It is a time for freedom, prosperity, new governance and mass ufo landings! You are not alone!.. We leave you in Joy and in the everlasting Spirit of the Almighty!..

Selamat Jalwa! (Be in Everlasting Joy!) A grand series of events is now occurring around your globe! These events mark the beginnings of certain critical projects that are to bring you freedom, sovereignty, prosperity and new governance. Our liaisons report that several groups, which comprise our Earth allies, are moving to push the dark cabal and its minions from power. Included in these projects are the means to exponentially expand a nation-by-nation common law network, and projects, which tie this network into a means to forge new governance around your globe. The prosperity projects are also readying the delivery systems that are to be the basis for declaring NESARA to come into effect. As these events get ready to surface, we are preparing to put a formal stop to an international conspiracy that has made the spraying of "chemtrails" a nearly daily occurrence. The Agarthan liaisons are also busy informing the various dark cabal leadership groups that their vile objectives are to be ended in a slew of mass arrests.
It is vital that Gaia be saved from a daily onslaught of innumerable surface human companies that seek to exploit her many resources. These earthly resources are really the source for many items which help to maintain her numerous and diverse ecosystems. Our scientists daily monitor these developments and do what they can to maintain a degree of stability. There is a natural mechanism provided by Heaven that enables Gaia to make the extraction of these resources more and more difficult. This is the cause behind many of the mining and construction disasters, which develop from time to time on your world. The introduction of a number of presently sequestered technologies can greatly reduce the possibilities for such disasters. The dark cabal insists on keeping processes that the ushering in of these new technologies can easily remedy. This is one of the reasons behind the necessity of ousting these dark ones from power. Added to these calamities is the enormous greed and arrogance of this dark oligarchy.

As we remove this dark set of vile minions from power, we also need to move your own transformations forward. Heaven has a very detailed time schedule for what is about to happen. Gaia needs to complete a series of preliminary changes before we can begin our mass landings. Hence, we are assisting Gaia and working with her to minimize what is to occur. As your geologists and meteorologists surmise, the seabeds need to continue to rise, and broad changes in your normal patterns are to take place. These changes are readying Gaia's surface for the massive series of acts that are to reshape her continents, alter her oceans and set up the means in the atmosphere for a new set of layers of the ancient firmament. Gaia previously was a pristine place with only occasional disruption. These disruptions were times when new ecosystems were introduced and new species obtained a period of domination. These periods generally lasted for many hundreds of millions of years. You arrived when such a change had recently happened.
This surface had more continents and smaller oceans. A general balance was in effect. Your ancestors realized this and at first used their ethereal-like state of consciousness to adapt themselves to this realm. Later, they explored Inner Earth and immediately understood that their guardianship extended to both realms. Over hundreds of thousands of years the Lemurians graciously were able to oversee Gaia and her numerous ecosystems. While doing this, the Lemurians welcomed new colonists and began to forge a network of lands, and carried out their stewardship with love, grace and divine wisdom. Tales were told to each new generation, which in turn added to this ever-growing history. A long relationship with Gaia had preserved her unique chain of diverse life forms. This serenity was to be broken by the sudden actions of Atlantis. These actions sank Lemuria, cut off Agartha from Gaia's surface and made Atlantis the dominant land on Gaia's surface realm! Your long, dark age had begun!
The Ascended Masters

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We look at our reality and know in our hearts that a great transformation is underway. Our sacred brethren are busy making it possible for the dark to be pushed from power. These changes are to usher in a new epoch. This epoch contains the final part of your blessed journey to full consciousness. We are part of a special team sent now to prepare each of you for this new reality. Our aspect of this project is to prepare you for what is to be said by our divine space and spiritual families. The Anunnaki and their earthly minions produced tales which became the foundation for either religious or scientific myths that describe how you were left in limited consciousness and how the shock of death was used to control you. Each preceding golden age was, in reality, a source for stories that became how you were suddenly plunged into the horrors of limited consciousness.
It is the major fears and traumas that followed which permit your rulers to treat you so shoddily. After nearly 13,000 years, you now readily and easily accept many of these tales. These half-truths need to be brought out into the light and explained in a most genuine and truthful manner. Originally, you were fully conscious Beings who refused to permit the dark to control the edicts of ancient Atlantis. In their rebellion, they were jointly deceived and sent to a process that turned your ancestors into amnesia-ridden, limited consciousness individuals. In doing so, your "angelic wings" were literally clipped. You were left on a torturous road filled with horrific obstacles to regaining your status as fully conscious Beings. Heaven decided to permit the Anunnaki to control you for a set time. The conditions for this were quite carefully set.

Right now, the Anunnaki have a number of myths and legends left behind and given to their dark minions. Our brethren arrive with the sacred blessings of Heaven and the mission at the right divine time to release you from your bondage and return you to full consciousness. During the right lifetime, Heaven gave us the means to conquer these obstacles and reach heavenly ascension. In this full consciousness, we take up the need to guide, advise and teach each of you about what is happening. This time is one of a rapid transition. It is when you start to realize that what is the current "norm" is merely a continuation of how you were artfully deceived and controlled. This is now blessedly to end and, with its end, comes a great transformation and welcoming reunion with the rest of humanity. It is a time for freedom, prosperity and new governance! You are not alone!
Today, as always, we continued our mission to inform you and ready you for the rise of a new epoch. One in which the dark is no longer dominant. In receiving your spiritual and space brethren, be joyous and be prepared to discover many things that can easily shock you. See this great Light. We leave you in Joy and in the everlasting Spirit of the Almighty! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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