Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Turkey UFO has amazing footage and has not been debunked!

Turkey UFO has amazing footage
and has not been debunked!

This video is over two years old and in my opinion it analyzes the best footage of a UFO and it's occupants!.


Chris Lehto:

26 Nov 2021
This video analyzes the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena mass sightings near Istanbul, Turkey over the summers of 2007, 2008, and 2009. Specifically the video evidence by one man Murat Yalcin Yalman (I say "Yilmaz" in the video except for one time, Kusur baymayin Abbey!). He seems genuine and took literally hours of footage of crazy colored lights and these amazing craft, video in allegedly the same exact location over the Sea of Marmaris.

Dr. Roger Leir, (deceased in 2014) was there at a UFO conference when the 2009 video was made. He said on multiple interviews that he saw Yalman take the video, saw the craft with his naked eye, and saw the craft through the telescopic lens.

I also cover the unbelievable UK Archived UAP report that mentions UAP craft and Balls of Light Plasma. An amazing read!

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/gJIYf62SdEw?si=88d54oWDcF0oYJXK

Here is the Full 2009 Turkey Video:

YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BX3VTg1uQrw&t=0s

NASA Scientist's Propellantless Thrust Breakthrough - The Key to UAP Propulsion?

NASA Scientist's Propellantless Thrust Breakthrough -
The Key to UAP Propulsion?

Dive into the forefront of physics with Dr. Charles Buhler as he unveils a groundbreaking discovery: propellantless propulsion. Join host Chris Lehto as he explores the implications of this technology, from revolutionizing space travel to potentially explaining mysterious aerial phenomena.

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/FgTp3f-QopE?si=2P3EMFxBwNQz3Yfz

Is China Secretly Launching Military Operations On the Moon?

Is China Secretly Launching
Military Operations On the Moon?

Could China be secretly launching military operations on the moon? Watch this video to uncover the truth behind the rumors and speculation. Find out what's really going on with China's space program and if there's a cover-up happening right now.

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/IBryLnV6Gr4?si=p-qoFEtUVl3qnssi

Ismael Perez: White Hat/Earth Alliance Update and Latest Galactic Report Insights

Ismael Perez:
White Hat/Earth Alliance Update
and Latest Galactic Report Insights

In this revealing update presents the latest insights from the Earth Alliance and their collaboration with the Galactic alliance. Uncover the newest developments in our ongoing interactions with cosmic forces and understand how these alliances are shaping our future. From white hat advancements to interstellar diplomacy, this video offers an in-depth analysis of the critical information shared by the Earth Alliance. Get ready to explore the profound implications these revelations hold for humanity.

YouTube link:

Monday, April 29, 2024

Stargate Newsletter: Pascal Najadi Video - A MUST WATCH

Stargate Newsletter:
Pascal Najadi Video - A MUST WATCH

April 28, 2024

This superb NZ interview with Pascal Najadi is an absolute MUST WATCH (52 minute video).

All your questions will be answered - and I mean, all of them.

This is the best predictive intel video I have watched in a long time. And I love that Pascal openly identifies as a 5D being with a close connection to God.

Pascal flags the last day of May as the end of the old world and the beginning of the new.

Not long to go...


Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


The UK Skinwalker Ranch – The EXPOSÉ

The UK Skinwalker Ranch –

UK Skinwalker Ranch, UFO Sightings, High Strangeness, Cryptids, Urban Legends - The EXPOSÉ

In this compelling lecture, Paul Sinclair, an internationally acclaimed researcher and author specializing in unexplained phenomena, delves into the latest instance of High Strangeness occurring in the UK, specifically in Bempton. This area, often likened to the enigmatic Skinwalker Ranch, serves as the focal point for Sinclair's presentation, where he unravels the mysteries and peculiarities that position Bempton as a hotspot for paranormal activity and unexplained events.

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/45jpk8u5MPI?si=9VU_icxFYnqCK5n2

JP Update 33 – Nordics Training International Military Pilots to fly Flying Saucers

JP Update 33 –
Nordics Training International
Military Pilots to fly Flying Saucers

On April 15, 2024, JP traveled to an underground spaceport somewhere in Alabama that appeared very similar or the same as one he visited in May 2023. He again saw fleets of saucer shaped spacecraft being piloted by human-looking ‘Nordic’ extraterrestrials that were identical to ones he witnessed and photographed in 2018 while living in Orlando, Florida.

JP says that he and another witness were accompanied by 30 military pilots from many nations. When they arrived at the underground location all the pilots left and walked over to specific spacecraft and Nordics they were associated with to continue their training. The human pilots were being trained to use the advanced mind-technology interfaces that are part of the Nordic spacecraft. Finally, JP was told that the Nordic spacecraft flown by military pilots from different nations would soon start showing themselves in a worldwide disclosure initiative.


