Galactic Federation Symbol for the
Sirian Star Nation

The flow of all the incredible amounts of currencies needs to be carefully checked by a security system that thus far has proven to be successful in achieving its many goals. Hence, we watch this process and are quite confident that it can, in due time, achieve all the distribution goals that it was initially assigned. This process has been measured in achieving its goals. Remember, there are vast amounts of cash that it daily must review and then allow to advance to its next assigned station. Yet despite any potential difficulties, all is well.

At each stage, there are a number of security checks to see that each of these funds is still the same as was promised you. We ask that you understand that these monies need to be counted and recounted as part of the process. Hence, there is a logical reason for the thoroughness and other safety procedures needed at every stage. In due time, these funds will achieve their many glorious goals!

Your amazing visions continue to hold and to provide a most blessed background for this wondrous miracle that is now occurring across this globe. As those in charge of delivery work their way forward, we prepare humanity for a most marvelous set of heavenly gifts. It is not only a grand prosperity, but also a new reality that includes NESARA, a new global banking system and a full release from debt slavery. You are truly on the verge of a most divine time in your lives!
We Masters are happy that you have maintained your joy, and realize that the ultimate goal is your gentle transformation back to your natural state of full consciousness. In this marvelous state, you can easily change this present solar system into your new star nation. In addition, you can take this new reality and complete the mission that your ancestors initiated when you landed on this blessed place some 900,000 years ago. You and the Agarthans are indeed to soon make amends.

Today, we carried on with our weekly report. Let this be a time when humanity truly began to sense that its divine mission was being fully accepted by the Light, and the path approved to permit all to receive their sacred destiny. A new reality is now on the verge of unfolding! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never ending supply of Heaven is indeed yours! So Be it! Selamat Ja! Selamat Gajun! ( Sirian for Be in Joy! And Be One!)
For more from the Galactic Federation
Disclosure ~ and the Fifth Dimension
Announcements could be made at any time! Are you ready?
Sheldan prepares us for a new life as we become fully conscious fifth-dimensional beings.
Video Preview: New Medical Technologies

After the Announcements - How We Will Prepare for First Contact
• How NESARA will become global
• Creating worldwide peace on our
• Cleaning up our environment with
new technologies
• Restoring our health with
new healing systems
• Re-educating us about our true
histories and origins
After the Landings
• How we will be prepared for travel to Inner Earth
• Why Inner Earth? And who will be going to ships?
• Working with our mentors - who they are and what they will teach us
• What we will do in 5D as fully conscious beings - work - leisure - rituals,
• Earth's role as a star nation and GF member - our roles within it
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