Tuesday, September 24, 2024

White Hat/Alliance update

White Hat/Alliance update

Ismael Perez:

Join me as we explore the inevitable victory of the White Hats and the global shift towards a brighter future through the implementation of GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act). The White Hats—forces of light working within governments and institutions—are dismantling dark agendas and liberating humanity from control systems that have long suppressed freedom and prosperity.

GESARA represents a monumental step toward global transformation. It promises financial reset, debt forgiveness, and a return to sovereignty for all nations. Join us as we discuss how the unstoppable victory of the White Hats will usher in an era of peace, abundance, and spiritual awakening for humanity. The new world is on the horizon!

YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/live/LSWaYKvxJ0Q?si=CcxHXZ0aYwBU00vw

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