Sunday, April 28, 2024

Did Humans And Aliens Coexist On Earth In Ancient Times?

Did Humans And Aliens Coexist
On Earth In Ancient Times?

What if extraterrestrial visits influenced and shaped ancient civilizations?
In his book "Chariots of the Gods", Erich von Däniken reveals that ancient texts and artifacts bear witness to something incredible - the presence of alien gods who have visited Earth, leaving behind technologies far beyond our present-day achievements. How did ancient civilizations acquire the knowledge to create electrical batteries that were thousands of years ahead of their time, or to write fifteen-digit numbers that even today's computers struggle to process?

The questions continue with excavations of strange creatures in space suits and wearing platinum clasps. Or with the inconsistencies in our religions, where promises of help and salvation from ancient gods remain unrealized. Why have these gods used supermodern weapons against primitive peoples and even plotted their destruction?

This challenges us to rethink the history we know and accept that we may not know everything about our past. Is it possible that our ancestors received visitations from extraterrestrials who not only interacted with them but also influenced the development of humanity?

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/weg2ab6sqaY?si=1OM1riGF8Fo-lCHG

Ancient Aliens: Are Extraterrestrial Gods Monitoring Us?

Ancient Aliens:
Are Extraterrestrial Gods Monitoring Us?

Could the legends of these strange visitors from the stars be more than mere mythology?

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/mUTLyV_JB_4?si=O5wrXGBlA5zE2tvQ

Alien Betrayal: UFOs and the Biggest Cover Ups In History

Alien Betrayal:
UFOs and the Biggest Cover Ups In History

UFO Whistle Blowers from within the military and space programs are coming out like never before disclosing what they know about the UFO/UAP phenomenon that has gone on for decades. Researchers suggest that NASA has proof of contact but has no interest in disclosing for national security reasons. Regardless, the time is now to face head-on, the worldwide implications of an alien presence.

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/nDAY2qg0O2M?si=gypBE1lKLURtpznc

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Large UFO accompanied by smaller orbs filmed at STL International Airport, Missouri

Large UFO accompanied by smaller orbs
filmed at STL International Airport, Missouri

Large UFO accompanied by smaller orbs, plus other UFOs filmed around the world.

YouTube link:

The Alaska Triangle | Are UFOs Making Planes Disappear In Alaska?

The Alaska Triangle |
Are UFOs Making Planes Disappear In Alaska?

Why are planes disappearing without a trace in Alaska with UFO sightings, military mysteries, and top-secret operations?

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/SrVs9OUMWHA?si=pBocxZz52Aoi00-f

Our Alien Overlords | How We Secretly Serve The Tall Whites

Our Alien Overlords |
How We Secretly Serve The Tall Whites

Charles Hall, a former weather observer at Nellis Air Force Base, shares his incredible story of encountering the Tall Whites, an extraterrestrial species working with the US military.

These chalk-white aliens, standing up to 9 feet tall, have been influencing human technology and evolution for decades.

Charles's friendship with a Tall White known as "The Teacher" led him to discover hidden alien facilities and the shocking truth about their presence on Earth.

Uncover the secrets of the Tall Whites, from their advanced scout crafts to their underground bases, and explore the startling implications of their alliance with the US government and the hidden reality of alien-human cooperation.

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/EieUJvKrjo4?si=h97eN--RTZ6zToso

ET Contact, Artemis Accords, Space Ark and “20 and back” SSP claims

ET Contact, Artemis Accords, Space Ark
and “20 and back” SSP claims

Exopolitics Today Week in Review – April 27, 2024


  • Tucker Carlson on UFOs causing serious brain injuries to individuals that      get too close.
  • Slovenia just became the 39th country to sign the Artemis Accords
  • Russia’s Hidden World of SSPs, Psi-Corps and ET Alliances: Webinar      Trailer
  • News update from Galactic Federation about recent events on the Moon      and the Iran-Israel.
  • Video introduction to six courses that are part of the Exopolitics      Certificate program for Summer 2024.
  • Another communication Ruezo Zanrico about suspicious Naval activity in      Atlantic Ocean where a giant Space Ark lays submerged.
  • Jason Sands is a new whistleblower describing his participation in a 20      and back program
  • Former Snr Pentagon official releases insider info about an intact UFO      recovered in Kingman Arizona in 1950
  • A Lifetime of ET Contacts, Paranormal Experiences & UFO      Investigations: Interview with Robert Morningstar
  • Billy Carson publicly reveals his ET contact story displaying his powerful      emotional reaction and the havoc it created in his family.
  • Shenzhou-18 [divine vessel] is China’s seventh crewed mission to the      Tiangong space station and 13th human spaceflight mission.
  • Why did Russia veto a UN resolution preventing nuclear weapons in      space?
  • Galileo Project uses its latest large grant to establish a third UAP      observatory while ET and SSP experiencers continue to be ignored.
  • One Week to Go to Webinar, Russia’s SSP


  • Five Really Weird Extraterrestrial Encounters

    Five Really Weird Extraterrestrial Encounters

    Preston Dennett:

    UFO contact is known for high strangeness. When people encounter ETs face-to-face, or are taken onboard, things can go from strange to truly bizarre. This video presents five cases from across the world, which contain incredibly odd and unique elements of high strangeness. Each of these five cases include sightings, landings, humanoids, and an onboard experience. Each contain physical evidence of some kind or another. These cases have some remarkable insights into the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon.

