UFOs are being seen all over the world and high ranking Government, Air Force, Army, Navy officials are now coming forward as witnesses to the UFO, Extraterrestrial and free energy secrecy that has been withheld from the public for many years. The truth will be Disclosed. UFOs Disclosure, ET Disclosure, Free Energy Disclosure, New Healing Technology, Other Technologies, The Cabal, Q, The Truth.
Overcoming Global Elite Agendas and Creating a New Earth: Interview with Sacha Stone
Sacha Stone is a former rock musician and artist who decided to focus on global humanitarian initiatives for a New Earth with sustainable technologies that would protect the global environment and unlock human potential. In 1999, he established his first non-government organization, Humanidad, which quickly gained international prominence. This led to him being given a senior position within the United Nations to coordinate international humanitarian efforts by non-government organizations. After two years, however, he resigned from his position due to incompetence and high-level corruption within the UN system.
Stone has ever since worked tirelessly to expose corruption and global manipulation by a satanic group of elites; to bring about a more ethical, peaceful world; and to stop all forms of child and human trafficking. He is dedicated to empowering the latent “God-King” potential in human DNA connected to humanity’s Anunnaki creators, particularly the Enki faction. In this Exopolitics Today Interview, Stone discusses how his research and activism relate to extraterrestrial life and technology both in the ancient and modern world.
John Lear’s Revelations: UFOs, E.Ts, Advance Alien Technology, and Top Crypto Clearance Access
In this A MUST WATCH archived show brought to you by Ted Loman's UFO AZ Talks Series, in which the late John Lear (1942-2022) discloses the secrets of reversed engineered technologies and Top Crypto Clearance Access Levels to elite military bases.
Though with a touch of nostalgia, this rare lecture might hold some distortions in audio/video clips, adding to its allure!
On the night of August 21, 1955, a family living in the country is attacked by goblin-aliens who try to enter the house all night long. The family, however, are people who defend its members at all costs and the event turns into a fight to stop the alien invasion. The Hopkinsville-Kelly mystery, one of the most peculiar cases of close encounters that has sparked endless debates, investigations and impressions over the years. But let's not forget that fear is what moves men's actions.
Psychic Insights into Alien Beings and Their Technology
A lot of people experience strange ‘other worldly’ occurrences in their lives but don’t have a context through which they can understand them. It was therefore a boost to many seekers to have Guy Steven Needler speak to us next to share his insights into the real nature of ‘aliens’. Through his own psychic revelations and intuitive understanding of his chosen subject, Guy explained in detail and with very helpful clarity what he believes these various types of creatures and their quite phenomenal craft actually are.
Their modus operandi and abilities, ultimately peaceful in intention, were discussed with a reassuring confidence and Guy left people with a lot of very fascinating material to consider about an area that, once full disclosure becomes impossible for the authorities to avoid, may yet prove to be one of the most important topics in human history. Guy brought a welcome centered, spiritual quality to a subject that concerns much more than just nuts-and-bolts flying objects.
Anti-aging, ET History, Child Trafficking in Space and US Congress UFO Disclosure Hearing
Dr. Michael Salla:
Week in Review July 29, 2023 – Anti-aging technology, Conversation with Thor Han, South Shore Origin 2 on Child trafficking in space, Whistleblowers brief Congress on UFOs and reverse engineering ET technologies, US Senate passes National Defense Authorization Act, and Intelligence Authorization Act with UAP provisions, and why is Congress pushing UFO legislation now after decades of silence?
Ranchland High Strangeness: 'UFOs and Profound Connections' In-Depth Investigation
Project Doorway Advanced Studies of High Strangeness and Ranch-land Phenomena: In this fascinating series Steve Mera reveals the advanced studies of Project Doorway, a 6 year study looking at the UFO Phenomena and its realistic association with the Paranormal, Cryptids and much more.
In this first episode Steve talks about the work, he and Barry Fitzgerald has been involved with throughout numerous countries. Steve reveals the latest research and developments indicating that the various phenomena witnessed and experienced throughout Ranch-Lands and other locations seemingly have a strong connection. Could the phenomena of UFOs be something far more profound than we could have ever imagined?
So Weird! Ten True UFO Cases of Extreme High Strangeness
UFO encounters are known for high strangeness. Sightings, landings, face-to-face encounters, onboard experiences – all often contain bizarre aspects that defy explanation. The question is, why? Is this an intentional act on the part of the ETs to encourage us to seek new answers? Here are 10 weird UFO cases of extreme high strangeness that might help answer these questions.
