These first steps toward prosperity and new governance are essential to the overall plan adopted a few months ago by our earthly allies and us. This operation is truly to threaten the illegal and hidden ways by which this global financial system operates. This slow way of reforming this old and highly manipulated financial system cannot be tolerated. We are currently reviewing and discussing a series of ways to trump the cabal and put the new system in place. The cabal scheduled a number of meetings to partially ameliorate some of the present system's faults. This added patchwork remains unacceptable. It is therefore necessary to explore how this debt-ridden system can be replaced. The American de facto regime is adamant in somehow bolstering this criminal system and using its power to scare off potential opponents. This position is weakening as this seemingly blind regime stares at its near future and sees just how catastrophic this inane policy really is. There is now a movement to sweep this horrendous regime out of the way.

Last time, we briefly discussed some of your ancient history. Initially, this was a standard Galactic Federation colonial procedure. We harmonized the global ecology, established an Inner Earth residence and were preparing to move the human population to this newly completed Inner Earth realm. The difference was to be the Atlanteans. The star nations of the Pleiades were long the center for many stages of the Galactic Wars. Another was in the belt of Orion. The larger skirmishes occurred in these two places. Many of the original Atlantean colonists were those who adopted a strange method for resolving certain issues with the dark Ancharians. They sort of cooperated with the dark. This methodology was to greatly conflict with the plan devised by our global councils. This came to a head when Atlantis decided to claim dominance of the surface realms. This sudden unwarranted attack forced the global councils to abandon the migration to Inner Earth. Thus, you have been resigned to live in this awkward position of adapting to the nuances of these surface realms.

We come to you at the end of a great grace-filled battle among those who wish to alter the very essence of this now dark realm. There has been much discussion on what the order is to be regarding the introduction of the main prosperity funds. Added to this is the timing of the so-called RV funds, primarily from Iraq and Viet Nam. These various strategies were reviewed and a result was reached. This process is to be revealed in the coming weeks. We are waiting in joy to see the results of these actions. Our space brethren are now more than ever willing to assist us in setting times for these events. We intend to use your wondrous positive focus to assure that these most needed events truly happen according to this new timetable. We are blessed and are most happy that Heaven has continued to move these grand prosperity packages toward their delivery to each of you. We as well thank all who have dedicated their lives to these most blessed events!
In the early days of this present time, we watched the Anunnaki create the great flood and then slowly recede the waters. What was left was a terrible time in which most of humanity had perished. Those few who survived were slow to rebuild. The Anunnaki came in and began to instruct these survivors on how best to rebuild. Gone were the great networks by which humanity talked to each other and to the Anunnaki. A personal renewal was required. The Anunnaki came down and reiterated their “ownership” of humanity. We, the blessed ones, resisted. It was the start of many millennia of spiritual conflict. Gradually, our spiritual numbers increased. However, the dark and its many minions stayed dominant. We were told that our task was to guide and assuage humanity. A time was to arrive where the rising Light was to be triumphant! This moment has at last come!

Today, we carried on with our brief review of what is happening on this world. The time comes for a grand change that is to push you, with Love into a new realm. Numerous events are still surreptitiously happening, which are to forever change this realm and reunite you with your family in Inner Earth (Agartha). Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
For more from PAO and The GF

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