This documentary built around the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure needs an additional $250,000 to be completed and have resources to support distribution options. The plan is to have the Congressional Hearing Initiative (PRG), the United Nations Resolution Initiative (Citizen Hearing Foundation) and Truth Embargo working together to generate maximum media attention and pressure on the Congress and the Executive.
The Congressional Hearing Initiative will launch in early January. The UN Initiative will launch in early December. If the public will support the crowd funding campaign, the documentary could be in distribution by early spring. If you believe it is long past time for the people to know the truth about the ET reality, your support is needed now.
Truth Embargo follows three individuals on a quest to free extraordinary revelations out from under a governmental policy of suppression. A journalist, historian and activist dedicate their lives to a truth advocacy process culminating in an unprecedented event - a Citizen Hearing on Disclosure. The realization that 'we are not alone' is only the beginning.
The first phase of the documentary included filming the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure event. Camera teams also traveled to interview many key figures in the citizen science/activist movement seeking formal acknowledgement of a non-human presence engaging humanity (including the controversial 'ANONYMOUS' interview that has caused considerable debate). More filming, editing, sound design, scoring, licensing and coloring lay ahead.
New financial contributions will ensure the timely completion of Truth Embargo and provide the resources needed to obtain the best possible distribution of the film.
Read more about the funding campaign...
PRG Congressional Hearing Initiative

In an effort to capitalize on the impact of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Paradigm Research Group will launch a Congressional Hearing Initiative (CHI) in early January, 2014. The CHI will seek immediate multiple committee hearings in Congress for the scores of military/agency/political witnesses ready to testify under oath. The DVD/Blu-ray campaign is critical to this launch which will begin with the delivery of DVD sets to every House and Senate Member.
The evidence from The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is overwhelming
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so we can continue to spread the word.
It's with the public's support that we are able to make this all possible.
Great Post, keep up the good work.