WEIRD EFFECTS FROM A UFO. In Nov 1953, Trygve Jansen and Gudrun Buflod drove along the Mossevei Road by Gjresjoen Lake in Norway. Suddenly a UFO dropped from the sky, swooped at their car and blocked their path on the road. After a short stand-off, the object flew away. The weirdness wasn't over. The UFO affected the watch Trygve wore, the car he was driving, and caused strange physiological changes in both witnesses.
A UFO IN DISGUISE. On Jul 2, 1954, Mrs. R and 8 family members drove along Highway 97 near Crater Lake, OR. Low on gas, they decided to stop at the next gas/food stop. Up ahead, they saw a brightly-lit café all by itself by the highway. Their car died and they rolled into the parking lot. The building was round and covered with lights. Inside, they were amazed to see curved mirror-like walls, translucent tables, and a waiter and waitress only four feet tall and dressed in silver uniforms. The high strangeness had just begun.
A UFO DEPOSITS UNKNOWN MATERIAL. On May 10, 1957, Michel Fekete rode his bicycle on his way home in Beaucourt sur L’Ancre, France. A bright light on the road ahead dazzled him and he saw 4 short menacing figures approach. He ran to the neighbors, and they all watched for the next 20 minutes as the figures darted back and forth. The object departed, but it left behind patches of a strange black, elastic material.
THE ALIEN ROBOTS. On Oct 23, 1965, James Townsend was 4 miles from his home in Long Prairie, MN when a rocket-shaped UFO landed on the road in front of him. Several tiny tin-can-shaped robotic figures exited the craft and began to approach. James had the feeling they were watching him. Little did he know, many people in the area were also seeing UFOs.
CHASED BY A UFO. At 8:00 a.m., on April 8, 1966, Gary Hunt and Mike Dorsey (both age 12) were walking to school in Norwalk, CT when a UFO swooped over their heads. It then made a U-turn in the sky and swooped down again, and then a third time. The boys fled in panic. The UFO chased them into the woods, forcing them to hide under a bridge. Other people in the area watched their ordeal. Later, the boys were questioned by a secret govt agent.
“I WAS SHOT BY AN ET RAY-GUN!” On Sep 3, 1976, Joao Romeu Klein was walking to his home in Santa Catarina, Brazil. A flying disc approached and hovered ahead of him on the path. A red beam of light shone down and deposited 3 dwarf-like figures who blocked his path. Then the UFO darted behind Joao, blocking his escape. Joao threw his work-knife at the creatures. But they responded by aiming a ray-gun at him, striking him with a beam of light.
UFO PREDICTS FATAL BUS ACCIDENT. On Mar 18, 1988, a bus carrying 22 members of a religious sect plummeted from a mountain highway, killing 4 passengers and injuring 18 others. The driver (who had been drinking) was charged with murder. The head of the sect, Peter Thomas, revealed that the group had seen a UFO, and that night, he had dreamed about the UFO, which warned him that a tragic accident would occur.
BURNED BY A UFO. On Mar 31, 1980, two circus employees (Paride Orfei and Phelipe Garcia) stood by the circus tent in Gioia del Colle, Italy when a bright light zoomed down and hovered overhead. It stayed only briefly but caused the circus animals to react strangely. Seconds later, it darted away. That’s when both men realized that they had been burned by the UFO.
THE UFO WITH TENTACLES. On Oct 27, 1981, three young girls (Pia Andersson, Carina Sjostrom and Anna-Karin Lindahl) rode their horses near their homes in Kvilla, Sweden. The horses were acting up when a glowing disc dropped from the sky and hovered overhead. It had weird tentacle-like appendages around the perimeter. All the girls were paralyzed in fear. Finally, the object left, and the girls galloped home.
THEY LOOKED LIKE BAGS. Late at night on Nov 2, 1989, two truck drivers, Oleg Kirzhakov and Nikolai Baranchikov encountered a landed UFO on a remote highway near Arkhangelsk, Russia. The truck engine died, so Oleg went to investigate the craft. At first a weird forcefield prevented his progress. But then a door opened, and weird bag-shaped figures emerged. The next thing Oleg knew, he was being taken onboard.
These encounters all contain unique and bizarre elements of high strangeness and show just how bizarre UFO contact can be. And yet, many also have physical evidence: landing traces, medical affects, EM effects, animal reactions and more. These very weird cases have something very important to teach us about UFOs and extraterrestrials.
You've probably heard of the faceless ghost passenger or the mysterious freak out a woman had in a plane, because of a "person who did not exist". But are these two different but unexplained events co-related? Let's find out. From mysterious phenomena caught on camera, unexplained glitches to creepy moving dolls in this video I will analyze the creepiest and the most mind blowing videos the internet can't seem to explain. Welcome to the Impossible channel where James LaFleur analyses the creepiest and the most mind blowing videos for your entertainment.
