This natural state of freedom is to be accompanied by a series of unalienable rights, given to all free women and men by the Creator eons ago. You are as well to learn about governance and how to care for and protect the natural organism you are to be graciously provided with. Take this along with a Creator-given prosperity and keep it safe from any sort of harm. You are to be taught about your true origins and given instruction on your history since the fall in the latter times of Atlantis. Use this knowledge to ready yourselves for our arrival. We are to provide you with mentors. Then, you can explore on a more individual basis what truly happened to you. You have within you a collection of epi-genetic materials. These are a record of how your ancestors coped throughout history and how you have coped with crises you have faced since birth. Together, let us review this and other events to prepare you for a grand event — your transformation in the Crystal Light Chamber into a fully conscious humanity. This moment is to begin to mark your return to being galactic humans!

The Light has had to take its time and move as quickly as permitted. Our earthly associates realize how deep the ring of deception and corruption goes to temporarily satisfy enormous greed. The group at the very wealthy top of your societies has immense power and uses it to keep you in their noose of increased debt slavery. This cycle has continued since the earliest days of your many societies. What is now happening is the push to end this nonsense and restore this globe to sanity. Gaia is reaching the point where she intends to unleash a vast “firestorm” to force you to transform your societies. Our task is to liberate you and swiftly transform how your societies operate. This is why the present actions by our allies are so important, to succeed and permit acknowledgment of our existence, so together we can move more quickly toward your sacred objectives. In this way, Gaia’s surface can be restored and you can return to being galactic humans!

Lord Michael stated to Heaven that this time is when a great Light energy is to envelop Earth and lead us back to true Joy! We have been specially preparing for this time, since it is when miracles are to come forth and vanquish the dark. Much of this is blessedly happening as events appear that are leading you back to the Light. Twenty years ago, the first grand step occurred in this ongoing miracle as Anchara suddenly agreed that it was time to begin the merging of the dark with the grand Light of Heaven. This has even led to the departing of the Anunnaki and to the current predicament of the dark cabal. The dark can no longer manipulate you as before. We, likewise, have found our ceremonies have a much greater ability to surround and protect you. The energies of the Light are growing stronger with each passing day. We thank and bless you for all the assistance you offer to us daily.
Indeed, the Lights grow stronger in all of us. We are thankful to the highest for your incredible ceremonies, which aid our own prayers for Gaia and humanity. It is said that much is expected of those who are gifted with the prayers and aspirations of Heaven. A great wave of peace is settling around this world and allowing humanity to start to see what it is truly capable of. Long ago, in ancient Lemuria, we came and filled this land with energies of joy and prosperity. These prayers and gracious songs were temporarily interrupted by the greed of Atlantis for power. Ever since, this need for control has highlighted the rule of the Anunnaki and their global band of minions. Millennia have marked this great move from the Light and into the realm of the dark. Now, this is being reversed as the Light and its gracious prayers and song again return to Gaia and her people.

Today, we carried on with our weekly messages to you. As you can see, many events are now occurring around the world that is to mean the demise of the dark cabal. What all of this actually means is that your blessings are very close to occurring. We continue to ask for patience and positive attitude on these most important matters. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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