The intent of these new frequencies is to make impossible the old ways of starting a war. It is creating a fresh approach to an old diplomatic art. Geopolitics is not working anymore. Consciousness is growing exponentially. In so doing, it continues to alter our former view of ourselves. Consciousness is moving ever closer to a revitalized way of perception. These new frequencies are to allow the old cabal to fade away, ushering in a glorious Victory, and new-found freedom. While these are still ongoing, your victory is assured. It is yet another sign of your growing consciousness and the new-found powers of your heart/brain connection. As consciousness grows, the modus operandi of secret societies and dark governments, of keeping the people in the dark, slowly fades as the new way of transparency becomes the norm.

The changes of your thymus and throat are affecting and strengthening the heart, adding to our consciousness growth. As the heart strengthens, the parallel growth of consciousness is leading us to a new start based on love, unity and the heart’s new-found powers. This new unifying heart is beginning to discover its relationship to the brain. Researchers in consciousness know that, as consciousness grows, the heart’s love function becomes stronger and more important every day. Your true nature is coming online at a breathtaking rate. Enjoy the process!

We come on this day to discuss an essential part of your growing civilization…mainly the need for mutual respect. The importance of seeing another as having the same feelings and energies as oneself is often taken for granted. Humanity has long prided itself on this need to respect the needs and wants of the other. We need to cultivate a deep inner desire to understand and respect the wishes of every person in society. From a galactic perspective, it is an honor to be of service to all living things. We encourage you to consider the consequences to all around you before you act.
As you grow in consciousness, respect for each other takes on new meanings. Respect is not for personal gain. It is your sovereign right. Unity consciousness honors and holds every soul in high esteem at all times. It is often easy to bless another, and then leave it at that. Respect enables you not only to acknowledge one another, but to demonstrate how much you deeply care for each other. Respect is a key ingredient as humanity’s consciousness expands from duality to Unity.

Today, we continued our messages! The time approaches for a great change in this reality. It is time to transform pain and suffering into joy, peace and prosperity! The dark cabal has had time to change gracefully and failed. A new day is dawning that will bring in a caring and respectful epoch for humanity! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!
For more from the Galactic Federation Click Here

Webinar for March
Because Sheldan is still unable to personally present Webinars, he approached the Galactics for guidance. They emphasized the importance of Lightworkers pooling their energies to hasten prosperity programs, disclosure and the landings.

Until Sheldan recovers, they have asked me, Colleen, along with Miles, our webmaster, to present monthly live Webinars, in a question-and-answer format.
Each month, by joining together as a group, we can substantially help the GF speed up the processes needed leading us towards full consciousness.
attendees with activation energy.
After you register for the Webinar please send your questions to: paoweblight@netscape.net
Throughout the Webinar we will answer your questions live, augmented by video clips from Sheldan.
Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday March 25, you can still register. Within a few days, we will send you a link to the Webinar replay posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar replay will be available for 1 week.)
Seats are Limited... Register Now!
To make payment and register: Click Here
Cost: $15.00 U.S.
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