Mysterious sighting in one same place one year apart:
Nowadays it has become more and more challenging to trust what we see due to A.I and its advancements in copying photos and voices. However it's not just AI thats worrying, because of drones and other techs we are also unable to verify what it is that we see in the sky. And this is sort of what happened bout a year ago when several people spotted what looked like a strange diamond shaped object in the sky. They thought it was a balloon but....maybe it wasn't.
Unexplained plane mystery:
Flying on airplanes is somewhat a luxury brought to us by modern civilization and became an everyday thing in men's life. But I bet you don't know that 40% of the population are afraid of flying. That being said it's normal for people to have freakouts. However several of them have been occuring lately and there's nothing normal to it. Let's find out why....
Skinwalker creature shows up again:
Motorbiking in the middle of the woods is not exaclty my favorite sport, but definitely something I'd try sometime, mainly if it were to explore the woods like a tiktok user by the name of @Motowens has been doing. Now Motowens channel is focused on Motorbiking but in one occasion he got stuck in the woods and face to face with what some people believe to be a skinwalker or a wendigo. But then, having only recorded it's vocalization he went back to this place and actually captured footage of this scary creature. But is it really a skinwalker or a wendigo as some want it to be?
Unexplained glitches in the matrix:
When we see things we don't fully understand we sometimes turn to strange explanations like time travel, parallel universes, strange glitches and things of sort. Most of the times however things tend to have a pretty normal explanation.But It definitely wasn't the case with a woman who was listening to radio when all of a sudden a mysterious voice interrupts with an eerie message about a time council. Weird right? Most people thought it had to do with a time traveler...but did it ?
Ghost doll - a creepy haunting:
Yeah I'm pretty sure I've said that I'm a bit afraid of dolls, and so are a lot of people, I don't know why. But Cassey wasn't. And it was when she got a Realistic type doll as a gift that strange things began to occur. But is the doll really haunted by some evil spirit or is it just fake?
Faceless ghost passenger haunts Bus driver:
In certain cultures Djinns and certain spirits are portrayed as faceless figures using a cloak. For this and other reasons the internet is freaking out about a couple of videos posted by a bus driver that noticed strange paranormal activity inside his bus. But what happens next is baffling the entire internet. These and many more videos.
Inside the Dark Fleet: the Chronicles of the Secret Space Programs
James Rink shares his extraordinary journey, recounting his experiences with SSP and Dark Fleet.
Editor’s Note; We'd like to kindly inform you that while the sound quality in this video might not meet professional standards, it remains acceptable for an enjoyable viewing experience. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope you'll still find value in the content shared. Thank you for your understanding and continued support!"
New Feature Film exposes Child Trafficking in Space
Jean Charles Moyen is an extraterrestrial contactee and supersoldier who served with a joint US-French Secret Space Program. He says that during his covert service upon the Solaris, the flagship of the joint US-French SSP, he was sent on missions to rescue children captured in human trafficking operations led by an extraterrestrial species called the Draconians. He has previously revealed in interviews several daring rescues involving children in real life deep space missions. Significantly, his wife Melanie Charest and colleague, David Rousseau, also served on the Solaris and were involved in rescues of captive children.
Three years ago Jean Charles Moyen decided to create a feature film depicting his real life SSP experiences using fictional characters to expose human trafficking in space involving children. His film Rive-Sud Origine 2 (South Shore Origin 2) is a fiction based on fact expose that is available in French with English subtitles on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/rivesudorigine2
Top 10 UFO Unexplained Sightings Found Around The World
From Roswell to Rome, Sydney to Tokyo, we delve into fascinating encounters that have stirred the UFO community. Experience firsthand accounts from London to Beijing, from Ottawa to São Paulo, all presenting bewildering evidence of possible extraterrestrial activities.
Whistleblower’s Revelations: Missing Time, E.T Baby, Underwater USOs, Vatican Secrets and Cryptids
Odyssey of Enoch Series: Season 2 Eps 1 - Jonny Enoch presents a fascinating interview as part of his new series to seek out whistleblowers and to encourage them to come forward and share their experiences.
In this FULL Episode of the Series, a whistleblower known only as (Chris) disclosed for the first time the following classified information:
1 Digital Angel Implants and Mysterious Earth Changes
2 Burmuda Triangle Navy Officers Missing Time and UFOs
3 Alien Baby Strange Texts and MIBs Technology
4 Secret and Ancient Advanced Technology Coral Castle Roswell and Giants
5 USOs and Underwater Bases Mysterious Vanishing Islands UFOs and the Government
6 Military Paranormal Divisions and Astral Creatures and Remote Viewing
7 Vatican Secrets and Angelic Encounters
8 Bigfoot Cryptozoology and Strange Creatures
That award-winning documentary is available worldwide on many platforms. It is educating a wider public about our CE-5 movement, portraying it in a positive, life-affirming and inspiring light. Some of your friends and mine appear in the documentary.
