Paradigm Research Group
On September 22, 2011 PRG submitted a petition to the White House "We the People" project calling for the President to officially acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. Disclosure Petition I received sufficient signatures to trigger a formal response from the White House, which came on October 4, 2011. The White House claimed there was no evidence whatsoever supporting that assertion or that the government was hiding relevant information from the people.
From April 29 to May 3, 2013 PRG held a Citizen Hearing on Disclosure at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. Forty researchers and government/agency/political witnesses testified for 30 hours over five days before six former members of the U. S. House and Senate. That week a massive amount of evidence, which the White House claims does not exist, was presented to the Committee, webcast worldwide and recorded by a film production team.
In late October of this year PRG will launch the third initiative of a three-part strategy, the goal of which is to end the ET truth embargo immediately. What follows is a full description of exactly how this initiative will be conducted. It is being sent out to PRG supporters and others within the truth advocacy community. A series of press releases will be out later this year.
PRG Congressional Hearing Initiative
In approximately sixty days an edited compilation of the entire Citizen Hearing on Disclosure will be completed. At that time a Congressional Hearing Initiative will begin - Day One.
Day One A multi-DVD set of the CHD will be sent to all 535 Members of Congress along with a letter requesting a meeting between the Member or staff person and PRG's lobbyist Stephen Bassett to discuss the CHD and the immediate need for House and Senate hearings.
Day 14 [Note: it takes about two weeks for packages to clear security screenings.] A request will go out via email, websites and social media to all ET truth advocates to mail, email or fax their three congressional representatives a request to review the CHD material and meet with PRG lobbyist Basset to discuss the need for hearings. Constituent correspondence is always given priority consideration.
A letter signed by some or all of the CHD witnesses and other relevant witnesses will be mailed to the House and Senate Members with the same request. Between now and Day 14 PRG will make a concerted effort to reach the new owner of the Washington Post, Jeff Bezos, with a request the Post run a full page copy of this letter as a public service announcement.
PRG's Fax on Washington website will help coordinate the email/fax/letter campaign.
Day 18 PRG will begin contacting Congressional offices with meeting requests. A spread sheet on the PRG website will track which offices accept or decline these requests.
Day 20 PRG will submit a new Disclosure petition to the White House "We the People" project calling for the President to ask the House Minority Leader and Senate Majority Leader to begin Congressional hearings in the appropriate committees. This petition will be posted on the White House website for 30 days while the congressional contacts are being made.
Day 30 A request will go out via email, websites and social media to all ET truth advocates to mail, email or fax those congressional offices, which have declined to meet with PRG, to reconsider their decision.
Day 30+ PRG will continue to pursue meetings with Senate and House Members/staffers as well as the offices of the appropriate committees until such time as those committees initiate hearings for the government/agency/political witnesses ready to testify.
Why This Can Work
First and foremost this initiative would not be possible without the film record of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure. PRG is going to send over 5000 DVDs to 535 congressional offices with over a thousand staffers, each having a laptop computer with a DVD player. These DVDs represent the hearings the Congress should be holding and provides a glimpse of what to expect. This is a game changer.
If congressional hearings are held in the House and Senate to take the testimony from hundreds of government/agency/political witnesses, PRG is quite confident the scores of sitting Members on those committees will undergo the same transformation as the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Committee. The truth embargo will not last sixty days. This is exactly why certain persons in the know within Congress have blocked every effort to get such hearings since 1968, and there have been many.
PRG's message to Congress will be simple and direct. "Your approval rating is historically low. Trust in government has collapsed. All this could be turned around in a few months because the most important issue in the world today is yours to resolve. All you have to do is call witnesses and listen." This is not 1968. There are and have always been friends of Disclosure within Congress, but they have been isolated without a platform upon which to stand. The CHD provides that platform.
The CHD was an unprecedented event produced at considerable expense. More funding is needed. At this moment in time the truth embargo is vulnerable. It can be ended.
There are many persons in this country more than capable of personally funding this truth movement at a level necessary to close the deal. They believe the truth embargo must end and the people have a right and a need to know they are not alone in this universe.
Since 2000 PRG is not aware of any harassment or intimidation of witnesses or supporters of this particular truth advocacy movement. For anyone who has ever considered providing the needed resources, but have held back, now is the time to step forward and make history.
The following information is important as regard PRGs organizational structure:
Paradigm Research Group is a sole proprietorship operating like a non-profit. This means PRG acts directly under the First Amendment with minimum restrictions. Contributions are not limited and not tax deductible. These funds go directly to the Congressional Hearing Initiative.
X-PPAC is PRG's political action committee. It is a 527 organization operating under FEC rules. Contributions are limited to $5000 per year from U.S. citizens only and are not tax deductible. These funds will support federal election candidates willing to call for congressional hearings.
Citizen Hearing Foundation will be PRG's non-profit, 501(c)(3). Contributions are not limited and are tax deductible. The CHF will not be directly involved in the Congressional Hearing Initiative, which is lobbying.
Truth Embargo is a film being produced by PRG under an LLC partnership. Contributions are not limited and not tax deductible.
Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC)

Citizen Hearing Foundation and the UN Initiative

Truth Embargo Documentary

Developments of Interest

PRG is greatly saddened Jessie did not live to see the truth embargo's end and dedicates the Congressional Hearing Initiative to Dr. Marcel. Once Disclosure has been achieved PRG will conduct a public campaign seeking the Presidential Medal of Freedom for this man who served his family, his country and the truth with humble distinction.
CIA Acknowledges Area 51 Exists
A flurry of news articles have covered the recent release of documents by the CIA which include maps of Area 51. The media was quite taken by this, completely forgetting that Area 51 was acknowledged over a decade ago and has been a non-secret for a decade beyond that. Only a government truth embargo can generate this kind of absurdity. However, PRG sees something else - more pre-Disclosure positioning by government, religion and persons in an effort to mitigate the post-Disclosure public relations problems they will inevitably have to face.
The Hidden Hand Documentary
James Carman's excellent film includes a number of CHD witnesses. It will be available on iTunes as of September 1.
Conferences Upcoming
Portland, ME - Sept 6-8
Langhorne, PA - Oct 4-6
Gambrills, MD - Oct 26
Santa Clara, CA - Sept 21-22
Cornwall, UK - Oct 12
Iguazu Falls, Brazil - Nov 21
Huddersfield, UK - Sept 28
Minneapolis, MN - Oct 17-19
More Info
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