Greer’s 20 Year Anniversary of “Disclosure”
Or is There Another Agenda?
Have you ever asked the question why disclosure has not gone anywhere in 70 years? We are still at, do UFOs exist and is the government covering it up. Have you ever asked why the top people in the field are continuing in the controlled narrative other than just a few? Seeing that Dr? Greer has singled out ECETI spreading false information as a hippie camp doing drugs and seeing strange things in the sky lets address his camp. He brags about his connections with the Rockefellers, Clintons, Podestas and now the CFR, Council on foreign relations. He quotes the CFR’s statement that there are no negative ETs when it is well known the global elite and the CFR is replete with Satanic/Luciferian influence tied to the Grey and reptilian alliance. He has always taken the position that there are no negative ETs when history, every sacred book, the Nag Hammadi, every ancient culture, even temple and tomb walls record encounters with negative ETs and unseen negative influences. It is a known historical fact that Marduk actually aligned with the reptilians for total supremacy over the Earth and his own people. Yet Dr? Greer says we need to allow any ET or Spirit to come into us, make contact, guide us in our everyday lives. This is the most unprofessional, irresponsible statement ever made with serious consequences. This is the main reason for writing this article due to being overwhelmed with people asking for help within his organization to clear and unhook from these entities. We are also chastised for not working with Greer who does not work with anyone that might steal his thunder and have as of yet not told the reasons why. We are also concerned with Greer’s statements lockstep with the global elite about the need for population control. At a dinner Greer made the statement we have to reduce the population. We said if you are a man of conviction you first. He replied, “I am too important.” There were other things said at that dinner we cannot even mention.

Many authentic contactees and counsellors are having to clean up his mess after people either gullibly or in ignorance open themselves to unseen negative ETs or other influences. Many of their lives literally turn to hell after attending his thousand dollar plus, events that could be done much safer in your own back yard. You would also not be subjected to or have to give your power away to his megalomaniac authoritarian rule. He has taken literally millions of dollars in donations and proceeds from projects which never went to their intended cause. This is but one reason why his entire staff quits on a regular basis. He makes them sign NDAs, non-disclosure contracts and threatens them if they go public with any of his secrets like where the money really went. There is a long list of extremely disenchanted, disheartened staff that would love to go public, their stories would make you cringe. If Greer has nothing to hide release them from their NDAs. If left to Greer it will never happen.
Greer boasts of extremely high-level connections in military and government yet when the named connections are asked they do not verify his claims. Some statements implied personal briefings were nothing more than a mailed letter most likely never getting past staff. To his credit he did get many high level military to come forward promising protection yet did not deliver when they were harassed and threatened with loss of their pensions. The most obvious question is why would you be lie ve high level government and military when they have been involved in the coverup since day one? In some cases with deadly force. What are they going to say?
“My fellow Americans, we have contracted with the Grey Alliance, reptilians, several high-tech civilizations that are morally bankrupt, care nothing for humanity, your children, wives etc. We agreed as a trade for technology they can abduct and experiment on citizens without their consent in full knowledge that some will never return. We have also been going back and forth to the Moon and Mars since the late 60”s but continue to send astronauts up on controlled firecrackers to keep the secret. Of course, this is in the interest of national security. We now know it was a terrible mistake but we want full disclosure and will be totally honest with you. Our controlled narrative operatives, those who worked with us in the past will be taken off their leashes and can now tell the truth. By the way all that technology we have hidden from you is now available.”
Is this what you are waiting for? Sad thing is the masses would believe them because it is official. The more official it is the less truth it will hold. The higher up the ladder in most organizations the darker it gets, wake up this has been going on for centuries. The ones who could not live with what transpired, had in depth knowledge of the atrocities and went public are now dead, under extreme duress or in hiding. Where was their protection?
Many of these global elite aligned morally bankrupt officials are Greer’s people by his own admission. He openly boasts about them. Now do you understand why we say the top people in the field of Ufology are either willingly or in ignorance part of the controlled narrative? Do you understand why the spiritually and technologically advance ETs, the Star Nations our ancient ancestors have avoided these, “official” groups like the plague? Yet the masses turn to them as ambassadors for contact and information concerning ETs.
“If the benevolent ones are avoiding them then just who are they working with? What is their real agenda?”
Do you understand why only the elite have anti/counter gravity, fuelless energy, extreme longevity and healing technologies, med-beds etc. technologies that have been around for over 70 and counting years? When Greer hears someone might have technology he sets up a meeting demands 51% controlling interest telling the scientists they will never get the technology out without him. So what happened to those foolish enough to sign on, where is their technology? We have been censored, invited and uninvited by the largest UFO conferences and venues in the world which knowingly support the controlled opposition, the fraud, those supported by the morally corrupt only for the name recognition and ticket sales.
Do you think they will invite me now? Do you now know why ECETI has its own platforms, conferences, radio shows? It is a work around. Fame and fortune mean nothing to me. The Truth and what better serves humanity and the Earth are first and foremost.
This is the core issue, this is why the masses do not have contact with the benevolent ETs or the advanced Inner Earth beings and why these earth friendly and healing technologies are not available to the public. The very people professing to deliver are in league with the ones suppressing it. It is called “planned opposition” and a controlled narrative. How long will this game continue? Einstein did say doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is a form of insanity. The benevolents are waiting for this game to end. They are waiting for a thing called impeccable integrity along with a strong moral compass.
We have had contact at ECETI for 35 years, it has been public, tens of thousands of people have visited, had their own sightings and contacts, including Air Force base commanders, Triple PHD Boeing engineers, Lock Heed skunk work officials, NASA, Air Traffic Controllers, Pilots and professional people from all walks of life including Elders from all nations. Many have testified on Coast to Coast with Art Bell. ABC, Fox News, Paranormal State, History Channel, Danny Dyer, too many to mention specials have covered the ongoing contact where we gave them the exact time and location the ships would appear redundantly. This is fully documented with photos, eyewitnesses and video. Yet now Hollywood, the main stream news, social media, even major UFO conferences have put the lid on this. In some cases with extreme censorship followed by character assassination. This includes the last Ancient Aliens episode filmed at ECETI where they completely edited myself and our information on who is on the ships, their intensions, the many levels of contact out of the episode joining the controlled narrative. To add insult to injury Greer borrows everyone else’s information, much of his life story is fictitious. A good example is one of his latest videos Contact Has Begun. We had already put out Contact Has Begun 1 and 2, hard to miss because it was on Netflix. Greer was also instrumental in ECETI being either heavily edited or censored altogether with Thrive and other venues. Why? How did he rise to the top and be the first and foremost authority on UFOs? Was it connections, did he play ball with the big boys and just who are his sponsors? His latest endeavor is to make it big in Hollywood. We have been black balled by Hollywood for exposing adrenochrome, child trafficking and sacrifice in Satanic/Luciferian rituals. Yet Hollywood seems to accept him with open arms? Has he ever mentioned opposition to any of this?
How can anyone in their right mind with any base logic or moral integrity professing to be for disclosure ignore this? They can’t so they have to demonize ECETI and the messenger with baseless rumors and accusations. This only establishes their own character and ignorance along with their true agenda. What they do not realize is I have no need for love, acceptance or approval outside of self and am fully loved, accepted and approved of by God/Creator/Great Spirit and the Beautiful Many servants thereof. Though not infaliable my heart and actions and intentions are always for the higher good.
We know there will be blowback from this article from the very people we are advising to discontinue in the deception. We are speaking on behalf of the Galactic Federation which are no longer going to tolerate the deception and suppression of humanities upward evolution. They can manipulate the mind but they have no control of the awakening soul. Neither can they control the millions who incarnated from higher civilizations that are being awakened and remembering. That is in the hands of Creator and the servants thereof. If Dr? Greer would read our visitor and staff policy he would know we have an extreme no drug, no alcohol policy which totally destroys his narrative and attempts to discredit us. Those involved in breaking the rules are ushered off the property.
The question one needs to ask is why are we a threat? Why all the censorship and competition? If we all have the same goal, are working with spiritually and technologically advanced off world visitors for the greater good of humanity why is there competition and a threat? Why is telling the truth shamed, censored and called creating disunity? Is truth and base logic pointing out the extreme lack of discernment unwelcome? What I find hilarious is the spiritual shaming judging and self-righteous condemnation of his followers. It is coming from ignorance and spiritual ego. If they were spiritually advanced they would sense see and feel what is really going on. Especially if they are clairvoyant or clairsentient. Reread the beginning if you have not yet figured out the answer as to why this is being addressed.
There are unseen and seen negative ETs, many fall into the Grey Alliance and Reptilian Alliance. Some refer to them as demons, Jin, a host of names different in every culture and religion. Many are working with them willingly or in ignorance. They have taken over the highest levels of Governments, Religions, Corporations where ever there are seats of power to control and manipulate the masses. If you have not figured out why there is so much inhumanity on Earth factor in nonhuman interference and influence. The Great Awakening is the realization and freedom from this on every level.
There are also seen and unseen positive influences. This is the most censored information and full of posers. The Spiritually and Technologically Advanced multidimensional off world visitors some refer to as Star Nations or Ancient Ancestors which are in direct opposition to those operating outside of Universal Law. Now you know why the dark hearts are trying so desperately to keep them from you. Why they have lied to you for hundreds of years. Imagine what would happen if the masses found out the truth? What would happen if the masses put out the intent to align with the Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off Worlders that operate under Universal Law where Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All are first and foremost. What if the masses chose Unity Consciousness transcending all cultural and religious boundaries? Imagine the quantum leap humanity would make in evolution if they no longer allowed themselves to be divided working with the original terraformers, how fast the planet could be healed and restored?
We have to use discernment, take personal responsibility, stand tall in our own divinity and demand our God/Creator/Great Spirit rights and wake up from the dream, the social engineering, the planned opposition, and deceptions from the dark hearts. Earth is rising, ascending, this is our destiny, those who resist will not be frequency specific to Earth’s unstoppable spiritual evolution. The truth will be shouted from the roof tops, no rock shall be left unturned. The Earth has chosen, the Creator has agreed, the spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders, Ascended Masters, Saints and Sages, advanced Inner Earth beings are on board now. Everyone is waiting for the masses, the Great Awakening. It is a matter of percentages. It is up to us to participate in raising those percentages on the light side.
We are in for a ride that will be anything but boring. Willingly and in ignorance working with the dark hearts will have consequences. Make informed decisions, do your own research, walk away from anything that does not empower you and others as an individual or is detrimental to Creation. Break out of the herd consciousness, your continuation in the future depends on it. If you want to contact the benevolent beings it takes an open mind, loving heart and pure intent. Set the intent to contact only benevolent beings in service to humanity and the Earth, Qualify it. It also helps to do clearings or prayer before opening to spirit. Not the pujas to Shani also known as Lucifer. We won’t mention which doctor sets that intent. Enough with the games, we don’t have the luxury of continuing in the nonsense. The Galactic Federation is waiting. If we want help we have to initiate it, do our part. Be well,
Tools for Healing Unseen Negative Influences
James Gilliland
ECETI Stargate YouTube