Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The Night People: Terrifying Tales from a Small East Yorkshire Town in England

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The Night People:
Terrifying Tales from a Small
East Yorkshire Town in England

When author Paul Sinclair moved his family into a three-story six-bedroomed Victorian terraced house in the coastal town in East Yorkshire, England, it was planned to be a forever home for himself, his wife, and their four daughters. However, it would be a house in which Paul and his family would experience something beyond their wildest dreams – or should that be… their nightmares?

YouTube link:

Corey Goode: Quick Update - Zulu ET Group Intel and Orion Group invades the LOC Videos on the way

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Corey Goode:
Quick Update - Zulu ET Group Intel
and Orion Group invades the LOC
Videos on the way

Corey Goode quick update on what's happening!

YouTube link:

Elena Danaan: Demystifying False Flags Solar Flash vs Solar Shift ~ New Earth vs New Era

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Elena Danaan:
Demystifying False Flags
Solar Flash vs Solar Shift ~
New Earth vs New Era

It is time that once and for all, we break our enemy's wicked plans spread out to the confused public by programmed disinformers. The psychological operation agenda of false flag alien invasion/salvation justified by a made-up global catastrophic event was planned for a very long time, as you will read below throughout the communications I received from Thor Han Eredyon and Oona from the Altean people (part of the Intergalactic Seeder races). This false flag narrative was patiently, surgically, dripped into our collective unconscious with time, under the cover of true information. I have mention this so many times already, through several of my publications, but it would seems that we are approaching the finish line.

YouTube link:

Megan Rose - Galactic Federation of Worlds: The CCP, Genetic Experimentation and Space Deals

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Megan Rose -
Galactic Federation of Worlds:
The CCP, Genetic Experimentation
and Space Deals

Update from Val Nek:

In exchange for access to advanced technology and without reptilian military allies, China space programs agreed to start working with the USA/Space Force/Alliance. Genetic experiments on people, including babies and children, were conducted underground, related to covid and vaccines. Gene therapy with the purpose of changing the genetics of the human race and controlling them via mind control frequencies. Information regarding these experiments has been given to the Alliance. "We have it all" -Val Nek

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Tuesday, August 30, 2022

The Sixth and Final Golden Age, by Ron Giles

Posted With kind permission from Ron Giles.
A great article by Ron! - I wonder how close we are?!.

The Sixth and Final Golden Age,
by Ron Giles

November 9, 2020|NESARA/GESARA, QFS Info, Spiritual info

The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius will usher in the last and final Golden Age of Mankind in 3D. The Earth and its beloved humans are Ascending into the 5th Dimensional vibration; Heaven on Earth.

Some relevant History

The degeneration of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of the generations of mankind has precipitated the "fall" of Mankind from the enlightened realms we call home, into the darkness of 3D. We are presently experiencing the worst that man has had to endure from these overlords that have controlled us since the "Fall Of Man."

These overlords hate humans and live off of the fear that is our natural response to their nefarious, sadistic activities. Just as the taking of Adreno|chrome from the victims of extreme torture that produces an addictive high in the physical realms, the overlords feed off the human energy of fear in the Etheric realms that gives them, not just a high, but the essential life force energy that sustains them in their life in the lower overtones of the 4th Dimensional realm. Few of them, if any have a functioning Soul left.

The degeneration of the generations of mankind was exacerbated by the overlords as they developed a Patriarchal Society where the dominant energy was masculine. The balance between the male energy and the female energy provides the balanced energy that maintains and builds the DNA for the human body. This imbalance between the male and female energies created by the overlord's Patriarchal Society, distorted our DNA so that we do not function at the higher levels of spiritual possibilities that belie our god-self. We have lost the Spiritual Gifts that are naturally produced within our DNA structure. The overlords knew exactly what would happen with this imbalance and, as a result, Mankind plunged into the dark and dense third-dimensional vibration where unnatural events could take place. The key characteristic of an unbalanced society is the un-natural desire for Power Over Others; the antithesis of "Oneness," which is our natural state of being for a Human Being.

The overlords began to find kinks in the armor of the God-Sparked-Humans and projected themselves into the helpless, unaware human beings and often took over the consciousness of their bodies. When out of balance, the masculine energy runs amuck and creates a fatal decline into extreme darkness. Welcome to Hell on Earth. The overlords had a very advanced arsenal of weaponry that left us helpless to fight against their tyrannical reign of terror. The present Cabal Satanists are the consummate example of this degeneration.

