Sunday, February 28, 2021

Michael Tellinger and Charlie Ward: Cure with High Oxygenated Water. Free Energy and Much More!

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Michael Tellinger and Charlie Ward:
Cure with High Oxygenated Water.
Free Energy and Much More!

Michael and Charlie talk about a cure using High Oxygenated water plus Free Energy and much more, not to be missed!.

Bitchute link:



Saturday, February 27, 2021

James Gilliland: Mr. Mehran Keshe - Space Travel, Propulsion Systems and Plasma Healing Technology

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James Gilliland:
Mr. Mehran Keshe - Space Travel,
Propulsion Systems and Plasma Healing Technology

This week Special Guest Professor Mehran Keshe of the Keshe foundation joins James Gilliland to discuss Space travel, game changing propulsion systems and Plasma healing Technology.

YouTube link:

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Lorie Ladd: HOLY SHIFTS! Current Energies

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Lorie Ladd:
HOLY SHIFTS! Current Energies

Lorie has a message about what many of us are going through right now!.

YouTube link:

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

White House Closed Forever as the Truth Comes Out

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White House Closed Forever as the Truth Comes Out -
Las Vegas Meeting Reveals All To The Patriots

The whole world will know between March and April 2021 all the lies they have been told by mainstream media. This nightmare movie is all about to end. So close up your popcorn box and let’s get back to the new normal, the one without masks and ridiculous illegal lockdowns.

Bitchute link:

Sound of Freedom [Official Trailer]

Friday, February 19, 2021

Med Beds Quantum Energy Healing System (video)

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Med Beds Quantum Energy Healing System

Med Beds! Super exciting news from The Intergalactic Alliance of Light Beings, brought to you by Canadian Psychic Medium Tracey Milne AAHP. GESARA Technology Quantum Healing! Mind blowing good news. Tell everyone!

YouTube link:

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Short Film - History of the Extraterrestrial Agenda and the Coming Global Revolution

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Short Film -
History of the Extraterrestrial Agenda
and the Coming Global Revolution

This short film presents the history of extraterrestrial intervention on Earth, and how competing factions have warred over humanity’s destiny. Learn how Earth became a prison planet under the control of a negative group of extraterrestrials and their human proxies ( aka the Cabal/Deep State) that have historically manufactured poverty, disease and war. Discover what lies ahead as positive extraterrestrials work with an Earth Alliance of international leaders from major nations to free our planet, and usher in a new age of prosperity, freedom and becoming part of a Galactic Federation.

Available on Rumble and YouTube

YouTube link:

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Disclosure: Pentagon has Admitted to Holding and Testing Wreckage from UFO Crashes

Pentagon has Admitted to Holding and
Testing Wreckage from UFO Crashes

THE Pentagon has admitted to holding and testing wreckage from UFO crashes in a bombshell Freedom of Information letter, shared with The Sun.

Researcher Anthony Bragalia wrote to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) requesting details of all UFO material, which they hold and results of any tests they had been carrying out on it.

He wrote: "This could include physical debris recovered by personnel of the Department of Defense as residue, flotsam, shot-off material or crashed material from UAPS [unidentified aerial phenomenon] or unidentified flying objects."

In the response, shared with The Sun, the DIA released 154 pages of test results that includes reports on a mysterious "memory" metal called Nitinol, which remembers its original shape when folded.

Bragalia said it was a "stunning admission" from the US government and the documents reveal that some of the retrieved debris possesses "extraordinary capabilities" including the potential to make things invisible or even slow down the speed of light.

He told The Sun: "The Pentagon has admitted to holding and testing anomalous debris from UFOs.

Full Article:

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Narenda Modi and Restoring India’s Ancient Vedic Science: Vimanas and Genetic Supersoldiers (video)


By Dr. Michael Salla

Narenda Modi and Restoring India’s
Ancient Vedic Science: Vimanas and
Genetic Supersoldiers
On February 15, Time published an article depicting Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi as an unreliable democratic ally due to his right wing Hindu Nationalist policies that discriminate against religious minorities. The article is one among many in the mainstream media that increasingly vilify or demonize Modi and his party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), as violent extremists.

In this Exopolitics Today podcast, I describe the main reason why the Deep State is opposed to Modi – his intent on restoring India’s ancient advanced technologies such as Vimanas (antigravity spacecraft) & genetically engineered supersoldiers.

Modi is locked in a ferocious battle with the Indian branch of the “Deep State” that wants to restrict access and knowledge of India’s Ancient Vedic Science to a select few. In contrast, Modi wants Indian scientists to be given open access to ancient artifacts detailing the schematics, and operations of these super technologies.

Modi is India’s version of Donald Trump who faced similar problems from the Deep State when he attempted to “white world” many of the black projects studied in corporate facilities. Modi and Trump have partnered in an “Earth Alliance”, alongside other world leaders such as Russia’s Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi Jinping in releasing advanced technologies gained from ancient artifacts or crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft.

Podcast is available on Rumble, YouTube and Spotify [TBA].

Michael Salla, Ph.D.

YouTube link:

Charlie Ward: Med Beds Available Very Soon!

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Charlie Ward:
Med Beds Available Very Soon!

Charlie gives a more precise explanation on the Med Beds and said they will be available very very soon!