    THE CASE OF CATHIE CONNELLY. In the summer of 1940, Cathie Connelly was walking down a country lane in Meriden, England when she came upon a small, strange structure. There were tall odd-looking men wearing jumpsuits standing near it. When she returned later, it was gone. Later, while working at a factory, she saw one of the men she had seen next to this craft, and he told Cathie that he was an ET. So began Cathie’s contacts. She was soon taken onboard. She saw human-looking people and blue-skinned beings with cat-like eyes. She was physically examined and given a tour of the craft. They took her to an active war-area and to New York, showing her the Statue of Liberty. Many other incidents of high strangeness occurred, including going back in time to certain childhood events, and to a country in Africa.

    THE CASE OF ARNE-HARDER JORGENSEN. One day in Aug of 1956, Arne-Harder Jorgensen (age 10) played Cowboys & Indians with his friends near his home in Vaklev, Denmark. Suddenly he heard foreign-sounding voices and laughter. Peaking outside of his hiding place, he saw three short, bald humanoids wearing jumpsuits and eating berries from a berry bush. Suddenly the ETs turned and stared right at him. Arne tried to run, but found that he couldn’t move. One of the humanoids studied him up and down, and walked away. Then, a silver saucer-shape craft took off. Arne’s paralysis lifted. He ran home to find that it was now dusk. The next morning, they discovered four deep holes in the ground. Also three chickens were missing from a neighbor’s coop. Later, Arne had two close-up UFO sightings.

    THE CASE OF ONILSON PATERO. On the night of May 22, 1973, Onilson Patero was driving to his him in Catanduva, Brazil when he picked up a hitchhiker, a young blond-haired, blue-eyed man. As he dropped off the hitchhiker, the man said they would meet again. Continuing his drive, Onilson’s car suddenly lost power. A UFO appeared and shone a beam of light onto his car, turning it transparent. Onilson ran from his car and fainted. He was found unconscious lying next to the road. One year later, on the night of Apr 26, 1974, Onilson saw another UFO. He was struck by a beam of light, and taken onboard, where he saw the same hitchhiker. Onilson was given an exam and experienced many strange events onboard, including seeing his own twin, being taken to another country in Europe and more. The ETs dropped him off. It was now six days later and he was 745 miles from his original location.

    THE CASE OF DAVID HAMEL. On Oct 12, 1975, David Hamel (a carpenter,) his wife Ruth and a friend were watching TV in his home in Maple Ridge, Canada. Suddenly the TV screen became staticky and two Asian-looking figures appeared and pulled David up into a craft. David was given a tour of the craft, and volumes of scientific and philosophical information. The ETs warned him about nuclear power, and then told him that they would give him detailed instructions about how to build a free-energy motor. Returning him to his home, David’s life changed as he remained in contact with the ETs. David began a lifelong quest to build a UFO craft, using a concept of counter-rotating magnets. David spent thousands of dollars and eventually built a motor, which spontaneously exploded. He continued his efforts, eventually attracting the attention of prominent scientists. Two books have been written about his case.

    THE CASE OF ELIZABETH HESS. In 1954, 13-year-old Elizabeth Hess (pseudonym) and her mother experienced missing time during a trip to the store near their home in New York City. Years later, in November 1989, Elizabeth woke up to find three strange humanoids in her Manhattan apartment. They led her down the street to the Hudson River, where she met a tall gray and 30 other people who had also been led there. A strange experience followed where Elizabeth was instructed to pick a glass and give it to a homeless woman. Next, Elizabeth was back in her home, undergoing a medical procedure at the hands of the ETs, who told her to quit smoking and eating chocolate. Later, Elizabeth had miscarriages where the fetus was missing.

    These five cases typify the high strangeness that is so often present during UFO contact. They reveal some of the ETs’ agendas on this planet, and that people all over the world are experiencing contact with a wide variety of humanoids. The evidence speaks for itself. We are not alone!

