Saturday, April 30, 2022

Michelle Fielding Discusses Latest Updates with Nicholas Veniamin

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Michelle Fielding Discusses Latest
Updates with Nicholas Veniamin

Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey, Starlink system and much more!

YouTube link:

Space Arks and Halls of Records in Antarctica, Giza, Tibet and Bahamas

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Space Arks and Halls of Records in
Antarctica, Giza, Tibet and Bahamas

In this Exopolitics Today interview Jean Charles Moyan and Elena Danaan describe trips they both took to a Galactic Federation mothership called the Excelsior, and then to Lake Vostok in Antarctica where they witnessed a space ark with blue giants sleeping in stasis chambers. Elena describes how she was tasked by the Galactic Federation to witness Jean Charles as he toured the Lake Vostok Ark. They then describe their respective trips to a Hall of Records/Ark under the Sphinx at the Giza Complex in Egypt. Jean Charles next describes visiting space arks under Mt Kailash, Tibet and one off the coast of the Bahamas. Elena also discusses the recent news that an interstellar object crashed in the Pacific Ocean, and that this is a gift from positive extraterrestrials to awaken humanity to their existence.

YouTube link:

Friday, April 29, 2022

First Time Interview with Navy Whistleblower!

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First Time Interview
with Navy Whistleblower!

This whistleblower insider has extensive experience patrolling in the DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases) He talks about reptilians, Antarctica, and the network of tunnels underground, He confirms the existence of cities deep inside the Earth and much more.

YouTube link:

Navy Whistleblower Part 2

YouTube link:

UFO Sightings, Stories and Videos

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UFO Sightings, Stories and Videos

2 Hours' worth of UFO Sightings, Stories and Videos | UFO and Alien Compilation... Get comfy and enjoy!

YouTube link:

What's Swallowing Our Sky!?

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What's Swallowing Our Sky!?

What's Swallowing Our Sky!? You Wanna Watch This!!

YouTube link:

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Elena Danaan: Overview of our near future with Galactic Astrology ~ with Julia Balaz

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Elena Danaan:
Overview of our near future with
Galactic Astrology ~ with Julia Balaz

Julia Balaz (Galactic Astrology and Soul Readings) and I have reconnected after 8 months since our first video together. Julia felt called to share intriguing collective themes that are coming up in sessions, as well as information about the upcoming Solar Eclipse and much more. I hope you will feel uplifted and reassured by what we shared in this delightful chat.

You can watch our first video from August 2021 here:

And part three will follow by August when we will talk about star gates and other galaxies. Can’t wait for that one too! 💙

YouTube link:

The Structured Payout System for the Redemption of the Zim Dollar


The Structured Payout System
for the Redemption of the Zim Dollar

By Ron Giles


The Structured Payout Program
The Structured Payout program is not very well comprehended, yet it is pivotal in the process of the Redemption funds being paid out to Humanitarians.

Structured Payout Definition of Terms

Ø Redemption Rate = the amount paid for each Zim Dollar. This process is better described as “cashing in your bonds.” You as the bearer of the Bond, demand payment in cash value for the face value of the bond multiplied by the negotiated Rate. This is the redemption process. A “transaction” is required to activate any Digital Gold Certificate in the Quantum Financial System (QFS). This redemption process qualifies as a “transaction,” and activates the Digital Gold Certificates when put into our accounts.

Ø Term = the number of years you will receive a Structured Payout, payments; 10, 25, 50, 100 years, or however many years you want, it's your choice.

Ø Structured Payout = a system put in place to provide Humanitarians a consistent cash flow for their Humanitarian activities for the full Term they choose at the Redemption Appointment. The total amount of funds to be paid out over the term you choose is put into a QFS Structured Payout account in your name. The Structured Payout process is administered by the Alliance. Your Structured Payout payments come out of that account.

Ø Primary Principle = the figure you get from the Redemption Rate times the number of Zim Dollars you redeem or cash in. THIS IS NOT THE AMOUNT DEPOSITED INTO YOUR QFS ACCOUNT.

Ø Secondary Principle = the amount deposited in your Structured Payout Account in the QFS at the Redemption Appointment. It is the total amount you will receive over the term of the Structured Payout period. Your Structured Payout payments comes out of this account. This Structured Payout account is administered by the Structured Payout staff within the Alliance. You will not have access to this account.

Ø Percentage rate = this is not a traditional APR interest. It is better explained as the way to figure out the Structured Payout payment. 10% means 10% of the Primary Principle that you will receive at the Redemption Appointment. This 10% of the Primary Principle figure is the amount you will receive annually for the Term of your Structured Payout period.

Ø First Structured Payout payment - will be given at the Appointment and put into a QFS account you establish at the Appointment. Because this is not an interest-bearing account where the payment must wait to be earned, there is no 90-day waiting period. This has been confirmed 3-28-21 by the Alliance. This Interest concept was promulgated by people who believed the QFS paid interest on funds left in your account. There is no interest involved with the QFS. Period. THESE ARE THE ONLY FUNDS DEPOSITED INTO YOUR MOTHERLOAD ACCOUNT AT THE REDEMPTION APPOINTMENT. These funds are available for your immediate use without restrictions by outside forces.

There may be a better way to look at this. You cash in your Trillion-dollar Zim Bonds at a negotiated rate per Zim Dollar.

The cash amount you receive is called the Primary Principle. The 10% of the Primary Principle determines the payment you will receive as the Structured Payout payment.

This is your quarterly payment or your budget for the quarter. The percentage rate then determines the payout amount, and the Term determines how many years you will receive the Structured Payout payments.

Know that the Primary Principle as stated is only a figure to help with the other necessary decisions. The Secondary Principle is the amount the Interviewer will put into your QFS Structured Payout Account at the Redemption Appointment.

Your annual payments come out of this account. This constitutes your Humanitarian budget for the year. Again, the Structured Payout account is an administrator account that you will not have access to, but you will receive your payments from.

This is a lot of detailed information to give out in a casual description of what will take place at the redemption appointment, so they just let us have the information that we need to make our decisions and leave the rest up to the QFS to manage the results. It all works out for the best. So now you have the insider’s details and can make sense of it all from a management point of view. This is what Sovereigns need to know so that they can plan and budget the funds for their Projects for the next 100 years. Can we ask for more years, ask your Alliance Agent at your Redemption Appointment for the longest term you want to be involved as a Humanitarian.

Humanitarians need our knowledge base, so that is what we get.

Now that the Med Beds have come into the equation, how many years are you going to request for your Structured Payout Term? You are the Sovereign Humanitarian; ask for what term you want to be involved.

There is a lot more to the Redemption of funds than has been generally known. It is time to set aside the disinformation and the misinformation given out by gurus and the un-informed Intel providers and focus on the important points that the Alliance has set into place. Look for those whose source is the Alliance, not a bank. and Under the Alliance's umbrella of protection, we and our funds will be safe and secure as intended.

We have a great future ahead as we serve our fellow man.

Be well, Humanitarians, we are getting close.

Ron Giles

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Disclosure Part 3

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Disclosure Part 3

An interview with a man who would like to remain anonymous reffered to as "Ray". Ray works firsthand with a very spiritually advanced undercover organization known as "TLS" (The Light System).

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Rumble link:

Exposing Operation Blue Beam

Gori’s Journal: Brace Yourself for the Trip of a Lifetime!!!

From PAO/Sheldan Nidle

Gori’s Journal
Brace Yourself for the Trip of a Lifetime!!!

You may wonder how we received the Gori transcript for Gori’s Journal. And why now?

Recently, I was looking for some old hard drives in one of the many unlabeled boxes in our garage when I saw some files labeled: Gori’s Book/10 Chapters. Hmmm, what is this, I wondered. I retrieved it and started to read. It was transcribed by Sheldan in 1988 on an IBM Selectric typewriter. Yes, before the Internet, which means there were lots of spelling and grammar errors to be edited.

I found the manuscript interesting and unique. It read like a spaceship journal. I scanned and forwarded the manuscript to Miles. He was intrigued. Knowing that Sheldan's health issues keep him from writing further books, we felt that now is the time for PAO to honor Sheldan by publishing this unique journal of Gori's.

We decided to convert Gori’s journal into an e-book and are delighted to be able to share it with our PAO community.

How many of us ever have the chance to read a book about space that is not science fiction?

We invite you to enjoy this unique journal. It is a treasure that cannot be hidden any longer!

To order your copy: Click here

Monday, April 25, 2022

Multidimensional Contact and the Ascension of Jesus

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Multidimensional Contact
and the Ascension of Jesus

Multidimensional Contact and the Ascension of Jesus with Pete.




For more on Pete go to



YouTube link:

Corey Goode: Ascension Chronicles Graphic Novel Series

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Corey Goode:
Ascension Chronicles Graphic
Novel Series

The Ascension Chronicles is a Graphic Novel series based on the testimony of Corey Goode. The first of 3 in a series, Spheres of Influence is available now at and soon on Amazon and
"This small shuttlecraft flew towards Saturn, and Saturn started to get larger and larger in our viewfinder. Saturn looks about the size of a half-dollar. There was a dark region. It was a temporal distortion where there was no space and time. Immediately, everything was black."
Galactic Super Federation and 22 Genetic Programs - animated scenes from the upcoming graphic novel, SBA Return of the Guardians: The Programs.

The Super Federation is a group of over 60 Extra-Terrestrial groups that are overseeing 22 genetic experimental programs on Humanity here on Earth. For more information visit:

YouTube link:

Travis Walton Shocking New Interview!

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Travis Walton Shocking New Interview!

On Location With Travis Walton in Snowflake AZ! New Info takes this story to a whole NEW LEVEL!!

YouTube link:

MMS / Chlorine Dioxide The Universal Antidote - MMS Documentary

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MMS / Chlorine Dioxide
The Universal Antidote - MMS Documentary

(MMS = Miracle Mineral Solution)

The science and story of Chlorine Dioxide (the Miracle Mineral Solution or MMS). NASA proclaimed it a universal antidote in 1987. Since that time thousands have recovered from illness using this substance and now many physicians and scientists are saying it is powerfully effective for many applications.

The documentary explores the history, safety, and efficacy of the universal antidote and provides interviews with physicians and people who have used it.

* Download the reference guidebook:


Bitchute link:



Jacks last and only you tube video was watched over three million times. This one, will beat that record.. #mms #chlorinedioxide #healing

Bitchute link:


Bitchute link:

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Elena Danaan: This Circus is Packing Up

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Elena Danaan:
This Circus is Packing Up

A short message this April 24 2022

YouTube link:

Two Strange Creatures Spotted Inside Tunnel During an Urban Exploration

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Two Strange Creatures Spotted Inside
Tunnel During An Urban Exploration

This footage was uploaded three days ago by the channel URBEX HILL and this guy goes around conducting urban exploration in various location by himself and the reason that this location remainds on disclosed is for the law of trespass. In the footage durning the exploring of the tunnel system, he was met by these two curious creatures with one of them giving him the once over before running off into the darkness of the tunnels. Further into the tunnel we can hear this spine-chilling scream. URBEX HILL stated the following" I explored a mysterious tunnel and saw a strange creature. I took on one of the most dangerous explorations that I've ever attempted. Over the course of one whole day a traversed more than 10 miles and a confusing and seemingly endless tunnel system hit in deep within the forest. As I entered the portal, I noticed it was oddly quiet and I began to have a strange feeling I was being watched. While I continue to explore deeper within the tunnels, I started to notice signs that I may not be alone which led me to have one of the most terrifying encounters I've ever experienced." Thanks to URBEX HILL for allowing me the use of his footage and to view the full, unedited video:
And if you just want to see the "Two Creatures" start watching at 18:34 mark and for the "Scream" go to 31:14 mark in the video.

YouTube link:

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Future Proves Past

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Future Proves Past

Images from the past, now the future!

Star Trek Beyond The Fiction | Secret Technology and Hidden Messages

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Star Trek Beyond The Fiction
Secret Technology and Hidden Messages

Stories that last, last because they are telling us truths about ourselves. And I believe that is the reason that Star Trek is as vivid and alive today as when it first hit our screens more than half a century ago in 1966.

And the specific truths it tells are to do with our origins as a species, our challenges in this life, and our potential as a sentient, conscious species.

Our world mythologies and our ancestral narratives point to an ET origin to life on Earth, an ET intervention in our ancestors’ evolution a covert ET presence surrounding planet Earth. They talk about a struggle with non-material forces, archonic energies, with which we have to contend in order to achieve a happy, harmonious life in this world and in the cosmos.

Those stories surface time and time again in the Star Trek canon. When Gene Roddenberry brought Star Trek to life in 1966 few could have guessed at its resonance and longevity. 10 television series. 3 movie franchises. 13 Movies. Along with his creative team, Roddenberry created a world in which our ancestors could re-tell their stories. In the Star Trek universe, the story of The United Federation of Planets begins when a spaceship of humanoid extra-terrestrials in the sector detects the signature of a warp engine being deployed above planet Earth.

The warp signature signals to the galaxy that the human race has just achieved the capacity for interstellar travel. The ET’s from the planet Vulcan quickly arrive and make first contact...Star Trek Discovery -Full of hidden messages

YouTube link:

Galactic Basics Ep 02 - Galactic History of Humans with Dan Winter

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Galactic Basics Ep 02 - Galactic
History of Humans with Dan Winter

Welcome to this 2nd episode of "Galactic Basics", with DAN WINTER! GALACTIC HISTORY OF HUMANS: Turning Points, Physics and Moral Lessons, who is tricked by Predatory Regressive ETs and how.

YouTube link:

Galactic Basics Ep 01 - Galaxies And Star Systems

Deep Dive Into the Truth About Food Supply and Talk of Shortages!

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Deep Dive Into the Truth About
Food Supply and Talk of Shortages!
Are we Seeing More Psy-Op Battles?

Check out Tarot by Janine's new video where she does a reading for Deep Dive Fridays looking at rumors and stories surrounding food supplies and impending food shortages! Is there any truth to this? Is the DS staging another psy-op? And what of all these fires? What is the deep truth behind all of this?

YouTube link:

Friday, April 22, 2022

David Mahoney Discusses Latest Updates with Nicholas Veniamin

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David Mahoney Discusses Latest
Updates with Nicholas Veniamin

Operation London Bridge, Queen's Funeral Now Prepared?, And Much More!.

YouTube link:

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Self Replicating Space Machines - They are not from our Solar System

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Self Replicating Space Machines -
They are not from our Solar System
Gigantic Hollowed-out Alien Vehicles
are Watching us right Now

We are told that life does not exist beyond the confines of Earth. Still, if this is true, someone needs to explain why enormous machines have been detected in space. They come in all shapes and sizes, from hollowed-out Moons and asteroids to gigantic spaceships and carrying out manoeuvres that would be impossible for any Earthly vehicles. Were they constructed to watch our progress from a distance, and will they make themselves known when we have advanced both technologically and spiritually?

Bitchute link:

Portals in Hawaii, ET's Living among us

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Portals in Hawaii,
ET's Living among us

I had to share the amazing, beautiful, breathtaking story of Kristen, who was very brave to come forward and dare speaking publicly. Kristen testifies about inter-dimensional portals of consciousness, and what is even more marvelous: a first hand evidence of extraterrestrials living among us.

YouTube link:

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

E.T. Drone Craft?

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E.T. Drone Craft?

BUCKLE-UP! E.T. Drone Craft? and more, Crazy New Footage Just In! 2022

YouTube link:

Fake Alien Invasion Technology

Fake Alien Invasion Technology

Jason Shurka discusses fake alien invasion technology with Nicholas Veniamin

Bitchute link: