Emery: It's very cylindrical.
David: Do they just have little short legs at the bottom?
Emery: That's what they do. They have really big legs with those big feet. And they have their toes on their feet and they're webbed.
And they have this strap on the sides of their body like other Aquafarians, which I think is a trait of Aquarius to have this very thin, all the way down their arms and down their body. And sometimes it is even seen on the heads of different species of manatee, like those of the manatee.
And there's something like this cuttlefish fin that goes all the way down to the feet.
David: Now, as far as the weapons are concerned… .. Obviously, a typical dolphin only has fins, but when you look at the skeleton inside the fin, it looks like a hand.
Emery: It is. And they have a humerus. They have the same bones as us.
And instead of seeing yourself as the skeleton of a whale where you just see that - bare hand. I mean, you could see that.
Even whales, if you look at their things, even their backs, they have little leg bones inside their bodies that have been receding into them for millions of years.
But these are skeletal arms and legs like us.
David: So if the legs are short, how are the arms? Do they have longer arms?
Emery: Yeah, they're longer than the legs. Absolutely.
David: Interesting.
Emery: Yeah, they're not the fastest runners on the planet.
David: Ha, ha, ha. But again, I feel like there is this humanizing intelligence that takes different types of life and will make it in such a way that it has opposable thumbs and hands and….
Emery: Yeah.
David: And it's conscious.
Emery: I believe there is a conscious energy in the universe that over time affects other planets around the entire universe, and maybe even multiverses, where it's the same program. five stars.
David: Yeah.
Emery: I think it's kind of a program.
David: That's right. So, could you…. . Do you have any information on the origin of these dolphins? Have you ever worked directly with them, one-on-one?
Emery: I only worked indirectly with them. It means that I only saw them. And I was never able to communicate with them because it's a very special language, and you have to have a special device that interprets the frequencies of their tweets.
David: Oh really?
Emery: And it's kind of like Morse code but very, very, very fast.
David: Hm.
Emery: You might have a few dozen chirps in a second, but we don't have the brains or the hearing skills to catch it, it's so fast.
David: Wow!
Emery: But it's, you know, quite a conversation that we might take,… .. In one of those episodes, 30 minutes could be done in five minutes for them.
David: Wow! Do they think it's really slow to talk to us? Is it boring for them?
Emery: Yeah. Yes, and they have…. a bigger brain… three times the size of our brain.
David: Wow!
Emery: And they're very aware of it. And I feel bad for the dolphins and whales here because we should treat them like we treat these ETs.
Just because you can't communicate with them doesn't mean they're unaware or they're stupid.
Maybe we are ignorant.
David: So you don't have any information on their origin?
Emery: Oh, from the Pleiades and Sirius section.
David: Oh, okay.
Emery: The Aquarians started in the Pleiades and then migrated, I know, to the Sirius section. I don't know where, but I'm only telling you what I read in the history of this library.
And I was fascinated, of course, by dolphins and whales. I have a very good connection with them.
I have taken a lot of underwater photos and have a very strong bond with these fish and mammals.
David: Could we now talk about the Manatee you talked about a bit more?
Emery: Yeah.
David: Tell us more exactly what it looks like visually. Let's start with the face. We know what a manatee's face looks like:
Emery: Yeah, looks like……
David:… .. a bit like a walrus, but without the tusks.
Emery: Yeah, it looks like that.
I used to play jokes on my dear Beowulf, my dog, who recently passed away. He has this face …… He's a French mastiff, you know.
David: Yeah.
Emery: He's a Dogue de Bordeaux, but he's very human. And it's more solid instead of having the big one,…. like a manatee has that big fat muzzle with all the whiskers.
David: Yeah.
Emery: It's more contracted, and the eyes are all black and they're very close to each other on these beings. And they look very obese.
David: Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Emery: And they have little hands that they don't really use, kind of like a T-Rex.
David: Wow!
Emery: And it's really funny. And they are very funny.
David: When you say they look obese, would they have the rollers like we would see…?
Emery: Yeah.
David:… .. with a very obese person?
Emery: Yeah, they have buns.
David: Okay.
Emery: They have buns. And they are very strong beings. And they also have these short short legs, you know, maybe 24 ″ up to where the knees go in [where] the body begins.
But they are very tall, very tall. In fact, they made a dwarf at least two feet above me.
And they had the personality of a very old scientist. “And they know everything.”
They have this thing about… .. Their main thing is the story, how they came to be “Enlightened Aquafarians”. They compete with dolphins, and… .. It's a very funny thing - kind of like my dog does. He knows everything.
And I have this feeling of humility, but they can talk. They have vocal cords; they don't chirp. They don't have that other voice…. like dolphins and other Aquafarians. In fact, they can talk.
And they speak in very deep tones and deep voices like no human you've ever heard. I wish I could reproduce it, but I can't.
David: So just a few basics here, like what would their color be? What would be the color of their skin?
Emery: It's like seeing manatees here on the planet. They have a dull gray, but it is not the same that we see in our manatees.
And I have worked on many manatees. I did stem cells from manatees in Florida that were run over by propeller boats.
And they have very… skin. smoother and more textured that has a sheen. And it's a bluish gray.
And they have mustaches on the sides of their face, kind of like a very small mustache.
David: You said there are little hands coming out of their upper body.
Emery: Yeah.
David: Do they have fingers and thumbs like us?
Emery: Yeah, they have four fingers and a very small thumb that you can barely see - just a nub.
David: Hm.
Emery: And they can use them. I never saw them hold anything. I've never seen them grab or hold, but they're very nimble. They can move. They are very big.
And they communicate very well. And you could hear a deep voice around the corner and you know he's one of those Aquafarians of this system.
David: And do you know where they are from?
Emery: They're also from the Pleiades system.
David: Okay.
Emery: Yeah.
David: Are they wearing clothes?
Emery: Yeah. They have costumes that they wear that are shaped over them by a special device.
Remember they can be in the water or out of the water, you know.
David: Okay.
Emery: They can hold their breath for a very long time, but they don't breathe water like other people.
But they can certainly work underwater for over an hour. I remember a few of them looking into one of the operating rooms in the aquarium, treating one of their own for something. I don't remember exactly what the story was behind this, but I just remember admiring them working on these beings underwater with their little fingers. It was really cute.
David: Hm.
Emery: And I've never been able to interact face to face like you and me. I was indirectly on a show where I watched them, and people taught me about them.
David: Okay, last question, then time is up. You mentioned the telepathic and spiritual ecstasy of some of these aliens.
You said to speak verbally, not telepathically. Do you still feel a kind of spiritual bliss while being around the beings of the Manatee?
Emery: Yeah, there is something about them. They can resonate with a sound that humans cannot hear, but can feel. And it's a very nice feeling.
It reminds me of when I hear a good song, and I start to feel it. And that's how I feel when they're around. It's that thud inside you.
You can feel it from very far away from them. I mean, they were at least 10m, maybe 15 ′, from me. And I was outside the tank.
And they're setting there making that energy. It's just energy; they don't dance… ..
David: That's right.
Emery:…. but it makes you feel like music. It's like a kind of harmonic.
David: Wow!
Emery: It's really beautiful.
David: Well that's all the time we have left in this episode. It is very, very fascinating, and I hope that we will have the opportunity to meet these beings soon.
Do you think this will happen?
Emery: Oh, I know it's gonna happen.
David: Wow! It would be amazing.
Well I want to thank you for watching. It's “Cosmic Disclosure” with our special guest Emery Smith.
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