    Preston Dennett Website: https://prestondennett.weebly.com/

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/VyoikIl8qKs?si=VMoprKRyWer3yYLa

    Friday, April 26, 2024

    UFO Crash Recovery - Mellon's Bombshell on Secret US Program

    UFO Crash Recovery -
    Mellon's Bombshell on Secret US Program

    Chris Lehto:

    I delve into fascinating exchanges between Christopher Mellon, a former high-ranking U.S. government official, and others regarding alleged UFO crash retrieval programs. Mellon shares Signal app messages suggesting insider knowledge of a 1953 UFO crash in Kingman, Arizona, and the management structure of a secret crash retrieval program overseen by high-level Air Force gatekeepers. I analyze Mellon's exchanges with Sean Kirkpatrick of the All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) and their difficulties obtaining information from alleged whistleblower David Grusch. The podcast provides intriguing insights into claims of recovered off-world materials and technology, government secrecy surrounding UFO incidents, and struggles for transparency within the investigative community.

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/plFuqPpIk0k?si=vSCAla18EoMAzA0C

    Thursday, April 25, 2024

    Incident at RAF Boscombe Down

    Incident at RAF Boscombe Down

    In this installment, Michael Schratt examines the mysterious event which took place at RAF Boscombe Down on September 26, 1994. Did a Top Secret American supersonic aircraft have an incident at the base? What did the aircraft look like? What took place after the event?

    Find out in this fully illustrated investigation which barely received any American coverage.

    YouTube link:

    Mind Blowing Analysis On Vegas Family Aliens In Backyard

    Mind Blowing Analysis
    On Vegas Family Aliens In Backyard

    Someone with a forensic background analysis the 9 Foot alien footage of the family in Vegas and says its real! So is this enough evidence that will convince people that the aliens in Miami mall and the Vegas backyard family are real or is it still not enough proof of alien existence?

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/P7d7FP7P39I?si=kPmla0KlAa7sKvg_

    Unbelievable Alien And UFO Sightings Of January 2024

    Unbelievable Alien And UFO
    Sightings Of January 2024

    With the UAP disclosure act of 2023 coming into existence, Alien and UFO hunters now firmly believe that the Government is definitely hiding something from us. A Lot of people around the world are quick to call UFO and Alien sightings a hoax. But the US government taking UFO sightings seriously has added more credibility to the matter. And to make things more interesting, there have already been 3 alien encounters in the first month of the year 2024. Are these just hoaxes or pranks done by someone to get viral fame? Or are extraterrestrials finally making their presence felt to us humans? Here are the 3 best UFO and alien sightings in January 2024.

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/PF6vsq52V2Y?si=j8iE0Ol_i0_iwzzl

    Aliens on Earth: Chilling Recount of Abduction by Mysterious Extraterrestrial Species

    Aliens on Earth:
    Chilling Recount of Abduction by
    Mysterious Extraterrestrial Species

    Chilling alien encounters, in this episode We delve into the experience of extraterrestrial species abducting humans. The proof is out there!

    YouTube link:

    A Lifetime of ET Contacts, Paranormal Experiences & UFO Investigations

    A Lifetime of ET Contacts,
    Paranormal Experiences
    & UFO Investigations

    Robert Morningstar had his first extraterrestrial contact experience at age 3, and similar experiences happened throughout his life. As a result of alien contacts his psychic abilities were enhanced, which led to the Office of Naval Intelligence becoming interested in him. He claims to have been recruited as an asset for various navy intel programs, such as testing reverse-engineered mind-machine interfaces used on modified jet aircraft such as the F-14 and F-15.

    Morningstar’s experiences led to him studying parapsychology and the UFO phenomenon, and he became a writer and editor for UFO Digest from 2004 to 2022, and a radio host. From 2008 to 2010, he was involved in a failed US Navy initiative to disclose the UFO phenomenon through the United Nations. Today he continues to investigate and write about UFOs, corporate/government corruption, and falsified history for The Morningstar Report and his radio show.


    Has Crashed UAP Retrievals Just Been Confirmed?

    Has Crashed UAP Retrievals
    Just Been Confirmed?

    UFO historian Michael Schratt joins Richard during the second half of this special episode, which was sparked by a powerful statement from Christopher Mellon on April 22. On his substack page, Mellon shared a redacted and annotated screenshot of an exchange he had on Signal with a senior government official from around 2020. This official discussed access to a U.S. alien technology recovery and exploitation program. The official also mentioned that progress was being made in accessing a classified program related to a UAP that landed in Kingman, Arizona, in the 1950s. In addition, he referred to the program's management, security controls, and the recovery process for landed or crashed UAPs. Finally, he mentioned a classified memo from the 1950s by a Secretary of the USAF as as still being in effect to maintain secrecy this matter. All of this is new information. Most importantly, it is supported by longstanding UFO research into the matter, an abundance of which is provided by Michael Schratt.

