James Gilliland on UFO ET Disclosure

Do you ever wonder why we have not yet had disclosure? Have you ever wondered why contact has always been in the past or scheduled for some far off date in the future? Have you ever investigated the private lives of those in the new age and ufology movements when off the podium? How they treat those closest to them, the character of who they rub elbows with? Those who push transhumanism and population control give us a clear hint of their agendas. Have you ever investigated and taken a serious look at the past military and other intelligence connections of those you depend on for your information? Do you understand what planned opposition is and how it keeps a lid on the truth steering it off into the abyss? Do you know why the negative fear-based information has priority when it comes to air time? If you knew the answers to these questions you would realize why disclosure has not happened and why you have not heard about ongoing contact with spiritually and technologically advanced off world civilizations.
It has been going on for thousands of years for those who rose to the occasion. Most of these contacts with spiritually and technologically advanced beings have been censored, marginalized, shoved far into the back row and if you knew who was doing this, they have good reason. Reason this, how do you tell the public you are completely defenseless against these off worlders which are far superior in technology and come and go as they wish? Luckily the benevolents are nonaggressive. These benevolent beings have transcended war, disease, and material lack. What would that do to the war industry, big pharma? They have no elite and are not enslaved through money, they don’t even have a monetary system. There is no manufactured lack in their civilization, no poverty, no homeless, they live a utopian lifestyle. These spiritually and technologically evolved being live according to Universal Law. Simply speaking the principles and understandings necessary for a healthy society and environment. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. This includes honoring the sacred circle of life, the Creator within all Creation.
What would peace do to the war industry? What would the cure for disease do to the pharmaceutical companies? Where would the elite fit into unity consciousness? How would tyranny continue to function in an awakened empowered society? Now do you understand why there is such a momentous effort to censor and suppress real contact? Now do you understand why the mainstream media will not cover sightings or real contact, belittles and embarrasses contactees? Do you understand why ufology is riddled with agents and planned opposition, people who act as if they are fighting for the truth, yet are the very censors of it? Continuously asking a government with a long history of lying and coverup knee deep in contact with regenerate ETs to all of a sudden tell us the truth is like getting a jackal to stop eating meat.
The real question is why do we need the jackal to believe in the obvious? Let it whine and bark all it wants; ignore it, and do your own research. The real disclosure is coming from the skies, it is coming through those with open minds, loving hearts and pure intent. These are the prerequisites for contact. Has any of your leadership met that criteria? Then why would we expect them to have any experience or knowledge of contact? They would only have knowledge and contact with those of like mind. Why are we demanding they tell us the truth when they have so little of it? Yes, there were crash retrievals; yes, we have been back-engineering ships and now have our own space fleet. Yes, we can go to the Moon and back and forth to Mars, and it is not on expensive firecrackers, space shuttles, which are dinosaurs compared to the black projects.
What of the advanced cultures who have transcended war, disease, poverty — have their energy and transportation needs met fuel-lessly? If this is all an option why are we not taking it? Where is the leadership that is working on behalf of humanity and the Earth? Who has kept the masses ignorant as to their divine heritage, their ancestors in the stars? Who has allowed the war, disease, poverty, pain and suffering to continue benefiting from it when the solutions are at hand? The leadership on Earth be it religious, government, or business has failed miserably to serve humanity and has been an extreme disservice to Earth. The wars, diseases, poverty, homelessness, pollution, the depleted uranium, Gulf Oil spills, radiation from Fukushima, chemtrails, the contaminated food supply with GMOs and carcinogenic chemicals, the flouride in your water along with 600 to over 800 carcinogens in most city waters are all testimony to a failed leadership. Especially when it comes to serving the people and preserving the environment.
Let’s end the denial on contact. Let’s end the denial concerning clean fuel-less energy. Lets end the denial concerning alternative healing and the benefits of clean organic food and water. Most important lets end the denial that most governments and agencies actually do what they were created to do: serve the people — and instead serve another master, the corporations and the elite. It is time to see things clearly, know who you serve, and which side of the fence you are on. If you want contact meet the criteria, rise to the occasion. If you want to see a ship start looking for them. They are all over your night skies — day skies, too. Know the difference between visible satellites, space stations and other man made craft. Go to heavens_above.com or Jtracker. They will tell you what is visible, what is ours in your night sky. Don’t forget some of those UFOs; unidentified flying objects are ours, but what did we back engineer them from?.
Your ancestors are returning, they are not happy with the condition of the planet and this civilization. They are removing the regenerate ETs. The tyrants will also feel their presence. The world of tyranny is collapsing. It is being done in unseen ways through consciousness and energy along with the grids. The old grid is falling apart; let it fall. Focus on a new world, a new grid, a world aligned with Universal Law and Unity Consciousness. Act on it. ETs help those who help themselves. Forget about the main stream media, your politicians, even your scientists who only believe in the programming they received, which is nothing more than recycled ignorance. Look at where most of your brilliant minds end up. They either work for the controllers or are done away with.
Much of the alternative media is also tainted. Do your own research, learn to lead yourselves from your own heart and soul. We know in our heart of hearts what is right, what is service to humanity and the Earth. We also know what is disservice and being on the wrong side of the fence in the days to come will have dire consequences. As far as the UFO community, it needs a major overhaul. So does the new age community, much of which was created by PSY-OPs — another article in itself.
Take back the God within, stop looking outside of yourself and giving your power away to those who truly do not deserve it. Research, research, research, educate yourself. The awakening is here for those who choose, and we do not have the luxury of remaining ignorant, dependent, or asleep in the days to come.
Be well,
James Gilliland