Many western governments and their financial-based handlers understand that a new reality needs to be birthed. This operation is to allow for a global jubilee and permit the worldwide prosperity and humanitarian programs to fund. This operation is to assure that a new reality begins to manifest. Heaven intended for this to happen about a decade and a half ago. However, the cabal was able to carry out 9/11, which forced our Earth allies to regroup. These vile acts permitted the cabal to regain the upper hand. We were not allowed by Heaven to go beyond a number of preconditions. These restrictions are to be fully rescinded when disclosure is announced by a number of major governments. Until then, the Agarthans and us are limited to a series of do’s and don’ts. The Ascended Masters Quan Yin and Count Saint Germain are carefully watching what is happening. We expect these talks to be successful, and a schedule for a formal transfer of power is actually quite close.

Our associates continue to meet with appointed representatives from the dark cabal. We have commanded in the blessed name of Heaven that these talks yield a true thanksgiving for humanity. Sacred laws demand that we properly sweep these misdirected Beings into the dustbin of history. This divine task requires that our associates set forth a proven listing of their sins and vast misdeeds. This special list is to become evidence for what is being done. The dark, despite their grievous deeds, are still our human charges. Heaven demands that they be eased from power, to prepare them for what is to follow. Hence, each of them needs to be completely isolated from humanity, until the actual switch to full consciousness happens. This divine edict means that these talks can only have one conceivable outcome, your inevitable victory!
These series of meetings will determine the way that your new reality is formally introduced to you. The dark’s selected government leaders need to remain aware of their current position. We do not intend to give them any resources, which can in any way hinder this process of change. Heaven is ready to accelerate those transformations now happening to your physical, mental and emotional bodies. The dark needs to fully realize that it is now cut off from certain resources that can lead to any new delays. Hence, we need to walk a blessed tightrope. This is what is happening across this magnificent globe. Very soon, you are to acquire resources that can truly alter your reality. Use these wisely. To assist you, remember there are resources available to you. These can only help you to achieve your sacred goals!
We have obeyed and correctly used the edicts given to us by Heaven. We ask you to do likewise. Be ever wise, and understand this fading reality. Use tools that you know, and be ready to use new ones that are to be gloriously given you. A new reality is forming. It requires the dark ones to be first dismissed and then isolated from you. These evil snakes can easily divest you of your blessings. Therefore, we need to push them aside, and then, in joy, give Heaven’s blessings to you. We are confident, dear Ones, that given a new environment you are indeed destined to triumph! Your rising consciousness is living in a realm filled with dangers. We are eliminating them and are ready to begin the massive isolation of this vermin from you. We ask you simply to be patient, and be ready to manifest your sacred dreams. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
Today, we continued our weekly message to you. We sincerely ask that you remain focused on success, and the isolating of these dark scalawags from you. Let the new reality manifest and permit us finally to properly and freely address you. Our grand victory draws ever nearer for us all! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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