Cosmic Disclosure
A Day In The Life Underground
David Wilcock: Welcome to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock. We are here with our guest, Emery Smith.
In this episode, we're going to talk about what it is like to have a day in the life on a highly classified underground base.
Emery, welcome back to the show.
Emery Smith: Hey, Dave.
David: We've talked in some length now about your autopsy experiences. We've kind of had an overview of that.
So I think you're painting, now, a very intriguing picture, and it would be hard to spend some time in that world and then leave that world.
Was there ever a time that you got to stay in that world, that you actually stayed overnight at the base?
Emery: Yes, yes. Many times I had to stay the night in the base – I think maybe up to 60 times, actually, total.

And the reason for that depends. There's many different reasons why you would have to spend the night in a base.
They go on lockdown sometimes when you're working there, and you might not know why it's a lockdown. But you're there, they close the hatches, and now you're going to be spending an additional amount of time there other than your work duty time – that you do get paid for, by the way, long as you're there.
And they have facilities there that are very nice, that you can stay the night, like barracks and whatnot, your own room, your own lavatory, a little even social areas where other people can also live.
The base . . . You could actually live there indefinitely.
And then getting back to why a lockdown would happen, there could have been a breach somehow into the base from another known contractor or other known entity, and everything gets locked down for a while.
And I do recall one time there was a huge explosion . . . that I could actually feel this vibration of this electromagnetic weapon.
And I don't know where it came from, but part of the base, maybe a whole acre of the base, was completely destroyed from this explosion.
Now, the rumors I heard was they were practicing . . . utilizing some sort of electromagnetic weapon, and it completely disintegrated a huge sphere of the base.
And there was no radiation or anything like that, but they were just trying to contain the fires and the gas fires that were lit from this explosion, because they use a lot of different flammable gases and chemicals down there.
So now it became a contaminant issue of locking down all the air handlers in that area, locking down all the valves in the different rooms and whatnot.
And, you know, that took up probably 20 hours, I think, I was there for that one.
So these things happen, and you get a nice place to stay, and then you'll just be updated. And you'll hear either over an intercom, on your folder, or on your armband. And that's what happens.
David: If you get a nice place to stay, how conventional is it? How much would it be like going to a hotel room as opposed to something odd like you might see in “Star Trek: The Next Generation”?
Emery: Yes. No, it's . . . the rooms are never perfectly square. For some reason, they have trapezoidal shapes. There are many different shaped rooms.
And all of the furniture is actually built into the wall and actually comes out of the wall if you wanted to have a sit down or work at a desk.
It has a huge interactive screen on the wall. The screen is three-dimensional. You can do things like go on the Internet, you can read books, you can watch movies, you can order food – my favorite.
And it's a really interesting dynamic because the room looks like – when you walked in – completely like, “Oh, my gosh, they just gave me a room without a bed.” You know, there's nothing in there.
And it's all built into the walls of the room.
I'm not talking about your stand in Murphy bed, either, closet bed that pops out. These are really beautiful.
The architecture of this is seamless, just like on the crafts. So these things will come out of the wall for saving space.
And these rooms are also used for different things. So maybe the room tonight is going to be used for someone to sleep here and spend the night, and maybe tomorrow it will be used for storage.
Or maybe it'll be used for housing different types of extraterrestrial races because they're all different. They need different types of furniture, different types of living facilities and restrooms and whatnot.
David: Okay. I'm really curious about one thing. If you're saying that, like, the bed would extrude out of the wall, is it going to be this weird rubber sheet, or does it actually have sheets like you would have on a typical bed?
Like, in other words, . . .
Emery: Yeah, great question.
David: . . .is the bed with the sheets hidden on like a sliding tray, or is it more like it just kind of morphs out of something?
Emery: No, it is kind of industrial, where it actually either comes out of the wall or out of the floor. It raises out of the floor, or comes out of the wall.
David: Okay.
Emery: And there's always a cover on these things, a very light cover that you pull off. And it has whatever bedding for that race. Like for us, of course, we would just have sheets and things like you said.
You also can control the temperature in your room. You can control the humidity, because different races need certain atmospheres to sleep in. So there's all these different things.
There also needs different lighting. So there's different . . . So you can actually put, like, if you wanted ultraviolet light in your room for some reason.
Many extraterrestrials have special lighting that they are accustomed to. They don't like the lighting that we have. It's uncomfortable for them. So they can take off their protective eyewear and rest and whatnot.

So there's many different things for this one little room. It's like having your own little spaceship, actually.
And you can also change the background noise.
And there's always a wall in there that projects, let's say, an outside display like the ocean or a mountain top, and it's because psychologically, it just helps us better to be in that environment and less stress and anxiety to be on the body.

And you can also preview other photos that are already there and videos that show on the wall from other realms and planets, which was really neat because not everyone that's not from Earth would want to see a beach, I'll say.
David: This sounds like something that you'd really want to spend time in. It sounds really, really cool.
Being in this room were you able to sleep, or were you so jazzed by seeing alien worlds and technology that you just want to stay up all night and just play around with it?
Emery: Well, yeah. It's like your screen saver that comes . . . All these pictures come on your screen saver with your computer.
And once you've seen all 50 of them, it's like old hat. It's not a big deal. So where you want to pick today? What screen do you want?
The neat thing about sleeping is the bed is actually also self-contained. So it'll have like a . . . On the sides of it, it actually comes in like a spiral, and it's like a little globe, and it comes over your bed.
And that is for more with other races, where they have to have the environment pressurized for their body types.

And inside that, which is neat, is kind of like you see the generic mood lighting you would have at a restaurant or whatever. There's these little diagrams on the inside of the bed, like right on the side, on the top right side.

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