Saturday, October 19, 2024

UFOS in Your Hometown: Episode Five

UFOS in Your Hometown:
Episode Five

Preston Dennett:

UFOs are ubiquitous! They are seen everywhere on our planet. Every town, every city, everywhere! In Part Five of this ongoing you the viewers have provided nine new locations to investigate and find UFO cases. And once again, research shows that UFOs have left no place behind. Eugene, Oregon----Homewood, Illinois----Niagara Falls, New York & Ontario Canada----Glenwood, MN----Helena, MT----Tucson, Arizona----Monterey, CA---Rotherham, UK: all of them have been visited by extraterrestrials. That includes sightings, landings, humanoids, and onboard experiences, with many cases supported by evidence including photos, radar-returns, landing traces, medical effects, electromagnetic disturbances, animal reactions and more. We are not alone!

EUGENE, OREGON shows a long UFO history. In 1947, a married couple had a dramatic encounter with a low-level UFO. In July of 1955, the audience of a drive-in movie theater in Eugene witnessed a dazzling UFO display. Cases in 1959, 1960, 1971 and 1976, 1982, 1986, 1986—most involving multiple witnesses, including police. In 2015, a Eugene woman saw gray aliens in her bedroom. In 2016 a witness captured startling photos of a UFO. HOMEWOOD, ILLINOIS is a suburb of Chicago with a few impressive accounts. On April 28, 1952, two witnesses observed a silver-white dome-shaped object flying circles around an airplane. They called the US Army Regional office who routed the case to Blue Book. But the Air Force wasn’t interested! On November 8, 1973, three sightings hit the Chicago area, including Homewood, and then moved over a shopping center!

NIAGARA FALLS, NEW YORK & ONTARIO, CANADA have been visited many times. A very early and impressive sighting occurred in 1833. All throughout the 1950s numerous sightings occurred , many involving military witnesses. In 1955, two families picnicking near the falls saw a USO emerge from Lake Erie. They all saw humanoids inside the craft. In 1958, a woman saw a UFO landed by the highway, leaving landing traces. In 1960, a young man had a UFO talk to him, then follow him home and take him onboard. In 1963, airport tower personnel saw a UFO which Project Blue Book said was just a balloon! More cases throughout the 1970s to the 2000s!

GLENWOOD, MINNESOTA was visited on September 25, 1954 when dozens of people over a wide area reported UFOs. In 2003, Cindy Lou Schmidt not only saw a UFO from the porch of her Glenwood home, she managed to capture a photograph of it. MUFON field investigators declared the case unknown.

HELENA, MONTANA had sighting way back in 1947 when a massive fleet of 12 objects flew over the city. In 1973, cement truck driver John Struble was at Flesher Pass when a UFO sent down a beam of light disabling his truck and scaring the daylights out of him. In 1976, numerous people across Helena called the police to say that UFOs were zooming over the city.

TUCSON, ARIZONA is the location of hundreds of encounters. Here we look at nearly a dozen cases involving humanoids and onboard encounters. In 1952, a woman hiking outside of Tucson saw a UFO, then a gray walk up to her and she then found herself inside a craft. In 1960, Charlie Green was pulled out of his home by four grays. Unknown to him, someone outside his home watched him being taken. In 1977, a woman saw a UFO land next to the Veterans Hospital. A silver-suited humanoid came out and pulled her onboard, holding a long conversation with her. In 1981, a woman saw a UFO outside her home, was taken onboard and saw three different types of ETs. In 2001, a teenage boy made a wish to see an alien, and moments later saw a flying humanoid. In 2007, a woman sent a telepathic hello to a UFO. That night, she found herself being visited by humanoids.

MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA has several impressive encounters. In April 10, 1950, numerous policemen saw had a daylight encounter with a shiny silver disc. Even a prisoner saw it! In 1950, a train engineer had a dramatic encounter as a UFO paced his train. In 1967, a UFO hovered 100 feet over a farmhouse. In 1973, a low-level UFO was viewed by police. That same year, Fort Hunter-Liggett Army base had a very dramatic encounter and also possibly a UFO crash with bodies. In 1974, several residents of an apartment building all called the police to report a fast-moving egg-shaped object. In 2017, a “cloaked” cylindrical craft moved over the city.

ROTHERHAM, UK was the location of a spooky humanoid goat-man seen back in 1937. The years of 1977, 1981, 1987, 1988 and 1997 produced many spectacular cases. More cases occur, even as late as 2001 when witnesses reported a craft moving with a strange pendulum motion. The cases speak for themselves. All over the world UFOs are being seen. UFO activity is far more common and widespread than previously thought. It appears that the ETs want us to know they are here! The truth is obvious: UFOs are seen all over the planet, including your own hometown.

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