Thursday, June 30, 2022

Ismael Perez Discusses Earth Work Involvement in Cosmic war with Nicholas Veniamin

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Ismael Perez Discusses Earth Work
Involvement in Cosmic war
with Nicholas Veniamin
Part 2

Invasive aggressive aliens.
After ascension, what will it be like.
A bright future ahead of us.
First, second and third wave Starseeds.
We are from the future.
Galactic Federation.
Entire galaxy now secured.
Stargates under Australia now secured.
We are being prepared for first contact with the Galactic Federation.
We will be interacting with many races from all over the Galaxy.
How are we progressing now. And much more!...

Bitchute link:

Part 1

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The Strange and Unusual Insectoid Beings - Real Encounters With Bug Like E.TS

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The Strange and Unusual Insectoid Beings -
Real Encounters With Bug Like E.TS

Throughout the world there are numerous accounts of people having E.T contact type experiences. Witnesses have reported encountering a large insect type being that resemble giant mantids. Are these horrifying creatures real or are they some kind of shape shifters or change the way we humans perceive them? One thing is for sure, they seem to be in control of the experience and seemingly communicate with the experiencers directly.

Bitchute link:

Something Huge is Happening Right now Above California

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Something Huge is Happening
Right now Above California

Residents in San Diego have been left asking questions after spotting mysterious lights above the city. Hundreds of photographs made their way to social media, showing objects in the shape of discs, glowing orbs, circular crafts with what appears to be lights around the outside, and also cylindrical objects. These objects were seen for miles, with the mass sighting going from San Diego California, to Baja California. The first sightings were reported at around 9pm on the 27th of June, with some residents who were close to the water saying that they watched the object rise out of the ocean and then head towards land.

Bitchute link:

Ascension versus Transhumanism in Ancient Texts and Modern Times

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Ascension versus Transhumanism in
Ancient Texts and Modern Times

William Henry has been researching ancient texts and myths over the last three decades and has made many discoveries concerning extraterrestrial intervention, genetic engineering of humanity, ascension, and transhumanism that are all recorded far back in human history. He correctly predicted the growing problem of transhumanism in his 2002 book, Cloak of the Illuminati, and identified the key role of portals/stargates as a means of instantaneous transportation used by Anunnaki extraterrestrials and other off world visitors.

William is a leading proponent of the need for ascension via activation of the rainbow/light body to unleash the full human potential. He asserts this is the best means to offset the grave threat posed by the aggressive push for transhumanism by global elites who want to bio-engineer a new outer skin/exoskeleton for humanity modeled on the fictional Iron Man metal suit.

In his interview with Dr. Michael Salla, William explains why he decided to become an investigative mythologist, his discoveries about humanity’s true history concerning extraterrestrials, how he recognized the threat of transhumanism decades before others, and his work in developing ascension classes around the world including his home in Nashville, Tennessee.

YouTube link:

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Saucer Type UFO Filmed Hovering Over Medellín In Colombia By Multiple Witnesses

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Saucer Type UFO Filmed Hovering
Over Medellín In Colombia
By Multiple Witnesses

Yet again another "Saucer Type" UFO has been seen over Medellín. This city seems to be a hotbed for sightings and i feel the main question is why?

YouTube link:

Was this Man from the Country That Didn’t Exist?.. An Interdimensional Traveler Case?

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Was this Man from the
Country That Didn’t Exist?..
An Interdimensional Traveler Case?

In the summer of 1954, a man from Europe entered Haneda Airport in Tokyo, Japan. He had visited Japan many times before, and, at first sight, there appeared to be nothing out of the ordinary about this European traveller. However, when he was asked to show his passport, things took a turn for the bizarre. According to his official papers, and to the man himself, his home country was that of ‘Taured’ – a country he was told by airport officials DID NOT EXIST. Despite this, the man was able to produce his driving license, bank statements and official business papers, all of which seemed to confirm the existence of his claimed country of Taured, which he said was situated between Spain and France and which had a history stretching back at least 1000 years. What happened next is more bizarre than can be imagined, and may lend support the idea of alternate universes, other dimensions and time travel…

Bitchute link:

CE-5 Initiating Contact with Extraterrestrials Part 2

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CE-5 Initiating Contact
with Extraterrestrials -
Part 2

In part two of this series "CE-5 Initiating Contact with Extraterrestrials", Pete goes into meditation, as well as tips and tools.

