Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Holographic Medical Pods and Secret Space Programs (video)

Holographic Medical Pods and Secret Space Programs

In the Holographic Medical Pods & Secret Space Programs information is provided on how the medical pods can revive people from the dead, cure diseases, heal wounds, and remove scarring before the age regression process happens in the Secret Space Programs.

Link to pdf document of this presentation:


YouTube link: https://youtu.be/kj70mxVBEX8


  1. Why is YouTube taking Down Videos that is related to the Secret Space Program Holographic Medical Pods?...Thank You and God Bless!

    1. Because we are at war with the Deep State. They don't want the white hats to release this to the world. It has been hid from us for a very long time. The Deep State is part of the cabal/illuminati. This is a war about good vs evil.
