Friday, December 31, 2021

Joint US China missions sent to crashed alien spacecraft discovered by Yutu 2

Image from video

Joint US China missions sent to
crashed alien spacecraft discovered
by Yutu 2

In November 2021, a photo from China’s Yutu 2 Rover was released showing a cube-shaped object found on the farside of the Moon. According to JP, a pseudonym for my longtime source who currently serves with the US Army, China’s space force (the People’s Liberation Army Strategy Support Force) and US Space Command have recently begun joint missions to explore the object, and that he participated in one of the first missions.

JP claims that early in the morning of December 23, he was sent to a secret research facility on the Moon on a triangle-shaped antigravity vehicle, and was then taken to the giant spacecraft that was partially submerged under the lunar surface. JP says part of the craft’s exterior had been discovered by China’s Yutu 2 rover, and that a joint operation to explore the craft, which was the size of two aircraft carriers had begun between US Space Command and the PLA’s space force.

JP said the giant alien spacecraft was discovered when it began to activate after an extraterrestrial fleet entered our solar system in October, and parked itself between Jupiter and Ganymede. JP participated in an earlier classified mission to Ganymede where he met with some of the extraterrestrial visitors. In this Exopolitics Today interview, JP discusses his role in the classified Moon mission and what he witnessed first-hand.

YouTube link:

Thursday, December 30, 2021

The US Dollar and Oil


The US Dollar and Oil...

The US $, that kingpin of the oil world, will officially be 'dead' tomorrow Friday for all government transactions. And will be replaced on Monday by new asset backing.

This is a pivotal moment as we transition to a new system.


Wednesday, December 29, 2021

What Happened over our World This Year is Beyond Imagination!

Images from video

What Happened over our World
This Year is Beyond Imagination!

A compilation of UFOs and strange phenomena 2021.

YouTube link:

The Cabal, Black Magic and Extraterrestrial Life

Image from video

The Cabal, Black Magic and
Extraterrestrial Life

Exopolitics Today interview featuring Brad Olsen author and publisher of multiple books dealing with the Cabal/Illuminati, black magic, the global control system, & extraterrestrial life. Dr. Michael Salla interviews Brad on how extraterrestrial life and black magic have been integral components of the global control system created millennia ago to subvert humanity, and has over the last 50 years prevented the emergence of a Star Trek Future.

As the Deep State unravels and cabal leaders escape Earth due increasing public resistance to their policy agenda and intervention by an alliance of positive extraterrestrial groups working with “White Hats” from different spacefaring nations (the ‘Earth Alliance’), it has been claimed that the magical keys and codes used to subjugate humanity, are being surrendered. This interview discusses what would be involved in the handover of magical keys and codes used by the Cabal, and how this is necessary to bring about our Star Trek Future.

YouTube link:

Tuesday, December 28, 2021


The National / Global Economic Security and Reformation Act

What you need to know before this happens!. All countries will not be exactly the same but very similar. This is the American version - NESARA.

  • Nesara = National Economic Security and Reformation Act (America)
  • Gesara = Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (Global)

    NESARA is the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only the United States of America but the whole planet (thus GESARA) in its entire history. The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the shadow government, and much more.
    NESARA implements the following changes:

  • Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal      banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst      nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt.
  • Abolishes the income tax.
  • Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US      Treasury national sales tax area.
  • Creates a 14% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for      the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed; nor      will used items such as old homes.
  • Increases benefits to senior citizens.
  • Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.
  • Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment.
  • Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days      after NESARA's announcement. The interim government will cancel all      National Emergencies and return us back to constitutional law.
  • Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest      groups.
  • Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and      platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States      initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933
  • Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property      bonds by the US Department of Transportation.
  • Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with      Constitutional Law.
  • Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the      Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S.      treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from      the money supply.
  • Restores financial privacy.
  • Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.
  • Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide.
  • Establishes peace throughout the world.
  • Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.
  • Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that      are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security,      including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.


    For the rest of this important article:

  • Monday, December 27, 2021

    The Most Important Alien Story NEVER Told!

