David Wilcock with Emery Smith
Bigfoot and Tall Whites
David Wilcock: Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and we're here with our special guest, Emery Smith, continuing our fascinating discussion about the co-workers that he actually interacted with as live beings while in the underground facilities.
Emery, welcome back.
Emery Smith: Thanks, Dave. Excited to be here.
David: What was the very first extraterrestrial that you saw on these bases, like the first time you actually saw a living being that was not human like us?
Emery: That's the Tall Whites.

David: Ah, okay.
Emery: Yeah, absolutely.
David: So could you tell us a little bit more about that first meeting? Because, obviously, I would think the very first time you actually see a living being that's clearly not one of us, it has to be just an absolute landmark moment in your entire life.
Emery: Well, actually, indirectly, by seeing these from afar, and seeing these through different windows and different programs, and then reading about them, I had a really good understanding of what was going on way before I was even getting able to see these, by researching programs that I was allowed to.

David: Oh.
Emery: So they're breaking you in first just by watching videos and reading books and reading things on their database system that have to do with the past of working with these beings and these creatures.
David: So let's open up this Tall White discussion, because there has been some confusion in terms of, for example, certain discrepancies between the whistleblower named Charles Hall, and what he called Tall Whites, whose eyes seemed to be more like Greys, but had a bluish tinge.
We have Pete Peterson who's described his experience with Tall Whites, and he said that it doesn't really mean any one type. It just is a classification based on their appearance.
Emery: Correct.
David: And Corey has his experiences with the Anshar, which appear to be very much more human-like, but as they age, they will get taller eventually.
So what would you call Tall Whites? Just give us a description of what they look like, and any other specific physical identifying details to start with.
Emery: Sure. They're over 7' tall. They have a small face, a little bit smaller than ours. They're very slender in the arms – very ectomorphic as we would say.
They have a very fluid movement that's actually like a dance. So it's kind of like this: when they move, they're articulating their joints, and their limbs are flexible, not like ours, which are really rigid.
They also have a very deep understanding of all of our belief systems, and they're very compassionate, and they're very smart.
And I've seen them from afar probably six to seven months before I was actually next to a few of them during a project.
David: So if I gather correctly, then, the face would be predominantly like ours, but just smaller?
Emery: It's slender. You know, I hate to bring up movies, but in the Star Wars movies, there was a group of Tall White beings that were making clones of one of the soldiers there, and they were in charge of this planet, and they had this really slender, beautiful, oval face with these really beautiful eyes that took most of the face up.
So the eyes were at least two times to three times larger than our own eyes, and their nose was almost non-existent – very small, very petite, kind of like an Asian nose – with just very small nostrils and beautiful lips and a nice small mouth.
David: So the eyes are a very prominent features, then . . .
Emery: Yes.
David: . . . but they would be almost like one of these Anime characters in the sense that it still looks human, . . .
Emery: Right.
David: . . . but they're just a lot larger.
Emery: Exactly. The eyes are oval, and they're offset about 20°, so they are like this.

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