Galactic Federation Symbol for the
Sirian Star Nation

As the former might of America fades into the sunrise of a new day, a whole new realm full of excitement and prosperity is currently ready to manifest. Count Saint Germain knew that a major set of events was needed to establish the required foundations for this new realm. At the opening of this millennium, America was to achieve its greatest false flag and call it “9/11.” America turned on its own people and wiped out many more lives than reported to create a false sense of security for its ruling oligarchy. This security was shattered by the rise in this world of a relentless force that turned America’s “victory” into the object that was to be the main cause for its ultimate undoing. This set of events led to the “RV” and the start of a global currency reset. These things were the heart of a new financial system. This alone signaled that America’s days as a god-like super power were over. It was to be replaced with a NESARA-born new governance and an unlimited prosperity. These elements were to embody a new realm filled with ETs, Agarthans and a new sense of purpose.

These secret sacred societies encountered us when we started to explore the lay of the land in the early 1990s. During this decade we developed camaraderie with several of these groups and began a close relationship, which has presently flowered into a close friendship. Through them we were able to begin to plan a “big picture” scenario to be introduced over the next two decades (1990s to 2010s). Our plan was, with our expertise, to simply support what the Masters and the Agarthans intended. This plan has now led us to the brink of success. The dark cabal is essentially defeated and all that remains is to carefully work out those procedures that can ensure that all is successfully implemented. Once this is done, and the Masters' lessons given, we can set a date for the landings upon your beautiful shores. At that time, we can introduce you to our mentors and begin the final steps to lead you to your personal Crystal Light Chambers! Then, you are to be swiftly trained to successfully live as fully conscious Beings of Light! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

A special time has been reached in our long and arduous journey through the dark period of our lives. A new dawn is coming that was prophesied by Heaven. The Anunnaki are gone and their immoral minions are on the verge of extinction. Only by the grace and mercy of AEON is there to be a glorious era of the Light. The theme of this moment is the divine progression of the Light as it moves through this divine rhythm of a grand transformation. This transformation brings liberation and a prosperity long hinted at by those who feel the eternal flow of these new rhythms of life. We ask that you remain positive and use these divine moments to plan and ready yourselves for what is to come. We Masters waited millennia for this sacred time. Our plans are now being implemented by our sacred societies of Light. It is the moment for you to climb out of the darkness and be seen. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
This sacred time is a most special one for you. The key is to remain positive and highly supportive of your vision. This realm is now changing in its own divine time. This is in its ever-expanding natural rhythm. Do not let the rate of this expansion frustrate you. Change is actually taking place! Be aware of this and know in your heart that a new world of freedom and prosperity is opening to you. This new period is taking shape and is being aided by those who have taken your many positive visions and are manifesting them. Hence, it is important that you strengthen these visions by continuing to support them. We Masters start every day with a series of prayers designed to bolster your efforts. Our combined strength is making a difference. Together, let us walk into this new time and do it by knowing that we are aiding to strengthen the rhythms of this new time!

Today, we continued to give our weekly report on the construction of the new reality. It has been a long and hard road to travel. However, you have all persisted. This road is now largely paved and we expect to hear some wonderful news shortly. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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Many PAO followers have repeatedly asked us if Sheldan's book, Your Galactic Neighbors, could be offered as an E-book. Now, thanks to new file conversion technology, we are able to make it available for your e-book readers.
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Sheldan Nidle is the author of Your First Contact and You Are Becoming a Galactic Human. Since childhood, he has received information about Earth's hidden history and on planetary science, culture and spirituality in face-to-face contacts with galactic entities. Now, in this paradigm-shattering volume, he reveals that knowledge to you.
In it, you will find up-to-the-minute facts on 22 off-world civilizations that belong to the Galactic Federation of Light. He describes 8 human galactic societies and 14 non-human ones, and the reptilians, dinosaurians, amphibians, cetaceans and other mammalians that inhabit them. He outlines each star-nation's history, chronicles its path through horrendous galactic wars to peaceful co-existence, and reveals its populations heartfelt desire to introduce themselves to us on Earth.
Whether you already have a basis of knowledge about extraterrestrial Beings, or you are just becoming aware of their existence, this book will add immeasurably to what you know.
You will learn about each galactic neighbors:
Solar system
Home worlds
Galactic society
Physical appearance
Your Galactic Neighbor's will implode all of your previous notions about extraterrestrial Beings. It will acquaint you with the compassionate and sentient entities with whom we share this universe. Read it, and prepare yourself to become a true citizen of the Milky Way Galaxy!
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