    Image from video

    The Most Important Alien Story NEVER Told!
    The UFO Conclusion

    What is the alien agenda? Are UFOs real? And why has the government gone to such great lengths to stifle the overwhelming evidence that there is life outside of Earth that exists? Some of our greatest minds on the planet share the truth behind this massive cover-up. Stanton Friedman is one of these people, he is a top nuclear physicist who has appeared in countless documentaries and tv programs talking and sharing his expertise. Jim Mars also speaks on this matter, he is an author of the top-selling non-fiction UFO book in the world, Alien Agenda.

    YouTube link:

    Sunday, December 26, 2021

    20 Years and back with the French Secret Space Program

    Image from video

    20 Years and back with the French
    Secret Space Program

    In this Exopolitics Today interview, Jean Charles Moyen discusses extraterrestrial contact experiences that culminated in him being identified by French officials as a potential candidate for France's Secret Space Program (SSP). Jean Charles explains the role of a Galactic Confederation that cooperated with French authorities in his recruitment and training that began at age 13, and his subsequent SSP service that began at age 21. One of his trainers was a blond blue eyed female called Maria, which he later learned was Maria Orsic. After his formal recruitment into France's military, he served on two spacecraft belonging to a joint Franco-US space fleet from 1991 to 2011( the Solaris and the Excelsior) before being age regressed and returned to his point of departure.

    In this first public interview to an English speaking audience, Jean Charles responds to a set of questions submitted in advance which are read out. The interview was conducted in this way to facilitate Jean Charles responding in English, which is his second language.

    YouTube link:

    Friday, December 24, 2021

    SSP Alliance Update: Incident at the Lunar Operations Command: Secret ICC Meeting Interrupted

    SSP Alliance Update:
    Incident at the Lunar Operations Command:
    Secret ICC Meeting Interrupted

    Incident at the LOC: Secret Emergency ICC Meeting Interrupted by a Zulu Elder and the New Guardians.

    YouTube link:

    Time To Be Positive!

    Time To Be Positive!!

    First published at 17:22 UTC on December 24th, 2021.

    Thursday, December 23, 2021

    Situation Update! 12/23/21

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    By: We The People NEWS

    Situation Update! 12/23/21

    A situation update on what is happening now.

    0:00 / 0:00

    15 seconds

    15 seconds

    Rumble link:

    Remote Viewing confirms Ashtar Command base hidden in Jupiter’s clouds


    Remote Viewing confirms Ashtar
    Command base hidden in Jupiter’s

    On December 17, the Farsight Institute released the results of multiple remote viewing sessions investigating the alleged existence of an “Ashtar Command” and whether it had a floating base hidden in the clouds of Jupiter. The results of the remote viewing sessions, conducted using blind scientific protocols, support the claims of several recent ‘contactees’ that the Ashtar Command existed, and that its Jupiter facility was used as a meeting place for secret agreements reached between 14 spacefaring nations and several extraterrestrial organizations in July 2021.

    Dr. Courtney Brown, the founder of the Farsight Institute, released a press and video statement introducing the goals of the remote viewing sessions, and the targets being investigated. He explained why he chose the target for Part 1 of the project:
    More recent information suggested by some authors not connected with Farsight seems to suggest that there was a planetary collective called the Ashtar Collective that was made up of various species, and it said that this Collective was infiltrated by the Reptilians.The same Reptilians that we here at Farsight have found plaguing modern day Earth. The Ashtar Command is said to have broken off from that Collective to form a very capable military group that has facilities that are currently based inside the clouds of Jupiter. These are some of the claims made by others relating to the Ashtar Command.

    If such a facility does exist in the clouds of Jupiter, then they obviously would have the technological ability to survive safely in this environment, and the extremely hostile environment would offer benefits, such as significant levels of protection that a military facility would enjoy. It would be hard to find the facility without help. Any approach to the facility would be noticed and the ships of many species might not even be able to survive the atmospheric conditions at all, in order to mount an attack. So, from our perspective it sort of makes sense that such a facility in the clouds of Jupiter might exist.

