Saturday, June 17, 2023

Beamed by a UFO: Ten True Cases

Beamed by a UFO:
Ten True Cases

UFOs are known for sending brilliant beams of light onto the ground, onto vehicles, and especially onto people. These beams come in many different colors. They can be wide or narrow. And they exhibit many properties that far exceed the capabilities of normal light beams. They heal wounds, cause burns, levitate, paralyze, pull people through solid objects, and much more. They make it very clear that our own understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum remains woefully incomplete.

Why are UFOs sending down these beams of light? How do they produce these amazing effects? What is it like to be “beamed by a UFO?” This video presents ten firsthand accounts, spanning decades and coming from across the planet. They vividly recount people’s experiences of being struck by a UFO beam of light and answer many of the questions surrounding this unique aspect of UFO behavior.

AUG 25, 1972: TITUSVILLE, PA. Driving along Route 408 in Rockdale township, newspaper editor Frank Holowach is puzzled to see a strange twinkling light in the night sky. Frank realizes he is seeing an actual UFO. At first he's excited. But then it moves closer, shines a light on him, and his car begins to vibrate. Then he feels himself vibrating. And when he feels an odd magnetic force pulling on him, he is filled with fear.

FEB 1956: CHOISY-LE-ROI, FRANCE. Mademoiselle Roi is driving along Road 186 when she hears a hissing noise and sees a bright object. She pulls over and sees a landed UFO and short humanoids beneath. She jumps from her car and runs to the ETs, trying to grab one of them. Then a beam comes from the craft and strikes her, paralyzing her.

APR 1960: PUY-DE-DOME, FRANCE. Baker and former Air Force officer Germain Tichit is drawn outside by colored lights and a loud noise. Going to investigate, he sees a landed UFO. A small figure emerges. Realizing that it's an ET, he lunges forward to capture it. The ET whips out a tubular device and points it at Germain, striking him with a laser-like beam of light.

OCT 30, 1967: BOYUP BROOK, AUSTRALIA. It was 9:20 p.m., as Alexander Spargo drives at 65 mph along the Kojonup-Mayanup Road. Without warning his motor stops, his headlights go out and a brilliant tube of light focuses on him from above. Looking up he sees a huge saucer. To his shock, his car has come to a complete stop. And when the beam retracts, he is shocked to see that his car is racing along the road.

APR 5, 1974: MOUNT OLIVE, NC. Newspaper reporter Nelson Bland had heard about recent sightings in the area, but driving along Hwy 117, he is shocked to see a strange pulsating light in the sky. As it zooms closer, he sees a classic flying saucer. He grabs his camera and is about to take a photo when he is engulfed by a brilliant beam of light. “I almost fainted,” he said.

May 26, 1977: SALISBURY NORTH, AUSTRALIA. When three teenagers go biking in the fields behind their homes, they have no idea that they are about to have an unforgettable encounter with a UFO. After setting down their bikes in a creek-bed, a beam of light shines down on their bikes, causing them to glow. One boy jumps forward and touches the beam. He is thrown to the ground by the beam. The other two boys dive for cover.

SEP 1978: DILHORNE, ENGLAND. It was 1:30 a.m., and Stephen Colclough and his girlfriend are driving along a country road and see a strange red and white lights in the sky. Without warning, a huge black object looms in front of them and strikes them with a powerful searchlight. Says Stephen, “It was absolutely terrifying.”

SEP 10, 1981: PLYMOUTH ENGLAND. As Denise Bishop steps into her apartment, she looks up and ses a massive UFO shining down colorful beams of light. She is entranced by its beauty, but realizing it's a UFO, she turns to rush inside. The UFO sends down a pencil-thin green beam of light, striking her hand, stopping her in her tracks. As it retracts, she runs inside. Then she sees the burn-mark on her hand.

NOV 28, 1981: STARKS, ME. Kenos Henry drives to his home when he saw a UFO. It sends down a thin beam of red light into his eyes. As he rushes away, the craft follows. Later that night, Harold Hendsbee and his wife are confronted by a UFO which blocks the road and strikes them with a brilliant light. The UFO wave in Starks, Maine has just begun.

JAN 8, 1984: FRAMINGHAM, MA. An anonymous witness wakes up in bed to a startling sight. A mysterious green shaft of light is shining in his window, aimed directly into his right eye, causing heat and pain. He hears a strange whirring sound and sees the faint outline of a being.

These cases show how powerful these beams of light can be. They show that the ETs have a profound understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum, and they know how to use it to do things that border on the miraculous. Cases like these have much to teach us about light, and about how ETs behave, and their agenda on our planet.

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