Cosmic Disclosure: E.T. Coworkers
David Wilcock: Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and we are here with our guest, Emery Smith.
In this episode we're going to be discussing extraterrestrial coworkers.
Emery, welcome back to the show.
Emery Smith: Thanks, Dave, for having me.
David: I didn't realize, actually, that you were, in some cases, working on these autopsies with people who were not of Earth origin.
So could you start to lay out for us under what circumstances you might have someone in the OR [operating room] with you who is a completely separate type of person than what we're used to here on Earth?
Emery: First, I would like to start off by saying, not all extraterrestrials are 100% of not human genetic DNA.

You might have an Arcturian that's only 75% Arcturian and maybe 10% Pleiadian, and another . . . the residual of that, human.
So for the most part, most extraterrestrials actually have our same human DNA. It's just that over millions of years they have been intertwining and getting new types of genetic formations by mixing different DNAs and different types of extraterrestrials.
David: So is the theory that there actual travels going on and interbreeding in ancient past?
Emery: Exactly. And the past also is the future. So you have to think that these extraterrestrials that are a few million years ahead of us, actually WERE us at one time.
So it's actually some of our DNA is in there. Our children's children's children's children's DNA could be possibly part of the extraterrestrial that we are seeing today because they have already mastered time travel and portal travel and things like this.
So the time is . . . You can't really say the time because time really doesn't exist. But these extraterrestrials did have descendants that WERE from Earth.
David: Okay. So you mentioned an Arcturian who might also have some human genetics. If we saw this Arcturian, what would it look like?
Emery: Well, there's many different types of Arcturians just like there's many different types of humans on planet Earth.
David: Okay.
Emery: Some of the Arcturians that I worked with do look very human like, but they're a lot more robust, and they're larger. Some are 7' to 8' tall [2.13 m to 2.44 m].
David: Really?
Emery: Some are actually of really ancient descent, which their genetics have not changed over time, which they did not intermingle with other extraterrestrials.
And some of those actually looked like a rock formation, like that . . . one of those superheroes that's made out of a rock you see on TV and . . .
David: Like in “The Fantastic Four”.
Emery: Like “The Fantastic Four”. And they don't . . . They look like they're hard and rock, but they're not. They actually have a spongy-type feel to them, kind of like an actual sea sponge where it's very porous material.
They are usually a gold or an orange-type color. And they are very robust with a large Cro-Magnon-type skull, which is a little bit . . . about twice the size of our heads and a lot, like I said, more robust looking.
And they have been spotted on the projects many times in many different ways.
And then there are Arcturians that are actually more human looking, which just have a very robust muscular looking body-builder type look to them, but a lot more Cro-Magnon as far as the skull features. And the bones are about three times as dense as a human's.
David: Wow! So let's take this discussion of the operating room a little farther.
For some reason when you and I talked about this years ago, I was under the impression that you just went in there by yourself. You did the autopsy by yourself. You had some people speaking to you through the intercom, and that was it.
But it doesn't sound like that now based on some of the things we've been talking about.
Emery: The first year was like that, until I got higher classification and cl . . . and security clearance.
After that, I was brought into what they call “multi-level projects”, which means it's not just me going in there harvesting a piece of tissue, but you're actually harvesting many different kinds of tissue and also working with the being's craft.
So these projects could have up to three teams of 15 scientists and physicians and technicians working on just one being and one craft.
David: Really?
Emery: And some of those scientists and physicians are actually of “un-Earth origin” – this is the term they use – which are extraterrestrials, which have volunteered, either after being captured or volunteered through the system, through the compartmentalized program, to work to actually help us, because they kind of actually feel bad sometimes, even after we capture them and beat the heck out of them and do horrible things to them.
They actually turn around and willingly want to help us and stay with us and teach them about their own physiological phenotypes, about their own race.
David: Would you say that these extraterrestrials are benevolent?
Emery: Yes. I would say they're benevolent. I would say they're a very humanitarian type of thought process. They're a lot smarter than us.
They could actually at any time probably do damage to us or hurt us with their telekinesis and telepathic abilities, but they don't.
David: So, there you are in an operating room, and you're saying that in some of these cases you might have an extraterrestrial and a craft. And you're working on both at the same time.
Emery: They usually keep the extraterrestrials and the craft separate. So you might have a bay not too far away, maybe within 300 meters, which is very close, by the way, because these things are SO spread out underground, you know, up to 10 miles in diameter some of these bases.
And you will have the being . . . The being is separate. And then you'll have the craft in another bay.
These are all very clean areas, which I can describe in detail.
I might be actually assisting an extraterrestrial, helping complete the mission, whatever the mission is: gathering frequencies using devices, or gathering tissue samples, or running special tests of the bodies, which actually . . . They can scan the whole body and 3D print that body later on.
David: So could you give us some examples now of what kind of being might you actually see as a coworker in the operating room with you? Just start to go through . . .
Emery: Sure. Like, some of the first ones I want to go over are like the beings that are monkey-like human.
David: Okay.
Emery: And their pelvises are not spread out like a monkey, by the way. They all stand very erect like we do, but they have the formation of, you know, a monkey's look, with longer hair and the face is more pronounced like a human without a snout. And . . .

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