    For the rest of Dr. Salla's article:

    Tuesday, December 21, 2021

    Breaking News: Charlie Ward, We,re Right at The END Game!

    Breaking News: Charlie Ward,
    We,re Right at The END Game!

    We,re Right at The END Game!
    It's looking GOOD!!.

    First published at 21:17 UTC on December 20th, 2021.

    FESIG's Meeting with Jared Rand on Celestial Chamber Updates, Replicators, and Med Beds!

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    By: Free Energy Special Interest Group (FESIG)

    FESIG's Meeting with Jared Rand on
    Celestial Chamber Updates, Replicators and Med Beds!
    "New Body, New Life!!" 29 Nov 21

    For the first time, Jared revealed the Celestial Chamber and The Replicator technical specs functions through FESIG (Proprietary Information – NOT for Distribution.) He explained how the AI Holographic 6D Scanning Array works. The Broad Range Replicator (BRR) is powered by the Power Cell Infinite Power Source. Never before had this been released anywhere else! Thank you Jared!

    Jared Rand is building highly advanced off-world technologies, such as the plasma-tachyon Celestial Chambers, portal technology, resurrection beds, replicators, and rejuvenation pills. A quantum entanglement design, the Celestial Chamber is powered by plasma and tachyon particle field. Controlled AI and database of the human body - frequency field energy range of the body. Completely analyse the human form, identify all the anomalies. Although some damage, but DNA blueprint is still there in the energy field to replicate…Process takes 3 mins. Organs, limbs are regenerated. Implants are atomised or eliminated. Reverse the ageing process, mostly controlled to the age of 35. Body has memory, DNA carries memory, and it doesn't matter if you have missing form or limbs, you're missing organs, that asset, that energy field is still there, it is in the DNA.

    So what happens it's the halo flows over the body and it literally identifies all the anomalies, let's just take a full reatomization for instance, there is no pain or cutting or anything, the body is completely unviolated, what will happen is that plasma energy field and frequencies which the body is made of, passing over the body, it regenerates from the memory through the DNA from the mithochondria cells structure of that body and it's almost like a time field that goes into reverse eliminating any of the abnormalities of that particular human form, so the limbs are regenerated, the organs are regenerated at the same time with DNA erasing memory (of the anomaly). At the same time, any implants, defibrillators, hip implants, leg, knees, metal implants, if existing are eliminated. It's a radiant field around these anomalies that reverses the process of elimination and reinstates the real form that was there from the beginning. It will also reverse the aging process, we can do it down to a very young age but it's mostly controlled to the age of 35 and will reverse the aging process of the body.

    Once it's complete, any disease that invaded that form is eliminated as if it never existed. When it's complete, it scans to make sure everything is phenomenal and functioning well. The patient wakes up, the memory of what occurred is gone, and the patient appears to have no clue about what happened until it is shown in the mirror.

    Jared Rand’s site:

    YouTube link:

    Monday, December 20, 2021

    Simon Parkes Update: Connecting Consciousness Christmas Special

    Image from video

    Simon Parkes Update:
    Connecting Consciousness Christmas Special

    What's Happening now and later?.
    I think we are there, but how much longer?.

    YouTube link:

    Largest Military Operation In The History Of The Planet

    Largest Military Operation
    In The History Of The Planet

    By Marilyn Williams

    We, the people of the world, are currently living through the largest military operation in the history of the planet!

    It is said that this war is at least 10 times bigger than any previous war.

    In fact, it is SO BIG, that we have a hard time trying to fathom it.

    What is War?

    When you mention the word ‘war’, images of dreadful battles are conjured up in your mind.
    Not a war of this type!

    We think of the countless thousands of good lives lost as they fight to defend our freedom, at least, that is what they believed they were doing.

    But this is not really a war of this nature.
    The Cue’Q’Cue Team is a union of 17 countries that now have 140 countries. Chess figures moving on site aren’t just the field military, boots on Earth, but the military controls the spread of Stellar and QFS, Space Force, plus military intelligence in Arizona. Wars are won and lost to the one who controls the sky.

