Our transition is almost complete...and we’d like you to be with us as the ETLetsTalk Contact Community expands into its larger mission with the transformation to UFOContact.com.
The excitement is building as we prepare our new website allowing for a much broader outreach, quickly actualizing as the hub of the People’s Disclosure Movement.
We are now reaching beyond our dedicated community to those only beginning their journey to understanding the reality of the ET presence engaging our Human family.
We need all of us to make this a global reality and manifest positive changes for our Mother Earth.
We’re almost done and have extended our 20% discount offer through the end of April!
It's only $23.20 now for the usual $29 "Galactic" annual membership.
USE the code: "Save-20" at
Our UFOContact app is being Beta tested and as a contributing Galactic member you will be able to:
ALL MEMBERS (Stellar and Galactic) using the app will be able to:
Daniel Sheehan, Grant Cameron, Kosta Makreas, and Dr. Joe Burkes have been confirmed for our first UFOContact community retreat just north of Toronto, Canada the last weekend of August, 2014.
More outstanding researchers and presenters are in the process of being confirmed.
Details are being completed this week and registration info will follow shortly.
Galactic members will receive a 10 percent discount for this retreat as well as special offers on all paid events and products during their membership year.
Take advantage of this offer and energize your commitment and intention to support this grassroots effort.
Simply contribute $23.20 now for a Galactic year membership
USE the code: "Save-20"
A recent HuffPost poll shows that 48% of the American public believes "UFOs" are visiting Earth at this time. Another 16% is open-minded.
Adding those numbers yields 64% of people, almost 2 out of 3 Americans who are open-minded enough to benefit from the mission of creating First Open Contact to which we are all so dedicated.
We need you to help us reach so many millions more who are "ready" to hear about ET Contact!
With much Gratitude for your on-going support,
Kosta and the Ground Crew of the ETLetsTalk community at UFOContact.com
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