Our Tachyon Chamber Story by
Colleen and Sheldan

On Wednesday Sheldan and I experienced our first Tachyon Chamber session. When we arrived at our destination, we were greeted by two women. One was Meghan, the Tachyon chamber facilitator and one was a long-time PAO member, Ellen. It just so happened that Ellen was there completing her 6th chamber session. She was hanging out in hopes to meet me and Sheldan. She greeted us with a huge smile and warm hug. She was surprised and happy to see Sheldan walking ~ she thought he was in a wheelchair. (Sheldan does walk without a walker now but he is still unsteady whenever he is in new surroundings.) Then we were introduced to Meghan. She is a warm, considerate and very knowledgeable Starseed. We hit it off immediately.
Sheldan was first. We entered the chamber room. It was completely void of anything but the tachyon chamber which consists of a white board with sacred geometry and a tachyon mattress over it (the sacred geometry looked like it may be Metatron's Cube ~ I'll ask Meghan next week). Then there is a pyramid with crystals. You lay on the mattress and align your second chakra with the apex of the pyramid. You then set your intention, very important, and relax and allow your experience. It will be different for everyone. Sheldan immediately connected with a Pleiadean counselor, E-Lon from one of the seven sisters (Pleiades), Maia. You stay in the chamber for 30 minutes.

Next it was my turn. For me the energy felt like I was being comforted, a spiritual hug. It felt like my body, mind and spirit were being harmonized. That was all for my first session.
We went to dinner and returned to the hotel. We were warned that often people do not sleep the first few times in the chamber. Sheldan and I barely slept all night. I experienced a psychological, heavy emotion (anger) release. My heart was racing and I told Sheldan I felt "possessed" because the angry thoughts I was having and couldn't stop felt foreign. Then that lifted and I felt 10 pounds lighter. I knew I had some anger that needed to be released. After Sheldan was attacked by the DEWeapon again in October 2018, I experienced disillusionment and anger. WHY? WHY? WHY? Of course, I know that asking why doesn't help. I've been working on clearing this anger and have done good work on my own. AND, the chamber released the rest. I truly feel relieved from that" issue in the tissues".
In the morning Sheldan showed me his left hand where his eczema is. Literally it was all dried up and was no longer swollen or red. It still looked cracked but no longer infected. This was amazing. Then I went to wash my face and brush my teeth. Hey Shel, my rosacea is gone too! For the past few months both of my cheeks were red and had clusters of bumps below the surface. I've tried everything to clear it up and nothing has worked. It would start to clear and then return.Yippee! it is gone! I was elated. I am anticipating a total healing.
We returned for our second session in the tachyon chamber. Sheldan went first again. When he was complete he told us he felt stronger emotionally, mentally and physically than he has since his operation about 18 months ago.
My turn. This time I enjoyed a deep meditation and two Pleiadeans came in. Again, I felt completely ensconced in a loving hug. They didn't really converse with me but I felt their Love. During my meditation my body ceased to exist ~ all boundaries of the body gone and I felt one with everything ~ expanded. After my session, my hemorrhoids (which I asked to be healed) seemed to be on fire and I experienced shooting nerve pains for an hour. Then the pain disappeared.
We enjoyed lunch at the Water Front Cafe with Meghan and her husband, Nick. When we returned for our third session, again Sheldan went first. E-Lon came in and told Sheldan he was going to help him shrink his prostate. This made Sheldan very happy because if we can't shrink the prostate, he may have to have an operation and we want to avoid that if at all possible since Sheldan does not do well with anesthesia or doctors for that matter. For the past two nights Sheldan has had vivid, in living color dreams. He told me he starts off in black and white and as he walks in his dream, like in the Wizard of OZ, everything changes to the most unbelievable vibrant colors. He doesn't usually remember his dreams but for the past two nights he is happy to be remembering them.

During my third session, the two Pleiadeans came back and for a short minute conversed with me. They were acknowledging that I am Sirian and very Sirius/Serious! They told me it was time to be more PLEEEAAADIAN and play more...stop being so Sirius/Serious. They thought this was great fun as we all laughed together. They relayed that I need to Lighten up about life on planet Earth. Being an empath my whole life, I've always deeply felt the world. They told me it is not helpful to feel all the pain in the world. Keep your eye on the prize ~ ascension. Continue to raise your vibration so you can manifest your heart's desires. So be it!
Again after the session for one hour I felt intense pain coming from my hemorrhoids. Then the pain dissipated. They are starting to shrink and no longer cause me any discomfort. I was in awe. I am HAPPY!
Sheldan and I drove home in gratitude for the healing we were so fortunate to experience in a mere 24 hour period. Honestly it felt like we were gone longer and so much expansion and healing took place.
The tachyon experience is amazing. When your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies are in harmony magic happens. It is different for everyone and they can't claim if it will heal your personal maladies but when you read the testimonials you understand that it can help many people, however no guarantees, it is an individual's journey.
Sheldan and I will be returning Tuesday/Wednesday for three more sessions. It is recommended that you have a minimum of 6 sessions. After that, due to limited funds, I hope to take Sheldan back but I will have to forgo the treatments (boohoo).
I will write more after our second set of 3 sessions. Keep shining your Lights bright!
Selamat Ja!