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/ZCbCwBp4Bjk?si=IJzxo9_5s1tzv0G3

    Wednesday, April 24, 2024

    Bob Lazar Has A Deep Terrifying Connection With The Skinwalker Ranch

    Bob Lazar Has A Deep Terrifying
    Connection With The Skinwalker Ranch

    Bob Lazar, the guy famous for spilling secrets about alien tech at Area 51, also has a pretty wild connection to Skinwalker Ranch. Yeah, the same place that's like a magnet for UFO sightings, paranormal activity, and all-around spooky vibes. When you start piecing things together, it's like falling down a rabbit hole of high-strangeness that makes you think twice about what's lurking out there. How about that for a mind-bender? What in the world is tying Lazar to the mysteries of Skinwalker Ranch?

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/tc4cQCkMzDM?si=gQyVwJTyh7DbIcOE

    “What Can You Offer Us?” The E.Ts said “A New World if You Can Take It”…2024 UFO PANEL

    “What Can You Offer Us?” The E.Ts said
    “A New World if You Can Take It”
    …2024 UFO PANEL

    UAP Disclosure, Extraterrestrials, Whitley Strieber, Daniel Sheehan, Nick Pope, Linda Moulton Howe, Stephen Basset and Caroline Cory - 2024 Conscious Life Expo Disclosure Panel - As Disclosure progresses, we will find ourselves living in a New World. Technology and science will be revealed that can transform our lives as it is already through the back-engineering of UAPS. We will go beyond International Diplomacy into Universal Diplomacy. Join us and ask your questions to our exceptional panel who are in contact with today’s whistleblowers and are experts in UFO research, law, history and science. Lets be part of creating the New World that we want.

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/rjr4RJ_dvRk?si=hC5X-8OwhVsEKZn0

    Tuesday, April 23, 2024

    Commercial Pilot Van Heijst Follows Tic-Tac Object for an Hour!

    Commercial Pilot Van Heijst
    Follows Tic-Tac Object for an Hour!

    Chris Lehto:

    In this interview, 747 Pilot Christiaan Van Heijst relays four unidentified anomalous phenomena sightings, including following a Tic-Tac object for an hour! He took photos as well.

    00:00 intro
    00:56 Van Heijst, Commercial Pilot & Photographer
    6:36 3 Fast Light UAP sightings - not meteors
    20:23 Followed a Tic-Tac for an Hour!
    27:51 Response from EU Parliament
    34:36 Other pilot UAP experiences

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/ehcmxD9iBzU?si=JpmeMX16RCf-p8cb

    First-Hand UFO Whistleblower Jason Sands' Complete interview on X

    First-Hand UFO Whistleblower Jason Sands'
    Complete interview on X

    Jason Sands is a controversial new UFO whistleblower. This is the audio of his 6-hour interview on Rob Wood's X-Space on April 20, 2024. He is apparently one of the 40 whistleblowers mentioned by David Grusch.

    Jason claims to have first-hand knowledge of the UFO reverse engineering program and to have met and talked telepathically with an alien being!

    He has met with UFO insiders and made his claims to the ICIG and AARO. Eric Davis has spoken out against him. Here is the entire 6-hour X-space for you to judge.

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/1eZI-3Jbmp0?si=PGCIR0vKOe5K-wpF

    Ismael Perez: White Hat and galactic update a message from Valiant Thor

    Ismael Perez:
    White Hat and galactic update
    a message from Valiant Thor

    In a world threatened by encroaching darkness, a beacon of hope shines forth as the forces of good rise to the challenge. United by courage, resilience, and unwavering determination, a diverse band of heroes stands against the shadows, their spirits undimmed by adversity. Through selfless acts of bravery and unwavering unity, they forge a path towards triumph, each individual's strength adding to the collective light that banishes the darkness. Join the epic battle as the champions of righteousness defy the odds, embodying the timeless triumph of good over evil in a tale that inspires and uplifts.

    YouTube link:

    Monday, April 22, 2024

    Arizona - A Witness Captured on Video a Bizarre Huge Square in the daytime sky

    Arizona -
    A Witness Captured on Video a Bizarre
    Huge Square in the daytime sky

    Recently, in Arizona, a witness captured what appears to be a bizarre huge square in the daytime sky. Be mindful and look up while you're out and about. You never know what you may catch a glimpse of...

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/2FEp2EwcYws?si=4RZCIcPVchNr-XRy

    Unexplained And Mysterious Glitch Videos

    Unexplained And Mysterious
    Glitch Videos

    There are unexplained and strange things on the internet.. and they will glitch you for sure. A mysterious shadow figure was caught on camera descending from the sky, and many thought this creepy phenomena was the shadow of a plane but it might be something else, something far more sinister...

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/bDMRaTN0e9U?si=UNuriV1STQ9ckihc

    Lost Ancient Civilizations Found Under Antarctic Ice

    Lost Ancient Civilizations Found
    Under Antarctic Ice

    What's exactly beneath the ice in Antarctica? Are there any hidden ancient civilizations that we still don't know about?

    Numerous theories about Antarctica have been appearing due to its isolation and harsh environment, hinting that it was once a lush territory for civilizations beyond our comprehension. These theories are often built upon the analysis of satellite images, interpretations of ancient maps, and odd formations spotted beneath the ice, suggesting potential human or even extraterrestrial activity. The Piri Reis map, a world map from 1513 created by the Ottoman admiral and cartographer Piri Reis, serves as significant evidence for some theorists. And what is interesting about this map, is that it depicts an ice-free northern part of Antarctica, inciting speculation about ancient seafaring civilizations with advanced geographical understanding.

    Satellite pictures of Antarctica have also stirred intrigue. In 2006, a formation resembling a face was found in Antarctica via Google Earth, leading to speculations about a lost civilization, which scientists attribute to pareidolia, a psychological phenomenon where the mind perceives a familiar pattern where none actually exists. The most controversial theories suggest that ancient alien civilizations could have resided on the icy continent, pointing to alleged pyramid-like structures visible beneath the ice. Could an ancient civilization have once thrived in this harsh landscape?

    Could Antarctica be the lost continent of Atlantis as some suggest? Did the Earth's crust shift around 12,000 years ago, moving a temperate region to the South Pole? If so, did this shift trap the advanced Atlantean civilization under the Antarctic ice in a flash freeze?

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/68DT2ivXVec?si=uT3rB2AtSjYK8Edg

    Sunday, April 21, 2024

    David Wilcock LIVE: Hindu and Zoroastrian Prophecies

    David Wilcock LIVE:
    Hindu and Zoroastrian Prophecies

    Join David in a tour-de-force presentation of Hindu and Zoroastrian prophecies, interplanetary climate change and current events that are shaping our world.

    We will discuss specific 'eschatological' prophecies relating to the end of the world -- and how they map out with modern-day, dramatic solar system changes tracked by NASA.

    Additionally, we will get "up to date" with the Alliance and see where we are in this timeline today.

    The good news is that major negative events were offset -- and we appear to have been granted more time.

    Don't miss this stunning exploration where science and spirit meet!

    YouTube link:

    Alien Watchers - UFO and Alien Encounters

    Alien Watchers -
    UFO and Alien Encounters

    Millions of people around the world have witnessed UFOs and millions have undergone bizarre experiences. From alien abductions to visions of unearthly apparitions, millions more remain silent for fear of being ridiculed, the fact is what modern man is experiencing is not new infact it has been going on for a millennia....

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/ylQ6NPt7w80?si=q9nnonT6lWTITLAX

    Circulating Light Beams, Time Travel & OSETI........

    Circulating Light Beams,
    Time Travel & OSETI........

    Discussing the different properties & characteristics of Circulating Light Beams. Also discussing the OSETI & IAA programs & protocols.

    Here's a new link to what's now called the "International Academy Of Astronautics" (IAA)...https://iaaspace.org/

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/S_1E7roSADc?si=XHsZOL5sH-hYTtVW

    Humanoid-shaped object filmed in the skies over Sequoia Park in California

    Humanoid-shaped object filmed in the skies
    over Sequoia Park in California

    Footage of the anomalous object, which was filmed over Sequoia Park in California, was shared last week by the Twitter user @528vibes who described it as a "flying humanoid". At first, the footage is a bit difficult to make out as the object itself isn't in proper focus. Over time, however, it's possible to make out that the object has a distinctly human-like shape. If you speed up the clip (or just slide the position marker along), the object actually looks like a figure rotating and tumbling through the air with arms and legs flailing in all directions. So what on Earth could this be ?

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/9EEJxs-dxQU?si=XfhBQial6p2oNrIm

    NASA Used The International Space Station's Camera To Track Two UFOs Untill They Lost Them

    NASA Used The International Space Station's
    Camera To Track Two UFOs Untill They Lost Them

    This was captured on NASA's Live stream on April 18, 2024 while the ISS was over Canadian territory until NASA lost sight of them somewhere over The North Atlantic Ocean.

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/iqBjRmlLWSk?si=Bk4n3Oj3aekkO7_o

    Saturday, April 20, 2024

    Disturbing Trail Cam Videos

    Disturbing Trail Cam Videos

    3 Hours of Disturbing Trail Cam Videos

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/AzKwIlKPhjs?si=5fLaAs7QgdzJB9a0

    August 1989 Offshore Oil Rig (Classified Aircraft Sighting)

    August 1989 Offshore Oil Rig
    (Classified Aircraft Sighting)

    Streamed live earlier.

    In this segment, Michael Schratt examines the famous sighting of a classified aircraft that Chris Gibson had from the deck of the Galveston Key offshore oil drilling platform during August of 1989.

    This historical sighting kicked off the 35-year quest to identify what is believed to be a manned supersonic highly classified aerospace asset developed during the height of the Reagan administration's military build-up.

