As we achieve the final steps in this very complicated process, be aware that we are starting a special deconstruction of a global system refined again and again by the dark cabal. These minions of the dark were very careful to put into operation a global system with their far-reaching control. Each aspect was carefully given a counter check to see that their nefarious operations were flawlessly carried out. Any attempt to override this process was harrowing. Thus, it took a number of members of the ancient families and a team of specially trained bankers and lawyers to finally crack this system. A process in its final stages of testing is only the beginnings of what we are to do next. We need to keep these lines open and provide more alternatives to what we now have in place in other parts of your globe. Various more powerful nations are helping us as well. As this new banking and currency system comes together, be apprised of the fact that you are getting very close to seeing great changes in the world. These are to bring you new governance and disclosure!

As you can see, you are now on a journey, which is first to enable you to see each other as a people of many colors sharing this wondrous star nation. This process is currently confined to Gaia. Soon, you are to spread throughout this star nation and discover the marvels that exist on the other sister water worlds. As you do, remember that you are the magnificent prodigy of star colonists that long ago came here to help maintain and sustain these lovely water worlds. Much happened over the intervening years. Be aware again of this history and learn in your heart how best to divinely serve this star nation to come. It has a grand destiny. It is to bring a permanent peace to this galaxy and to allow our outreach programs with other galaxies to reach a forecasted crescendo. We are most happy to be permitted by Heaven to serve you. The time that is to bring us together swiftly approaches. Look at this time as the moment when you renew your acquaintances with that part of your family, which you forgot about. This cloud of amnesia is at that time to be graciously lifted.

Our associates in the ancient families and those working to alter the current unfair financial system are ready to begin the final set of procedures to get you your blessings. The major blocks to success have been cleared! Many decades ago, we Ascended Masters began a process to give you the wealth needed to let your wondrous projects manifest. At the start, our many directed meditations and purposeful prayers had only a limited effect on the machinations of the dark. Yet, we persisted and in time these joyous visions started to have a greater and greater effect on the intent of the dark. Our endurance led a few decades later to the intervention of Heaven. This permitted the Anunnaki to suddenly proclaim their allegiance to a great peace by the Ancharan Continuum. In addition, Heaven sent us the Galactic Federation. We now sit at the very edge of a new reality for surface humanity.
We bless and thank Heaven for its most glorious action on our behalf. The dark is now in retreat. Your support of our prayers has yielded the actions that all of us carefully envisioned. Let us take this time to be gracious for what has happened. Look upon these actions as the power of collective action combined with the persistence to carry these desires to the point in which they begin to manifest. Use these events as a proof of what your positive persistence can achieve. As we begin shortly to enjoy these wonderful benefits, take this effort as an example of what powerful collective ideas can accomplish. Even as you begin to physically implement these ideas, keep in mind how this degree of focus can produce miracles. You live now in a growing realm of such miracles. Use this concept to help and to heal each other!

Today, we went over some of the numerous events happening around this beautiful blue-green orb. As you now know, a great set of blessings is headed your way. Use this remaining time to be thankful and to aid Gaia in forging a new relationship between you and her. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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