Saturday, September 30, 2023

A Compilation Of Clear UFO Footage?

A Compilation Of Clear
UFO Footage?

36 Minute Compilation Of The Clearest UFO Footage?

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Is there a Galactic Federation? - Robert Sepehr

Is there a Galactic Federation? -
Robert Sepehr

There has been a lot of speculation regarding alleged advanced anti-gravitic technology following the second world war, with some claiming the establishment of a secret space program based on these technological breakthroughs. A number of German scientists were said to have been incorporated by the US through Operation Paperclip, with a segment that may have escaped according to some accounts of the events surrounding Operation Highjump in Antarctica.

A former Israeli space security chief has recently claimed publicly that earthlings have been in contact with extraterrestrials from a "galactic federation." Haim Eshed, former head of Israel's Defense Ministry's space directorate said cooperation agreements had been signed between species, including an "underground base in the depths of Mars" where there are American astronauts and alien representatives.

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If You Call Them, They Will Come: Three True CE-5 Cases with Humanoids

If You Call Them, They Will Come:
Three True CE-5 Cases with Humanoids

There are many different kinds of UFO encounters. Sightings, landings, face-to-face encounters, onboard experiences, and more. Cases can be broken down into categories such as close encounters of the first, second, third and fourth kind. Then there are close encounters of the fifth kind, or human-initiated encounters. This unique category can contain all the other types of encounters, but is differentiated from them because the encounters themselves are the result of humans reaching out to ETs. Cases like these are important because they show that humans can develop an interactive relationship with the UFO phenomenon and the ETs. This video presents three extensive true cases of CE-5 contact that go beyond simple sightings and resulted in actual face-to-face contact with extraterrestrials.

SOMETHING NOT OF THIS EARTH. In Jun of 1996, Jeneva Sterling drove to a remote location in the mountains of Santa Clarita, CA to seek answers about the many issues in her life. Depressed, she screamed out to the skies, “Why is life so crappy?! Why am I here?!” At that moment, a brilliant light appeared behind and moved towards her. Soon it was close enough to see it wasn’t any conventional craft. In fact, it was almost totally silent. Then it hovered directly overhead and beamed her with light. Thinking she was about to be abducted, Jeneva collapsed to the ground and trembled with fear. The beam retracted, but the strange light stayed overhead, making a low buzzing noise. Jeneva had never been so scared in her life, but soon her fear began to pass, and the object moved closer. Jeneva began to speak to it. Before long, her fear left and she realized that the UFO was not going to hurt her. In fact, the whole experience became deeply moving and spiritually transformative. The object remained there all night long, communing with Jeneva and totally lifting her out of her depression. When sunrise came, the UFO zoomed off. Jeneva, however, was forever changed. She became interested in UFOs and remote viewing, and began having vivid dreams of being onboard a UFO. And then, one day, the UFO returned.

A LOVE LIKE NEVER BEFORE. Hector Sawiak had never seen a UFO. But in Mar 2015, he heard about sightings near his home in San Juan, Argentina. He decided to go out hiking and try to have an encounter. Unfortunately, nothing showed up. But that night, after going to bed, he woke up to hear his name being called in his head. He jumped up and went to the window in time to see a brilliant UFO streak across the sky. He was amazed. Had the UFO occupants woken him up to show their craft? A few months later, Hector was asleep in bed when the room filled with light. Waking up, he was terrified to see two tall ETs standing in the doorway. They were slender, with dark eyes and large bald heads, and wore olive-green jumpsuits. “Don’t be afraid,” they said. “We are not going to hurt you.” Hector’s fear evaporated and instead, he felt “a love like never before.” One of the ETs approached his bedside and said, “I have come to heal you.” Hector cried with intense joy and gratitude as the ETs gave him a tiny pill and told him to swallow it. The next thing he knew, it was morning. Hector knew his life would never be the same.

IN THE COMPANY OF EXTRATERRESTRIALS. In Apr 2015, 14-year-old Abdiel saw the TV show, Hangar One, all about UFOs. The subject immediately intrigued him. UFOs were real? He could hardly believe it. If they were real, he thought, he wanted to see one. One week later, he was in his backyard in Puerto Rico, when a bright light caught his eye, a golden-yellow object was moving across the sky. It was a UFO! Abdiel was amazed. He had expressed a desire to see a UFO one week earlier, and then one had appeared. That couldn’t be a coincidence. Before long he had another sighting. This was followed by weird knocks on the window of his home. Shortly later, he was amazed to see a strange circle in his backyard, just as if a UFO had landed there. Later he found another strange mark in the grass that looked like an ET head. Could the ETs be trying to contact with him? A few days later, Abdiel got his answer. Going into his backyard to inspect the marks on his lawn, he was shocked to observe a strange humanoid run across his yard. It was short, brown in color, with a large triangular-shaped bald head and big, dark, round eyes. It was an ET. Soon, more sightings would follow, and this time, his camera was ready.

These three cases all qualify as close encounters of the 5th kind. In each case, people reached out to the ETs and received a dramatic unmistakable response. These cases show just how closely ETs are watching over all of us, and that if a person asks for contact, they can initiate their own encounter and experience the UFO phenomenon firsthand. These three cases are covered in detail in my book, “Humanoids and High Strangeness: Twenty True UFO Encounters.” Now available!

Preston Dennett Website:

YouTube link:

UFOs & The Future of Mankind… Insightful New Findings Shared!

UFOs & The Future of Mankind…
Insightful New Findings Shared!