    YouTube link:

    Strange Humanoids Around the World: Ten Eyewitness Accounts

    Strange Humanoids Around the World:
    Ten Eyewitness Accounts

    Preston Dennett:

    There are many different kinds of strange humanoids being reported by people all over the world, and it’s been happening for a long time. It’s definitely not just grays! In fact, the variety of ET types is far more numerous than most people realize. This video presents ten cases from across the world, spanning five decades, from the 1950s to the 1990s. Many involve multiple witnesses and different forms of evidence. But most fascinating are all the amazing kinds of ETs.

    BROWN-SKINNED MIDGET ETS. One afternoon in the Fall of 1957, a 15-year-old boy was working in the fields south of the small town of Ejstrupholm, Denmark when a metallic craft landed just 100 feet away. To his utter shock, two 3-foot-tall brown-skinned ETs wearing transparent helmets emerged. After a few minutes, they returned to the craft, which took off. The witness was so amazed, he told almost nobody.

    LOVERS LANE ALIENS. Late one evening in the Fall of 1966, a young couple drove to an isolated location outside of Rockford, Illinois to enjoy each other’s company in private. Without warning, a bright light appeared overhead. They quickly pulled a U-turn to flee the area, but before they could get away, they saw two gray figures with big black eyes staring back at them. It was an experience they would never forget.

    THE ETS IN MELON FIELD. Around dusk on September 12, 1971, Juan Rodriguez Dominguez, who worked as a guard for the giant El Lunarejo melon farm in Aznalcollar, Spain, got the shock of his life when a massive, silver, torpedo-shaped craft landed a short distance away. Dozens of tiny figures wearing uniforms emerged. When Juan confronted him, the ETs chased him, shooting paralyzing lights rays at him.

    NUCLEAR RESEARCHER HUMANOID ENCOUNTER. On the night of June 29, 1973, a nuclear researcher/professor was driving with his wife south of Chalk River, Ontario, Canada when they noticed a star-like object pacing their car. Soon it came closer, revealing itself to be a spherical craft with portholes, and through them they could see humanoid figures. And it crossed the road right in front of their car.

    HUMANOID INVESTIGATES GRAVESITE. On the evening of July 23, 1977, a family in Lindley, New York were shocked to see multiple UFOs, and then little humanoids running around their backyard. They watched it do strange things to a gravestone nearby. The witnesses finally called the police and the UFOs and humanoids quickly left. But this was just the beginning of a weeks-long series of incredible encounters.

    THE ETS IN THE FLYING BOX. One Summer evening in 1978, an anonymous gentleman was walking his dog near his home in Beeston, England when he saw something he could hardly believe: a box-shaped craft floating just above the rooftops. Most amazing, inside he saw several 10-foot-tall skinny figures wearing strange jumpsuits. A few of them saw the witness and waved at him before slowly moving away.

    ETS OFFER CAKE. On the evening of December 3, 1979, teen-ager Lilli-Ann Karlsson was taking a walk in the park near her home in Vastervick, England. Suddenly paralyzed, she found herself confronted by a craft in the field right next to her. Two ETs emerged and began to float towards her. They were 5 feet tall, white and glowing. They approached her, holding a piece of what looked like chocolate cake.

    THREE LITTLE FLOATING ALIENS. Around dusk on January 12, 1983, Ed Eggen (pseudonym) and his two young sons were shocked to see a little bald man wearing a gray jumpsuit outside their home in Pine Township, Indiana. They ran outside to investigate. Seconds later, they noticed a second figure, and then a third. They approached within feet of them before all three figures converged and darted off into the sky.

    THE GLOWING GIANT. Late in the evening of March 6, 1983, Madame Fauquembergue was in her home in Pas-de-Calais, France when she noticed a strange glowing figure moving around outside her home. Looking more closely, she saw it was 7 or 8 feet tall and wearing a silver jumpsuit. Earlier that evening, she and her family had been puzzled when the entire house lit up with light.

    THE SHRUGGING GRAY. It was about 2:00 am, when three young girls decided to go outside and jump on the trampoline in the backyard of their home in a small town in central Missouri. They all saw a strange light, and moments later, a 4-foot-tall gray figure approached them. The girls fled into their home, but the gray then began to stare at them through the window, and kept doing for a period of hours.

    These ten cases provide a small sample of the huge number of cases taking place across the planet. These cases show unique aspects and corroborating similarities. The evidence includes landing traces, medical effects, animal reactions, and more. Each case provides another piece of the puzzle, and shows us that we are not alone. Humans are just one of many types of intelligence life in this vast universe.

