Sunday, April 30, 2023

Planetary Liberation: Battle against the World Mafia, Huge Changes, Ascension Gates Open, Great Collapse

Planetary Liberation:
Battle against the World Mafia, Huge Changes,
Ascension Gates Open, Great Collapse

Source: Final Wakeup Call | By Peter B. Meyer

  • The battle against the world mafia has been won

  • Huge changes with great improvements

  • The Ascension Gates Open

  • The Great Collapse

    The battle against the world mafia has been won

    The Light Forces bombard the planet with one powerful wave of high-frequency light after another, steadily increasing the vibration around the earth. This powerful incoming light is sent to earth by high intelligences with the best intention, and purpose to activate all the dormant DNA strands of us humans.

    This super DNA activation moves the planet further along the new 5D gamma timeline towards the five-dimensional new Earth!

    Despite the usual complaints that nothing changes, nothing gets better, chaos increases, and so many other stories from those who have no eyes to see or ears to hear. But, this year 2023 will be generous, especially to those who have done their homework for the New-5D Earth.

    Those who have sown wheat will reap wheat. But those who sowed weeds will reap from their own seed.

    Previous FWC articles have written many times that each person builds their own reality. So don’t expect others to do it for you.

    Change always happens from within because everyone has their own key to initiate the change. Waiting for someone else to do it for you is not an option. The cry is always the same:

    “they talk and talk but nothing happens”.

    And in fact, for these people, nothing will change.

    The battle against the global mafia has been secured, but convincing zombies of what has happened is practically impossible; they will first have to experience it for themselves, after the liberation of planet Earth has become a reality.

    Huge changes with major improvements

    All these sweeping changes bring significant improvements to the fate of humanity. It offers visible and undeniable feelings of bliss. People start feeling better, while those who are not awake will not know why.

    This outlines and explains the emerging major changes, which is why it takes so long before experiencing liberation. The wait is for the awakening of the masses they cannot be convinced any other way than by experiencing it for themselves.

    One of the major changes will be GESARA, which will be an extremely important event in human history on Earth, and is being experienced now during our lifetime!

    When asked when this will happen? Is the answer; when the masses revolt against the murder by toxic injections of most of humanity because of the non-existent Covid Pandemic. Or, through hyperinflation, when it turns out they don’t have enough money to buy food. Full stop!

    Planet Earth is now moving into the 5th Dimension, which is a positive dimension for Environment, Food and Happiness.

    5D creates more jobs for conservation and purification of planet Earth. The ‘gross revenue’ – sales – metric no longer applies for spending money. This metric is nothing more than an illusion, like figures for the value of shares or real estate, etc.

    People are going to realise their actual life purpose, forgotten by the majority.

    Below, our Exterrestrial correspondent Vital Frosi continues with the latest developments and educates on how to transition to 5D.



    Light is the creative Source of all that exists in the infinity of the Cosmos. From the SOURCE itself, which is the Cosmic Central Sun, this creative energy spreads through every Central Solar System of the Multiverse. Through again mirroring each Central Sun in each Universe, and then through the Central Sun of the entire Galaxy.

    Thus, the origin of life arose in the movement of each Star, which in turn also represents a Sun called the Local Solar System. The Local Solar System has a series of Planets and Moons. And this is easier to understand because we are in one of them.

    We are actually on this Planet Earth, where life, as known to mankind, was introduced by the Light reaching us here. The Light not only produces life as we know it; it also created all the minerals, gas, water, air and everything else that exists on this Planet.

    So we can say that all the changes that have taken place and will take place depend on the frequency of this Light emitted by the Local Sun, which actually acts like a changing mirror. It only reflects the light and energy it receives from other Suns mentioned at the beginning of this message.

    All creation within this infinity, not yet understood by the limited mind of man, depends on the frequency and vibrations of Light received in each sidereal sphere – period when the Earth makes a complete rotation. As, if within each Sun is a device that filters and regulates the intensity and composition of this energy according to the needs of each Planetary House.

    Within the Divine Plans that govern the Worlds, there is always a defined purpose for each. Here on Earth, it is not different. Within the movement of Evolution, everything was already foreseen even before creation, that is, formation from the origin through cosmic dust.

    And now, we, as humanity on Earth have the opportunity to witness a Planetary Transition. An event that has never been observed here before, as it is only the first Transition of this young Planet. And, as if this Galactic event were not enough, humanity on Earth can also make its ascension as souls.

    We are living in epic times here, in a way that has its repercussion within the entire Galaxy. Our beautiful Blue Planet is about to celebrate its existential coming of age, now that it too is part of the Galactic Federation of Light.