2023 Contact in the Desert Expo - Ancient Astronaut Theory argues that ancient civilizations, such as the Sumerians, Egyptians, and Mayans, possessed knowledge and technology that would have been impossible for humans of that era to develop on their own. They suggest that this advanced knowledge may have been given to them by extraterrestrial visitors.

Could intelligent extraterrestrial beings have visited Earth in ancient times? Did they interact with human civilizations, influencing their culture, religion, and technology? This theory proposes that many ancient texts, artworks, and structures contain evidence of extraterrestrial contact. Hear from our leading panel of experts on exciting NEW discoveries and the latest evidence to answer the burning question: Did Extraterrestrials visit our Ancestors on Earth in the Past? And if so, What Does that Mean for our Human Story?

Editor’s Note; We would like to extend our sincere apologies for the poor video quality experienced in some segments of our content, which was regrettably caused by unforeseen technical issues during the filming.

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Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – Sept 30, 2023

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with
Dr Michael Salla – Sept 30, 2023

Week in Review Topics:

  • Theories on Faster than Light space travel,
  • Dr. Jack Sarfatti on reverse engineering efforts for space time      technologies,
  • Congressional opposition to the UAP Disclosure Act for 2023,
  • JP Update on returning activation jewel to Atlantic space ark,
  • Are whistleblowers only revealing unsuccessful reverse engineering      programs of UFO
  • Michael Schellenberger has spoken to more whistleblowers about classified      UFO programs,
  • Rendlesham Forest UFO witness claims the vehicle came from the future,
  • Vol 2 of US Army Insiders released on Monday Oct 2,
  • Webinar on UFO Crash Retrievals held today,
  • Identifying prominent officials opposing the UAP Disclosure Act,
  • Excellent primer on how UAP Disclosure Act would be implemented once      passed into law,
  • Some UFO researchers are talking about extraterrestrials living among      us,
  • Dr. Anton Anfalov reveals more on Russia UFO crashes and reverse      engineering programs,
  • Elena Danaan reflects on similarities between Jerry Wills and another Tau      Cetian, Val Nek,
  • Dept of Energy puts up its own UFO documents website.

    YouTube link:

  • Friday, September 29, 2023

    The End of UFO Secrecy? 30+ UFO Whistleblowers!

    The End of UFO Secrecy?
    30+ UFO Whistleblowers!

    In this riveting episode of the Lehto Files, we delve deep into recent revelations surrounding whistleblower testimonies on UFOs and potential government cover-ups.
    Explore Michael Schellenberger's blockbuster reporting that corroborates Grusch's claims on retrieved alien crafts and reverse engineering.
    Dive deep into the escalating controversy with dozens of whistleblowers coming to the forefront, adding credibility to previously dismissed allegations.
    Question the growing secrecy surrounding UAP investigations and major players' roles, including Lloyd Austin and Raytheon Technologies.
    Understand the potential legal implications of disinformation at high levels.
    As the quest for transparency continues, the walls of secrecy appear to be thinning. Are we on the brink of a major revelation? Or is there more to the story than meets the eye?

    Join Chris Lehto in this enlightening discussion, and be part of a community that demands answers.

    YouTube link:

    The Most Mysterious Glitch Videos You Will Ever See

    The Most Mysterious Glitch
    Videos You Will Ever See

    From mysterious videos of super humans caught on camera, strange phenomena in the sky, creepy paranormal videos and unexplained glitches in the matrix I will analyze the creepiest and the most mysterious glitch videos you will ever see. This is an insane compilation of our best glitch videos. Welcome to the Impossible channel where James LaFleur analyses the creepiest and the most mind blowing videos for your entertainment.

    The mysterious sighting:
    It was a sunny day when a man spotted what looked like a cylinder type object hovering just next to his home. Baffled he got his camera and started to record it. It was all very strange, what was this mysterious object in the sky? Then it gets stranger - it dissapeared into the mountain without any trace.

    The invisible man:
    The idea that there are certain unexplained glitches and that we might be in a simulation is all too far fetched for many. But things are about to change after a bizarre encounter that a woman had with a group of men and their dog. She was driving back home when she noticed that two of them seemed transparent. When noticing this strange glitch she got her camera and started recording and what she caught on camera left the entire internet baffled. But are they really invisible? What kind of super power is this?

    The number on a mosquito (thumbnail):
    Imagine capturing a mosquito one day and noticing that it appears as if there’s something written on it. This is exactly what happened with a reddit user that captured a mosquito with the number 36 written on it. Some people believe that it might be part of a creepy and scary genetic mutation. But is it really a number or just a coincidence? Let’s find out.

    The paranormal roller coaster:
    A group of friends was enjoying their time on a roller coaster ride when they decided to record the moment and at the time things seemed quiet normal. However it was only after reviewing their video that they noticed something strange. The joyful moment became a scary moment. A 3rd person that wasn’t there appeared in the video and its face was all glitched. A ghost or a glitch?

    The man with super human powers:
    In certain cultures it is believed that we can develop certain areas of the brain to unleash unknown telepathic or telekinetic abilities, and it was with this in mind that Isaac Luna started posting strange and creepy tiktok videos of him apperantly levitating. The internet was completely creeped out. Is this some sort of trick or is it the real deal? These and many more unexplained and creepy videos for your entertainment.

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    Antarctica Secret Civilizations Frozen For Centuries

    Antarctica Secret Civilizations
    Frozen For Centuries

    Unearth the mysteries of Antarctica as we dive deep into the theories of ancient civilizations that may have once thrived on this icy continent. Explore the intriguing Piri Reis Map, the scientific perspectives, and the enigmatic clues left behind in our history. Could Antarctica have been home to advanced civilizations before it became a frozen wasteland? Tune in to journey through time and uncover the secrets of our planet's last unexplored frontier.

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    The Horrors of Plum Island | Hybrids, Human Experiments and Weaponized Killer Insects

    The Horrors of Plum Island |
    Hybrids, Human Experiments and
    Weaponized Killer Insects

    In July 2008, the carcass of an animal washed up on the beach at Montauk Point Long Island. Local beachcombers are used to seeing dead animals. Seagulls, fish, crabs, even the occasional whale. But they had never seen anything like this.

    Animal experts were brought in to identify it. They were stumped. It looked like part dog, part reptile and part rodent - with the beak of a bird. This animal, whatever it was, became known as the Montauk Monster.

    But where did the Monster come from?

    There could be only one answer. Plum Island.

    Plum Island is just a few miles from where the monster was found.

    Locals had heard rumors that this was a top-secret government facility that created bioweapons, engineered animal hybrids and maybe even experimented on people.

    Sounds like a wild theory.

    But then another animal washed up on the beach. Again, it couldn't be identified. And then another animal. And then two more.

    In 2010, the rumors about Plum Island seemed to be true when something else was found on the beach. This time it wasn't a strange animal. It was a body. A human body.

    Well... it was almost human.

    YouTube link:

    Paranormal & UFO Encounters – Startling Findings: Poltergeists, Shadows & Time Anomalies and More!

    Paranormal & UFO Encounters – Startling Findings:
    Poltergeists, Shadows & Time Anomalies and More!

    In this presentation we look at some of the most strangest paranormal events and reveal some of the startling discoveries made through scientific analysis of apports and quantum bridging, instrumental trans-communication, poltergeist manifestations, physical attacks, incendiary effect and combustion, shadow figures, corporate investigations, time anomalies and investigations involving police authorities.

    YouTube link:

    Thursday, September 28, 2023

    From Area 51 to German Labs… Military Experiments in Time Travel and Portals

    From Area 51 to German Labs…
    Military Experiments in Time Travel
    and Portals

    Did secret US government experiments at Area 51 open portals of space-time? Exploring temporal dynamics, time travel, and portal technology? Retired AFOSI agent Richard Doty rejoins Tim Tactical Advisor to discuss the history of American and German military involvement with portals.

    YouTube link:

    Galactic Federation of Worlds September Q&A with Val Nek

    Galactic Federation of Worlds
    September Q&A with Val Nek

    Megan Rose - September Q&A with Val Nek and friends:
    NASA and the Occult, Space Force Space Fence and Starshield, The Prime Directive, Mexican Congress and Alien Bodies, Elon Musk soul scalped, The Shift, Galactic Phone Calls, The Emergency Broadcast System, NASA and Disclosure, Timeline Technology and Maui Disaster.

    YouTube link:

    Britain's Biggest UFO Conspiracy: What Really Happened?

    Britain's Biggest UFO Conspiracy:
    What Really Happened?

    In 2016 in a Village on the outskirts of Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom, something very strange happened in the night sky.

    With a heavy Military presence, loud explosions & key eye witnesses many say there was something not from this world in the sky.

    what we have on this podcast will shock you!


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    Russia studies crashed UFOs at Taganay Park Ural Mountains & near Baikonur Cosmodrome

    Russia studies crashed UFOs at
    Taganay Park Ural Mountains & near
    Baikonur Cosmodrome

    Russia has retrieved dozens of alien spacecraft during the Soviet and post-Soviet eras and taken recovered technologies to select aerospace facilities for research and development. In his third Exopolitics Today interview, Dr. Anton Anfalov discusses several additional cases of Soviet UFO crash retrieval operations and two of the top secret facilities to which they are taken. The first facility is under the Tyuratam missile test range, which is adjacent to the famed Baikonur Cosmodrome that was constructed in 1955. He explains that Baikonur was originally a diversion from the more important underground facility at Tyuratam.

    The second facility is under the Taganay National Park, which is located in the Ural Mountains. The Taganay facility was completed in 1991, which coincided with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The Taganay Urals base is today Russia’s premier facility for studying retrieved alien spacecraft and for constructing reverse-engineered vehicles. The Taganay Urals facility uses an abandoned underground tunnel system built by an ancient civilization or extraterrestrial visitors.

    Dr Anfalov discusses some of the meetings held between Soviet/Russian leaders with different groups of extraterrestrial visitors, and US and Soviet space cooperation that began during the Nixon administration. He also talked about what may be a buried oval shaped space ark buried in Siberia and other possible arks in the Kherson/Crimea regions.

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    Wednesday, September 27, 2023

    Disclosure is Coming: Months, Not Years! Putting a Full Stop to the Truth Embargo

    Disclosure is Coming: Months, Not Years!
    Putting a Full Stop to the Truth Embargo

    For a quarter century political activist Stephen Bassett has passionately advocated for the formal confirmation of the presence in our world of technology piloted or controlled by non-human intelligence – Disclosure. He has made the case in 20 countries the Truth Embargo imposed on this issue by the U.S. Government must end and the existential reasons why it can’t happen too soon.

    From the moment of the Trinity atom bomb test – one year prior to the events at Roswell, NM – the non-human presence has been entwined with the global nuclear arms race in ways we are finally coming to acknowledge. One of two outcomes will prevail – Disclosure or nuclear war.

    Viewer's Note: Due to technical challenges during recording, only select segments of the 1-hour lecture visually feature the speaker. For the majority of the presentation, a holding slide will accompany the speaker's audio. We deeply apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding."

    Stephen Bassett, a leading political activist and Disclosure advocate, directs Paradigm Research Group (PRG), which seeks transparency on extraterrestrial phenomena. Globally recognized, he’s addressed the implications of "Disclosure" and boasts over 1200 media interviews, including CNN and the New York Times. PRG has notably organized the “Citizen Hearing on Disclosure” and impacted the 2016 presidential campaign. His insights frequently feature in documentaries and online platforms

    Official website:

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    Tuesday, September 26, 2023

    Shocking Revelations in Rendlesham Forest UFO Event - UK's Roswell

    Shocking Revelations in Rendlesham Forest
    UFO Event - UK's Roswell

    Join retired US Air Force fighter pilot and UFO investigator Chris Lehto as he interviews Gary Hesseltine, a retired British police detective and author of the new book "Non-Human: The Rendlesham Forest UFO Incidents - 42 Years of Denial."

    In this fascinating discussion, Gary provides an in-depth look at the Rendlesham Forest UFO incidents that took place over several nights in late December 1980 near two US Air Force bases in Suffolk, England. With Chris's aviation expertise, the two analyze witness accounts and examine new evidence uncovered during Gary's extensive 5-year reinvestigation of these historic events.

    Gary explains why Rendlesham may be the most complicated UFO case ever, with multiple sightings, hundreds of military eyewitnesses, and layers of secrecy and denial by both US and UK governments. The case features reports of landed triangular craft, interactions between UFOs and military personnel, and a craft releasing glowing orbs with non-human entities inside (Larry Warren).

    Chris and Gary explore the context of nuclear weapons secretly stored at the bases, the international political climate in 1980, and why these factors may have attracted the UFOs' attention. They also discuss the potential for additional evidence to still exist, including audio recordings, film footage, and lost documents.

    For anyone fascinated by military UFO encounters or seeking a deeper understanding of Rendlesham's mysteries, don't miss this Lehto Files interview with UFO researcher and author Gary Hesseltine.

    00:00 Rendlesham complicated and covered-up
    6:15 Why “Non-Human”?
    9:50 New incident a year previous? In 1979?
    17:39 USAF Movie Cameras filmed a UFO
    24:15 Audio tapes and the Halt Memo
    29:14 UFO shot a beam into the Nuke Weapon Storage area
    34:55 3 military witnesses control the narrative
    42:30 A new story emerged after 42 years
    47:11 Importance of detective training & experience
    52:00 Why the cover design?

    Gary Hesseltine:

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    Lunar Paradox - ET Revelations on the Moon's Role in Universal Portal Networks

    Lunar Paradox -
    ET Revelations on the Moon's
    Role in Universal Portal Networks

    How does our moon influence Earth and humanity? From his first-hand experiences with Greys and the interfrequential Being 6, Tim Tactical Advisor reveals how chaos on Earth is directly related to manipulation caused by our artificial moon. Reporting different ET perspectives about opposing energies of the moon and sun, Tim describes paradoxes of “reality clouds” and interstellar tubeways that connect lunar and solar portals throughout the universe.

    YouTube link:

    The Battle for Earth & The War in the Cosmos with Ismael Perez

    The Battle for Earth &
    The War in the Cosmos
    with Ismael Perez

    In this captivating interview, join Ismael Perez, the renowned author of 'Our Cosmic Origin,' as he delves into the cosmic battle between the ascension of human consciousness. Explore the profound implications for Earth and the greater cosmos as we navigate a pivotal moment in our cosmic journey.

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    The Lost Ancient Theories Of Atlantis

    The Lost Ancient Theories
    Of Atlantis

    Delve deep into Atlantis where we uncover the most compelling theories about this lost civilization. From the Pillars of Hercules to the icy terrains of Antarctica, the mysteries of Atlantis span across continents and eras. Discover the connections with the Richat Structure, explore the secrets of Bimini Road in The Bahamas, and take a journey to the Azores' strategic location. Was Atlantis a real place or just a tale of fiction?

    YouTube link:

    Monday, September 25, 2023

    Prohibited Alien Technology That Governments Are Reverse Engineering

    Prohibited Alien Technology That
    Governments Are Reverse Engineering

    Why is there technological leaps when alien crash landings occur? What metamaterial advancements have we made since supposed alien contact? Are the alien bodies found in Mexico real? What technology is Nasa suppressing? Are Bob Lazar's story real?

    YouTube link:

    JP Update – Returning the Activation Jewel to the Atlantic Space Ark

    JP Update –
    Returning the Activation Jewel
    to the Atlantic Space Ark

    Dr. Michael Salla:
    In mid-September 2023, JP was part of a joint mission to return an activation jewel taken from the Atlantic Space Ark earlier in July 2023. He described how five Nordic extraterrestrials handed off the jewel to JP’s team of four special operators after it had been returned by them. Four of the Nordics joined JP’s team as they descended into the space ark from a donut-shaped naval surface ship.

    After it had been taken from the space ark, the jewel had been used to activate ancient technologies around the world. Once again, JP described the deep emotions of sadness and happiness created by the jewel, which affected all members of the joint team including the four Nordics. After completing the mission, JP said the ark had begun moving and would soon detach itself from the elevator shaft connecting it to the naval surface ship. JP was told the space ark was now on the move and was expected to rise into space with the approach of a new Atlantic hurricane.


    Sunday, September 24, 2023

    Graham Hancock Just Announced The Truth About Antarctica's Hidden Jungle and The Great Pyramids

    Graham Hancock Just Announced The
    Truth About Antarctica's Hidden
    Jungle and The Great Pyramids

    In a recently posted youtube video, Graham Hancock - the unorthodox explorer of ancient history gave some shocking new information about the potential past of Antarctica and the builders of the Great Pyramid in Giza. Graham Hancock unveils astonishing revelations about the secrets of Antarctica and the enigmas surrounding the Great Pyramid in Giza.

    Was Antarctica once a green lush jungle? What caused it’s freezing? How is it possibly related to Atlantis? And what secrets did the builders of the Great Pyramids know about the past? In this captivating episode of Secret Origins, we'll challenge conventional history and explore the secrets that lie beneath.

    When we talk about Antarctica there always comes the question whether it was always frozen and whether there was once a time, when life flourished and it was all green.

    There are many fascinating accounts of people who have ventured there. And one of them describes Antarctica quite differently than we’re used to imagine. For example, it points that the mountains there were strangely pointy and four-sided, making them look eerily unique, as if like pyramids. Contrary to his preconceived notion—formed perhaps from maps and images of penguins—that the landscape would be fairly flat, he found it to be much more mountainous. This can also be seen in the Orontius Finaeus map, where the edges seem to indicate the presence of mountains.

    What fuels speculations that there is much more than we know about Antarctica, is an international agreement among countries that lay claim to parts of Antarctica. Under this pact, they have all vowed not to excavate or extract minerals from the region. Some even suggest that breaking this pact could be a catalyst for World War III. Apparently, there appears to be something significant being protected or preserved, possibly beneath the continent's thickest layers of ice, which reach up to three miles in depth. Additionally, there are numerous research articles that state that around 90 million years ago, the now ice-covered Antarctic continent was home to a lush rainforest.

    Also, the stories about the Great Pyramid of Giza have been an ongoing topic of discussion for years, and numerous theories have been proposed about its construction, purpose, and the technology used by the ancients. From astronomical alignments and mystical powers to its quite doubtful use as a tomb for Pharaohs, the questions surrounding the pyramid remain.

    But in a recent video Graham Hancock, the renown explorer announced some fascinating and little known details about the ancient megastructure. He suggested that a significant event might have changed the face of the Great Pyramid. Some researchers point to an earthquake in 1301 that led to the loss of its summit, resulting in its current height of approximately 450 to 455 feet, down from its original 481 feet.

    By analyzing the slope of the pyramid's sides, experts can calculate its original height and determine that as much as 30 feet was lost. Today, the top of the Great Pyramid appears as a stepped platform, featuring two distinct levels. Simple calculations based on the existing side lengths reveal that the original height of the pyramid was indeed 481 feet, meaning a loss of about 30 feet.

    However, the uncertainty remains: Was the Great Pyramid ever actually completed? You will find out in this video.

    YouTube link:

    Saturday, September 23, 2023

    Taken Onboard A UFO: Five True Cases

    Taken Onboard A UFO:
    Five True Cases

    It is perhaps the ultimate UFO encounter: being taken onboard a UFO. Unlike sightings, landings and face-to-face encounters, witnesses find themselves in a totally alien environment. The floor, the walls, the ceiling – everything around them is extraterrestrial, including the beings themselves. An onboard experience is the most extensive of all UFO encounters. They contain more data than any other encounter (except for perhaps a UFO crash/retrieval,) and often involve significant interaction and communication between the experiencer and the ETs themselves. These are the cases that have volumes to teach us about extraterrestrial contact. Here are five cases of onboard experiences. These cases provide significant evidence pointing towards the reality of UFOs and the ETs.

    THE ONBOARD UFO EXPERIENCE OF JOYCE UPDIKE. In Aug 1967, Joyce Updike was cleaning her home in Platte, NB, late at night when the room filled with light. What seemed like moments later, she woke up in bed, only to find that hours had passed. Afterward, her husband found a circle of burned grass outside. Joyce had sore eyes, and some of her hair began to fall out. She became interested in UFOs, ancient civilizations, past-lives, and more. She began to have telepathy and poltergeist activity. Years later, she heard about UFOs and missing time, and realized that this is what she had experienced. Going under hypnosis, she recalled a long onboard encounter with human-like ETs who examined her and gave her messages about the future of Earth.

    THE ONBOARD UFO EXPERIENCE OF ALEJANDRA MARTINEZ DE PASCUCCI. It was Jul 2, 1968, and Alejandra was walking to her home in Quilmes, Argentina when she was overcome by a strange magnetic force. Unable to move or cry out, the next thing she knew, she was lying down on a table onboard a UFO. The interior was white, spotless, with rounded walls. Beside her were two tall figures wearing glowing uniforms. While they looked human, Alejandra could see that they were “not from Earth.” They seemed to gesture to each other as they maneuvered the craft. Consumed with fear, Alejandra was ejected from the craft in a different location. Later, weird landing traces would provide more evidence of her encounter.

    THE ONBOARD UFO EXPERIENCE OF JUDY KENDALL. Around 6:00 pm on Nov 26, 1972, Judy Kendall and her two sisters drove home from Zamora to Bodega Bay, CA, a two-hour trip. They were crossing the Cache Creek Bridge when the car felt weirdly cold, and an odd tiredness swept over them. They missed their exit only to find themselves crossing the same bridge twice! When they arrived home, more than four hours had passed. Their parents had called the police. Years later, Judy recalled her missing time event and underwent hypnosis. She recalled that her car had been lifted up from the highway and into a UFO. She was taken into a room and underwent a physical examination at the hands of small beings, one human-looking figure and a terrifying insectoid ET.

    THE ONBOARD UFO EXPERIENCE OF KAREN LYSTER. It was a Friday night in Jan 1978 as Karen Lyster looked out the window of her hotel in Sydney, Australia to see a glowing object hovering outside. The next thing she knew, it was Sunday morning, and she was waking up in bed. She was missing more than a day of time. She later suddenly remembered that she had been pulled into the UFO and confronted by six beautiful people with dark hair, blue eyes, and flawless skin. They wanted to do tests on her hands, they said. Later, she was left alone in a weird round room. Karen decided to explore the craft. She walked down the hallway to another room where the walls turned transparent and revealed a field of stars. This was the latest of many encounters in her life.

    THE ONBOARD UFO EXPERIENCE OF ANTONIO NELSO TASCA. On December 13, 1986, real-estate agent Antonio Nelso Tasca was driving on a dirt road outside of Chapeco, Brazil when he came upon a huge craft blocking the road. It struck him with a beam of light and pulled him inside. Antonio was examined by strange ETs and then was put into another room and undressed. A beautiful female humanoid entered and seduced him. After the two had an intimate encounter, she gave Antonio a long warning and a message for all humanity about the future of the planet and the need for radical change of society. Afterward, Antonio was dropped miles from the original location, with a large unexplained scar on his body. His case would become one of the best-verified in his country.

    These five cases reveal many of the strange procedures that occur when people are taken onboard a UFO. They involve a wide variety of ET types and show how ET contact can affect a person profoundly in different ways. These cases also provide substantial evidence of the reality of UFOs, including landing traces, medical evidence, and electromagnetic effects. They also show that onboard encounters are occurring all over the world, and likely in large numbers. We are not alone!

    Preston Dennett Website:

    YouTube link:

    The Rendlesham UFO Encounter and the Alien Message from the Future

    The Rendlesham UFO Encounter and
    the Alien Message from the Future

    The night after Christmas, 1980, was the last time Airman First Class John Burroughs would ever lead a normal life.

    He was on patrol at an American-operated Woodbridge Air Force base in southern England. Woodbridge and nearby Bentwaters - called the Twin Bases were rumored to possess nuclear materials. This was the middle of the Cold War, and tensions were high.

    The threat of nuclear attack, global escalation, and more, sat heavy on the shoulders of Burroughs and his fellow servicemen. But their job was simple: keep themselves, their nation, and their allies safe.

    So, Burroughs conducted his nightly rounds, checking the perimeter for anything that threatened the peace. Suddenly, a bright light descended from the sky. Then another. Burroughs watched as the lights fell into the forest surrounding the base.

    When he and his team arrived to inspect the crash site, they were worried it was a Soviet incursion. But, what they found was far more terrifying than anything the Soviets could think of.

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    Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – Sept 23, 2023

    Exopolitics Today Week in Review with
    Dr Michael Salla – Sept 23, 2023


  • Germany signs Artemis Accords,
  • Jerry Wills and ET Baby drop offs to be discussed at the Galactic      Spiritual Informers Connection,
  • More on Russia’s UFO crash retrievals and reverse engineering projects,
  • Biosignature found on exoplanet but NASA declares it will take a year to      confirm,
  • US Presidents and UFOs presentation from 2021,
  • John Greenewald taking an unbalanced approach to David Grusch FOIA      info,
  • Sept 30 Webinar Trailer,
  • Scientific American sets out to become a new UFO gatekeeper,
  • Orb UFO causes USAF jet to malfunction,
  • Laser weapons deployed by conventional military services,
  • US Customs and Border Patrol’s data dump of UFO document and videos.


  • Friday, September 22, 2023

    New UFO Revelations, Surviving Death Evidence, and More!

    New UFO Revelations,
    Surviving Death Evidence, and More!

    Leslie Kean joins me again to discuss brand new UFO revelations, evidence for surviving death, and much more! Leslie is an investigative journalist and author of two groundbreaking books - UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record and Surviving Death: A Journalist Investigates Evidence for an Afterlife.

    In this interview, we cover:

  • Her latest bombshell UFO article about crash retrievals and      whistleblowers like Dave Grusch
  • The congressional UFO hearings and testimony
  • Updates on the UFO disclosure movement and where it's heading
  • Her research into evidence of the afterlife, including near-death      experiences, mediumship, and her personal experiences
  • The relationship between UFO experiencers and reports of the paranormal
  • Exciting new cases she's investigating and evidence that's still coming to      light on older ones

    Leslie provides an incredible insider perspective on the evolution of UFO research and her decades investigating these fascinating topics. Don't miss this update from one of the most credible voices in the field!

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  • Various Eyewitnesses Share Their Recordings of UFOs in Alaska | The Alaska Triangle

    Various Eyewitnesses Share Their
    Recordings of UFOs in Alaska |
    The Alaska Triangle

    Alaska has a long history of UFO sightings, where unexplainable lights and mysterious objects have frequently filled the skies. Eyewitness accounts, as well as previously undisclosed evidence, strongly suggest that these sightings may be indicative of UFO landings in the area.

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    Latest UFO cover up! US Intelligence Agencies refuse to cooperate with Congress! What next??

    Latest UFO cover up!
    US Intelligence Agencies refuse
    to cooperate with Congress!
    What next??

    Last month, The US Congress demanded that the OIG of the Intelligence Community reveal any and all specifics about UAP reverse engineering or research programs by Sep. 15. What Congress got was utterly outrageous!