Without outside intervention, mankind would be destroyed like diseased cells that eat healthy cells and take over and destroy the life force of the body.

The Spirit of God moved upon the humans and they began to pray for help. There was a plan already in place to answer these prayers and the "Golden Age of Mankind" was put into play.

In order for the plan to work, many extreme changes needed to take place. The Free Will edict that has been in play for this earth experience since its beginning, had to be honored. This means that mankind had to do the work to bring these changes about. Certain outside help was allowed when we were outgunned but we always had to “Ask” in order to be “Given” the help we needed. So here we are facing the task of rebuilding our world so that we can not just “survive,” but “thrive.” Without the overlords controlling us, it is our nature to thrive, and thrive we will.

Divine Tools were to be provided to man to accomplish this monumental task.

Many dysfunctional aspects of society had to be addressed with solutions that are synergistic in their application so that each element of dysfunction could be “Fixed” in harmony with the other problems.

The dysfunctional aspects are: (not an extensive list)
§ Governments – Fix -GESARA
§ Financial System – Fix - Quantum Financial System
§ Health Care – Fix - Celestial Chambers and other modalities
§ World Economy – Fix - A new non-government-controlled, people run economy that works for all people.
§ Organized Religion – Fix - A Faith-based, non-monetized, un-organized, Personal belief systems, where each person creates their own relationship with Deity according to their own spirit-based understanding and guidance.
§ Need for Power Over Others – Fix - Personal Sovereignty honored by Society and those who are elected and want to serve in Government.
The foundational tool that has been created for this Golden Age is the Quantum Computer (QC). As the foundational tool, it had to be created with the highest technology available so that it could provide the necessary support without limitations for the success of this Golden Age. Many technologies will be created with the use of this QC. The massive capabilities that it holds will be used by us for individual uses as well as business uses. We will have personal access to the QC, not just for our financial activities but for many other things that will support our lives, just like a personal computer. You could say the QC is the ultimate "Cloud."

The QC will become the Quantum Worldwide Web for communications and other applications that will support our living. It is unhackable and will provide personal security way beyond our present security applications. It will become our friend. We will not be interrupted by bad players interfering with us for financial gains. No more pop-up ads or in-your-face ads that you have to x out to read the article or news item. Other technologies will be created for advertising products, but the QC will not be used for paid advertisements of any kind. Goodbye Google, you and your types will be defunded as we establish our own connections to the Quantum Internet. The QC is permanent and will have no need for upgrades. It uses the quintessential Quantum Operating System that came from the Heavens, the perfect tool for our time.

As the real Golden Age of Mankind is unveiled, we will see that a very benevolent Being or Intelligence is behind this plan and we as a species will thrive in the absence of the limiting factors that are present in this dense third Dimension. As we naturally balance our body's male and female energies, we will heal our DNA and come back into harmony with our perfected blueprint and go through our ascension.

We need to connect to our inner knowing so that we can see ourselves through this bump in the road we call the Elections. Those with Eyes to See can see the end of this game and can see that it will all work for our best good. We are loved and we certainly are not forsaken or abandoned. Plan on a new day and the new Golden Age of Mankind, it is knocking at our doorstep. All we need to do is simply answer the door and let it in. Let us join together and break bread in gratitude for our bounties. We are loved.

Blessings to All, and to All, be a blessing

Ron Giles

Secret Space Program Recruit Details ‘Off-Planet’ Missions

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Secret Space Program
Recruit Details ‘Off-Planet’ Missions

As we explore the amazing and unusual world we live in - Plans are already underway to help us transition into a post-disclosure world. Randy Cramer returns to discuss details of the Secret Space Program that he has been authorized to reveal.

YouTube link:

The Rings of Saturn...Ten Years Later They Still Cant Explain What Cassini Found

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The Rings of Saturn...
Ten Years Later They Still
Cant Explain What Cassini Found

There are several unexplained anomalies regarding the rings of Saturn. Some of the oddities have been known for decades but others are newer discoveries obtained from the Cassini Probes spectrometer instruments. One of the biggest mysteries is how oxygen can exist in large amounts inside the rings. Another is what are those strange objects travelling through the rings at a suspiciously low rate.

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Antarctica - the Birth of Secret Space Program and the First Contact with Draco

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Antarctica -
the Birth of Secret Space Program
and the First Contact with Draco

The many people worldwide who have been involved in various unacknowledged special access programs like the SSP are an integral part of today’s society.

This talk explores the nature of IDARF, the details of their deployments and the implications it will have on society when the world is awakened to its existence. It explores a number of factors that society will be faced with in a post-disclosure era as a direct result of unacknowledged secret space programs.

Jason Rice was recruited into unacknowledged classified programs at a very early age. After graduating in 1996 with a bachelor of science in engineering, he served as a ground forces officer in the Interplanetary Defense and Reaction Forces (IDARF) fleet. His career in that unit took him to distant planets, training and serving alongside indigenous populations defending their home-worlds against false-flag interstellar invasions.

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These Constructions and Rock Cutting Methods are 1000s of Years Old… Mystery of Crimea’s Quarry

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These Constructions and Rock Cutting
Methods are 1000s of Years Old…
Mystery of Crimea’s Quarry

A good example of potentially advanced technologies in ancient times can be found in an underground stone quarry in Sevastopol in Crimea – sometimes referred to as the Beach Quarry due to its location - which was quite possibly active thousands of years ago. As well as demonstrating potentially advanced quarrying techniques, it could prove to be the case that the entire region, in ancient times, was a center of advanced quarrying methods that drew the attention of people far and wide….

YouTube link:

The Dark Watchers: Silent Guardians of the Pines

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The Dark Watchers:
Silent Guardians of the Pines

The Santa Lucia mountain range runs from Monterey and down the coast of California.

For hundreds of years, stories have been told about entities that keep watch over the mountains. Sometimes seen out of the corner of the eye, always from a distance. Stare too long and they vanish.

If you're ever hiking the wilderness of Big Sur and feel like you're being watched?

It's because you are.

YouTube link:

Monday, August 29, 2022

Alien Chronicles - Nick Pope - Alien and UFO Encounters

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Alien Chronicles - Nick Pope -
Alien and UFO Encounters

Leading UFO expert Nick Pope discusses the validity of the Roswell crash, the wave of UFO sightings in Britain during the 1990’s and his certainty that the Universe is teeming with life. Pope delves into many more topics including the Government’s ability to cover up the UFO phenomenon, the realities of UFO sightings, Ancient Aliens and the compelling Rendlesham Forest incident.

From the dawn of mankind, they have been here guiding us, monitoring us, perhaps helping us with our advancement, but also manipulating us to some kind of end game. No, we are not alone and never were. From the true stories of credible eyewitnesses, learn fascinating insight into the Alien Presence on Earth and what it may mean for mankind.

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Evidence of Advanced Psychic Abilities in a French Contactee and SSP Insider

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Evidence of Advanced Psychic
Abilities in a French Contactee and
SSP Insider

In Jean Charles Moyen's new documentary movie, Starseed Revelations 2, he presents for the first time physical evidence, eyewitness testimony, and scientific data corroborating his remarkable claims of advanced psychic abilities that led to him being recruited for a joint US French secret space program. Jean Charles had his first extraterrestrial contact experience in July 1973 at age 4 when his psychic abilities were activated after his one hour disappearance from a French beach.

At age 13, he was taken aboard the flagship of a joint US French Secret Space Program, the Solaris, where he underwent advanced psychic training with extraterrestrial children and one other human child under the tutelage of Maria Orsic. Jean Charles' psychic abilities included physical teleportation, control over electrical energies, remote influencing, and astral projection that led to him being recruited for a 20 and back program with the US French SSP that began in 1991, when he was serving with the French military.

Jean Charles advanced abilities also came to the attention of Deep State leaders who tried to unsuccessfully recruit him. As a result of his refusal, he was the target of three assassination attempts involving Men in Black.

In his Starseed Revelations 2 documentary, Jean Charles presents compelling interviews, photos and scientific data from a number of sources including his parents, friends, witnesses, and independent researchers investigating his claims or testing him.

In his fourth Exopolitics Today interview with Dr. Michael Salla, Jean Charles discusses the dramatic background of the assassination attempts on him, eyewitness accounts of his experiences, and some of the corroborating scientific evidence for his remarkable claims. Jean Charles is among a select few contactees and SSP insiders that have come forward with compelling evidence to support their claims.

YouTube link:

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Do Not Miss This! - SPACESHIP Part I: David Wilcock, Chris Beskar, Salvatore Pais. Including Part II.

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Do Not Miss This! - SPACESHIP Part I:
David Wilcock, Chris Beskar, Salvatore Pais.
Including Part II.

Meet the boots-on-the-ground insiders who are fighting hard to bring you a SPACESHIP... and the exciting future that comes along with it!

Brighteon link:

David Wilcock, Chris Beskar, Jack Houck

In this exciting conclusion to SPACESHIP, you will learn about anti-gravity, free energy, the Philadelphia Experiment, warp drive, psychokinesis, med-beds and much more! The future is coming sooner than we think!

Brighteon link:

Galactic Federation: CCP, The Alliance and Cloning Facilities

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Galactic Federation:
CCP, The Alliance and Cloning Facilities

Update from Val Nek:

Trump and Xi Jinping working together with the Alliance. Part of the CCP split and is working with the US Navy, part of the CCP is working with the cabal. Information given to the US Navy to intervene underground. Val Nek describes cloning facilities used to replicate Terran government leaders. It is important to note the Prime Directive, the Federation cannot intervene because these are clones created by humans and are not "extra terrestrial invaders." Look for Q plus posts.

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Isaac Mars, Unity Theory Scientist~Arrested at Tesla Facility~Spiritual Awakening~ET Contact~Pt 1

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Isaac Mars, Unity Theory Scientist~
Arrested at Tesla Facility~Spiritual Awakening~
ET Contact~Pt 1

**NOTE: This is a WELL-DONE SLIDE show so you will get the most benefit and catch the humor through the pictures if you watch it as a video, not an audio podcast. GREAT FOR ALL AGES LATE TEENS ONWARD!

As an Author and Theoretical Physicist on the team of scientists at the Alliance for ET Diplomatic Contact, Isaac Mars is shattering old paradigms with his new book "Unity Theory”. On the verge of Isaac’s spiritual awakening, the Universe revealed many secrets regarding the nature of reality as he reawakened to the innate powers of intuition and imagination we all possess. To his astonishment, it became clear that the logic and philosophy he had uncovered held many keys to profoundly improving our life on planet Earth. By remembering this ancient knowledge, Isaac unlocked the ability to simplistically express the science of spirituality; the nature of our origin.

Following his heart, Isaac left his former life behind to set out on a mission to bring this Universal knowledge to the world.

By achieving this dream, he believes that we can come together to create a world where science is limited only by our imagination, suffering fades away into our distant memory, and every person from every nation, color, class, creed, and any other ‘division', can finally unite under the unifying nature of consciousness.

Q&A in order during last 45 minutes:
• Usefulness of Pattern Recognition, Symbols & Metaphorical Logic in How we experience reality
• Mt. Shasta - Intergalactic Space Port
• What 'Crimson Eagle’ moniker and his last name ’Mars’ represents
• 'Looking Glass' & his take on Elon Musk
• 3 Elon dreams & Amazing Name connection to future Mars base
• ‘Holodynamics’ Book: “Holodynamics: How to Develop & Manage Your Personal Power" by V. Vernon Woolf, Ph.D.
• Def. of ‘Holodyne’
• How to Mature our Holodynes & Using “Self-Tracking”
• Phase-Spacing/ Jumping Parallels
• Transforming Karma & Potentializing Your reality for Empowerment
• Phasing - Different Applications - Shifting through Infinite Timelines
• Paradox of 'Free Will' & ‘Destiny' - “the moment I was liberated from suffering…"
• What is the (Nelson) 'Mandela Effect'?
• New Timeline shift on Collective Level - More Beneficial
• Isaac describes the meaning of Leadership
• Finding Inspiration & Connection
• Co-dependence
• Sedona, AZ. & prophesies = A neutral zone
• Isaac recommends movies for Truth Disclosure for family & friends
• Isaac’s 'miracle birth’ is very common with StarSeeds
• The importance of “I AM” as a concept and in manifesting
• Sun is a Reflection of Universe Itself - our spherical Universe

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David Mahoney, Jason Q, Charlie Ward - The Insiders Club!

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David Mahoney, Jason Q, Charlie Ward
The Insiders Club!

Saturday - 8-27-22
What is happening now! and what is coming soon!!. David Mahoney, Jason Q, Charlie Ward discuss the future!.

Bitchute link:

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Anti - Gravity Technology for Secret Space Program - It all Began with Haunebu Craft

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Anti - Gravity Technology
for Secret Space Program -
It all Began with Haunebu Craft

New research is bringing to light that German scientists have been researching anti-gravity technology for over 150 years. Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla are considered to be the prominent pioneers in electrical research, while few have ever heard of T. Townsend Brown. This is because he discovered the link between electricity and gravity, so that we can finally understand the science behind the anti-gravity systems used for the German Haunebu craft and other vehicles in the secret space programs.

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Aliens From Outer Space - Storming Area 51

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Aliens From Outer Space -
Storming Area 51

The research they don't want you to know: UFO's are real and the government and military forces have known for decades.

YouTube link:

Friday, August 26, 2022

The Alien Abduction Encounters Of “Kim” Recalled Through Hypnotic Regression

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The Alien Abduction Encounters Of “Kim”
Recalled Through Hypnotic Regression

Cases of alien abduction are almost always harrowing in nature, but for some people, the experience can be far more spiritual in nature. The abductee discussed in this video, known as “Kim”, has been at the center of all manner of paranormal activity since she was a young child – experiences which often have been anything but frightening…

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Apollo 20 - Nasa Secret Moon and Alien Retrieval Mission - William Rutledge

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Apollo 20 - Nasa Secret Moon and
Alien Retrieval Mission -
William Rutledge

Apollo 20 - Moon Alien Retrieval Mission - William Rutledge august 1976 after failed Apollo 19 mission

L.S. What about the “Mona Lisa EBE”? [the correct Italian name is “Monna Lisa”] How does she look like and where was she at that time, when you found out her on the Moon. Where do you think she is now?

W.R. Mona Lisa – I don’t remember who named the girl, Leonov or me - was the intact EBE. Humanoid, female, 1.65 meter. Genitalized, haired, six fingers (we guess that mathematics are based on a dozen). Function; pilot, piloting device fixed to fingers and eyes, no clothes, we had to cut two cables connected to the nose. No nostril. Leonov unfixed the eyes device (you'll see that in the video). concretions of blood or bio liquid erupted and froze from the mouth, nose, eyes and some parts of the body. Some parts of the body were in unusual good condition, (hair) and the skin was protected by a thin transparent protection layer. As we told to mission control, condition seemed not dead not alive. We had no medical background or experience, but Leonov and I used a test, we fixed our bio equipment on the EBE, and telemetry received by surgeon (Mission Control meds) was positive. That’s another story. Some parts could be unbelievable now, I prefer tell the whole story when other videos will be online. This experience has been filmed in the LM. We found a second body, destroyed, we brought the head on board. Color of the skin was blue gray, a pastel blue. Skin had some strange details above the eyes and the front, a strap around the head, wearing no inscription. The "cockpit" was full of calligraphy and formed of long semi hexagonal tubes. She is on Earth and she is not dead, but I prefer to post other videos before telling what happened after.

L.S. Were you able to understand the origin of the spacecraft and how old was it?

W.R. The age was estimated to 1.5 milliards of years, it was confirmed during exploration, we found ejections from the original crust, anorthosite, spirals in feldspathoids, coming from the impact which formed Izsak D. The density of meteor impacts on the ship validated the age, also little white impacts on the Monaco hill at the West of the ship...

“Apollo 20 went to the moon august 16 1976. Destination was Iszak D, southwest of Delporte Crater, farside of the moon.

The mission was soviet-american. Crew was William Rutledge CDR, former of bell laboratories, Leona Snyder CSP bell laboratories, and Alexei Leonov, soviet cosmonaut former "Apollo Soyouz" (mission one year earlier).”

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Incredible Scene Of A Fleet Of UFOs "UAPs" Over Lake Michigan!

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Incredible Scene Of A Fleet Of UFOs
"UAPs" Over Lake Michigan!

• Location of Sighting • | Lake Michigan
• Date of Sighting • | 26-08-2022

YouTube link:

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Comparing Earth and Pleiadian Scientific Knowledge of Crystals for Energy, Propulsion and Healing

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Comparing Earth and Pleiadian
Scientific Knowledge of Crystals for
Energy, Propulsion and Healing

Dan Willis served with the US Navy and was among a select group of 20 whistleblowers who came forward to share their testimonies about a UFO coverup in the famous May 2001 Disclosure Project press conference held in Washington DC. Previously, in the 1980s, Dan worked with Dr. Marcel Vogel, a senior scientist with the IBM corporation for 27 years. Dr Vogel held over 100 patents and was a specialist in liquid crystal systems. He begun researching quartz crystals in the 1970s, and found therapeutic applications for them and a structural relationship with water.

