We reiterate that this can only mean that the first monies are now primed to resume their flow. It is incumbent on all in power to give up their remaining fears and permit the required series of monetary amounts to be given to all. This progress would show that the various initial funding levels set up by the Elders can then be completed. It would as well mean that those now in power are at last willing to totally let go of the vast amounts of money they still hold, and it implies that the long delays are truly coming to an end. Knowing this, we rejoice! Be prepared to witness a number of anticipated events. The best is yet to come!

At present, we somehow remain stuck in the great morass engendered by this old realm. The government forged by this seemingly senile reality miraculously continues on and on. Regime change is required. It is time to truly end this odd farce and permit the long-promised realm to fully manifest and the old ways to finally disappear. This is needed before the landings can happen!! Therefore, that which is close to occurring must now be completed!! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Much is happening around us. Those who are of the dark are being spared by the odd machinations of those who are acting on behalf of the Light. It is only when these results move fearlessly forward that all can be blessedly changed. Hence, look around this strange realm and notice carefully what is truly occurring! In this, there is to be found the reason all currently feels uneasy. All of this present form of reality is to slowly be drastically altered. The dark's center cannot, in any way, continue to hold on.
In accordance with what must be blessedly done, we call upon all who are responsible for releasing these much-needed funds to do so as swiftly as possible. We ask you to do this in the name of all who have maintained those marvelous visions that have been used to overcome your old reality. By doing so it will acknowledge the formal rise of your new prosperous and sovereign reality. This is, after all, the means chosen to end your millennia of mindless debt slavery. It is in this spirit that we sincerely ask for this realm's salvation!

Today, we carried on with our weekly reports. There is still much to do. We continue to recommend that those funds needed including a new form of government be quickly provided. It is time to finally do away with and to change this reality to the sovereign and abundant government long promised you. Remember that the countless and never ending supply of Heaven is indeed yours. Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One and Be In Joy!)
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Moving From a 3-D Money-Based System to 5-D Full Consciousness
In this Webinar Sheldan will explain why a money transition phase is necessary as a first step before announcements and the landings can occur.
The crucial questions everyone is asking are:
* Why are the Galactics so focused on money and prosperity?
* Why are they not simply fast-forwarding their arrival?
* Why must we first transition through abundance and prosperity programs?

Topics include...
• Power Corrupts - How the power-hungry cabal has exploited humanity.
• Debt Slavery - How a money-based system has kept us in servitude.
• Why the Galactic Federation requires us to transition through prosperity programs and abundance.
• Why the Cabals are making it so difficult for us to financially move forward.
• Why our current banking system needs to change to allow prosperity funds finally to be delivered: a look ahead to when this can be accomplished.
• What happens during delivery of prosperity funds and after.
• After the transition phase: when and how we will be able to travel to Inner Earth and enter our light chambers.
• What will happen to our money and possessions once we become fully conscious beings of light.
Thursday, July 20, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
Sunday, July 23, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Seats are Limited... Register Now!
To make payment and register: Click Here
Cost: $15.00 U.S.
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