A letter from James Gilliland
The Last Word
So many people are asking what is going on, will there ever be justice. The answer is yes. There is a saying Nature is slow to react but thorough. People are awakening, the fake news and mind control programs are failing. The division games with cultures and religions are no longer viable. The crooked politicians, wayward agencies power abuses, deep state as well as the puppet masters, the global elite are imploding. It is a byproduct of compression by the higher dimensional beings, their consciousness and Universal Law. Think of the Earth herself expanding ascending, then add the higher consciousness and energies pressing in. Add what the scientists are finally revealing about the solar system going through a highly energized place in the universe, the cosmic, ultraviolet, infrared rays, the Shuman resonance are off the scales. The dark realms are being squeezed, forced into the light and they are lashing out, influencing and possessing people trying to create as much havoc as possible. Healers and light workers around the world are asking what is going on. Their clients friends even family are losing it with emotional outbursts, some acting as if possessed. We are in those times. The hidden and real agendas are being exposed. By their fruits you will know them, their actions will define their character. There is a lot of double speak, lots of posing, leaders in every walk of life are being exposed and their followers are having meltdowns trying to ignore the obvious. It looks as if the world is going crazy yet it has always been crazy, it is now being revealed. The world of opposites is ending, the chaos is the healing.
So how does one discern? There are many questions that need to be asked. One are we creating heaven on Earth? Are we operating under Universal Law, Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All? Are the leaders self-serving, where is their funding coming from, who are they associated with? Where do the donations go? The main question is what is their come from? Words without deeds are dead. I had a wise man tell me there are many Archon walk ins, wolves in sheep’s clothing. They pray upon people’s empathy, compassion, and good nature. They are placed into high positions of power and by nature people want to be lie ve them. They are referred to as planned opposition. They usually have massive egos, are narcistic, shameless and cannot tell the truth no matter how much evidence is garnered against them.
The tyrants realized people will revolt without a savior so they create one, usually with the above-mentioned characteristics. They remain in full control of that person with promises of notoriety, power and wealth to control the narrative. These pupets take the podium, shake their fists at the government yet at the same time they are being paid by dark factions within the government, the global elite. These false icons brag about their high-level connections regardless of the fact these connections are Lucifarians, pedophiles, in some cases murderers. They prey upon the gullible and the ignorant, blind followers who refuse to look at or do their own research. People who do not trust their own heart, their own inner guidance. If you were clairvoyant or clairsentient you would feel and see what is within and standing behind these people, it isn’t pretty.
These sacred senses are being activated. What would happen if you stopped giving your power away? What would happen if you made your own personal connection to God/Creator/ Great Spirit? Did you know contact comes with enlightenment? Did you know you are not just a body and a personality, you are a spirit and that spirit is multidimensional? Did you know you don’t need anyone or have to pay thousands of dollars to connect to Source, see ships or make contact? All that is necessary is pure intent, discernment, a few tools and spiritual discipline. Get out in Nature, walk away. It is an inner journey, always has been. The external is the distraction. I want to leave you with two gems. One no matter how hard you try you cannot separate yourselves from Omnipresent Creator. You can however be distracted. Two the Earth’s history is a series of colonizing and terraforming experiments going back over 600,000 years according to true archeology. You want to see an ET, check out your DNA and look in a mirror. There is so much more to the story. The bottom line is those who are not frequency specific to the Earth’s ascention and act out of alignment with Universal Law will be eventually removed after some very hard lessons. Karma is real and it is accelerating. Choose kindness as your religion, be kind to each other and the planet. Be well.
James Gilliland

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