If given the chance to heal John plans to create two more related documentaries which continue and expand the storyline and theme of the first one!
He is dedicated to highlighting the worldwide contact activity we are doing as a community to reach out to our Cosmic Friends.
John Sends Us An Update:
July 20, 2023 by John Yost
"My good days are good...my bad days are BAD. Nights are an eternity BUT - I'm healing and I've been approved for the signature procedure that this clinic is renowned for CIPI, where the doctors literally inject the actual, localized tumor with specific cancer-killing drugs like a Trojan Horse! The procedure costs $25,000...it is what it is. Thank YOU all for saving my life - please spread the GoFundMe link - EVERY penny helps! God Bless You ALL!"
Please donate & read more in the words of his son, Nathaniel, who is the GoFundMe organizer.
I thank you in advance for any support you can give to John.
Scotland's Loch Ness is known for Nessie, an awe inspiring dinosaur like sea creature seen by many highly credible witnesses for hundreds of years.
But perhaps more amazingingly, the surrounding area of the Loch has been a Paranormal hot spot for even longer. From UFOs and ghostly apparitions, to the legend of Occultist Aleister Crowley, Loch Ness is a world of wonder. Experience eyewitness accounts and strange happenings as we explore the Loch and learn of its many mysteries.
UFO’s, Aliens, and Government Conspiracies. When an elite insider reveals the horrifying truth of the Alien Agenda on his deathbed, it spurs one man to reveal the truth to all mankind.
Like many people, Tom Keating thought that belief in such things were the product of delusional minds. He was a skeptic until he met Spencer, an elite insider who details the horrifying truth of the Alien Agenda to Tom on his deathbed. After Spencer passes, Tom is compelled to issue a dire warning to the rest of mankind revealing the pending danger from an elite organization that rules every aspect of Human Activity.
Iram - The Lost City of the Giants - Atlantis of the Sands
In modern times, the mystery of the lost city of Atlantis has generated several books, films, articles, and web pages. On a smaller scale, Arabia has its own legend of a lost city, the so-called "Atlantis of the Sands", which has been the source of debate among historians, archaeologists and explorers, and a degree of controversy that continues to this day.
The Hidden Truth About The Moon - Something Is Wrong!
If you research the moon, you might be surprised. Its reference to ancient history, its perfect geometrical symmetry, and astronaut testimonies all seem to point to only one logical conclusion: that our moon is most likely a hollowed-out structure and an artificial satellite, that was intentionally placed into Earth’s orbit only a few hundred thousand years ago – and that the advanced engineers accomplished this intending not only to influence the Earth’s biology but to oversee and control her inhabitants.
History is not as straight forward as it seems to be
Hidden History and Flying Saucers: The Movie is an in-depth look at the UAP / UFO phenomenon, in a way that most people have never heard before. Things are much stranger than they appear to be.
Secret Operations Governments Were Forced To Acknowledge
In this documentary style video, well dive into various topics such as operation high jump, the secret meetings that are taking place within Antarctica and the secret operations governments were forced to acknowledge!
Nephilim: The True Story of Giants and Fallen Angels Encoded in The Bible
Imagine a world where colossal beings roamed the land with their imposing presence defying the laws of nature. Well, it might not sound so impossible if we look back at the stories of the Bible.
In the shadows of the ancient times, where legends intertwine with reality, lies a captivating mystery —the Nephilim, an enigmatic race of giant beings. Who were these towering figures that walked the Earth in a time long forgotten? How did they come to be? Today, the lines of reality will blur with the extraordinary as we explore the mystery of these giants, called the Nephilim.
The Nephilim, often translated as 'giants' in English, represent one of the most mystifying ensembles in biblical narratives. Originating from the Hebrew root 'nfl', which means 'to fall', the term "Nephilim" itself has been subject to various interpretations over the years. But even though the word Nephilim is translated as "the fallen ones", the Bible does not explicitly define who they were or what led to their downfall.
The first mention of the Nephilim is in the Book of Genesis 6:1-4, where it is stated that 'sons of God' took 'daughters of men' as their wives and had children with them. These offspring were known as the 'mighty men of old, men of renown', or in other words, the Nephilim. The genesis of these beings was an unholy union, a crossing of boundaries that were meant to remain separate. Some scholars interpret the 'sons of God' as fallen angels who abandoned their heavenly domain and took human form, while others argue that they were either powerful human rulers or the Godly descendants of Seth intermarrying with the wicked descendants of Cain. So.., did the existence of the Nephilim really shape the course of human history, leaving an indelible mark on ancient civilizations?
