The Alliance’s more galactic temperament is, so far and with due diligence, outmaneuvering the dark and its many allied associates. It is all part of an astute and meticulously followed master plan that is to vanquish the dark from your planet. A grassroots revolution is brewing, a new and scrupulously moral system of common law that is mandated to be formally reintroduced to your world. A range of broad, interlocking investigations has brought to light the nefarious secrets of the dark cabal. These inquiries are to set the tone for its legal fall from power. They are associated with the rise of various transitional governments, whose primary purposes include the prosecution of thousands of individuals who served as functionaries for the illegal and fictitious “war on terror”. The process is still under way at this very moment.

When the hour arrives for the dark cabalists to prepare to step down, we will closely scrutinize those poised to succeed them. It is imperative that the designated caretaker governments establish a form of representative governance that supports your development, present and future. The prosperity programs and the many beneficent projects that these interim regimes initiate will need to be synchronized with one another. Moreover, these regimes will require new rules that empower each of you to freely participate in the process of governing: they will be among the earliest steps you take toward your galactic society. Take time to acknowledge The Being you are becoming and the towering responsibilities that you are to undertake in actualizing your new galactic society.

We return with more items to discuss with you. Your present “un-civilization” is to be morphed into one that radiates harmony and joy, and sees a burgeoning of opportunity and exploration everywhere. Human society is to be returned to the august heights witnessed in Lemuria. Once again, we wish to express our deep appreciation for what you are doing. It is a significant challenge to act on faith for such a duration as this has turned out to be. Throughout this journey, your sole confirmation of this process has been these messages, plus reports you glean from the Internet. Be assured that once these extraordinary events unfold, your hardships will joyfully end.
Each individual needs to feel acknowledged and to know that their contributions are of value to their world. A sense of belonging lies at the root of a healthy local community, which in turn forms the cornerstone of a healthy global community. When you are truly free, you are fully responsible for yourself and your community. This goes hand in hand with spiritual growth. Divine service is intended to fulfill your community by freeing you to creatively use your innate abilities to solve the everyday problems that surround you. Local communities are meant to become self-sufficient and self-regulating, able to solve whatever internal problems confront them. Only then can your intuitive gifts truly function at national and global levels. As your consciousness expands, your desire for freedom commands your full attention.

Today, we reviewed what is unfolding on your world. Events are under way that will ultimately ensure the end of the dark cabal and its many collaborators. You are being prepared to bear witness to a wondrous event: the return of the Light to Planet Earth! From that point, it will be only a short journey back to full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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Book by Sheldan Nidle
“Your First Contact” describes where we came from, why we’re here, and where we are going in this vast experiment in consciousness. Join our Sirian tour guides for the ultimate E-ticket ride of your life.

In these pages, you will discover:
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▪ Why your RNA/DNA is changing from 2 strands to 12
▪ What role Star Beings play in your evolution
▪ How Earth and the solar system will evolve
▪ Why your ascension into a fifth-dimensional being is at hand
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