    Preston Dennett Website: https://prestondennett.weebly.com/

    YouTube link:

    Underwater UFOs, Artemis Accords, & Galactic Federation Update on Iran-Israel Conflict

    Underwater UFOs, Artemis Accords, &
    Galactic Federation Update on Iran-Israel Conflict

    Exopolitics Today Week in Review – April 20, 2024


  • Interview on the Greg Reese show about exopolitics
  • A Message from the Galactic Federation of Worlds on the Iran-Israel      Conflict
  • Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet releases a Report on underwater UFOs aka      USOs
  • Next Galactic Spiritual Informers Connection runs from Sept 27-29.
  • JP video commentary on his interactions with the underground Ant      People
  • NASA Astrobiology workshop discusses announcing the discovery of ET      life.
  • Investigative Filmmaker Discusses UFOs, Underground Bases, SSP’s &      Non-Human Intelligence
  • Biden Admin officials, Jake Sullivan and Lloyd Austin, shut down any      prospects for passage of the UAP
  • Disclosure Act due to election year concerns
  • The declassified Kona Blue document shows that UFOs were taken      seriously by the Dept of Homeland Security, but it never got access to any      retrieved alien tech.
  • Sweden & Switzerland just signed the Artemis Accords expanding it to 38      countries.
  • Some important insights shared in this Liberation Times article about a      newly released batch of FOIA documents concerning whistleblower      testimonies about UFOs.
  • These stories and more in Exopolitics Today – The Week in Review


  • Killer Patents & Secret Science Vol. 1 | Free Energy & Anti-Gravity Cover-Ups

    Killer Patents & Secret Science Vol. 1 |
    Free Energy & Anti-Gravity Cover-Ups

    For decades, we've heard about the catastrophic effects of fossil fuel pollution. For just as long, I've been hearing that global warming is a myth.

    The two sides are constantly at each other's throats. But it's a fight that's completely unnecessary.

    The technology to create unlimited, clean, free energy has existed for over a hundred years.

    Dozens, perhaps hundreds, of inventors have created machines that pull energy out of thin air. Machines that could defy gravity, levitate, and fly. Machines that bend the fabric of spacetime itself.

    These machines sound - not just like science fiction - they sound like magic.

    So, where are these magical devices? Well, when the inventors patented and publicized their technology, they performed another magic trick: they disappeared.

    YouTube link:

    Friday, April 19, 2024

    The John Titor Story & Time Control Technology

    The John Titor Story &
    Time Control Technology

    This Video Is 5 Years Old....
    Describing the real original "John Titor" story, & the pertinent information surrounding it. Also incorporating & correlating the facts of the story with the real "Time Science" being performed in the private sector.

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/K03nNlf9szk?si=eyPy8FJk_nUS8IVP

    Thursday, April 18, 2024

    Captured UFOs Transported to a Heavily Guarded Underground Laboratory Inside Area 51

    Captured UFOs Transported to a Heavily Guarded
    Underground Laboratory Inside Area 51

    Captured UFOs Transported to Area 51.
    Somewhere amid Area 51’s vast desert acreage is a heavily guarded underground lab where the government keeps and studies captured alien aircraft — and possibly even aliens themselves.

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/j3BXOqjy9EU?si=tdxr_pqMSLzoB2hQ

    History of 22 Alien Races Who Architected Human & UFO Evolution

    History of 22 Alien Races Who
    Architected Human & UFO Evolution

    22 Alien Races: the Architects of Human Evolution & Designers of Our World - Debbie Solaris, a Galactic historian and ET contactee, reveals Earth's ancient and complex history influenced by over 22 extraterrestrial races. With reference to the Galactic Akashic Records, Solaris explores their experiments with DNA and aim to awaken humans to their cosmic origins and divine selves, promising a journey into our planet's galactic legacy and our own interstellar lineage.

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/EEUBTjQ5TQI?si=olyrXndjK0zkE0OZ

    ANT People / Pessoas Formiga

    ANT People / Pessoas Formiga

    J P:

    I wish people can experience contact with different civilizations, ET's and (IEC - inner earth civilization.)

    Desejo que as pessoas possam experimentar contato com diferentes civilizações, ETs e (IEC - civilização interior da Terra).

    J'aimerais que les gens puissent expérimenter le contact avec différentes civilisations, ET et (IEC - civilisation de la Terre intérieure).

    Me gustaría que la gente pudiera experimentar el contacto con diferentes civilizaciones, ET y (IEC - civilización interior de la Tierra).


    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/PgPEUn7i1as?si=Ces6ZauhF6lnWQmn

    From Navy into space: Daryl D. James and the Secret Space Program

    From Navy into space:
    Daryl D. James and the Secret Space Program

    Ismael Perez:

    Join us as we dive into the captivating story of Daryl D. James, who transitioned from serving in the U.S. Navy to becoming a pilot in the enigmatic Solar Warden fleet, tasked with monitoring our solar system. Discover how a simple walkthrough of what appeared to be a metal detector at a UK airbase revealed his extraordinary IQ, setting him on a path towards cosmic adventures. From encounters with towering Reptilians to mining on the Moon, Daryl's story is nothing short of a sci-fi saga turned reality. Tune in and learn about Daryls experience in the secret space program.

    YouTube link: