UFOs are being seen all over the world and high ranking Government, Air Force, Army, Navy officials are now coming forward as witnesses to the UFO, Extraterrestrial and free energy secrecy that has been withheld from the public for many years. The truth will be Disclosed. UFOs Disclosure, ET Disclosure, Free Energy Disclosure, New Healing Technology, Other Technologies, The Cabal, Q, The Truth.
John Lear and George Knapp on AREA 51 and Bob Lazar
COAST TO COAST AM -March 2022.
John Lear (1942 - 2022) Audio Tribute: Guest host George Knapp welcomed retired airline captain and son of the inventor of the LearJet, John Lear ( 1942 – 2022) who discussed the inside story of Area 51, Bob Lazar.
Lear talked about his relationship with Bob Lazar, who he said was a skeptic at the time of their first meeting. Lear answered critics who believe he and Lazar were working together as disinformation agents for the government. Lear also entertained the idea that he may have been played by Area 51 officials through Lazar to release information. In the final hour, Gene Huff, the man who introduced Lear to Lazar, phoned into the show.
Update with Val Nek: Earth Alliance Antarctica Meetings and Space Fleet Training
In December 2021, senior members of the Earth Alliance, the Galactic Federation and the Orion Council gathered in Antarctica to make agreements unite the planet as countries federated under Universal Law. This is not be confused with the New World Order. Civilizations who have the intention to advance must come together united, under universal law. The Galactic Federation assisted the Earth Alliance leaders in creating these agreements and are similar to the Galactic Federation's Prime Directive. No members of the cabal were present and no deals were made for people who committed crimes against humanity.
Lunar Operations Command is being used as a training facility for pilots of the Earth Alliance. They are assisted by the Galactic Federation using Tesla technology, high frequency sound waves to assist with the assimilation of the information.
Remote Viewing Ceres Super soldiers and Mars Insectoid War
In early 2022, Tony Rodrigues published his book, Ceres Colony Cavalier, in which he described in detail his “20 and back” experiences as a slave, both on Mars as a military auxiliary fighting against indigenous insectoids and then serving with a German-led Dark Fleet. Rodrigues’ book came to the attention of Dr. Courtney Brown, who subsequently organized a remote viewing project to investigate two of the book’s core claims. The results greatly surprised Dr. Brown who concluded Rodrigues’ testimony was accurate and carried much significance for full disclosure.
First, a brief overview of Rodrigues’ story is appropriate. His traumatizing experiences began in 1981 when he was only nine years old and in 4th grade. Rodrigues was involuntarily recruited into a “twenty and back” program as punishment for something he did to one of his classroom peers. He publicly embarrassed the son of a high-level member of the Illuminati who used his influence to have Rodrigues covertly recruited. Rodrigues says that he was soon after abducted by three Gray aliens and one small Reptilian ET.
He was then genetically tested to determine what skills he possessed, which could be used in covert ‘support’ programs and eventually for one of the secret space programs once he got older. Ceres Colony Cavalier describes in detail how Rodrigues was subsequently manipulated, sexually abused, and humiliated as a slave used by different individuals and groups.
After briefly serving on Mars as a slave fighter for a mercenary military force protecting corporate bases from indigenous Martians—which included highly intelligent insectoids—Rodrigues says he was taken to Ceres, a planetoid in the asteroid belt. He worked at Ceres for 13 years with a German-led freighter crew that was part of the “Dark Fleet.” For more about Rodrigues’ experiences, check out my earlier interviews with him.
In setting up the remote viewing project to investigate Rodrigues’ core claims, Dr. Brown emphasized that it would incorporate blind scientific protocols. None of the four expert remote viewers knew anything about the targets or subjects being investigated. Nor did Dr. Brown contact Rodrigues or communicate with him.
The two targets for the remote viewing sessions were:
Elena Danaan: Contact 04 - Thor Han on The New Earth
My beloved friends, here is a transmission I just received from my dear Thor Han, who was back to the Excelsior from his last mission on Mars. At his request, I am passing on this beautiful message to you all. Who is meant to hear will be lead to here.
Elena Danaan
Vehicles Of The Future Incredible Future Transportation System 2050 !
The future transport systems have definitely plenty of surprises in store for us. From drones to autonomous cars and hyperloops, you can be sure that the World ain't seen nothing yet! In this video, you will discover incredible concept cars and innovative ideas that will blow your mind and amaze you.
Jim Marrs, Dr. Steven Greer: The Most Carefully Guarded Secret in the History of Mankind
COAST TO COAT AM 2022 - Courtesy of Reality Films Distribution: UFO Chronicles is an unprecedented and uncensored film series featuring the top authorities on the UFO enigma. Pilots, Astronauts, Government Officials, Military Officials, Medical Experts, Scientists, Religious Leaders and more reveal (in never-before-seen interviews) the ramifications of the Alien Presence on planet earth. The UFO Chronicles series discloses information you were never meant to know.
In this episode, Jim Marrs (1943-2017) and Dr. Steven Greer reveal information you were never meant to know.
