We have “heard” of them over and over again, and yet – with all of the hype – you think “we the people” would get at least a tiny little “sample” of some verifiable action or activity taking place which shows us that these WhiteHats are really around!
We KNOW that the SATAN Worshippers have infiltrated the Army – the Marines – the Air Force and the Navy! We have seen the “benefit” of their activities upon our world all over the place!
We also know that NAZI’s, ZIONISTS, ORGANIZED CRIME, and (deep breath here) FREEMASONS, JESUITS, ALIEN SPECIES, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, MERCENARIES, and apparently everyone except orange colored baboons have infiltrated the collective MILITARIES OF THE USA CORPORATION! Well, maybe the baboons have infiltrated too!
One can literaly SEE on a daily, and on-going basis, the terrible effects that the on-going involvement OF ALL OF THESE GROUPS are having on the United States and the World At Large!
However, hold the phone, we are also told almost weekly there are WHITE HATS working for the people as well within the US MILITARY!
Ben Fulford refers to them (and many others who keep up weekly blogs do as well, just to be fair) as if they were EVERYWHERE PRESENT AND ON THE JOB!
Well if that is the case – may I please see an effect or an affect, or something – ANYTHING – that has changed as a result of their work!
The goose stepping forward march toward the NEW WORLD ORDER – goes briskly forward day by day – THAT WE CAN ALL SEE!
The corrupt Judges! The corrupt Police! The corrupt congressmen! The corrupt News Media, The corrupt Prime Ministers, MP’s, Council Members, et.al. of so-called friendly countries. We’ve got corrupt school teachers and corrupt clergy, corrupt doctors, – and well, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt!
You get the picture – so then, will someone please tell me – WHERE ARE THE WHITEHATS?
I would like to see them on the job – and also having an affect!
Am I to understand – that the WHITEHATS ARE SO OUTNUMBERED BY CORRUPTION ALL AROUND THEM – that they dare not raise their little heads above the water for 2 seconds lest they be seen?
Are they “under the radar” forces only?
Well then here’s a “stupid” question – IF CORRUPTION IS NOW EVERYWHERE – and the WHITEHATS area forced to hide – who was it pray tell that let it GET THIS BAD in the first place.
Certainly there had to be a time in our history where with concerted effort, A REAL difference could have been made! Is it that everyone was simply drinking the “our country can do NO WRONG KOOL-AID” by the pail full – that allowed the corruption to slither into every nook and cranny of our lives in the USA? What were these WHITEHATS doing then?
So this then, becomes the question! And, as we’ve seen with David Wilcock – he only pokes his own head above water for a few seconds every SIX WEEKS or so any more – like clock-work! He then gives us some new information (which more often than not we have to PAY FOR in order to get at) and then he goes back down his hole for another 6 weeks. (Look at the posting dates on his blog and prove me wrong)
Where are the courageous bloggers – who actually care about HUMANITY? Here’s an OPEN invitation to any and all SOURCES who need to get some information out! SEND IT TO ME!
It will be up and posted the very next day! For free!
WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO SEE THAT THOSE WHO CLAIM TO BE WHITEHATS ARE REALLY OUT THERE AND DOING WHAT THEY CLAIM – IF NOT – give us the information you’ve gathered and let someone else give it a go! Maybe the PEOPLE THEMSELVES can make better progress!
All my love!
Source: https://bradleyloves.wordpress.com

I agree perfectly with all you said.