    The new global Alliance, also called White Hats, include the following 17 countries: Australia, France, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Romania, Spain, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Croatia, Canada, North Korea and The USA.

    The Supreme Commander of the Alliance is President Donald Trump.

    The largest military operation in the history of the planet is conducted throughout the planet. We don’t even have the slightest idea what’s going on behind the scenes right now. The war with evil is ten times greater than the Second World War. The only way was the military.

    Finally the good ones win! We are required to maintain the line and positive energy of prayer.

    In this war, our young people have not been consigned into joining the forces. We don’t remained glued to our TV’s, or radios as in the past, to learn how the battle is progressing. No, not at all.

    What we have learnt during this battle, is that trying to learn from our TV’s or radios is definitely not the way to go. We know that most of the news media are on the side of evil, so they’re not going to tell us anything that we want to know.

    Worldwide Medical Smokescreen

    A diversion

    For the rest of Marilyn's article:

    Sunday, December 19, 2021

    Part 2 – Cabal leaders go to Antarctica to surrender to Extraterrestrials and Earth Alliance


    Part 2 – Cabal leaders go to
    Antarctica to surrender to
    Extraterrestrials and Earth Alliance

    In his initial December 14 communication with Elena Danaan, Thor Han Eredyon mentioned that Oona, a member of the Intergalactic Confederation (aka the ‘Guardians’ or ‘Seeders’) had more details of the Antarctica meetings, their implications, and the black magic used by the global elite. Elena had previously met with Oona who facilitated her travel to meet with the Guardians and later to meet with the Council of Nine in a region of space between Jupiter and its main moon, Ganymede. The Guardians are the seeders of human looking races in many galaxies and had arrived to watch humanity’s graduation into the galactic community.

    Elena said that she felt Oona’s desire to relay a message and had to lie down and channel a communication. What follows is the message Oona relayed to Elena:
    They’ve come to bargain their freedom. They hold keys and to give these keys, they need to consent to give these keys. Because it is not only about material possessions. But it is also about rituals they have performed to lock this planet and the human race of Terra into very dark rituals. These need to be uncast and they have, only them, the key to uncast these dark circles traced around every each society, human beings.

    We are meeting them to allow them to uncast these dark rituals to set free the minds and the protection they set on the monetary institutions they created. A dark ancient institution. Those of the name, the number 33. Those of the lower numbers, the reverse triangles, and all those who worshipped the soul harvester. Those who worked to separate the soul from the human beings and bodies are about to leave this planet. Negotiated deals, you must not believe that we agree to their acts. We [are] displeased [at] all that they’ve done.

    Antarctica is the meeting place because the portal can take them when the moment is here. They will give us the keys [to] unlock their rituals and cast the dark circles, the nine levels of darkness will be collapsed as one and dispersed into dust. It is over. The dust will be scattered to the four winds of human consciousness liberated.

    We summoned them when the greater agreements were made between your planet and the Galactic Federation of Nataru [Milky Way]. From this moment we flew to your star system and now these encounters with the dark ones of the human race of Terra we will set free all the dark bindings of magic. They are done. They will benefit of a prison planet that will give them all they want but they will never leave. A world far in another galaxy which you do not know the name yet. They will be forgotten and content. The best way to end a conflict.

    I from the Do, the Guardians, Founder ones, leave this message. It is over for the rulership of the dark. We have been waiting and working at the same time with the Galactic Federation of Nataru and Zenatae Alliance to free this planet. We in our outposts in the higher mountains of your world have prepared a purging the dark. This process started 200 of your years ago and now it is touching the last stage. Darkness is unleashed. It is because the humans of Terra need to see it and fight it. The rulership of the dark on this planet is over. Those who worked for millenniums at separating soul from the human of Terrans bodies will go. No more soul harvesting.
    There is much to unpack in this first part of Oona’s message. She describes the elites arriving in Antarctica to bargain their freedom. This is because they still hold the means to destroy or wreak havoc over much of the Earth. They are using this power to bargain their getaway from the planet through the Antarctica portal which is now in the hands of the Earth Alliance. In order to gain their freedom, passage through the Antarctica portal to a new world in another galaxy, they have to hand over all the keys and codes of the black magic used to subjugate humanity and the Earth.
    Oona. Illustration by Elena Danaan

    For the rest of Dr. Salla's article:

    Saturday, December 18, 2021

    Interview with Jared Rand - Celestial Chamber Plus Off-World Technologies | New Earth Interviews

    Interview with Jared Rand - Celestial Chamber Plus
    Off-World Technologies | New Earth Interviews

    Very exciting information from Jared Rand, Please do not miss this as there is important information concerning types of Technologies and how we can fast forward that technology!.


