Saturday, May 18, 2024

Twelve Amazing Humanoid Encounters

Twelve Amazing Humanoid Encounters

Preston Dennett:

So many humanoids! Encounters with humanoids and extraterrestrials are far more common than most people believe. Cases come from across the world and have been occurring for a long time. And in almost all cases people describe humanoid figures. In fact, the humanoid form appears to be universal. This video presents twelve amazing humanoid encounters from 1940 to 2009. Some are single-witness cases, but most have multiple witnesses, and a few have compelling physical evidence in support of their case. There are now enough documented cases to conclude that we are not alone on planet Earth. We are being visited.

SOLDIERS OR ALIENS. In July of 1940, a 15-year-old boy from Kongens Tisded, Denmark was going to water his cattle when he came upon three figures wearing jumpsuits and helmets. To his shock, they approached a landed disc-shaped craft which took off silently. He thought they might be German soldiers, but later realized he may have encountered ETs.

THE OLD THIN ALIEN. One day in the summer of 1951, three people went to a play in Beausoleil, Alpes-Maritime, France. Approaching the theater, they saw a small transparent craft low in the sky, and inside it was an old, thin, man with a beard, watching the play. The witnesses tried to alert the audience, but the craft quickly darted away.

THE ARTISTS & THE ALIENS. At 3:30 am on December 28, 1954, seven people drove along Route 143 near Mendoza, Argentina. Suddenly, they came upon a landed craft and two humanoids along the road. They exited their vehicle and got a closer look, as the humanoids scrambled into their craft. The witnesses retreated to their car and left, and the UFO followed!

A CHURCH-GOING ALIEN. On the night of June 26, 1962, the Massolongo family was in their home in Verona, Italy when they saw a UFO hover over the Santa Anastasia Church. It remained there so long, they finally went to bed. Later that night, a glowing green humanoid approached the bedroom window and touched the daughter. All three witnesses watched it leave.

AN APPOINTMENT WITH HUMANOIDS. On October 29, 1965, Sture Johnson received a message that she and her husband Turid (a famous medium) should visit a certain location in Vagarro, Sweden. They went there that evening, and to their amazement encountered black floating humanoids. But were these ETs, or were they something else entirely?

THE ETS BY THE HOSPITAL. At 10:30 am on September 14, 1967, Fabio J Diniz (age 16) was walking by the Baleia Hospital in Belo Horizonte, Brazil when he saw a landed saucer in a nearby field. Two tall humanoids exited and told Fabio to return the next day for another contact. Unfortunately the craft did not return, but it did leave behind landing traces.

THE RECUMBENT ALIENS. One night in September 1973, a couple and their friend were driving near Alijo, Portugal when a glowing disc began to pace their car. Suddenly the car mysteriously broke down. The disc left, then returned. and all three witnesses saw two humanoids lying on their backs alongside the road. The humanoids rose and flew over the car and were gone.

LANDING AND HUMANOIDS IN BOZEMAN. One summer evening in 1978, “Bob” was driving outside of Bozeman, Montana when he saw a bright light alongside the road. Thinking there was a fire, he stopped to investigate. Instead he saw a landed craft and three little humanoids. He hid and watched until the humanoids entered the craft which took off and was gone.

A SUNNY DAY WITH ALIENS. One day in May 1979, a family of four exited their apartment in Toronto, Canada when they saw a huge oval-shaped craft hovering mere feet above their building. To their amazement, about thirty humanoid figures were visible through the portholes. They watched for 10 minutes until the craft zoomed away at high speed.

THE LITTLE BOY IN THE UFO. At 6pm on Sep 1, 1984, six-year-old Nao Nishimoto was amazed to see a flying saucer hovering over the field in front of her home in Takamatsu, Japan. Suddenly a face appeared in one of the portholes. It was a little boy, smiling down at her. As the craft left, the little boy waved goodbye.

THE SMILING ALIENS. One night in July 1992, Reuben Taylor and his mom drove long the 101 Freeway in Echo Park, near Los Angeles, California when a huge craft appeared overhead. The craft moved closer and they were amazed to see several human-looking ETs looking down and smiling at them.

ALIEN TOUR BUS. One night in November 2009, an anonymous man was in his home in Schwindegg, Germany when he noticed an object in the sky only 300 feet away. It looked like a floating bus, and inside he saw several humanoid figures staring back at him. He shouted in fear as the UFO quickly moved away.

These twelve cases are just a small sample of the huge number of documented accounts of humanoids coming from across the world. These cases make it clear that we live in a universe populated by all different kinds of people. We are not alone!

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