The ET Valiant Thor

The ET Valiant Thor
Stranger at The Pentagon

by Dr. Frank E. Stranges

Dr. Stranges authored several books on scientific and religious subjects, including his classic "The Stranger at the Pentagon," which tells the unusual story of a spaceman named Valiant Thor. Because Thor was a real person, who appeared in public on a few occasions (including at the United Nations headquarters in New York City), the legend of the Stranger at the Pentagon has grown, becoming a real head-scratcher for 21st-century UFO researchers. Today, it is still one of the hottest topics in ufology, having spawned various other books, documentaries, and even feature Hollywood films.

Dr. Frank E. Stranges speaks about meeting Valiant Thor, who landed on Earth on March 16th, 1957, and lived at the Pentagon for 3 years under the Eisenhower Administration.

Bitchute link:

Dr. Frank Stranges: Commander Valiant Thor

Valiant Thor - ET Visitor From Venus - True Event

From Venus He Came with the Divine Plan in Mind… Valiant Thor - Stranger at the Pentagon

Military Insiders Confirm Thousands of Extraterrestrials Live Among Us

Award-winning filmmaker on a Quest to Prepare Humanity for ET Contact


  1. Dear commander, Thor, each night I pray for you, the light beans and the Phoenicians and the special forces I want to take the time to thank you for risking your life to save another life. I can’t thank you enough for what you’re doing for the children and the people of foder . So I want to handover my armor of God to you to use on your destiny of saving the children and people of foder you need it more than I do and I want you to continue doing a great job and helping the children. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I love you thank you AKA Q girl 17 Robin mier WWG1WGA

  2. I pray for your family's success and safety at ridding the earth of the evil. forever grateful.

  3. Thank you Commander Thor

  4. Commander Thor, Jill is a very lucky Venusian hahaha Indeed the most handsome man in the Universe. How can one have the privilege of working with the people off planet and helping with what needs to get done. Thank you for not giving up when Eisenhower said No. Dr. Strange was a good man to pick. I hope you will see my special friend as being of pure heart and wanting good not for himself but for all of humanity. He is truly unique and very real..
    Thank you for reading this.

  5. Hi thank you for fight for us I love you I hope get see you oneday

  6. Thank you for standing up and protecting us from the evil that would seek to destroy us. God bless you and your family. I look forward to our freedom and humanity's future because of courageous people like you!

  7. Thanks for sharing/ I miss Dr Frank

  8. I love reading your Updates on Telegram Valiant Thor!!! I pray for you and your light being families to do the work quickly and with no harm. I pray God saves All of the men women and children still left and All of the enemies of mankind that have oppressed us will be forever defeated!!! AMEN!!!

  9. Dear Commander Thor I spend at least 15 minutes per day sending you & your families, love and light and safety and success in your mission to save humanity.

  10. Thank you for all your hard work and those you work with. My prayers go out to all of you.

  11. Much love to you and your light being family, thankyou for all you do. I feel that we have worked together rescuing beings from the human zoo in dulce NM. My team and I continue to send you energies and protection everyday.

  12. Thank you Captain Thor and your family. Also, to all the others fighting for us. May God keep you safe . I’m so ready for disclosure to begin. Hope to see you in my dreams! Much love.

  13. Thank you Commander Thor and Mary I’m praying for all the children and women and men that you find are well

  14. Thank you Commander Thor and Mary I’m I praying for the children women men are well

  15. Hello Comm Thor. Thank you for all your rescues of the victims in tunnels.

  16. Thank you, Commander Thor for all you have done and continue to do to eradicate the Evil from Terra. You, your family and all our galactic brethren that are assisting the Q team are so very much appreciated. Much Love and Light.💖💫💖 Michelle Schiau
    In re

    1. Thank you Commander Thor and all of your colleagues from other parts of the solar system. We, the ppl of earth had no idea how much we were in bondage/in chains…. We are grateful for all the good that you are ALL doing on Earth’s behalf.

      In another vein, I have Mary’s platform address, however, I cannot get through…. it goes to her platform, but I am unable to access the information. That kind of strange. So I just wait for your inputs on this thread…..

      Again, know that you and your team are in my prayers… Thank you 🙏🐾❤️🧑🏻‍🌾

  17. I have known about you all my life. Grateful is not a big enough word for how I feel about the work you and the light families are doing for humanity. I am well aware that humans, even our supper soldiers can not survive at the deep levels you can go. So without you humanity would be doomed. Gods speed to you all.

  18. Commander Thor I have no words for my gratitude. I pray for you daily (and your light being family) for protection, peace and the comfort of Gods love. Thank-you for being the light in these dark times. Stay safe. ❤️❤️

  19. Thank you for helping us find our way out of this darkness. I pray we all heal & get to live our lives fulfilled in love, compassion & unity . This soul prayer so deep I weep. Thank you the courageous souls who heard our cries for help. I love you my soul family.

  20. Thank you so much for loving us!

  21. Thank you so much for everything that you have done,much love and peace to you and your families

  22. Sending positive thoughts and love to you and your light being families. Especially for your compassion, help and protection to your Earth brothers and sisters and
    our home.

  23. Command Thor and Mary thank you so much for everything you'll are doing for us. GOD BLESS!

  24. Thank you for sharing all the Information.

  25. Val, no words of thanks are sufficient but thank you and your family for taking on God's work. I pray God's blessings and safety for you, your family and everyone involved.

  26. Thank you does not begin to cover how eternally grateful I am for the work you and Mary do to save the children. I have just learned of you today, but will pray for you and your family.

  27. Valiant Thor we pray daily for you and your light families safety and healing as we realize we are one together in this war for freedom. We THANK you for freeing the children and humans from underground and working on freeing the world while protecting us all. We love you eternally for what you all do. thank you for your messages! C

  28. Thank you V Thor - GOD Bless You and All of your family who have helped to eradicate this world of all the evil beings. I appreciate ALL yoi do to help us learn and understand. Love and Peace and Light to You All!

  29. Dear Commander Thor & Your Beautiful Family,
    I am so happy to be able to communicate with you in this way. I’ve known about you for a long time. I just received some more of your books last week, which was before I saw this video today. I feel like I’ve known you for a long time. There is so much going on. I feel like I am reconnecting with a member of my soul family. I know you will see my comment whether it is published or not .Thank you so very much for all that you have done and are still currently doing for this planet and it’s people.. WB

  30. I wonder often, are these the only photographs ever taken of Commander Valiant, Donn, Jill? and what of Thonn?

  31. Thanks to Commander Thor and Mary for your work at saving humanity. Gods speed, God Bless!

  32. Thank you Commander Thor and your light being families for helping save our children from underground tunnels and saving the planet from evil and to Mary for all the information updates you give us on your channel. May God bless and keep you all safe and protected. 🙏🙏🙏❤️

  33. I am so honored to have an opportunity to share my information as a Targeted Individual and for all TI's with you all.
    AI controlled Archons are mostly behind the targeting. They have infected and captured humans minds through computers and phones. Other groups involved are Mexican Cartel CCP KM and millions of other minions mostly in their 20 and 30's.
    If we go back in time and infect the hive the queen...we can win. Much like how Capt Janeway did in Star Trek. We are fighting "the Borg".
    Please here my words these AI Archons have been targeting me since Atlantis and the minions are growing in numbers.
    Thank you fellow Venetians.
    As I once was Venetian.
    I love you all with all that I am and will help in any way I can because I SEE what is happening.
    Thank you all for your hard work and endless hours of getting our planet free of evil.
    Krista 🙏🏼❤️✨

  34. Can anyone PLEASE tell me the name and details of the wonderful instrumental music that Mary plays in the Valiant Thor sequences of her daily situation updates. This music is so uplifting. Thank you for your help.

    1. Looks like we share the same boat. Very beautiful music.

  35. I was praying for answers, I've been hearing Mary for years! I need help and answers as to why, strange things are happening at my home, more than once an answers please help, I want to know
    Why it’s for a while?! God Bless please help!

  36. I do believe in you and I thank you so much for helping this world.

  37. Thank you Commander Thor for helping us with all the evil from this planet

  38. I pray for you and your light being soldiers- for safe keeping from injuries and even death. May God greatly bless you for your dedication and important work that you’re doing! LSimpson

  39. Thank you Commander Thor for saving all the precious lives you and your light being soldiers do and for the sacrifices you each make. I pray for your safe keeping always! 🙏🏻

  40. Thank you for all you and your family of light workers for helping us, truly, if not for your and family's help , this beautiful planet would have been completely taken over. Knowing that the rescued children are having a great life has been a lightening to my heart, once again thankyou

  41. Thank You Commander Thor and Family. Your love touches all of us. We will Unify the World as the 10 days of darkness wakes up all humans to the deep underground tunnels where children are being RESCUED … and the deep evil that has been controlling us. We love you.

  42. I thank you Commander Thor and all your light beings & family🙏I pray daily for you & all who are here removing evil. Bless you all & much love from me to you all❤️

    Elizabeth gray

  43. Greetings Ground Crew and Family of Light .

    I call upon a pillar of pure white light to descend upon Me and form around Me .
    I call upon the presence of the I AM THAT I AM I ask the presence of the I AM THAT I AM to join and merge with Me .
    say 3 times

    Violet Flame decrees

    Transmute transmute by Violet Fire
    All causes and cores Not of Gods desire
    I Am a Being of Cause alone that cause is Love
    Gods Sacred Tone .

  44. Commander Valliant Thor and family, thank you so much for what you are doing. It must be hard the work you do, especially the worries you must have about your family when you are down there. I'm not praying that much, have to learn that again, but when I do I'm asking help for your family and you. Much love from my wife and me.

  45. Valiant Thor , You my absolute HERO & I love you for all you’re doing for humanity. I pray every morning for you and your family & crew. I won’t ever stop . Once again Thank you ! Love & Light to you & your family & crew. ❤️❤️❤️

  46. Commander Valiantthor369 I AM so grateful for all the dangerous work at eradicating the evil and rescuing the children and others so unfortunate souls to be subjected to the evil. I pray to our father for your protection and your family that so graciously chose this challenge to help save humanity and terra/gaia. Thank you so much. I love you all.

  47. Valiant Thor and all your family, thank you so much for your efforts and love for us that you choose to help by eradicating the evil and rescuing the children. I pray each day for you all.
