You exist in an expanding consciousness that wields its greater inherent flexibility to defeat the dark cabal and its arrogant and stubborn obstinacy. Our many allies have spent centuries quietly maneuvering themselves into the most advantageous positions of power around your world. For decades, they have been covertly planning their strategies to free humanity from debt slavery and restore Gaia to become a planet that flourishes in peace and liberty. We continue to ask for your patience. These stratagems cannot be rushed. It is vital for you to remember that you are dismantling a power structure that has reigned for over 13 millennia.

We want you to be prepared to enjoy what is anticipated to manifest in short order. Brace yourselves for messages that may perhaps shock you, but in a very positive way. We have provided the Alliance with a new "computer" system, the Quantum Financial System, which will eliminate any way to steal or manipulate monies. It is designed to eventually be the death of the central banking system, which is the means by which the cabal keeps you in debt slavery. You are meant to live in the Light, basking in the divine Truths given you freely by Heaven. In this new reality, we are to shepherd you back to your fully conscious selves. Together, we are to bring greater Light to every corner of this galaxy.

This occasion is cause for celebration as you welcome in the energies of the Galactic New Year (July 26). At dawn on July 26, the star Sirius is visible above the Mayan Pyramid, Chichen Itza, and above Maui's volcano, Mount Haleakala. As we begin a new cycle of energy, remember to welcome each dawn by setting an intention. Bear in mind that time is to be experienced and savored, and not used simply as a measured event. Let this new era ring with blessings of Joy for all!
In this time of new beginnings, be Joyous and grateful for all the wonderful events that are taking place around our globe. The major component of any reality is the power of the collective. A reality is formed by consciousness. This collective energy is "set" according to the primary beliefs you hold. Within it, you function on an individual, and a collective, basis. But it is the latter that is most crucial at this moment. Each unit within the collective is affected by the actions of every other unit, creating an interconnected physical whole: a shared and total awareness. Spiritual and physical consciousnesses are acutely interconnected. More and more people around the world are awakening to Truth. These communal interactions weave the tapestry of the given reality.

Today, we continued our ongoing discussion about what is unfolding all around you. Be patient, centered, and joyously focused upon your most deeply desired goals. Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! So be it! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)
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