By Dr. Michael Salla
DeLonge says that he has assembled a team of ten advisors who have leadership positions in various U.S. military services, corporations and government bodies, who are giving him information about the “deep black” world of highly compartmentalized advanced technology projects.
During his musical career with Blink-182 (1992 – 2015) and Angels & Airwaves, DeLonge has produced hit albums whose total sales number nearly 30 million. His Twitter page, which currently features a Nazi UFO, has over 650,000 followers. It is DeLonge’s broad appeal to the Millennial generation that allowed him to successfully pitch his transmedia proposal for cooperation with leaders of “deep black” projects related to UFOs and antigravity technologies.
On March 27, DeLonge appeared on Coast to Coast Radio where he first publicly disclosed his involvement in the initiative. This was followed by the April 5 release of Sekret Machines, a fiction based on fact book co-authored with A.J. Hartley. A non-fiction book describing the technologies and historical events is scheduled to be released soon. In all, DeLonge plans to release three fiction and three non-fiction books which will reveal all in his “full disclosure” initiative.
In his radio interview and book, De Longe described how the extraordinary cooperation between U.S. military, corporate and government officials, and himself began in early 2015. This opportunity emerged by chance after DeLonge was approached and agreed to speak at a corporate event honoring the head of a major aerospace company, where he made it a condition that he could privately talk with this industry leader for five minutes afterwards, which was agreed upon.
DeLonge made a pitch for the corporate official to help in an initiative to disclose to the world’s youth the truth about classified UFO technology projects. Citing the readily available version of the history of UFOs, DeLonge said that many conspiracy websites had unfairly demonized the U.S. military industrial complex. In his view, the pioneering “secret machines” being secretly developed were ground breaking, and those involved in developing antigravity and other advanced technologies were unsung American heroes. Their stories and contributions, according to DeLonge, needed to be told, so as to restore public confidence in government after “full disclosure”.
The corporate official was so impressed by DeLonge’s pitch that he initiated an extraordinary set of meetings with other senior officials, who eventually decided to support his “full disclosure” project. In Sekret Machines, DeLonge describes what happened next:
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