    Jared's website:

    Brad Johnson interviews Jared Rand - Off World Inisder and Creator of the Celestial Chambers (Beyond Med Bed Healing Technology)

    From Jared's website:

    "I grew up in a military family, the youngest of 5 children. We traveled the world and every 2 years, we would pack up and move. We were like gypsies. This lifestyle made you grow up quickly but I would not have had it any other way.

    I am here at this time with this planet to assist the civilization in breaking away from it's enslavement and freeing it's consciousness; to think for itself and lead itself, to exist in complete harmony, to be humble and in complete gratitude, to love our Selves and each other, to create value and build wealth, to expand into the universe and beyond, and most of all, to VALUE LIFE as the Highest Value in the UNIVERSE. I am here in complete humbleness and DEEP ETERNAL LOVE to serve all of you."

    Jared brings uplifting and enlightening messages in his daily guided meditations to millions globally, and has much to share with the world on disclosure intelligence information. He has amassed 120 million+ participants in just over a couple of years and it continually grows. He is one of the great master teachers spewing pearls of wisdom, inspiring many to become empowered and go within to be connected with the true Self.


    YouTube link:

    Friday, December 17, 2021

    Holographic Medical Pods – Wonderful News For Those In Need


    This article is by Marilyn Williams and was first published on May 25, 2021 on Marilyn's site. It is definitely worth reading as it is very relevant to present times!.

    Holographic Medical Pods –
    Wonderful News For Those In Need

    This is such wonderful news for so many who are in pain and/or under the weight of costly medication. I’ve had so many people write to me asking many questions as to how they work and when can we expect them. The Holographic Medical Pods are on their way… I don’t think they can come soon enough!

    As I cannot give any real input into how these beds work, I’ll allow the videos to showcase you.

    Here Khoi Turner gives a rundown:

    As some of these beds look very futuristic, and many of us have seen similar in the movies, this image is a good one to show President Trump being informed on how they work.

    It brings them into reality, don’t you think

    Can we believe the words of President Trump back in June, 2020? What was it he knew back then that the general world population had no idea of?

    Within a year’s time or so, almost all hospital procedures will be obsolete… 14th June, 2020

    Now we have heard that they are being used in The Netherlands. I’m not sure why they managed to get them before the rest of the world.

    But the encouraging thing is that they are out there and in use!

    Imagine ‘surgery’ on a patient’s brain… without surgery!

    For the rest of humanity who are waiting patiently, or maybe impatiently, they can be rest assured that it will not be too long before they are being put to use in both your country and mine.

    Will they look like the images portrayed on this website?

    Really, I don’t know. This has been a repressed technology and hidden from the public for a very long time. It’s been top secret. They are very careful as to what they show to the public.

    They have been keeping it away from the C/a/b/a/l, so until they can be quite sure they are all taken care of, it will remain pretty much under wraps. It’s quite possible that not one of the illustrated images are as the new med-beds will be. But, it’s just to give you an idea. They may not even be called med-beds… only time will tell.

    Men and women have been at work on these new technologies for many years… listen to what Jared Rand says here:

    Holographic Medical Pods and other advanced technologies...

    For the rest of Marilyn's article:

    Big Military Events, Q, Arrests

    Big Military Events, Q, Arrests

    Melissa Redpill and Charlie Ward.
    Military in control worldwide!
    And much more!.

    First published at 19:08 UTC on December 16th, 2021.