    We have left behind the energy produced by Photons, and are now receiving the energy produced by Gamma Light. This causes a radical change in everything that exists on this planet, as Gamma Light changes the carbon energy base to a crystalline energy base of silicon.

    All these changes take place because of the continuous increase in Gamma Light. This Light comes by reflection from our Local Sun, for it comes from the Central Sun. It is a programme recommended by intelligent consciousness forms, not belonging to Earth’s humanity, which control this frequency to maintain existing life on our Planet.

    This control can be likened to a valve, but many know it as a DOOR. These Portals began to open gradually from 2012 onwards. According to an increasing scale in terms of frequencies, they intensified in accordance with the absorptive capacity of living beings on Earth.

    Each Portal opened is an Event. Each Event intensifies its potential at shorter intervals. This means that, as the months go by, it brings about faster and clearer changes.

    We are now entering the season of the most intense Events. Each Gate will let through more and more energy to create the New Earth. We are in fact very close to the climax, also called the Great Event , which is nothing less than the opening of the biggest Portal this Planet will ever experience.

    Each Portal that opens also opens a little more each one’s consciousness readying for the changes. And this is easy to observe. You yourselves can see how your capacity of understanding today is not the same as before. Every day your consciousness can absorb more and more information, because it is expanding faster now.

    But not everything is rosy in life. The process also causes a lot of discomfort as it is part of the great change. While most of these discomforts are caused by resistance to change, there is also the energetic adjustment of the body, both physical and mental. There is also the change in human DNA and the activation of other helices that were previously inactive.

    According to the information coming in via transmission from our Arcturian Brothers, the next Portals will already activate the fifth helix, or the fifth ribbon, as they say. In short, it is immeasurable progress within this Transition.

    Our physical bodies are now going through extraordinary changes in terms of frequency and vibration. And in the near future, even biological changes will be noticed and recognised by Human Science.

    The main Portals of this year 2023 will open, which was already foreseen as the year of great changes, because it has number 7. It follows the Cosmic scheme for worlds, and nothing and no one can change or stop it that is already foreseen in the Universal Ciranda.

    The time of limited consciousness is coming to an end. It is an event to celebrate, not to lament. Live this moment to the fullest, for life is truly beautiful and should be lived to the fullest.

    I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


    The Great Collapse! Be Ready!!

    The Great Real Estate COLLAPSE!

    In his latest interview with Dave Scarlet, Bo Polny reveals the great collapse that’s about to hit the world! He also shares Intel about that and other important issues..

  • Saturday, April 29, 2023

    UFO Landings and Humanoids: Seven Spectacular Cases

    UFO Landings and Humanoids:
    Seven Spectacular Cases

    Among the most spectacular of all UFO encounters are cases of landings and humanoids. These cases are not nearly as common as sightings, and yet they have been occurring all over the world for many decades. Encounters like these are very important because they are so close that any explanations of misperceptions or hallucinations become completely untenable. These cases also remove any doubt that UFOs are in fact craft occupied by living beings. These are the kinds of cases that answer many of the questions surrounding the UFO phenomenon, such as what are they, where do they come from and why are they here?

    This video presents seven dramatic cases, one from each decade, starting in the 1950s and moving forward to the 2010s. Each case involves a landed craft and humanoid figure. These cases also provide considerable physical evidence in the form of landing traces, physiological effects and even photographs.

    Aug 25, 1952: Musician William Squyres of Frontenac, KS was driving to work early in the morning when he saw a metallic craft with portholes hovering alongside the road. To his amazement, he could see a humanoid figure in the front of the craft. When he shut his car door to get a closer look, the craft zoomed upward and was gone. He called the police and they returned to the site where they found landing traces. Project Blue Book came to investigate. They were unable to explain what he saw and officially declared the case UNIDENTIFIED.

    Jul 21, 1967: Ronnie Hill (age 14) was in his backyard in Oriental, NC when a strange odor filled the air and the animals became deathly quiet. Looking up, he saw a UFO. Moments later, a smaller 9-foot white sphere began darting around. Ronnie dashed inside and retrieved his camera. Coming back outside, he saw that the sphere had landed. Then, to his shock, a small humanoid figure stepped out from behind the craft. Ronnie quickly snapped a photograph.

    Jan 27, 1978: It was nighttime when four teenagers trespassed onto a farmer’s property in Frodsham, England to go pheasant hunting. As they hid in the undergrowth, they were baffled by the appearance of a metallic craft floating just above the nearby River Weaver. Without warning, the craft moved toward them and landed in a field a short distance away. A herd of cows became immobilized. The boys watched in fear as two humanoids exited the craft and walked up to one of the cows, placing a weird cage-like device around it. Fearing that they were next, the boys fled. Each experienced a strange and unusual physiological reaction as they ran away.

    Mar 22, 1982, Donald Shallcross had just returned to his home in Slanesville, WV in the wee hours of the morning when his pets started acting up. Venturing outside, he saw what he thought was a plane about to crash in the fields near his house. Informing his family, he went to go help. Instead of a plane, however, he came upon a landed UFO and was confronted by a strange helmeted humanoid. The figure said he was a watchguard and had some important messages for all humanity.

    Mar 6, 1996: Lloyd Karambakuwa (age 17) was woken up in his home in Chipadze, South Africa by a loud clicking noise. Going outside to investigate, he was frightened to see a short glowing figure with a strange uniform and odd-shaped head moving quickly around the property across the street. Realizing it wasn’t human, he ran back inside. Unknown to him, a nearby security guard was also drawn outside by the same weird noise, and also saw the figure. The next morning, Lloyd found very strange footprints at the site.

    Mar 2001: After a day of fishing on the River Tocantins in Brazil, Vinicius DaSilva and Marta Rosenthal were driving home when they thought they had a flat tire. Strangely, nothing was wrong. But then Marta pointed to the right over the river where a large craft was hovering just above the river’s surface. A humanoid stood on a ledge and a hose-like device extended down into the water. It appeared to be sucking water up into the craft.

    2011: World-famous archaeologist Klaus Honninger, his wife and several others were conducting a dig in the Ocucaje desert in Ica, Peru when a large UFO rose up from behind a hill and began to emit smaller orb-like spheres. After a few moments, the orbs returned into the craft which disappeared behind a hill. It apparently landed, because minutes later, Klaus was confronted by two tall humanoids with elongated skulls. They told Klaus to have no fear, that they had been on Earth long before humans were here, and they had an important message to share. Afterward, Klaus was able to actually photograph the object as it moved away.

    Each of these cases provides a fascinating glimpse into the UFO phenomenon, providing both evidence of ET reality, and also warnings from the ETs themselves about how we are treating each other and our planet. With many thousands of cases like these, it’s clear that we are not alone.

    Preston Dennett Website:

    YouTube link:

    Friday, April 28, 2023

    Nothing Can Stop What is Coming: Galactic Federation of Worlds April Q&A with Val Nek

    Nothing Can Stop What is Coming:
    Galactic Federation of Worlds
    April Q&A with Val Nek

    Nothing Can Stop Us! April Q&A with High Commander Val Nek. Topics include: SpaceX's Starship launch, airports of the future, JFK JR, Blue Origin and the Galactic Federation, Timeline technology and Deja Vu/the Mandella Effect, The Envoy Program and the High Council, 5D music and Religious apparitions in the sky.

    Megan's website:
    Welcome to the Future Book:

    YouTube link:

    Alien Artifacts on Mars: What NASA doesn't want you to know

    Alien Artifacts on Mars:
    What NASA doesn't want you to know

    Uncovering the Martian Mysteries: What NASA doesn't want you to know

    On July 25th, a NASA scientist was studying images of a region of Mars called "Cydonia" when something caught his eye.

    He had to take a second to process what he was seeing. He grabbed a magnifying glass.

    There was no doubt. On the surface of Mars, 140 million miles from Earth, was a structure in the shape of a human face.

    It was huge; about a mile wide; and showed two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Around the Face were pyramids and structures that didn't look natural. They look like they were built... by someone.

    The following day, NASA held a press conference. Of the thousands of photos sent back from Mars, all anyone asked about was The Face.

    Who built it and why? Is it a message from an advanced civilization now long extinct? Is it a religious artifact? Is it solid like the Great Sphinx? Or could it contain chambers like the Great Pyramid?

    Then NASA threw cold water on the speculation. They said there was a second photograph of the area taken shortly after.

    And that photo showed that the face was nothing more than an optical illusion.

    Small problem. That second photo doesn't exist.

    So why did NASA lie?

    The answer to that question is in the other pictures.