The Nephilim in the Book of Enoch are portrayed as "giants and savages who threatened and plundered mankind," or, to put it another words, "supernatural, man-eating giants." Angered by what the Fallen angels had done, those described in the Book of Enoch as mighty gods sent the Watchers to an underground prison, deep within the bowels of the Earth and Enoch became the mediator between the gods and the imprisoned Watchers. But despite Enoch's intervention, God decide that because of what the planet has become, it and all its inhabitants must be punished. And the punishment was the Great Flood.
It is said that the flood destroys the Nephilim and leaves the Watchers in their prison, while Enoch is taken to heaven in a chariot of fire.
However, it's interesting to note that the Nephilim or similar beings are mentioned again after the flood. Many scholars argue that these post-flood giants were descendants of the Nephilim, suggesting that some of these beings survived the flood or, perhaps, that the fallen angels repeated their earlier indiscretions.
The biblical accounts mention many tales of post-flood giant races and powerful nations in the land of Canaan. The Rephaim, also known as Anakites or Avim, were a giant biblical people who lived during the time of Abraham. They inhabited both Palestine and Moab. These races instilled fear and wonder in the Israelites, but they also served as testaments to God's might and the Israelites' faith. Various tribes in Canaan had different names for giants. For example, the Ammonites called them "Zuzim", the Moabites named them "Emim", and the Canaanite word for giants was "Anakim", who were reportedly descended from a giant named Anak.
Before the arrival of the Israelites the Anakim or Anakites were formidable race
of giants who occupy the lands of Southern Israel near Hebron. The Anakim’s ancestors can be traced back to Anak, the son of Arba who was regarded as the greatest man among the Anakim at the time. Interestingly, the name Anakim most likely means long-necked
US Senate incorporates UAP Disclosure Act for 2023 into National Defense Authorization Act for 2024. House of Representatives to hold first Congressional hearing for UFO whistleblowers. Press Conference led by Representatives Tim Burchett and Anna Luna who announce whistleblowers to testify on July 26. Sean David Morton discusses authenticity of Victor Alien Interview video. Dr Micheal Salla interviewed on Redacted. JP conducts his fourth mission to Ukraine Space Ark to extract a crystal jewel to be used for activating other space arks. France and United Nations to play prominent UFO disclosures roles.
Alien Technology Governments Failed To Keep Under Wraps
Mysterious discoveries of technology that suspiciously happened when UFO crashes occurred. Were this technological inventions merely coincidence? Or was it alien technology governments failed to keep under wraps?
Langley's “Class of 1964” Graduate Unveils the Martian Defense Force Secret Space Program
Penny Bradley, the sole surviving graduate of Langley's top-secret 'CLASS 1964' super soldier program, unveils captivating insights into a covert Martian Defense Force space initiative.
"A UFO Landed Right Next to Me!" Twelve True Cases
Preston Dennett:
One of the rarest kinds of UFO encounters is when a craft lands on the ground. But the fact is, there are thousands of cases on record like this. They reach back decades up to the present day. They come from all over the world. Many have multiple witnesses and a wide variety of physical evidence including animal reactions, landing traces, EM disturbances, medical effects and more. These cases make it clear that UFOs are technological advanced machines. Here are a dozen cases of this kind which show just how strange and fascinating the UFO phenomenon can be.
APR 7, 1950, AMARILLO, TX: When David Lightfoot (age 12) and his cousin Charles Lightfoot (age 9) went fishing by their home, they saw an odd object zoom overhead, circle around, and then land next to them. It was only a few feet wide. David ran up to the craft and touched it as it took off. Afterward, his arms and face were red and covered with welts.
NOV 3, 1960, PRICE COUNTY, WI: Two eight-year-old boys (Douglas Fox and Mr. Gehring) decided to test their new bow and arrow out in the wilds near their home. Hearing a weird noise and feeling a blast of heat, they looked up and saw a flying saucer land on the hill next to them. They ran up to it, at which point it took off. The ground at the site was still hot.
JUL 19, 1965, VAUCLUSE BEACH, NSW, AUSTRALIA: Denis Crowe was taking a walk along the beach when he saw a glow ahead and heard barking dogs. As he approached, he saw that the light was a silver saucer-shaped craft resting on short landing legs. He got to within 60 feet, at which point it shot upwards, leaving burned marks on the ground.
MAR 1, 1966, CARSON CITY, MI: Two seven-year-olds were walking in a field near their home when they came upon a huge, silver, cigar-shaped craft. Heat waves were coming off it. As they walked up to it, it took off in a weird zigzag maneuver. On the ground they found crushed, burned grass and strange holes.
MAR 29, 1966, HAMILTON, ONTARIO, CANADA: Charles Cozens (age 13) watched in awe as two strange craft landed directly behind the local police station. He approached one of the craft and actually touched it. It felt smooth and metallic, but as he touched it, an electric arc three feet long zapped him on the hand, causing a burn.
MAR 29, 1966, ANCHORAGE, AK: It was many years after the incident when a young man remembered his childhood encounter with a UFO that landed on the street right in front of his house. The craft was about 50 feet wide and had a little ladder leading down to the ground. Unknown to the witness, his own brother watched from the house.
AUG 26, 1968, GLEESON, AZ: Pearl Christensen was driving home when she saw two large craft landed on the peak of the nearby 7200-foot-high Brown’s Peak. She watched them through binoculars for almost 4 hours. Another witness also saw them. Later, researchers went to the landing spot and found landing marks and burned vegetation on the site.
MAR 13, 1975, MELLEN, WI: The Baker family could hardly believe their eyes when they saw a classic, silver flying saucer with colored lights and a dome on top landed on the street right next to their home. They called the police, but the craft departed. But the next few days, the craft returned and was seen by many people, including police officers.
Nov 10, 1978, KUWAIT: Seven oilfield workers got the shock of their life when a UFO landed next to the Al Sabriyah oil pumping station, knocking it off-line. It was as big as a jumbo jet and remained there for 7 minutes. An investigation revealed sightings both before and after. One man even photographed the UFO. The case went to the highest levels of govt.
Nov 27, 1978, LEEDS, ENGLAND: Lynsey Tebbs and Susan Pearson (both age 14) were walking near their homes they saw a UFO hover overhead and then land right next to them. They turned to run, but the craft took off. They stopped and watched it land again. Researchers arrived and discovered strange landing traces. Then the govt showed up!
MAR 30, 1995, TRANSVAAL, SOUTH AFRICA: Jan Pienaar was driving along a country road when he came upon a landed UFO right in the middle of the road. His truck engine failed, and he became paralyzed. The craft, he saw, had a gaping hole in the side. Shortly later, the craft took off, leaving behind scorched marks. Other people in the area also saw UFOs.
APR 10, 2002, CROSSVILLE, TN: A teacher woke up early in the morning and saw a 20-foot-wide metallic craft floating on the surface of the lake. She watched it for one minute, then went to get her husband. When they returned, the craft was gone. Later she saw an object exit the lake, and further events revealed that she was having direct contact.
These cases show that UFOs are physical machines utilizing an advanced technology far beyond our own. These cases leave no doubt that we are being visited. They are only a small sampling of the huge number of cases involving UFO landings.
Blind Frog Ranch – Paranormal, Supernatural, and UFO Encounters
Hear the enthralling account as Duane Ollinger, owner of the renowned Blind Frog Ranch, as he reveals the real story. From piercing the mysterious blue dirt to sudden otherworldly phenomena occurrences, this video unravels a captivating journey of paranormal, supernatural, and UFO encounters.
The Moon Landing: Stanley Kubrick's Greatest Film | How NASA and Hollywood Fooled the World
Stanley Kubrick is considered one of the greatest filmmakers of all time. Of his 13 movies a few are considered classics in their respective genres. Including the black comedy Dr. Strangelove, the highly-quotable anti-war commentary of Full Metal Jacket, and one of the most disturbing and enduring horror films of all time, The Shining.
But in 1968, Kubrick released "2001 – A Space Odyssey". This is more than a classic. It's a masterpiece. And widely regarded as one of the best science-fiction films of all time, and probably the most influential.
This collaboration with science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke tells the story of an alien intelligence that visited Earth in the distant past, and left behind artifacts in the solar system.
The movie features groundbreaking special effects, which still hold up today.
In fact, the effects looked so good, that the movie gave the American government an idea.
Billions of tax dollars were invested in the space program but the Soviets were still years ahead of the United States.
NASA desperately needed to get to the moon before Russia, but they knew it was impossible. So they turned to one of the world's best filmmakers for help. Because when it came to the moon: if they couldn't make it, they'd fake it.
**Important Transmission** OUR MISSION ~ The Andromeda Intergalactic Council
This is a Transmission of Importance, to understand the Mission of The Andromeda Intergalactic Council.
The Andromeda Intergalactic Council, is a Delegation of Many different species from multiple Galaxies. All of the Council members are of 9th Degree or Higher in the spectrum of this Universe. These Council Members hold the Spiritual Hierarchy of their Species and work directly with the Divines Purpose.
The 9th degree Arcturians are a part of this Council. As well as The Pleiadian High Council and many Others who are of 9th Degree or higher spectrum, That speak through your Channels on Earth...
Dr. Michael Salla:
In his 4th mission to the Atlantic Space Ark submerged in the Bermuda Triangle region, JP describes how he and a team of covert operatives were tasked to find and bring back an important crystal jewel from the Ark. When JP’s team found the crystal which looked like a purplish black jewel with white stripes, he and other members felt very emotional and began crying.
JP claims the crystal is connected to the emotional matrix of the ark and the frequency grid of Earth. JP felt it was wrong to take the crystal/jewel from the ark but complied with the mission objective, which was to extract the crystal and use it to activate other arks and sacred sites around the Earth. When they carried the crystal jewel out of the ark, he said that the ark itself, including fish, acted in a reverential way.
Time has Finally Arrived and Disclosure is Here.
This clip was shared with Merrily Milmoe to honor her work with connecting with the super soldiers and creating a safe space to interview these courageous individuals who are stepping up to disclose important information that humanity deserves to know.
Credits: Alex Collier, December 2022 webinar.
Bavarian Illuminati - The REAL Founders of Secret Space Programs…This is How It All Began!
Penny Bradley presents a fascinating insight into the founding members, both humans and extra-terrestrials, who were involved in birthing the Secret Space Programs.
Unravel the mystery of the Tunguska Event in our latest video. Journey with us as we explore the theories, controversies, and unusual phenomena associated with this dramatic cosmic event. Discover the details behind the meteorite and comet theories and the ongoing investigations into this century-old puzzle. If you're intrigued by the mysteries of the universe and love an unsolved event, this deep-dive into the Tunguska Event is a must-watch!
The shocking existence and unexplained origins of artifacts that are so technologically advanced they have mystified scientists and researchers for decades. They defy comprehension and contradict all we have been told about the ancient world. From the 500,000 year old spark plug, to the billion year old metal spheres, prepare to have your mind blown with the fascinating Alien Artifacts found on planet Earth.
Truth behind Alien Gray Videos and What's Coming – Interview with Sean David Morton
Michael Salla:
Sean David Morton, Ph.D., was among the original group of researchers investigating the origins and truth behind several videos that first appeared in the early 1990s showing Gray-looking aliens that were filmed, interrogated or autopsied. In his second Exopolitics Today interview, Morton shares his first-hand knowledge of the Gray alien videos and comments on their relevance today as the US Congress for the first time begins to seriously investigate historical evidence.
Morton’s pioneering research into Area 51, S-4, Bob Lazar, Billy Meier, TR-3B and other major UFO cases involved intensive field research and interviews dating back to the 1980s, which give him a unique historical perspective on the evolution of the UFO and ET contact fields. Morton explains how he revealed his startling discoveries into a fiction based on fact book series called Sands of Time.
Astonishing Time Travel Revelations… Enthralling, Eye Opening Accounts from The Future
Discover captivating accounts of time travel to the future, including detailed descriptions of future worlds, technological advancements, societal changes, and environmental impacts. Explore the claims of individuals like William Taylor, Bella, Noah Novak, and others who provide intriguing insights into the possibilities and implications of time travel.
Barry Littleton:
This Video is 18 months Old......
Discussing some advanced possibly Back-Engineered newer scientific discoveries, that could be incorporated into modern high-tech Unclassified Man-Made Aircraft. This is food 4 Thought Only pertaining to some of the "UFO'S" seen in the sky that are "Man Made".
Dr. Michael Salla Exopolitics Today - Week in Review - July 15, 2023
US Congress takes action on UFOs, Anunnaki History & the Bible, China’s Space Navy & reverse aging
In the July 15 edition of Exopolitics Today - Week in Review - Congressman Tim Burchett reveals in new interviews that he’s seen classified files on otherworldly UFOs that can travel underwater and can obliterate Earth’s defenses. New empirical data shows China’s shipbuilding capacities far exceed the US Navy, suggesting China’s Space Navy is growing rapidly. The origins and history of the Anunnaki, and their connection to the Bible and UFOs are discussed in new interviews with Elena Danaan and Paul Wallis. US Space Command will soon get a new Commander who is familiar with agreements with extraterrestrial visitors. Finally, the US Senate proposes legislation to physically remove recovered extraterrestrial spacecraft from the possession of corporations, and hand these over to the Pentagon and Space Command.
Barry Littleton:
This video is 3 years old (I'm releasing this due to connections with Jessica Jones' Remote Viewing of the Bermuda Triangle)....
Discussing in more detail the various scientific properties of a very large engine/brain I encountered aboard a craft in youth.
"I Saw an Alien Through the Window of a UFO!" 14 True Cases
This is a strange category, but there are many cases where people encounter a craft that is so close, they can see the humanoids inside of it! It’s a unique category that is more than just a UFO sighting, but not quite an onboard experience. Yet, they are equally fascinating and often involve very high strangeness. With multiple witnesses and lots of physical evidence, these cases represent an important contribution to our understanding of the UFO phenomenon.
1952, SEAT PLEASANT, MD: It was a hot summer night, when Suzanne Knight heard a strange buzzing noise. Looking outside, she saw a glowing object descend. She thought it might be a crashing plane, but then the object stopped and through one of the windows, she saw a strange figure.
1954, RANTON, ENGLAND: Hearing a strange sound, Jessie Roestenburg rushed outside her home and saw her two children lying on the ground in shock. A large UFO hovered overhead. And looking down at them through a large picture window were two beautiful human-looking ETs.
1957, OLD SAYBROOK, CT: When a bright light flooded her room, Mary Starr looked outside and saw a massive cigar-shaped craft hovering only a few feet above the ground. It was lined with portholes, and inside the craft she saw three very strange figures wearing weird uniforms and strange square helmets.
1959, MARIANNELUND, SWEDEN. Suffering a sudden power-failure, Gideon Johansson exited his house only to watch a saucer-shaped craft descend into his yard and almost land. Through the windows, she saw two strange bald figures with big beautiful eyes filled with intelligence.
1962, LAKE MOVIL, MN: After the entire family had a UFO sighting, Mildren Anderson and her daughter Marilyn notice an odd glowing red object outside their cabin. Looking outside, they are amazed to see a large window on a craft, and inside are two ETs staring right at them.
1968, REUNION ISLAND, FRANCE: Hiking in the forest to pick some grass for his plants, Luce Fontaine comes upon a massive craft hovering about 15 feet above the ground. Through a massive picture window, he saw two ETs wearing spacesuits that looked just like the Michelin Man.
1973, MANCHESTER, NH: Driving home, Lyndia Morel was puzzled by a colorful star-like object that blinked on and off and seemed to follow her car. Without warning, the object appeared in front of her car, a massive craft. And looking down at her was a gray-skinned alien with big dark eyes.
1974, MEDELLIN, SPAIN: Driving to his father’s farm, Santiago Pulido Romero saw a UFO pacing his car. He blinked his headlights at the object, which reacted by zooming towards him. As he arrived at the farm, the craft followed. And inside, through the window of the craft, were weird-looking aliens.
1975, SAN ANTONIO, TX: He first thought it was a helicopter, but when it hovered over his truck, Alois Olenick realized he was seeing a genuine UFO. It had a huge window in front, through which Alois could see two strange-looking short figures with bald heads, pointed ears, big noses and gray wrinkled skin.
1977, TUCSON, AZ: Running outside their home, Lois Stovall and her grandmother, Alice were amazed to see a tiny capsule-shaped UFO with a child-sized figure standing up inside it. It was so close, they could almost touch it. They watched it swoop up into the sky while nearby helicopters searched for it.
1977, DORSET, ENGLAND: Ethel May Field went outside to take the laundry off the clothesline when suddenly a large craft swooped down and tilted towards her. Inside, through a large window, she saw two human-looking ETs. And one of them was looking down and pointing right at her.
1979, SAN FERNANDO, CA: When an intense UFO wave strikes the area, dozens of people report low-flying craft. Two witnesses have a craft approach so close to them that they can clearly see two humanoid figures looking down at them through the window of the craft.
1983, MOBILE, AL: Driving off Highway 90 to her home, Pat Norris sees a strange light in the forest. Pulling over to get a better look, she sees a massive craft hovering overhead. A long panel window lines the craft allowing her to see dozens of white-suited figures walking gracefully around the craft.
OCT 2003, WESTERVILLE, OH: David Noll and his wife can hardly believe their eyes. Hovering in the sky above their home is a large craft with a humanoid figure inside. When it remains in place, they view the UFO through binoculars and can see that the figure is wearing a light-colored one-piece suit.
These 14 cases span six decades and come from across the planet. They provide some profound insights into the UFO phenomenon. They show that it is global, ongoing and incredibly varied with UFO shapes and humanoid types. Most important, they show that UFOs are showing themselves intentionally in what appears to be a publicity campaign announcing their presence. The question is, will we listen?