    Thursday, December 16, 2021

    Cabal leaders go to Antarctica to surrender to Extraterrestrials and Earth Alliance


    Cabal leaders go to Antarctica to
    surrender to Extraterrestrials and
    Earth Alliance

    News has recently emerged of global elites (aka cabal) going to Antarctica for a secret meeting. We know from public tweets that Claus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, and Cristina Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank attended a secret Antarctica meeting. Two others present were Brad Garlinghouse and David Schwartz, respectively the President and Chief Technical Officer of Ripple Labs, a computer software company specializing in online payment systems.

    The four tweets by the above elites, which began with Lagarde tweeting back in July 2021 that she was going to attend a meeting in Antarctica, has generated much speculation. To learn more about the Antarctica meetings, I contacted Elena Danaan to find out if her off-planet sources could supply answers to what was really happening in Antarctica.

    Elena received answers from Thor Han Eredyon, a Commander with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and Oona from the Intergalactic Confederation (aka the Guardians). The answers were stunning. It appears that a major turning point has been reached and global elites are being summoned to Antarctica to meet a delegation of extraterrestrial races and Earth Alliance leaders to negotiate the terms of their surrender.

    Antarctica was chosen for the meeting because it contains a portal that can transport global elites to a distant world in another galaxy where they will be well provisioned, but forever banished.

    Prior to leaving for the new world, however, they have to first help the transition of the global financial system, and to undo much of the black magic that has been cast to keep humanity and the Earth itself in bondage.

    Here is the first message Elena (E) received from Thor Han (TH) on December 14 about what transpired at the Antarctica meeting:
    TH: By the decision of the High Council of the GFW, following the recent agreements set on Jupiter between the Earth Space Alliance and the Galactic Federation of Worlds, the Council of Five and the Zenatean Alliance.

    The Terran elites under enemy leadership complied to meet on the southern continent, with our representatives, in order to hand over to the Earth Alliance their powers upon the global financial system. This ancient system is to be replaced by the new system that is to be put in place by the Earth Alliance. They are being offered, in exchange, a life off-world with all commodities.

    E: Why are they not just judged for their misdeeds and sentenced accordingly?

    TH: They only can unwind the dark web they created, for they cast into the foundations of your societies the anchors of great immorality. It was decided with the Terran high hierarchy of the Earth Alliance, that no greater chaos would unfold from these transfers of power, as an economic collapse would add even more suffering to these challenging times for the Terran people, already greatly wounded. The GFW and the Earth Alliance are making sure that this transition will cause the least damage as possible.

    E: Does this concern only changes in the financial system?

    TH: Industrial domains are interdependent with the financial system. Be prepared to witness surprising changes in the matter of new energy systems and the rolling out of technologies in many sectors.

    E: Why were you on Jupiter these last days? And just back on the very same day when these meetings in Antarctica are leaked?

    TH: I told you there were meetings on Jupiter. The dark elites weren’t there, they would not be tolerated in the Shari facility (Ashtar GC). The dark ones met on Antarctica’s land with our envoys. The latest meetings on Jupiter were about those I just mentioned, with the leadership of the Earth Alliance only. These meetings were completed today, Terran time. This is the statement I can give to you, with my superiors’ blessings. Did Oona contact you?

    E: Yes, she did.

    TH: Then she knows more details than I do, at least for now. I shall speak to you again in the coming hours. You can of course tell Dr. Michael, and give him my fond salutations.

    E: I surely will, thank you, Thor Han.
    Thor Han’s message gives us a clear idea of what really transpired in Antarctica. The global elites summoned there met with a delegation of leaders from different extraterrestrial organizations and the Earth Alliance that participated in the Jupiter Accords signed in July 2021. The elites were required to come up with a plan for a smooth economic transition to a more equitable monetary system and prevent a global financial collapse.

    This is supported by the tweets by the two senior officials from Ripple Labs, Schwartz and Garlinghouse. Their presence and expertise signaled that what was being negotiated in Antarctica involved a new online payment system.

