By Dr. Michael Salla
Interfered in US Presidential Election
The military intelligence source QAnon has dropped another bombshell with the latest round of leaked classified information, which has been released with the tacit approval of the Trump White House. QAnon has revealed that contrary to popular perception and an ongoing criminal investigation led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, it was senior government officials from the United Kingdom, rather than Russia, that interfered in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections.
QAnon has in previous articles been shown to be linked to a faction of U.S. military intelligence that recruited Trump to run for the U.S. Presidency in 2015. While the Deep State has leaking classified information to destabilize the Trump administration, Trump has responded in kind by authorizing QAnon to leak classified information that exposes the Deep State and its nefarious global activities.
On July 25 (post 1700), QAnon released the bombshell information by first posing a leading question and then went on to list different mechanisms by which this interference was attempted:
What if the UK gov worked hand-in-hand w/ the Hussein admin to sabotage the 2016 election? Data collection.What makes the scenario described by QAnon plausible is the nature of the Five Eyes agreement which makes it possible for the United Kingdom to gather intelligence on U.S. citizens and organizations, and then pass this on to U.S. officials. This practice is widely known as the means by which Five Eyes countries (U.S., Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) routinely circumvent domestic laws preventing intelligence agencies spying on their own national citizens without due legal process.
Creation of fake intel dossier using ex spy.
Co-sponsor insurance policy re: POTUS election. Co-sponsor insurance policy re: POTUS election.
While the Five Eyes agreement makes it possible for information gathered by partner intelligence agencies to be shared through official channels, QAnon has revealed that this sharing can also be achieved unofficially. QAnon has pointed out that former government officials with the right security clearance, can get access to intelligence information when traveling to another Five Eyes country, and no official record is kept.
For the rest of Dr. Salla's article with important links and video
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