Bitchute link:

Monday, February 15, 2021

Digging Deeper With Mel K and Charlie Ward

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Digging Deeper With Mel K and Charlie Ward

Minute 18:21
Charlie: QFS (Quantum Financial System) - All funds now downloaded onto system and ready to flip the switch, once the QFS has been swithed on Med Beds will become immediately available, there are three different types of Med Beds, First one is for rebuilding limbs, Second one is for upgrading your DNA making you smarter etc, the third one is for to cure diseases and can make you 20 to 30 years younger!!!.....

Bitchute link:

The Greatest Technology Shift on Planet Earth of all Time;
is Now on the Way!

Sunday, February 14, 2021

James Gilliland: Mel K - As You Wish Talk Radio - EPIC Mel K Truth Bombs! (video)

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James Gilliland:
Mel K - As You Wish Talk Radio -
EPIC Mel K Truth Bombs!

This Week Special Guest "Mel K" Joins James Gilliland covering What's Really Going On with Hard hitting Facts. Prepare to Receive all of the Missing Pieces!

Mel K
We are all in uncharted territory but fortunately patriots have been given clues and a map and we know the basic plan. We, The Digital Army, will track the markers and comb through the news that will guide us all through this great TRANSITION and onward to GREATNESS. Pray, Breathe and let's do this!!

YouTube link:

Friday, February 12, 2021

Incredible Footage of UFOs Over Poland

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Incredible Footage of UFOs Over Poland
Man Captures Insane UFO Footage

A man claims that he managed to take a video of a series of UFOs in the sky. The incident happened in Kielce City in southern Poland.

YouTube link:

Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Military Witness videotapes a Flying Saucer


By Dr. Michael Salla

Military Witness videotapes a Flying Saucer

My long time contact JP has sent me a compelling video of an antigravity craft he personally witnessed and recorded on the night of February 6, 2021. The video shows a flying saucer shaped craft flying over North Carolina. JP is currently serving with a branch of the US military, and wishes to maintain his anonymity for personal and professional reasons.

I have known JP since 2008 when he first contacted me about an extraterrestrial encounter he had in Brazil. He has over the subsequent years supplied me many photographs and videos of different shaped antigravity craft and encounters with their occupants. These include both extraterrestrial entities and military personnel, including Air Force Special Operations.

I have written multiple articles about his previous encounters along with supporting photos and videos here.

The flying saucer craft he videotaped on Feb 6 is very similar to one that he witnessed on May 24, 2018, which landed near his home in Orlando, Florida. The Nordic looking extraterrestrial occupant offered JP a ride which he declined. He wore an Air Force uniform and said his group was working with the USAF. JP took a photo of the departing flying saucer which I wrote about here.

JP believes that the same Nordic group wanted to let him know that they are ready to make contact again, and are aware of his current position with the US military. His Feb 6 video can be viewed on Rumble or in the following YouTube video.

ll photos and videos sent to me by JP are originals and have not been altered in any way. Enhancements are provided in addition to the original to provide clarity on what is being witnessed. The photos and videos are empirical evidence of other worldly contact and of secret space programs operating on Earth using antigravity technologies.

Michael Salla, Ph.D.

Monday, February 08, 2021

Lorie Ladd: Powerful Experience With The Blue Avians

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Lorie Ladd:
Powerful Experience With The Blue Avians

Lorie Ladd has a powerful experience with the blue avians

YouTube link:

Sunday, February 07, 2021

Big Arrests Revealed!

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Big Arrests Revealed and Happening Now!

Just thought i would share this important information! and it's just the start!!.

Big Arrests Revealed! You're going to want to share this with your friends and family.

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Rumble link:

Corey Goode - Planetary Intervention: Special Forces - Nordic Delegations, UFO Crash Retrievals and Alien Firefights (video)

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Corey Goode SphereBeing Alliance -
Planetary Intervention:
Special Forces - Nordic Delegations,
UFO Crash Retrievals and Alien Firefights

An insider ('Daniel') from a secret Government Group called 'Earth Force' shared his experiences with Fabio Santos. According to this insider, Specialized Elite Earth Forces provide perimeter support for Nordic ET meetings with Earth Officials, Battle Reptillian and Grey Aliens over Crashed UFOs, and the long history of Reptillians coming to the surface of the planet to hunt and kill Humans and how we started fighting back. Dr. Salla and Fabio Santo's discuss a new insider that claims all of these experiences and more. More of 'Daniel's' experiences are in the book - Planetary Intervention.

YouTube link:

Tuesday, February 02, 2021

ET Races (video)

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ET Races
By Peter Maxwell Slattery
In this video is artwork that was done for Peter Maxwell Slattery, depicting Extraterrestrials and otherworldly Beings he has interacted with.

More in-depth information on all of these Beings coming soon.

YouTube link:

Monday, February 01, 2021

Suppressed Secret Technologies: Med Beds, Replicators, Free Energy, Stargates and Antigravity (video)

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Suppressed Secret Technologies:
Med Beds, Replicators, Free Energy, Stargates
and Antigravity

Top secret Advanced Technologies involving; Advanced Healing Devices, Replicators and Free Energy. Featuring Emery Smith and Corey Goode. What does the future hold in store for us?

YouTube link: