Sunday, June 30, 2024

US Space Command is the Key to forming an Earth Alliance and UFO Disclosure

US Space Command is the Key to forming
an Earth Alliance and UFO Disclosure

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – June 29, 2024


  • Joe Rogan discusses UFO researchers claiming the 1947 Roswell crash      was a “donation.
  • Video of Elena Danaan’s abduction by Gray Aliens and rescue by Nordic      blondes from the Galactic Federation of Worlds
  • JP video of a cigar-shaped UFO he recorded in Sept 2019, just before he      joined the US Army
  • Book of Enoch, Fallen Angels, ETs and Cryptoterrestrials: Interview with      Timothy Alberino
  • Julian Assange freed from a British prison after reaching a plea deal over      leaking classified US docs
  • The latest Star Nations News episode from Elena Danaan has some      tantalizing info about the Earth Alliance collaborating with different      galactic organizations.
  • Dr Garry Nolan appears to be embracing the cryptoterrestrial hypothesis      in recent statements picked up by mainstream media.
  • General Stephen Whiting, who heads US Space Command discusses its      priorities and international partnerships.
  • Attempts by the Congressional UAP Caucus to hold another hearing in      the House Oversight Committee and to create a Select Committee on UAP      with subpoena power have been stymied due to national security concerns.
  • More scientists are actively exploring the feasibility of superluminal warp      drive propulsion systems.
  • Redacted Interview covers alien false flag implications of the amendment      to the NDAA for 2025 making enrollment in the Selective Service System      automatic for males between 18-26
  • Extraterrestrial Contact and the Fractal Nature of the Universal Heart      Soul Essence: Interview with George Kavassilas


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