Corey Goode: Thank you.
David: All right. So in the previous episodes, what we've gone through is the updates about the first meeting that you had with the people in the Inner Earth.
Corey: Correct.
David: But you have since been taken up there or taken down there again.
Corey: Correct, but before that happened, there was a meeting at a Secret Space Program base in the Kuiper Belt that I was brought to by the Secret Space Program Alliance.
David: When you say before that happened, you mean before you were brought into the underground . . .
Corey: Before I was brought back to . . .
David: The underground cities again?
Corey: Yes. Before that occurred. And this was a pretty significant meeting. The Inner Earth group that . . . The group I had talked to that I can now say they are named the Anshar, the group that had the Saturn amulet.
David: Ah.
Corey: The priestess, her name was Kaaree. And she was going to be present with a delegation of her group, so I was invited and was very excited as well.
Corey: And her delegation arrived on one of their vessels, I believe, because I didn't actually see them arrive. I just saw them coming in to the main area where we were to meet them, to then escort them through some passageways into an area for the meeting.
And Gonzales and I were . . . I mean, you could just feel the excitement. They were just beaming with excitement and anticipation.
David: So they hadn't been in contact with the Sphere Beings before?
Corey: Yeah, yeah. Per the discussion we had in the library, they hadn't had any contact, and this was their first contact with the Sphere Beings, which they referred to as the Guardians. So they were very excited, and when we got them in the room . . .
David: What did this base look like, though? Because you're seeing it, but the audience is not necessarily seeing it.
Corey: Yes.
David: How cool does this place look?
Corey: It's not a real cool, super high tech sophisticated place. It's more of . . . It's pretty spartan.
David: Okay.
Corey: You wouldn't . . . It's not like . . .
David: It could be a building on Earth?
Corey: If you were underground, maybe.
David: Okay.
Corey: Like an underground military base.
David: Okay.
Corey: Nothing super significant that you'd think would be sci-fi looking on the inside.
David: High ceilings?
Corey: About normal.
David: Okay.
Corey: Yeah. About . . . Except for the area that we went into that was a meeting area, a presentation hall. It looked like they stored stuff in their – back in one area. I wasn't really paying attention to what exactly it was, because I was anticipating the arrival of a Blue Avian.
David: Was it dark, or was it brightly lit like a typical hallway with lights?
Corey: It was well lit.
David: Okay.
Corey: Yeah. The Anshar delegation comes in.
David: To this meeting room?
Corey: Before we got into the meeting room, I greet Kaaree, and she's more in a business mode, or she's anticipating this meeting, but she's nice and greeting me.
Corey: But, you know, we immediately walk the path back to where we're going to have the meeting. And Gonzales knew where we were going. I didn't. So we get back, and we walk. It looks like we're walking . . . like this wall behind us. We walked as if the delegation is going to be facing this wall behind us. And Gonzales would be kind of like if you were standing right there in front of me, and I was standing about 12 feet away, maybe 15 feet away, facing him. And Kaaree and two others were up in the front, and there were several more with her in the delegation, but they were up to the front, and we were sitting there waiting for Raw-Tear-Eir to appear, and to our shock, a Triangle-Headed Being appeared.
David: This is the one that didn't even talk . . .
Corey: Right.
David: . . . when you met with him.
Corey: Right.
David: Yeah.
Corey: Yeah, it was completely silent.
David: He seemed like the most advanced out of all of them, right?
Corey: Maybe. I don't know, but it never communicated with me the first time or this time.
David: Right.
Corey: So it was the most bizarre thing. I'm sitting there looking across . . . We're watching back and forth. It's completely silent.
Corey: The Triangle-Head Being, as I described before, was 10-feet, 11-feet tall.
David: Gosh.
Corey: And its head was as wide as its shoulders, if not just a little bit wider.
It was very thin.
Corey: Its arms and legs – very thin. And it seemed almost as if it was in . . . not really water, but it was just slowly, just waving its . . . I mean, it just barely . . . It was very strange. It's legs and its arms . . . And as last time . . . It has three fingers and three toes. And it was up on its toes like tripods, and they were doing like this.
And they had a completely silent exchange that went on for some time. It's really almost impossible to judge time accurately. It went on for some time. And they were just sitting there looking at each other, and you would . . . and the only movement was the slight movement of the Triangle-Head Being.
And Gonzales and I keep looking at each other and looking back and forth, and you would see some slight mannerisms here and there. And then it was over. The Triangle-Head Being . . .
For the rest of this Cosmic Disclosure: Inner Earth Update click Here