Dr. Steven Greer, Founder and Director of the Disclosure Project and Project Orion, speaks frankly about his compilation of over 400 government, military and intelligence witnesses testifying to their direct, first-hand experience with UFOs, ET technology, and the cover-up and/or suppression of evidence of an Alien presence on earth..
Jim Marrs ( 1943 – 2017) was a New York Times best-selling author of books and articles on a wide range of alleged cover-ups and conspiracies. Mr. Marrs was a prominent figure in the JFK conspiracy press and his book "Crossfire" was a source for Oliver Stone's film "JFK." He has written books asserting the existence of government conspiracies regarding aliens, telepathy, and secret societies.
The Goatman, Lizard Men, Lake Monsters, Mothmen, Flying Humanoids, Bigfoot, Ghosts, and Dark Spirits
COAST TO COAT AM 2022 - Courtesy of Reality Films Distribution: Strange and very real monster sightings abound around the world. Everyday people are not just encountering real monsters; they are having life altering experiences with strange paranormal and supernatural forces via mysterious beings as well as ghosts and spirits of the dead. Prepare to take a journey into the unexplained in this comprehensive program and hear incredible eyewitness reports that force us to face the fact that the monsters we relegate to fairy tales, have indeed been quite real all along. Explore the Jersey Devil, The Goatman, Lizard Men, Lake Monsters, Mothmen, Flying Humanoids, Phantom Demons, Bigfoot, Ghosts, Dark Spirits, Apparitions and much more.
Disclaimer: The events, characters, locations, and witnesses’ testimonies in this film were re-enacted. No harm or injuries cause during making of the film. This film is produced for entertainment purposes only, and does not warrant the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the events.
Galactic Federation Update: Grey Mind Control Tech, The Alliance and Space Force
Update from Val Nek:
The Galactic Federation continues to assist the Alliance with dismantling Grey mind control technology, recreated from underground bases by bad humans. Cyberwarfare is more than just cyberwarfare, the bad human's planned to control human consciousness via quantum resonance technology and the internet.
Elena Danaan: Space-X Incident and UFO Propulsion ~ Chris Essonne ~ March 26 2022
Replay with corrected English subtitles of an interview of Chris Essonne on my French channel, on Feb 17 2022. Please click the CAPTIONS!
Over the past 10 years, Chris Essonne, as an engineer working in the robotics industry, developed a passion for unexplained phenomena refuted by mainstream science, and more particularly for the UFO phenomenon. Scientific training, gold medal in physics for the West of France in the 80s, Chris Essonne undertakes to discover where official science has gone astray, and what alternative approach can be proposed. The results of his research are published on your Youtube and Odysée channels and on the scientific site gsjournal.net.
In this fascinating video, Chris Essone explains how the SpaceX explosion in 2016 revealed the secret war above our heads, and which comes back into the news with the latest article by Michael Salla on the loss of 40 StarLink satellites. We will go over the data given to me by Thor Han about UFO propulsion and operating principles.
Annax's message, answering Chris's question about the number 777:
"777 is the number of the Higher Law of Cosmic Order. This intervention was a message from the Galactic Federation signifying that the order had been violated. Yes, it was one of their drones sent by the battle mothership, on September 1st 2016, for an agreement wasn't honored from your part. The lesson was learnt."
The Truth about the Explosion of SpaceX Rocket on Sept 1st, 2016
The remarkable mathematical properties of the trajectory of the unknown object passing when the rocket explodes show that it is an object gifted with intelligence which fired on the rocket, by sending in addition the coded message 777.
This article seeks to act as an informative introductory guide to disclosing Project Looking Glass.
This project surrounds a "looking glass device" that is located at Area 51/S4 (level 4-2) on what is known as "Alice's Floor". This device utilizes quantum technology enabling the user(s) to remote view the past or future using their consciousness to guide them. It is believed this device is how Q/QAnon, Trump, and The White Hat Military Alliance know every move the Deep State plans to make before they ever make it.
This technology allows The White Hats to plan ahead and expose the Deep State Freemasonic Illuminati Jesuit Khazarian Globalist Luciferian Cabal for their corruption and crimes against humanity, including depopulation via genetic biowarfare packaged as a COVID-19 mRNA injection. Equally, the Cabal has also accessed this technology and for that reason they know that no matter what they try to do to change the timeline to a negative timeline that they cannot stop the collective consciousness from raising its vibration, thus increasing discernment, also known as the Great Awakening. The following are design schematics, images, Q drops, and videos regarding the looking glass device located at Area 51/S4 (level 4-2).
Nick Redfern Curious Cases of Human/ET Men in Black and Time Travel
COAST TO COAST AM - February 2022. Prolific author and researcher Nick Redfern discussed curious cases of Men in Black (MIB) visitations, and the possibility of time travel and the claims people have made. Albert Bender, who created a UFO research organization in the 1950s, was visited by a trio of MIBs, who warned him to leave the UFO subject alone. What's particularly intriguing about repeated encounters with the Men in Black is that witnesses have described them as not looking entirely human, with waxy skin and bulging eyes, Redfern detailed. Some even suspected they may have been aliens in disguise. The fact that MIBs sometimes show up just minutes after a UFO sighting suggests to some researchers that they are materialized near witnesses' locations, he commented.
Inside The Earth with Peter Moon, Time Space Researcher Part 2
Meet Inner Earth Civilizations and Discover How Multiple ET Civilizations Steered the DNA of Humans to a Higher State
* Romanian Intelligence Division discovered that the earth’s core is not what conventional science assumes
* Meeting civilizations in the Inner Earth Glimpse the fabled City of Shambhala
* Discover the mysteries of how multiple ET civilizations steered the DNA of Earth’s humanity to evolve to a higher state
* Inner Earth headset device reveals real past time holographic projections illustrating humanity’s ancient origins and its hope for the future
Ancient Archaeology Meets Future Science Part 1 with Peter Moon
Remarkable Archaeological Discoveries in the History of Humankind
In 2003, a remarkable and unprecedented archaeological discovery was made in the Bucegi Mountains of Romania near the border of Transylvania. Radu Cinamar chose Peter Moon to write his Transylvania series of books that tells of a secret chamber beneath the Romanian sphinx containing holographic records of Earth’s history; ET bio-resonance holographic imaging technology of human DNA; and, on-world and off-world ETs. Also explored were three mysterious tunnels that led to the deep secrets of “Inner Earth” civilizations and a City of Gold Thrones.
• Revelatory Discoveries = New Era for Humanity
• Unprecedented collaboration of secret Romanian and American forces
• Conscious time travel to see the actual Jesus - surprising results
• Proof of ET, Human, and multi-species genetic mating compatibility
• Discovery of the Hall of Records (revealing the long true history of humanity) and a tunnel leading to Tibet, Mt. Kailash, Lhasa Royal Palace, and Gobi Plateau
• Hear of the meeting with Elinor; an ageless alchemist who knows the secrets of prolonged life
• Learn about “Inner Earth” citizens and the fabled city of “Shambhala"
Ancient Hall of Records found in Romania kept secret since 2003
In 2003, an amazing discovery was made of a large anomaly inside the Bucegi Mountains of Romania. A high level Italian Freemason was the first to alert a top secret paranormal unit of the Romanian intelligence service about the discovery made by US ground penetrating radar. The discovery of a very large hemisphere or dome-shaped structure inside the mountain set off a complex set of geopolitical maneuvers that involved Romania being fast tracked into NATO for "its protection." All this happened around the same time a similar anomaly was found in Iraq making it an unknown factor in the US-led invasion.
Inside the mysterious structure was a fabulous repository of ancient information—a veritable Noah's ark of forgotten knowledge and genetics stored holographically. This ancient Hall of Records was built by a tall race of giants or human-looking extraterrestrials. The Romanian "Hall of Records" has been involved in a complex geopolitical struggle between the Pentagon, Romanian government, and senior Freemasons vying to either release or suppress information coming out into the public arena.
In this interview, Peter Moon, famed author of the Montauk book series, discusses the Transylvania book series which he began editing and publishing in 2009. He explains how he first got involved through his time travel research on the Montauk Project. He has subsequently regularly traveled to Romania and been able to confirm key aspects of the story.
Bigfoot in Kentucky - Witnesses and Historical Tales of the Close Encounters Full Documentary
COAST TO COAT AM 2022 - Bigfoot In Kentucky Documentary, Courtesy of Reality Films Distribution: Join the Reality Team of Special Investigators as they uncover new Bigfoot witnesses and historical tales. Journey with them into the dark woods of the Frazier Land and witness the amazing paranormal and terrifying events.
Bombshell: Blue Room Details Revealed UFOs, Extraterrestrials?
In this presentation, I highlight multiple letters written by Barry Goldwater specifically pertaining to his attempts to gain access to the BLUE room at Wright Patterson AFB.
Dr. Steven Greer: Find out about the Astonishing Classified Technologies at the South Pole!
Find out about the astonishing classified technologies at the South Pole, direct from Eric Hecker, a secret government contractor who worked at the facility for a year.
Learn how these technologies are related to the weapons Dr. Greer has discussed on satellites in space.
Eric Hecker references the tech behind the IceCube Neutrino Detector as not just being a passive device, but in fact, a powerful transmitter. https://deciphering.tv/archives/dom-d...
GFW Update with Val Nek: Intergalactic Confederation, The Alliance, 5G and Grey Reptilian Hybrids
Update from Val Nek:
The Intergalactic Confederation or Seeder race is influencing consciousness by raising the vibration on planet Terra and activating DNA. They are present in this galaxy and will remain present until the Alliance completes the production of the Star Fleet. The Seeder race is assisting the Federation and the Alliance by offering protection against the malevolent extra-terrestrial threat, the Orion Group.
The 5G towers are grey alien technology that are being dismantled/reverse engineered by the Alliance with help of technology from the Galactic Federation of Worlds. They negatively influence people's brain waves and are controlled via a computer, like the Orion hive consciousness.
Grey-reptilian hybrids left behind by the Reptilians are being cleared from undergrounds after being disconnected from the hive.