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    Ultraterrestrials: Invisible Portals to Enter Our Reality | Advanced UAP Insights

    Invisible Portals to Enter Our Reality |
    Advanced UAP Insights

    Join Steve Mera, a seasoned presenter and researcher with over 40 plus years of expertise in the field of paranormal and UFOlogical Study, in this thought-provoking presentation as he explores the intriguing link between geology and UFO phenomena. Dive into the realms of time displacement, gravitational anomalies, and the profound impact of consciousness and the observer effect on human psychology. Are we mere pawns in the manipulation of these phenomena, and how can we stay one step ahead? Additionally, we'll delve into fascinating topics such as Glamouring, Theta Brain Wave Induction, and the enigmatic Interference Syndrome Injury (ISI). Discover incidents from around the world where UFO encounters took a startling turn.

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    Thursday, September 21, 2023

    Steven Greer Reveals Mind-Blowing Alien Disclosure

    Steven Greer Reveals
    Mind-Blowing Alien Disclosure

    Unmasking UFOs: Steven Greer's Disclosure Event and the Reality of Extraterrestrial Existence | Chris Lehto

    I'm your host Chris Lehto. This exciting episode focuses on a controversial figure, Steven Greer, and his Disclosure Project Recent Conference in DC.

    In this detailed breakdown, we scrutinize Greer's claims and evaluate the significant evidence he's gathered over the years. You'll hear about the alleged sophisticated disinformation campaign against Greer, the shocking witness testimonies, and the staggering numbers - from the 752 witnesses to the 121 UFO crash retrieval cases.

    Join me as we navigate the intriguing path of understanding extraterrestrial intelligence and disclosing UFO information. Based on recent revelations and my personal interview with Steven Greer, we aim to bring you closer to the truth, no matter how unbelievable it may seem.

    Stay until the end for an important public message directed at the military-industrial complex and those who maintain the continued undisclosed projects.

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    Wednesday, September 20, 2023

    Black Ops and UFOs: The Hidden Truth Revealed

    Black Ops and UFOs:
    The Hidden Truth Revealed

    0:00 - Intro
    1:53 - Case 1 Varginha, Brazil - Moment of Contact trailer
    10:22 - Case 2 Peru - Buried in Stone by Jonathan Weygandt
    17:00 - Craft leaking weird liquid
    24:45 - Taken by guys in "Black Cammies"
    31:54 - Case 3 Floating Octagon in Indonesia
    40:00 - Taken by guys in "Black Camos."
    47:48 - What was in the boxes?
    53:15 - Conclusion

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    Unidentified, Unforgettable: A Coast Guard's Encounter with the Unknown

    Unidentified, Unforgettable:
    A Coast Guard's Encounter
    with the Unknown

    NASA has recently stated that much more "data" is needed in the study of UAP. Everyone wants data, but do we really lack good data when it comes to this phenomenon? For 80 years, the United States military has encountered UAP, once known as UFOs. There is a long history of encounters, as well as the deliberate suppression of evidence. Richard Dolan has uncovered a case that had been buried in the database of the National UFO Reporting Center concerning the U.S. Coast Guard in the year 1973. It involved an incredible encounter in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and the confiscation of photographs by "Men in Black," and the intimidation of the witnesses. We have the data -- it is simply being concealed from us.

    The NUFORC Case referenced here is at:

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    UFOs, Bigfoot, Unexplained Phenomena

    UFOs, Bigfoot,
    Unexplained Phenomena

    Have you ever heard of the supposed backmasking messages hidden within certain songs? Some people believe that hidden within these songs are messages sent from an alien realm and alongside with it is an idea that something very strange and creepy lies within the music world. From an unexplained phenomena in the sky caught on camera, mysterious sightings of Yeti or Bigfoot to a strange paranormal encounter in this video I will analyze the creepiest and strangest videos that have recently shaken the internet. Welcome to the Impossible channel where James LaFleur analyses the creepiest and the most mind blowing videos for your entertainment.

    Mind blowing phenomena in the sky caught on camera:
    In the 1980s and 1990s I used to love watching sci-fi movies and was completely baffled by the things I'd see and I guess most people were too. To most people capturing some sort of strange phenomena on camera was completely insane and unimaginable, it was "something out of a movie". But In the past few months several strange videos surfaced the internet of what looks like a strange phenomena: several mysterious lights in the sky that showed up in the center of a big city and were also captured on the other side of the planet. Today we will take a deeper look into some of these mysterious videos.

    Something more than mysterious in the music world:
    For decades people have wondered how some in the music world become famous from one day to the other. Strange ideas that they rely on some sort of secret pact or maybe even contact with aliens. The thing is most of the times it's just hard work. But recently I've come across certain videos that are going viral on social media of what looks like certain musicians that appear to glitch live on stage and at first I thought it was clever editing. This is until I checked the live concert myself and became completely baffled to what I was seeing. Let's deep dive within the creepiest videos and check it out yourself.

    Creepy Bigfoot or Yeti encounters:
    The legends and stories of Bigfoot are too many to affirm that his huge humanoid creature doesn't exist. And even though there's not enough proof of its existence there's a big effort from many to find out if it does. Joshua Stevens mapped all the reports from 1921 to 2013 and it's absolutely terrifying how many sightings there are in the western parts of the americas. In one video published by a YouTube channel a person actually captures a glimpse of what's supposed to be this huge humanoid creature that rapidly hides within the dark woods. But there's more: Let's deep dive into some of the most bizarre and creepiest videos caught on camera in these parts of the world and let's find out if Bigfoot could actually be out there.