    YouTube link:

    Thursday, April 27, 2023

    12 Cool Vehicles You Will See For The First Time

    12 Cool Vehicles You Will
    See For The First Time

    The future is now

    00:00 - Segway Villain SX10 01:10 - Quanta R
    02:02 - RYSE RECON
    03:10 - RYNO
    04:08 - Mudd-Ox Vengeance
    05:05 - VonMercier Arosa
    06:01 - Bandit9 Supermarine
    07:00 - Sniejik Freeride
    08:57 - Van Raam Easy Sport Small
    10:01 - Hypersports HRC-4
    11:04 - Carcle

    YouTube link:

    WE DID IT!!! Disclosure The Finale!

    WE DID IT!!!
    Disclosure The Finale!


    If you sign up for UNIFYD TV today, not only will you get a 7 DAY FREE TRIAL but you will also get 25% OFF the lifetime of your membership :)

    This offer ends on April 28th at 11:59PM EST. Don't miss out!!

    Remember, UNIFYD TV is more than just a video streaming platform. It is a movement to awaken humanity and we've only come this far because of everyone dedication and commitment to the movement!

    A special thank you to all of our members you have made this possible!

    I'm so grateful that we've come so far and I look forward to continuing this journey with all of you!

    Jason :)

    Disclosure The Finale Free to watch and check out the other Disclosure interviews:

    SpaceX Starlink Mission

    Take Off

    SpaceX Starlink Mission

    Streamed live earlier today:

    SpaceX is targeting Thursday, April 27 at 6:40 a.m. PT (13:40 UTC) for a Falcon 9 launch of 46 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.

    The first stage booster supporting this mission previously launched Crew-1, Crew-2, SXM-8, CRS-23, IXPE, Transporter-4, Transporter-5, Globalstar FM15, ISI EROS C-3 and three Starlink missions. Following stage separation, Falcon 9’s first stage will land on the Of Course I Still Love You droneship stationed in the Pacific Ocean.

    A live webcast of this mission will begin about five minutes prior to liftoff.

    YouTube link:

    Tuesday, April 25, 2023

    Fantasmic! Dragon Catches Fire at Disneyland!

    Dragon Catches Fire at Disneyland!

    Anyone else think this is a nail in the Disney coffin or just a coincidence?

    Could it be a signal to the Draco?

    YouTube link:

    Monday, April 24, 2023

    Bringing Anti-gravity and Quantum Healing Technology to the World

    Bringing Anti-gravity and Quantum
    Healing Technology to the World

    In 2021, Dave Rossi began receiving information downloads after an extraterrestrial contact experience that activated advanced mental abilities to understand and develop complex mathematical equations. He suddenly understood the scientific principles behind a range of exotic technologies which he was able to envisage or was exposed to. Rossi’s surprising new abilities came to the attention of top scientists working on advanced technology projects who sought assistance with problems they were encountering. He has since been working with several scientists and investors to solve problems in classified programs, and is simultaneously developing advanced technologies that can be released into the public sector.

    Rossi recently applied for several patents, two of which he shared with Dr. Michael Salla concerning antigravity and quantum healing inventions. In this Exopolitics Today interview, Rossi explains the principles behind the antigravity and quantum technologies he is developing and the timetable for releasing these patents to the general public. In his special announcement, Rossi explains how he is working with individuals ready to understand and build similar antigravity and quantum healing technologies for public release. He has created a Patreon channel to support his and others’ efforts to develop and build advanced technologies that otherwise would remain hidden in classified programs. He believes this is the most effective means of circumventing the draconian secrecy orders used to suppress more than 6000 patent applications through the US Patent and Trademarks Office.

    Dave Rossi’s Patreon Channel is

    YouTube link:

    Sunday, April 23, 2023

    Strange Encounters, The Unknown, Paranormal, Unexplained Caught on Video!

    Strange Encounters, The Unknown,
    Paranormal, Unexplained Caught on Video!

    There are many strange legends of scary and mysterious creatures that roam our oceans and lakes such as Loch Ness monster, the ogopogo, megalodon and the list goes on. But what If these creatures weren't just legends ? What if its caught on camera ? From creepy videos of unknown creatures living on our oceans and lakes, mysterious and strange encounters with humanoid creatures such as "skin walkers", unexplained randonautica experiences and more mind blowing videos, in this episode I will be analysing "NO WAY" videos you won't believe were caught on tape. Welcome to the Impossible channel where James LaFleur analyses the creepiest and the most mind blowing videos for your entertainment.

    Mysterious creatures : Folklore or maybe not ?
    If there's one place that we haven't explored much it's our oceans and rivers. The amount of creatures that we still haven't categorised is astonishing. Add this to the fact that the myths and legends of monster-like creatures like the lochness monsters remain a complete mystery to this day, it may just be reason to start exploring a bit deeper. But Toni Braungardt did not need to go deeper on one sunny day while fishing with his family, it seems that a mysterious and unknown creature decided to come to the surface and Toni caught it all on camera.

    Chilling Phenomena Caught On Camera :
    Most of the times it's really difficult to guess when or where a hail storm will happen, in moments like this the best is to be lucky enough to find yourself inside a building or house. j0ibis is a YouTuber who had a close encounter with one of these storms and he caught it all on tape.

    Scary encounter with the rake :
    In the realm of urban-legends there are many we could go on about, but there's one that's really creepy and that would be the Rake , or skinwalkers. Even though there is no concrete evidence of the existence of such creatures there are quite a few mind blowing videos that are baffling the entire internet. And it's the case with a video released by "caught on camera tv" YouTube channel. In this video a family is enjoying a camping trip in the woods , when all of a sudden strange things start occurring and it doesn't take long before things take a turn for the dark and creepy.

    Mind Blowing Phenomena in the mountains : Unexplained Sightings
    There's something really mystical and magical about mountains, It's not just the fact that there are countless sightings of strange objects in the sky near mountains in general, it's as if they are the doorway to another world. That being said a couple of months ago a mysterious video started going around the internet of what appears to be a strange and reoccurring phenomena in the mountain. For our luck it was all recorded on video. Let's take a closer look at this unexplained phenomena.

    Scary Paranormal phenomena :
    Paranormal encounters are usually explainable, but what Jessakkuma , a tiktoker captured on camera will chill you to the bone. Her dog experienced something that is completely unexplained and when she shows her video things take a turn to the creepier side.

    These and many more other unexplained phenomena caught on camera for you to watch.

    YouTube link:

    Saturday, April 22, 2023

    Incredible UFOs Captured On Video

    Incredible UFOs Captured On Video

    Multiple UFOs All Caught In One Hour On The Same Night

    YouTube link:

    DISCLOSURE (The Finale) | The Shape of Earth

    DISCLOSURE (The Finale) | The Shape of Earth

    Watch THE FINALE right now with EARLY ACCESS at

    If you sign up for UNIFYD TV today, not only will you get a 7 DAY FREE TRIAL but you will also get 25% OFF the lifetime of your membership :)

    Remember, UNIFYD TV is more than just a video streaming platform. It is a movement to awaken humanity and we've only come this far because of everyone dedication and commitment to the movement!

    A special thank you to all of our members you have made this possible!

    I'm so grateful that we've come so far and I look forward to continuing this journey with all of you!

    The world premiere is happening on April 26th at 6PM EST!

    Jason :)

    Hollow Earth Chronicles - The Dark Chambers

    Hollow Earth Chronicles - The Dark Chambers

    The Dark Chambers is an action packed documentary film that excavates the ancient stories, oral traditions and religious beliefs surrounding the hollow earth complex; spotlighting the realm of the immortals, hybrid creatures, civilizations of giants and strange entities inhabiting these dark chambers. The adventure includes inner earth expeditions, underworld journeys, alleged entrances, UFO battles and most importantly, a biblical perspective of what exactly is going on beneath the shell that we live on.

    Rumble link:

    UFOs Fast and Furious: UFO-Car Encounters

    UFOs Fast and Furious:
    UFO-Car Encounters

    Imagine you’re driving along a remote highway late at night when you see a glowing object ahead of you right above the road. As you approach, you can see that it’s actually a saucer-shaped craft, a UFO! Suddenly, the UFO swoops down towards your car and starts following you down the highway. It circles around your car, hovering right above it, on either side, coming closer and closer. Your radio becomes filled with static, your headlights dim, and the car engine begins to sputter. Then the UFO takes control of the car!

    This may sound incredible, but it happens more often than you might think. In fact, there are hundreds of UFO-car chases on record, coming from all over the world. These are among the most dramatic of UFO encounters. They have been occurring since at least the 1950s up to the present day. For some reason, UFOs love to play cat-and-mouse games with unwary drivers who suddenly find themselves driving fast and furiously to outrun a UFO that chases them down the highway, sometimes for hours!

    The question is why? What exactly is it about people driving cars down highways late at night that attracts so many UFOs? This video presents dozens of cases of UFO car chases, from the 1950s onward, and coming from all across the planet. Here are a few of them.

    1952: Gene Povey and two others are driving through the remote Storms River Pass in south Africa. Coming around a corner, they see a UFO blocking the road. The UFO zooms toward the car, forcing the driver to swerve to avoid it. The interior of the car lights up as bright as day. The UFO darts off, but little do they know their encounter has only just begun.

    1967: A bus-driver is hauling a load of titanium along the A32 Highway near Reading, England. Without warning the engine to his bus dies. He notices a large object hovering above the road ahead of him. He gets the engine started and moves forward when the engine dies again. The object is now much closer. Afterward, the man’s hands and fingers are numb and a persistent toothache disappears.

    1970: Reidar Salvesen is driving late at night to Kristiansand, Norway when a UFO approaches and swoops down ahead of him. He stops the car to observe when the craft zooms forward and hovers right over the hood. He falls to the ground, the windshield shatters and the object lifts up. Afterwards, his vision is altered, his mouth and tongue are numb, and the skin on his hands is burned to the point of peeling.

    1972: The Hall family is returning to their home in Thief River Falls, MN. Mr. Hall notices a light pacing their car. They use a flashlight to blink at the craft, and it starts blinking back at them! Then, the object zooms towards their car, sending down a beam of light on them. The radio quits, the engine starts coughing, and a powerful heat envelops the witnesses. Mrs. Hall, who had a bad cold, realizes that her cold is gone!

    1978: Three truckers are driving along the I-70 near Indianapolis, IN when a brilliant blue-white light shines down from above, causing all three truck engines to sputter. The beam lasts for about five seconds, then disappears. But when one of the trucks calls out on the CB, “Hey, UFO, if you have your ears on, I want to go with you,” the beam of light returns. The incident is witnessed by more than 100 people!

    1981: Linda Brown and two others are driving along the I-93 near Meredith, NH when they notice a UFO pacing their car. Scared, they exit the freeway and drive to a gas-station. The UFO follows and drops down to 100 feet right over the station, where it hovers in place. After ten minutes, Linda drives away, and the UFO continues to follow them.

    1982: France Collins and Maggie Yeend are driving late at night along the remote South Coast Highway in Australia. Suddenly an object drops down from the sky right in front of their car and zooms towards them in a collision course. For the next hour, the object follows them down the highway, scaring the daylight out of them.

    1984: Carolyn Green and her son Timothy are driving along Highway 85 in Seven Points, TX when a UFO appears overhead and begins to wreak havoc with their car. The lights of their car begin flashing on and off by themselves and the UFO appears to take control of the car, which is now driving by itself.

    1985: Ezio Zuliani, his wife and son notice a strange light following their car as they travel to their home in Bergamo, Italy. The object follows them for three hours, getting closer and closer. When they pull into a gas station, the object drops down and hovers right above them, in full view of several witnesses. When they leave the station, the object still follows them!

    These are just a small sampling of the many cases of UFO-car chases. It appears that the UFO occupants are intentionally chasing cars down highways to announce their presence and let people know they are real! It’s certainly an experience that the witnesses will never forget!

    YouTube link:

    Friday, April 21, 2023

    Rare Antarctica, Footage from an Old Obscured Film

    Rare Antarctica,
    Footage from an Old Obscured Film

    This is said to be a rare footage from an unknown private film collection archive, that supposedly shows objects and ancient devices that were discovered and then taken away during the Nazi expeditions in Egypt and Antarctica, and which are still shrouded in secrecy.

    I do know for a fact that many artifacts have been looted in previous wars but I have never seen anything like this before, it will be very interesting to hear how they will explain this.

    Rumble link:

    The Mothman Returns: Point Pleasant Legend to Chicago Terror

    The Mothman Returns:
    Point Pleasant Legend to Chicago Terror

    Three gravediggers, working in a cemetery hear something overhead. They look up and see a creature: almost ten feet tall with massive wings perched on a high tree branch; staring at them with glowing red eyes. Then in an instant, it's gone.

    Three days later, just a few miles away, two young couples burst into the local police station. Terrified, they report being chased by a tall man with wings and glowing red eyes.

    More and more people would report seeing a creature that stood on two legs, was at least 8 feet tall, and had wings.

    Some said it was half-man, half-bird; others said half-man, half-bat. But that name that stuck was "The Mothman".

    Though The Mothman terrorized hundreds of people for a year, it never physically harmed anyone.

    But 13 months later, that would change. And 46 men, women, and children would end up at the bottom of the Ohio River.

    YouTube link:

    Tuesday, April 18, 2023

    For the Believers, and for Those Who Want to Believe

    For the Believers,
    and for Those Who Want to Believe

    Monday, April 17, 2023

    1912 Captain Scott Antarctica Expedition: Weather Creation Experiments!! Ancient Ruins, Suicided Crew?

    1912 Captain Scott Antarctica Expedition:
    Weather Creation Experiments!!
    Ancient Ruins, Suicided Crew?

    The reason for the RZC / British Antarctica expeditions from 1901 to 1912 was for the purpose of weather creation experimentation. This is why they had a physicist, an engineer, and a meteorologist, among other top minds. They were also there to explore, and find ancient ruins, but the weather experiments was the primary purpose.