Dan found remarkable consistencies between Dr Vogel's discoveries and what Elena Danaan had said about crystal technology being used by the Galactic Federation of Worlds generally, and in terraforming planets in particular. Dan asked Elena a series of questions about crystal technologies for a Pleiadian scientist, Jen Han Eredyon (the brother of Elena's principal contact, Thor Han Eredyon).

In this Exopolitics Today interview, Dan and Elena discuss Dr. Vogel's discoveries and how these compare to what Jen Han had revealed about the key principles and applications of crystals. The consistencies between the discoveries of a leading Earth scientist and a Pleiadian scientist about crystal technology applications corroborate the accuracy of Elena's information from the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and how crystals can be used for an extensive range of projects including healing, propulsion systems and terraforming planets.

YouTube link:

Ismael Perez Radiant Guardian Ultra Soldier - The Next Level of Cosmic Disclosure

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Ismael Perez Radiant Guardian Ultra Soldier -
The Next Level of Cosmic Disclosure

Original Record Date: June 20, 2022

Ismael Perez was recruited as an ultra-elite Super Soldier in the secret space program by an off-world group known as the Central race that comes from the future, a.k.a. wing makers, according to the ACIO. He then served about 60 years in the 5th core of Radiant Guardians to fight in the multiverse war against the evil A.I. The radiant guardians work with higher dimensional beings—beyond the Galactic Federation.

During this time, he helped liberate galaxies in the cosmic sector of Enzra, that consist of 100,000 universes. Our local universe is number 84 our constellation is number 70 and our system in which our planet earth is located is system number 24 comprised of 52 local star clusters. Within that cluster we are known as planetary 606.

He now serves as a Cosmic Ambassador representing an intergalactic alliance known as “The Covenant of Palaidor.” This is a cosmic treaty that was initiated by the forces of light in the higher dimensions to protect, and guard the Earth from the Draco forces, and the A. I. There is a collective known as the Animus that The Guardian Alliance has been battling for over a million years, and Ismael was a warrior in many lifetimes as recalled from his many past lives.

The majority of the starseeds that have volunteered for the call to rescue this planet, including Ismael; have been selected to come here and help. Ismael is one of the inner council members who is here to bring forth the next level of cosmic disclosure that will restore our planet back to its original glory in fulfillment of the galactic prophecies. The information that he has to bring forth has never been heard of before on this planet.

He is also a galactic historian. He’s tapped into several of his past lives, and is also the writer of the book “Our Cosmic Origin.” This book reveals the true galactic roots of humanity, the organization of the cosmos, and Earths relationship to the multiverse.

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Super Soldier Talk - Jimmy Paine – Secret Apollo 17 to 20 Missions

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Super Soldier Talk - Jimmy Paine –
Secret Apollo 17 to 20 Missions

Original Recording Date: August 23, 2022

Super Soldier Agent Jimmy Paine, aka Dallas was in the secret space program from 1959 to 1996. During this time, he was a shuttle craft pilot for the Tall White warriors at Area 51 and participated in time travel missions with the Montauk Boys at Camp Hero. He also recalls working for the Weyland Corporation where he encountered a xenomorph at LV426 which the movie aliens were based off. He was stationed on Mars, Titan, the Moon.

On Mars, he has seen the broken statue of a giant face of a humanoid on a mission in 1974 along with Duncan O’finoian. He remembers seeing Tommy Knockers in a cave on Mars which are muscular type of Tall Greys.

On the moon of Titan, he was stationed at a massive underground base. He was tasked with fighting a monster they called IT. IT, looked like the junior Montauk monster, a type of Bigfoot monster that would gain strength by attacking it.

He was also on a secret mission from Vandenberg Air Force, the Lunar Apollo 20 mission with William Rutledge where they discovered an oriental looking humanoid named EBE Mona Lisa. Jimmy claims the Apollo 20 footage on YouTube is real.

Jimmy will be speaking on the oral history from a secret astronaut’s point of view of the Apollo 17 through 20 lunar missions which took place around 1972 to 1976 with William Rutledge. These missions took off from Vandenberg Air Force Base in a Saturn V rocket built using spare leftover parts from the apollo program. On these missions they encountered a deserted lunar Cathedral city and underground complex on the moon. They also recovered the Mona Lisa EBE that was in stasis from the general area which was brought back to planet earth for more study. Jimmy will also be speaking on the life forms, paranormal activity, and the environment he encountered on the moon.

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