    Mysterious and unexplained symbols found in bills:
    Back in the 1700s when currency was being designed certain features were chosen that could represent positive values of a new founding world. With time certain symbols have dissolved from a positive thing to hidden values and secrecy. Recently a TikTok user was playing around with his microscope and supposedly found hidden symbols within a few bills he had. Figures of Alien humanoids and unidentified flying objects can be found in his video. But is this the real deal?.

    Scary Paranormal encounter at home:
    Imagine coming back home late one night to find your door open and all the lights on. This is what happened with a woman who was walking home late one evening when she noticed that many of her house's rooms lights were on, not only that her main door was unlocked and open. Scared she starts to record a video just to make sure she's not imagining things. In a brave move she goes inside only to find a few strange things out of place. But after reviewing her video many internet users found out that she wasn't all alone. Did she actually capture a ghost on camera?.

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    Tuesday, September 19, 2023

    What Does It Feel Like to Be Near a Tall White E.T.?...

    What Does It Feel Like to
    Be Near a Tall White E.T.?...

    Dive deep into the realms of extraterrestrial encounters with the renowned Linda Moulton Howe, as she takes the stage at the 2023 Contact in the Desert Expo. In this captivating lecture, Linda explores the enigmatic world of Tall White ETs, offering unparalleled insights into their mysterious presence on our planet.

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    The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac

    The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac

    This is the ultimate field guide to the 82 extraterrestrial species that populate the universe. ET enthusiast Craig Campobasso explores the origins, physical characteristics, technological and consciousness abilities, dimensional capacities, belief systems, and cosmic agendas of each of the species. The species fall into two categories: 1) benevolent races, which function as the guardians of humanity, whose goals include helping people overcome duality, healing, and protecting; and 2) malevolent races, which are responsible for abductions, cloning, and ultimately domination. This intergalactic expose will entertain all those interested in UFOs, aliens, ETs. Sci-fi and fantasy fans of the Marvel universe; Star Trek, Star Wars, and other popular TV shows like Ancient Aliens; Roswell, and Project Blue Book are prime targets for this book that delves deep into who the real extraterrestrials are and what they want with the people of Earth.

    Monday, September 18, 2023

    What If NASA Is Reverse Engineering Restricted Alien Technology

    What If NASA Is Reverse Engineering
    Restricted Alien Technology

    Unearth the tantalizing mysteries behind NASA's technological advancements in our latest deep-dive. Could they be reverse engineering alien tech? Dive into the anomalies in advanced propulsion, and the cutting-edge world of metamaterials. Witness the astounding capabilities of the James Webb Space Telescope. Do these leaps in technology point to extraterrestrial sources, or is it sheer human ingenuity?

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    The UAP Narrative: Past and Present Media, Misinformation, and PR Tactics

    The UAP Narrative:
    Past and Present Media,
    Misinformation, and PR Tactics

    Explore Media and PR Strategies in UAP Narratives with Chrissy Newton, PR Expert and Podcaster. Discover past and present media coverage, government PR tactics, and misinformation campaigns in the world of UFOs. Chrissy Newton, founder of VOCAB Communications and renowned PR professional, shares her insights on The Debrief's YouTube channel, alongside her podcast and documentary appearances

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    Hollow Earth Chronicles: The Dark Chambers - The Nazis, UFOs, Underworld, Strange Creatures

    Hollow Earth Chronicles: The Dark Chambers -
    The Nazis, UFOs, Underworld, Strange Creatures

    The Dark Chambers is an action packed documentary film that excavates the ancient stories, oral traditions and religious beliefs surrounding the hollow earth complex; spotlighting the realm of the immortals, hybrid creatures, civilizations of giants and strange entities inhabiting these dark chambers. The adventure includes inner earth expeditions, underworld journeys, alleged entrances, UFO battles and most importantly, a biblical perspective of what exactly is going on beneath the shell that we live on.

    Russia’s UFO Crash Retrieval and Reverse Engineering Programs – Part 2

    Russia’s UFO Crash Retrieval and
    Reverse Engineering Programs – Part 2

    Dr. Michael Salla:
    In his second Exopolitics Today interview, Anton Anfalov, Ph.D., explains critical military research facilities used by the Soviet Union in studying retrieved alien spacecraft and extraterrestrial entities. These research facilities include a multilevel underground facility at the M. M. Gromov Flight Research Institute located next to the current Zhukovskiy airport complex; a Top Secret research facility inside an enormous cavern system in the Ural mountains first built by extraterrestrials; and Novosibirsk aviation plant in Eastern Siberia. He also discusses secret meetings and agreements between extraterrestrials and leading Soviet/Russian authorities dating back to 1954. He states that Nordic-looking extraterrestrials have been helping the Putin Administration with advanced technologies.

    Anton Anfalov, Ph.D., was born in the city of Sverdlovsk in the Soviet Union in 1972 and spent decades living in Crimea before his recent departure to Canada due to the intensifying Ukraine conflict. In the mid-1980s, he became interested in the UFO phenomenon after the Soviet Union first relaxed its stringent secrecy policies during the glasnost era and the subsequent Presidency of Boris Yeltsin. Dr. Anfalov has interviewed hundreds of Russian and Ukrainian whistleblowers and been given documents on the UFO phenomenon dating back to the early post-World War II Soviet era. He has gained much knowledge about UFO crash retrieval operations in the Soviet Union and Russia; learned about ancient underground tunnels built by extraterrestrials that the Kremlin repurposed for deep underground military bases; multiple UFO crash retrieval cases: meetings and agreements with extraterrestrial civilizations; and the existence of a Russian secret space program.

    Part 1 Here