    Rumble link:

    Sunday, April 16, 2023

    David Wilcock: Archangel Michael, the Biological Universe and the Soul's Destiny

    David Wilcock:
    Archangel Michael,
    the Biological Universe
    and the Soul's Destiny

    Join David for another exciting and invigorating discussion about the Michael Prophecies and the grand vision for humanity that they have presented.

    Once we understand that the Universe is alive and conscious, many mysteries are unveiled.

    Are we here just to live one lifetime and die off, never to be seen again?

    Is there a hidden spiritual curriculum guiding our lives?

    Do we have our own Teachers who we can call upon for guidance and support in troubled times?

    We will cover this and much more. You can guarantee it will be fascinating!

    YouTube link:



    Watch THE FINALE with EARLY ACCESS right now at:

    Join me on Telegram here:

    If you sign up for UNIFYD TV today, not only will you get a 7 DAY FREE TRIAL but you will also get 25% OFF the lifetime of your membership :)

    Remember, UNIFYD TV is more than just a video streaming platform. It is a movement to awaken humanity and we've only come this far because of everyone dedication and commitment to the movement!

    A special thank you to all of our members you have made this possible!

    I'm so grateful that we've come so far and I look forward to continuing this journey with all of you!

    The world premiere is happening on April 26th at 6PM EST!

    Jason :)

    YouTube link:

    The True Origin Of Humanity: Our History Is NOT What We Are Told!

    The True Origin Of Humanity:
    Our History Is NOT What We Are Told!

    In this full documentary video, we delve deep into the mysteries surrounding the true origin of humanity. Who created us? Our history is not what we are told, and this video provides an eye-opening look at the facts and evidence that have been hidden from us for centuries.

    From ancient civilizations and lost cities to unexplained archaeological findings and mysterious artifacts, we explore the theories that challenge the conventional understanding of our past. We also examine the role of extraterrestrial intervention, advanced ancient technologies, and the possibility of a prehistoric global civilization.

    Ancient texts such as the Book of Enoch, which provide a unique perspective on the origins of humanity and the role of extraterrestrial beings known as the Anunnaki. We also examine the enigmatic Nephilim and the mysterious giants that are mentioned in various religious and mythological texts. These figures have captivated our imagination for centuries and have left a lasting impact on our cultural and religious beliefs. Furthermore, we will examine the story of Noah and the great flood, a pivotal event in human history that has been passed down through generations. We explore the possibility of a global civilization that existed before the flood and the potential link between this civilization and the advanced ancient technologies that we see in various archaeological findings.

    Join us on a journey of discovery as we explore these fascinating topics, uncover the secrets of our past and challenge our understanding of human history.

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    Saturday, April 15, 2023

    Aliens Within: The Inner Journey

    Aliens Within:
    The Inner Journey

    For mankind has come into contact with aliens. With modern science and high-resolution photography, we should have gathered sufficient evidence to prove their existence, and yet, we still have not. Why? The answers will startle viewers. We will uncover the reasons there are so many similarities in the sightings across the different cultures of the globe and throughout the centuries.

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    Beyond Bizarre! Eight Extraordinary Extraterrestrial Encounters

    Beyond Bizarre!
    Eight Extraordinary
    Extraterrestrial Encounters

    UFO and extraterrestrial encounters are known for their high levels of strangeness. Whether a sighting, a face-to-face encounter with ETs or an onboard experience, each case usually contains unique and unusual elements. Each case adds to our knowledge of alien contact. This article (and video) presents eight cases that illustrate the bizarre high-strangeness of UFO/ET encounters.

    CASE ONE: In 1976, Kathleen Teti stepped outside her home in Norristown, PA to an incredible sight. A saucer-shaped craft hovered ten feet above her front yard. The dome atop the craft had huge windows, through which Kathleen could see two gray-type ETs. Even more strange, she saw two humans who had apparently been taken onboard. She was so close, she could see the consoles, chairs, and what appeared to be a red shag rug on the floor and walls!

    CASE TWO: In May 1976, Christina Bryant, her daughter and a friend drove late at night on a desert highway outside of Alamogordo, NM. After seeing weird lights overhead, they found themselves on a small dirt road confronted by a strange sight: a uniformed police officer with his cruiser partially overturned in a ditch. The next thing they knew, they were back on the highway missing hours of time. Later under hypnosis, Christina recalled that the policeman was actually an ET, and his cruiser was a landed craft. She and her daughter were both taken onboard.

    CASE THREE: On Sep 9, 1976, Bill and Lenda Pecha (and their children) were drawn out of their home in Colusa, CA by a huge craft with blazing bright lights drawing electricity out of the nearby powerlines, causing a power-failure. When the craft came over their house, Bill became alarmed; he could physically feel the electricity coming off the craft. The family ran to their car and drove off in a panic. The UFO chased them all the way to their friend’s house who also saw the object. Meanwhile, other witnesses in town observed the display. A weird after-effect is that the UFO caused a pear-tree which had already borne fruit to blossom again!

    CASE FOUR: Florida Malboeuf could hardly believe her eyes when, on Jan 6, 1977, she looked out her apartment window in downtown Montreal, Canada. A metallic, saucer-shaped craft was coming in for a landing on top of the roof of the building across the street. She watched in shock as two humanoids exited the craft and peered over the edge of the building. After the craft took off, her son went to investigate and found a circle of re-frozen ice on the building-top, along with odd child-sized footprints.

    CASE FIVE: On Jun 27, 1977, Edna Owens and her four children went shopping at the local market in the small town of Telford, TN. Returning home, they saw what appeared to be a shooting star. But then it began darting around and soon revealed itself to be a flying saucer. When the object came towards them, they fled into the house and turned off all the lights. The object hovered over the house and began circling it. Frightened, the family fled the house. The daughter got an electrical shock when she touched the car door. The family drove off and the object followed. The youngest daughter became so hysterical, she had to be hospitalized for a week.

    CASE SIX: On Aug 6, 1977, Tom Dawson of Pelham, GA left his trailer with his dogs to go fishing at the local pond. As soon as he arrived a saucer-shaped craft dropped from the sky and hovered just above the ground. Tom, his dog and a herd of nearby cattle became frozen to the spot. The craft disgorged a half-dozen short, bald, uniformed ETs who began to talk in a foreign language. Two approached Tom and conducted a weird physical exam. The case went from strange to bizarre when a voice came out of the craft, saying the name of a famous labor leader who had mysteriously disappeared a few years earlier.

    CASE SEVEN: On Jan 3, 1979, Meagan Quezet and her son Andre were drawn outside their home in Mindalore, Africa by the barking of their dog, Cheeky. Following him down the street, they came upon a landed craft. Out stepped several humanoid figures. They walked around the craft and appeared startled to see they were being observed. One approached Meagan and bowed in greeting. Meagan said, “Hello!”

    CASE EIGHT: In mid-Jul 1988, witnesses at a wild animal reserve in Lugo, Spain were shocked to see a 250-foot-long craft with purple lights hover overhead. Without warning it sent down a beam of light onto a herd of elephants. To their absolute astonishment, 26 elephants rose up the beam of light and into the craft, which darted away.

    The above cases show how truly strange and bizarre UFO encounters can be. They show that we are not alone in this universe, and that we still have much to learn not only about ourselves, but about the people we share this universe with. Earth is being visited by a wide variety of extraterrestrials. And the UFO contact experience is far more common than many people realize.

    Preston Dennett Website:

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    Thursday, April 13, 2023

    Investigating the 1996 Alien Interview Video

    Investigating the 1996
    Alien Interview Video

    Jon Stewart has spent more than 20 years researching the authenticity of a VHS Tape showing an alleged interrogation of a Gray Alien who was captured sometime around 1991. He watched the video soon after its release in 1996 and became intrigued by its realistic depiction of the Gray Alien. Stewart consulted video and animation experts, who did not detect any forgery. Stewart received a list of medical and military personnel directly involved in the interrogation and was able to speak with several of the named individuals. He also learned about a disgruntled group of military insiders associated with the infamous S-4 facility at Area 51 who revealed they were behind the leaked video. Stewart concludes that the tape is authentic and was leaked by an insider called Victor.

    Stewart is a former professional wrestler who worked with the American Wrestling Association on ESPN from 1988 to 1991 and became the AWA World Heavyweight Champion in 1996. He ran several times for the Illinois House of Representatives and the US Congress. His first campaign consultant was none other than President Donald Trump’s legal counsel, Kellyanne Conway before she joined the Trump White House. In this Exopolitics Today interview, he presents his trailer to a documentary of the Alien Interview, which he plans to complete by Fall 2023.

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