    Could this be linked to a Quantum Financial System (QFS) that has been a topic of much speculation? According to one source, Nigel Matte, the coming QFS would be linked to a quantum internet that will be created through the Starlink Satellite system being created by Elon Musk’s SpaceX. Schwartz and Garlinghouse would have the necessary expertise to help plans for a smooth transition from the current global financial system to a QFS linked to quantum cloud computing.

    Thor Han pointed out that the implications for multiple industries will be enormous starting with the energy sector. Indeed, abandoning fossil fuels is the key to unleashing a multitude of alternative energy technologies that have been suppressed since the early 1900s. Similarly, many other suppressed technologies such as electromagnetic and holographic healing modalities will be also released, thereby replacing the soon to be discredited pharmaceutical industry, as a result of national populations rebelling against mandatory vaccine policies and big pharma support for these.

    It’s worth keeping in mind that there are currently over 5900 patents that are suppressed in the US alone due to national security orders imposed by the intelligence community. The bulk of these suppressed patents involve alternative energy and healing technologies. When in January 2017, President Donald Trump issued a Top Secret Memorandum for the release of 1000 of these patents over the next two years, he was ignored by the intelligence community, and his administration subsequently targeted.

    For the rest of Dr. Salla's article:

    On the Horizon: ET Disclosure to Come?

    By Brad Johnson

    On the Horizon:
    ET Disclosure to Come?

    This is one of the debut articles for the New Earth Newsletter. To sign up for our free New Earth Newsletter, visit:

    Yes, even the mainstream media has dedicated a great deal of its airtime on sharing information on UFOs and sightings of interplanetary vehicles. But why are such platforms that have been designed to serve the shadow forces for so long sharing stories, footage and testimonials regarding other-worldy phenomena?

    It's because the times are changing and the old machine of lies, manipulation, control and corruption are falling apart at the seems. Would it surprise you to know that the agenda of releasing information on ETs and UFOs are a direct retaliation against those opposing forces that have kept these events of other-worldly sightings under wraps?

    It was believed, even by me at one point, that this may represent some type of agenda to serve the shadow forces and corrupt organizations to implement a hoax alien invasion. But by the strong momentum of energies through the events occurring now, this does not seem to be the case. This is a powerful blow to the jaw of the established corrupt forces.

    We have been bound to so much secrecy and hostile protection about life from beyond our world. It has cost the lives of many whistleblowers and info-leakers where their family and friends were threatened to maintain this secrecy all so that humanity could remain in the dark believing that there was no family existing beyond the Earth assisting us behind the scenes. That we were nothing more than scared children huddled in a corner believing that only we exist in all the universe. What a phenomenal lie... Indeed, the greatest lie ever told to humanity.

    This is building up to what will also be a large revealing to those who never thought twice about life beyond the Earth. This is one of many things allowed to cultivate through current events opening our eyes wider to the truth of interstellar civilizations. The advantage that the corrupt forces once had was this secrecy. Yet, the spilling of the beans unveiling declassified information, videos and testimonies of ET presences and other-worldly phenomenon is, in actually, a truth antidote breaking down the walls of secrecy, control, lies and corruption. This will lead into a great revealing where everyone on the planet will be aware that other civilizations beyond our world will exist. It will not be long before an associating critical mass announcement is made regarding this once other key factors of corrupt takedown takes place.

    The ET presence and awareness of other life beyond the Earth is just one of many big announcements revealed that will loosen the blindfold of ignorance upon many living a conditioned, controlled life breaking them out of trance further. The time for this revealing feels like it may be here right before the end of the year as the energy is sensed and shared now. Right now, these exposures on the media platforms are seeds being planted slowly and steadily for something larger to grow and become known on a worldwide level. That time is approaching. For those of you who know... Enjoy what comes from this, because it is another facet in the diamond of grand awakening.

    May it be well.
    Brad Johnson

    On Dec 18, 2021 09:00 AM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)

    Brad will be interviewing Jared Rand Master Teacher and Off-World Insider. Through this interview, we'll be looking into Jared's Celestial Chamber technology, exploring other off-world technology and looking deeper into insider discussions on the nature of the universe itself. Q and A will also be available with Jared.

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