Saturday, January 28, 2023

California UFO Landings and Humanoids: Twelve True Cases

California UFO Landings and Humanoids:
Twelve True Cases

While many people speculate about the nature and origins of the UFO phenomenon, cases of landings and humanoids make it clear what they are. UFOs are craft, and they are piloted by extraterrestrials. These kinds of encounters represent the core of the UFO phenomenon. They teach us the most about these visitors to our world, who they are, where they come from and their agenda on our planet. Humanoid encounters have been occurring for a very long time, and are far more common than many people realize. In fact, according to the Roper Polling Organization, as many as one in fifty people may have had these experiences. They occur all across the planet to all kinds of people. The state of California leads the U.S. in the sheer number of encounters. And the cases of humanoids show a corresponding and profound variety of humanoid types. Here are twelve cases of landings and humanoids from the Golden State.

Oct 18, 1927: While driving outside the town of Bakersfield, schoolteacher Richard Sweed comes upon a landed UFO. As he approaches, it makes a loud whining noise, accelerates upward and disappears into the distance, leaving behind a circle of glassified sand.

Dec 1957: Edmond Rucker of El Cajon hears a loud roaring noise outside his home. Venturing outside, he is confronted by a landed UFO and four strange humanoids who speak to him about their mission on Earth.

Apr 14, 1964: A truckdriver on a highway outside of Chico comes upon a domed disc which hovers above his truck causing it to stall. When the UFO lands nearby, the man exits his truck and approaches the craft. He touches the craft and is amazed to hear strange voices coming from inside.

Apr 1964: Gloria Biggs, her husband and mother are driving outside the desert town of Baker when they see a domed-shaped object landed next to the highway ahead of them. As they approach, the UFO takes off. They examine the landing site and discover a weird depression in the ground.

Mar 31, 1966: Two women driving by a construction site near San Francisco see a metallic disc hover at low altitude. Through the windows of the craft, they are amazed to see the silhouettes of several “people” gesticulating at them.

Oct 4, 1973: While driving along the 118 Freeway in Simi Valley, Gary Chopic observes a small triangular-shaped craft with a transparent dome on top. Inside he sees a human-looking figure at the controls. And then the humanoid sees him!

Dec 17, 1973: Driving at night outside of Paso Robles, Sergeant Lance Mathias and his friend Mike Andrews see a hovering spherical UFO sending down a beam of light. Going to investigate they are confronted by two metallic-suited humanoids.

1974: The Overfelt family of Ramona are drawn out of their farmhouse by a huge glowing sphere which lands on a hill near their home. All the animals on the farm react to the presence of the UFO. The Overfelts call the police, who refer them to investigators, who have some important advice.

Mar 6, 1977: While watching over a factory in Sylmar, security guard Douglas Kriese is amazed to see a UFO drop out of the sky and land in a field nearby. He approaches it and hears it making a buzzing sound, and feels it emitting an intense heat. He immediately calls the police.

1977: Two Native American brothers from Colusa contact investigators after a UFO keeps landing near their ranch-home and a long-haired big-nosed humanoid keeps entering their can through the walls. When investigators arrive, they see the UFO themselves!

Oct 31, 1976: a husband a wife motorcycling through downtown Los Angeles see a spherical UFO hovering below the level of the buildings. The sunlight strikes the craft, making it transparent. They then see human-looking figures staring down at them. The wife quickly flashes them the peace sign.

Nov 29, 1988: Maria X. of Sherman Oaks is in her bedroom with her young son when grays show up and render her unable to move. Maria is concerned about her son, but falls unconscious. The next morning, her son exclaims that “My aliens came back!” and provides a vivid description of what it’s like to be pulled by the ETs through the wall.

These twelve cases are just the tip of the iceberg of UFO landings and humanoids in California. And yet, these cases here represent an accurate cross-section of UFO activity across the world. They also show that humanoid encounters often present good hard evidence in the form of landing traces, electromagnetic effects, animal reactions, physiological effects, and other stunning confirmation.

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