YouTube link:

Part 1

Stargate Newsletter: 'Game Over'

Stargate Newsletter:
'Game Over'

Excellent newsletter from Ben Fulford.

Yes, indeed, game over for the [D]eep [S]tate.

Read to the very end - you will see extraordinary pictures of cloud ships in Dakota. Wow.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


Monday, June 27, 2022

Tarot by Janine Chats With Megan Rose! Looking Into her View of Solar Flash and "Q" Back?

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Tarot by Janine Chats With Megan Rose!
Looking Into her View of
Solar Flash and "Q" Back?

Tarot By Janine chats with Megan Rose about our current World situation...Her thoughts on The Solar Flash..."Q" posts...Where are we headed? More Starseed info!

YouTube link:

Alien Mothership in Japan!

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Alien Mothership UFO in Japan!

Alien Mothership UFO "UAP" Caught in Saitama Prefecture, Japan!

YouTube link:

Aliens and Underground Bases - Phil Schneider's Last Seminar Before his Untimely Demise

Aliens and Underground Bases -
Phil Schneider's Last Seminar
Before his Untimely Demise

DUMBs, (deep underground military bases) Phil S. dug them with advanced laser equipment.

Bitchute link:

Mothership UFO Caught in Norway!

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Mothership UFO Caught in Norway!

• Location of Sighting • | Norway
• Date of Sighting • | 26-06-2022

YouTube link:

Sunday, June 26, 2022

A Whole Town Witness UFO Circling Over Them | Aliens in Alaska

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A Whole Town Witness UFO
Circling Over Them |
Aliens in Alaska

The people of Seward, Alaska saw some strange things happening over 30 years ago when a big spaceship circled their town for hours with intense lights.

YouTube link:

Alien Artefacts in our Solar System... There are Highly Advanced Objects Observing Earth

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Alien Artefacts in our Solar System...
There are Highly Advanced Objects
Observing Earth

Buckle up because this could be one of the BIGGEST stories in the history of humanity. In an astonishing turn of events, one of the world's most respected astronomers has admitted we may not be alone in the Solar System. This follows the incredible sighting of an object thought to have been sent by a highly advanced alien civilization far outside our universe. The object hurtled through the solar system and displayed no sign of being an asteroid or any other entity known to science.

Bitchute link:

Simon Parkes Update

Simon Parkes Update

Info snippets...
Row v Wade, why that is so important...
The QFS...
Zim Bonds, Dinars, Dong exchange...
Removal of taxation...
And much more with Questions and Answers...

YouTube link:

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Bell Shape UFO in Belize and UFO Mothership in France

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Bell Shape UFO in Belize and
UFO Mothership in France

• Location of Sighting • | Belize
• Date of Sighting • | 25-06-2022

YouTube link:

• Location of Sighting • | France
• Date of Sighting • | 25-06-2022

YouTube link:

Galactic Federation of Worlds: Future Proves Past

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Galactic Federation of Worlds:
Future Proves Past

OMG!! The letter 17 is back. In one of Val Nek's past updates in April, he said the letter 17 is coming back and to pay attention. He also speaks of the historic agreements made in Antarctica. The link is below. Nothing can stop what is coming!

Antarctica Meetings/Letter 17 intel:


Welcome to the Future Book:

YouTube link:

Randy Cramer: Hybrid Soldier for the Earth Defence Force Secret Space Program 20 and Back

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Randy Cramer:
Hybrid Soldier for the Earth Defence Force
Secret Space Program 20 and Back

Randy Cramer comes forward to tell of his experiences within the 20 & Back program as a genetically and technologically augmented solider. During his 20-year tour of duty, he fought indigenous insectoids on Mars, patrolled the solar system defending Earth from potential invaders and sent on missions to other worlds. Through all of his harrowing encounters, perhaps his greatest challenge was being returned to civilian life and facing a flood of memories of a life in the 20 & Back. As part of his testimony, he submits to a Polygraph examination and answers some challenging questions.

Bitchute link:

Super Soldier Talk – Ismael Perez Radiant Guardian Ultra Soldier

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Super Soldier Talk –
Ismael Perez
Radiant Guardian Ultra Soldier

Original Record Date: June 20, 2022

Ismael Perez was recruited as an ultra-elite Super Soldier in the secret space program by an off-world group known as the Central race that comes from the future, a.k.a. wing makers, according to the ACIO. He then served about 60 years in the 5th core of Radiant Guardians to fight in the multiverse war against the evil A.I. The radiant guardians work with higher dimensional beings—beyond the Galactic Federation.

During this time, he helped liberate galaxies in the cosmic sector of Enzra, that consist of 100,000 universes. Our local universe is number 84 our constellation is number 70 and our system in which our planet earth is located is system number 24 comprised of 52 local star clusters. Within that cluster we are known as planetary 606.

He now serves as a Cosmic Ambassador representing an intergalactic alliance known as “The Covenant of Palaidor.” This is a cosmic treaty that was initiated by the forces of light in the higher dimensions to protect, and guard the Earth from the Draco forces, and the A. I. There is a collective known as the Animus that The Guardian Alliance has been battling for over a million years, and Ismael was a warrior in many lifetimes as recalled from his many past lives.

The majority of the starseeds that have volunteered for the call to rescue this planet, including Ismael; have been selected to come here and help. Ismael is one of the inner council members who is here to bring forth the next level of cosmic disclosure that will restore our planet back to its original glory in fulfillment of the galactic prophecies. The information that he has to bring forth has never been heard of before on this planet.

He is also a galactic historian. He’s tapped into several of his past lives, and is also the writer of the book “Our Cosmic Origin.” This book reveals the true galactic roots of humanity, the organization of the cosmos, and Earths relationship to the multiverse.

Bitchute link:

Baffling Mysteries of Alaska... Something Weird is Going on in The Alaskan Wilderness

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Baffling Mysteries of Alaska...
Something Weird is Going on
in The Alaskan Wilderness

During research on Alaska, a former US Air Force employee discovered something genuinely astonishing...over 16,000 people have mysteriously gone missing across the state in the last 20 years. That's not the only strange thing about Alaska. As the research continued, it became apparent that it was not just people who were going missing but also planes and ships. Clearly, something extraordinary is going on here, which is why the area has now been dubbed the Alaskan triangle.

Bitchute link:

Friday, June 24, 2022

Roe v Wade


Roe v Wade

SCOTUS having overturned Roe v Wade now means that National Guard in all states on high alert.


Dr. Michael Salla - Humanity Joining the Galactic Federation

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Dr. Michael Salla -
Humanity Joining the Galactic Federation

COAST TO COAST AM - 2022. Former university professor in international relations, Dr. Michael Salla, is the author/editor of nine books dealing with exopolitics, ET groups, and secret space programs. In the first half, he shared details about the Galactic Federation, a cosmic organization that he believes is composed of various extraterrestrial races. As evidence, he cited the testimony of Prof. Haim Eshed, former head of Israel's Defense Ministry's space directorate, who specifically mentioned Earth's contact with the Galactic Federation. Eshed said that cooperative agreements had been worked out between the US government and the Federation, including involvement with an underground base on Mars. Salla also cited how some of the early contactees dating back to the 1950s, like George Van Tassel spoke about the Federation and Ashtar Command. Ultimately, the end game is for humanity to join the Galactic Federation for a kind of "Star Trek" future, Salla explained.

YouTube link:

Huge "UFO" Appears Above Woman’s Backyard | Aliens In Alaska

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Huge "UFO" Appears
Above Woman’s Backyard |
Aliens In Alaska

Trish hosted a star-watching party in her backyard with friends and family. She was amazed when a huge "UFO" appeared but only revealed itself to her! Juneau also experiences a unique alien encounter, where he followed two ships into the mountains.

YouTube link:

You're An Idiot, Joe!!!

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You're An Idiot, Joe!!!

Yep, he certainly is, but he's right!

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Rumble link:

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Did the US use Time Travel to win World War II?

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Did the US use Time Travel to win
World War II?

According to the legendary Montauk Project whistleblower, Al Bielek, the US first discovered time travel technology in 1936 and was given assistance from the future to win World War II. Bielek’s startling information provides an answer to a common question concerning extraterrestrial intervention in human affairs, “how did Nazi Germany lose the war if they were receiving technological assistance from Draco Reptilians”, as claimed by secret space program insiders such as William Tompkins in his Selected by Extraterrestrials book series?

This is an audio-video version of an article published on June 23 at:

YouTube link: